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马英九连任成功,5月20日举行就职典礼,并在台北圆山大饭店举行就职晚宴。 “总统”就职典礼.是外交上处于弱势的台湾,一等一的外交大事,今年来参与这个庆典的“邦交及友好国家”,共有41个团,约230人。“有朋自远方来”,马英九拿些什么佳肴来款待这些贵宾呢?  相似文献   

如果把上海放在世博会史上,上海在哪里?上海将带给159岁的世博会什么?2010年以后,世博会又给上海留下什么? 8年后,汉诺威的火车站仍会向每一个来到这里的游客广播介绍:欢迎您来到世博之城——汉诺威。这亲切的声音反复唤起了人们对2000年汉诺威世博会的记忆。世博会已经深深刻入汉诺威的骨髓之中,这个由德国第一次承办的世博会最终带来了10亿欧元的赤字,但却创造了  相似文献   

静初 《风景名胜》2014,(6):175-175
如果上帝能以眷念的姿态熄灭默拉皮火山的怒气,那么用以堆积日惹这座城市的溶岩和火山灰也将不复存在.就在20多公里外的爆脾气火山,直到2010年仍在喷发,造成几百人死亡.更可怕的是,默拉皮火山只是爪哇岛几十座火山中脾气最坏的而已——这真是个奇怪的悖论,相依而惧又不愿相离.一座时刻遭受火山侵挠的城市,建在火山溶岩之上;城市没有太多高层建筑,看不到繁华街市,连国际机场都建得如此小气的根本原因,就是谁也不知道到底哪一天会迎来火山集体大聚会.  相似文献   

正专业、创新、协作、共享坚持符合国情的文化遗产之路中国文化遗产研究院中国世界文化遗产中心(中国世界文化遗产监测中心),致力于中国世界文化遗产研究、保护和监测等社会公益性文化事业。中心业务范畴主要涵盖世界文化遗产申报及相关咨询、世界文化遗产监测和理论研究等。中国世界文化遗产中心拥有中西合璧的创新复合型团队、全球化的广阔视野、原创性突破性应用性的科研能力、丰富的申遗经验,以及完整的世界文化遗产专业咨询业务链。  相似文献   

1979年新年伊始,剧作家所云平的儿子来找我,他就是歌剧《星光啊星光》(以下简称《星光》)的编剧之一所明心。他拿给我《星光》歌剧的剧本并说他和他的父亲都希望我能为这部歌剧作曲,还告诉我说:他们的意见得到中国歌剧舞剧院的同意,中国歌剧舞剧院已决定排这个戏,今年是建国30周年,剧院有向国庆30周年献礼演出的任务,所以事情比较急。  相似文献   

银辉绚烂,尊华同灿,雪色晶莹的圣诞是欢聚的好时光,一场盛大华美的圣诞晚宴必不可少。  相似文献   

南京金箔集团有限责任公司是1955年创办,至今已有五十余年历史,下属金陵金箔公司传承了几千年的民族传统“金箔锻造工艺”,现在已发展成为世界最大的金箔、铜箔生产基地。公司拥有金箔、铜箔艺人1200多名,年耗用黄金1200多公斤,年产各种规格金箔2亿张.铜箔、铝箔4亿张,占全国总产量70%以上,其中70%以上出口日本、法国、德国、意大利、埃及、美国、马西、沙特以及台湾、东南亚等国家和地区。公司生产的金陵牌金箔1987年荣获国家金质奖。1993年,“金陵金箔”企业标准已是轻工部颁布的《金箔》(QB\T1734—93)行业标准,  相似文献   

傍晚之际,我、图嘎和梅林三人坐在连部门口的松木垛上,远看西山晚霞,盼:快黑!天快黑!这天是中秋节,入夜即有盛大的宴会。而晚霞如徘徊台上的坤伶,如一时无法撤离的队伍,如滥用酒精者的面庞,不退。  相似文献   

