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Using the analysis of a single word to launch a conceptual review of (a problem in) cultural history, the Chinese term zhexue 哲學 (wisdom-learning, tetsugaku) is not simply a translation of the word “philosophy”; its inventor, Nishi Amane (1829–97), regarded it as the (Western) counterpart of Oriental learning (Tōyōgaku). The first explicit linkage of “philosophy” with “the East” was at The University of Tokyo, where it played an important role in the work of Katō Hiroyuki (1836–1913) and Inoue Tetsujirō (1855–1944). Inoue’s History of Oriental Philosophy, written under Katō’s inspiration, used Western philosophy to systematize ancient Chinese thought, and transformed “philosophy” (tetsugaku) from a learning of others, or Western learning, into an important component of the spiritual world of the East, and into a kind of universal knowledge. This was completely different from earlier lectures on “China philosophy” (shina tetsugaku) by Nakamura Masanao (1832–91) and Shimada Jūrei (1838–98) which still followed the Chinese underlying structure, and in the background, it had the intent of grasping the power to control East Asian discourse. In China, when young scholars like Wang Guowei (1877–1927) embraced philosophy, they already took its universality as a self-evident premise. This kind of alignment later evolved into a situation where it seemed entirely natural to use Western systems to interpret Chinese thought, and it also induced serious scholars to reflect. However, “Oriental philosophy” and “Chinese philosophy” provide East Asia and especially China with an opportunity to reevaluate its traditional culture. In this connection, “Chinese philosophy” includes: first, using philosophical concepts to re-provision ancient thought (the so-called history of Chinese philosophy); second, the occurrence of “philosophy” and “Chinese philosophy” and their evolution after their arrival in China; third, drawing on philosophy to enrich and develop China’s thinking. When seeking out “philosophy” in the veins and arteries of China’s history, the first and second aspects must be strictly distinguished. As to what the future may hold, the effect of the third aspect is most important.  相似文献   

兴隆洼文化聚落形态初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Xing Long Wa culture,named after the excavation of the same site in Ao Han Banner,Inner Mongolia,mainly distributes in southeastern Inner Mongolia and western Liao Ning province. This culture dates 8200—7600BPo According to the results of archaeological excavations and surveys,the settlement pattern of Xing Long Wa culture could be divided into two types. One was surrounded by a ditch,including the first period site of Xing Long Wa,Bai Yin Chang Han ,Bei Cheng Zi site and so on. Another type such as Cha Hai site,Xing Long Gou and Nan TaiZi site etc,wasn‘t. All houses were semi—subterranean architecure,arranged in rows. Usually, the biggest bouse was located in the central position,and the ditch had both protecting and demarcating functions. It‘s certain that hunting—gathering economy was one of the important elements determining the settlement pattern of Xing Long Wa culture,which was inherited by Zhao Bao Gou culture,and changed in Hong Shan culture.  相似文献   

Guo XIA, IHAC     
R.J. Rhodes‘s reader focuses on the political institutions, political activity, history and nature of Athenian democracy and introduces some of the best British,American, German, and French scholarship on its origins, theory, and practice. The chapters of this book are grouped according to the kind of topic investigated, and variety of approaches will be found in each part of the book. Part I is devoted to political institutions, with chapters on Athenian citizenship (Chapter 1),  相似文献   

正Golden Highland Barley:Record of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Tibet This book written by Xu Jian unrolls a magnificent scroll concerning the full-on campaign of poverty alleviation in Tibet.The author has been to Tibet 21 times,becoming imbedded within local communities.This work is a literary perspective of how alleviation measures fared for the people,with spotlights shining on particular individuals and families and clearly detailing how the initiatives affected their lives.Published by the Beijing Union Press(ISBN:9787559645906).  相似文献   

The events we will be dwelling upon and which are known from the cuneiform sources unearthed at Bogazkoey date directly to the time of Hattusili I or later, and provide information about the foundation period of the Hittite kingdom which took place in the cities that were closely linked to or directly occurring in the capital city, Hattusa, or elsewhere. It is not possible to put campaigns, conquests and the events in exact chronological order within the foundation period of the Hittite kingdom. However, it can be said that while the early part of the reign of Hattusili I was mostly a period when the borders were expanded by military campaigns and conquests, the later part of this king‘s reign was most probably when internal turmoil arose.  相似文献   

Jin He 金和 (1818–1885), a pioneering poet of mid-nineteenth century China, wrote in a colloquial style strongly influenced by the ballad tradition. Jin’s style was prose-like and broke all the structural limitations of earlier poetry in order to create formal innovations, while at the same time experimenting with new subject matter. Liang Qichao 梁啟超 (1873–1929) and Hu Shi 胡適 (1891–1962) considered Jin He and Huang Zunxian 黃遵憲 (1848–1905) to be the major poets of the nineteenth century. Jin had a major impact both on other late nineteenth-century poets and on the “Poetic Revolution” that led to the rise of modern Chinese literature. However, his verse has been largely ignored ever since. Among the most striking contributions Jin made to the literary transition in the nineteenth century was his innovation in presenting the female knight-errant 女俠 (nüxia). This invented image of the female knight-errant reflected a new tradition of women’s voices in the literary works of his time, and had a great impact on the representation of swordswomen in modern literature. This paper examines how the image of nüxia in Jin’s writing is distinct from those found in past poetry, how the female knight-errant in Jin’s works inverts conventional gender norms, and how Jin’s female knight-errant image is both connected with and distinct from those in other literary forms.  相似文献   

It has been 700 years since the time of Dong Washiugyia, and it has been 400 years since the Washiu people moved to settle down in the Seda Grassland. During the period of their 9th-generation Washiu tribal chief, they came under the rule of China. In August 1952, the people's government of Xikang Tibetan area dispatched Puncog Namgyia to Seda to achieve its peaceful liberation.SOCIAL PROGRESS. Seda is a county living on animal husbandry, which accounts for 70 percent of its total o…  相似文献   

The new book by Wilt L.Idema is a collection of English translations of six precious scrolls (baojuan寶卷) from Western Gansu,also known as the Gansu Corridor or Hexi(河西,meaning the land to the west of the Yellow River).It continues Idema's work on the English translation of the most important works of Chinese popular literature (mainly related to oral storytelling practices),many of which still remain understudied or completely unknown in Western sinology.  相似文献   

The Lhasa River originates from Nyangqentanglha Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.It is 551 km long and is one of the five major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo.For many years,the average diametric flow volume has been 6 billon cubic meters,which is about one-eighth of that of the second largest river in China,the Yelow River.The drainage area is nearly 30,000 square km.The Lhasa River is the Mother River of the Tibetans,which witnessed the changes of ancient Tibetan culture.The drainage area of the Lhasa River serves as the center of politics,economy,culture,transportation and religion in the whole Tibet, as well as the significant part of three-river area