某网友发出长微博,题为《那些年,被范冰冰艳压或力压过的女星》,对诸多与范冰冰有关的新闻进行调侃。这些新闻的题眼,  相似文献   

蒋金陵 《南京史志》2022,(Z2):67-71
<正>教材原题以《那一次,我真____》为题,先将题目补充完整,然后写一篇以记事为主的作文,不少于500字。生活中,我们每天都会遇到各种各样的事,有些事给我们阳光,有些事让我们成长,有些事助我们强壮。学会记事,是最基本的写作能力,可以帮我们捕捉到生活的光影。诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言就曾说自己是一个“讲故事的人”,因为讲故事,让他坚信真理和正义是真实存在的。那么,作为中学生的我们,应如何记事?  相似文献   


The World Trade Center collapse stands as a singular event in American history. As such, it might also stand to reason that the technical investigation into the circumstances of the collapse also stands alone. Clashes over authority among powerful institutions both public and private, competition among rival experts for influence, inquiry into a disaster elevated to the status of a memorial for the dead: these are the base elements of the World Trade Center investigation. These elements, however, are not unique. This article illustrates--drawing on case studies including the burning of the United States Capitol Building (1814), the Hague Street boiler explosion and building collapse in New York (1850), and the Iroquois Theater Fire in Chicago (1903)--that conflicts over authority, expertise, memory, and ultimately the attribution of responsibility suffuse the history of disaster in the United States. The "disaster investigation," far from proving itself the dispassionate, scientific verdict on causality and blame, actually emerges as a hard-fought contest to define the moment in politics and society, in technology and culture.  相似文献   

Located on the southernmost tip of Israel, at the meeting point of the Negev desert and the Red Sea, Eilat was occupied in March 1949 in the last military operation of Israel's War of Independence. Notwithstanding official notions of Eilat as a strategic asset and efforts to sustain Israeli presence there in the form of a permanent settlement, in Israeli popular culture Eilat, which later evolved into a thriving tourist resort, has had from the outset the reputation of being ‘different, special, distinct’. This article explores the unique position of Eilat in Israeli popular culture. The underlying argument is that this unique position of Eilat both evinced and reflected a dynamic interplay of liminal conditions and phenomena that rendered Eilat an exceptional experience. Furthermore, being situated at the southernmost tip of Israel, the location of Eilat at the geographical margin of Israel was productive of its image as an extraordinary place and sustained its prominence in popular imagination. The article charts and analyses a variety of liminal phenomena in their social and cultural contexts in different periods of Eilat's history.  相似文献   

鸦片战争,打破了中国几千年沉睡的酣梦。“强国御侮”为时代之音。黄遵宪所著的《日本国志》使主张维新变法的首领康、梁“至今才了解”“日本之所强”,“中国之所弱”,称之为“海内奇书”。黄遵宪进历亚、美、欧、非四大洲,被誉为第一个睁眼看世界的中国人。其《人境庐诗草》和《日本杂事诗》表现了作者强烈的爱国精神,是时代之最强音,被誉为“史诗”。  相似文献   

During the arrest and early months of the trial of the Templars in 1307 and 1308, a number of documents emanated from Philip IV's chancery which are not only valuable evidence of the regime's administrative concerns during the trial, but also, in the language used, convey a sense of contemporary concepts of the medieval world order as seen either by the king himself or by his chief advisers. Royal motivation for the arrests is still a matter of controversy, but it does not seem inconsistent to believe that Philip both sought the Templars' wealth to alleviate immediate financial problems and came to convince himself that the Templars had transgressed the laws upon which the whole ordering of society was based. It is upon this second aspect of Philip's mental outlook that this discussion concentrates. This paper aims to examine these concepts and to relate them to other contemporary polemical views on the trial.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: We discuss results of a content analysis of material culture articles in Post-Medieval Archaeology in the context of the development of historical archaeology as a discipline. We conclude that the journal remains an important outlet for detailed field reports, but in recent years, influenced by social and anthropological theories, the discipline has matured and articles have changed from antiquarian artefact presentations to contextualized material culture studies. Expansion of the journal’s temporal frame to include the recent past has so far had little effect, but the journal has benefited from the broadened international range of articles and the intellectual and theoretical backgrounds they convey.  相似文献   

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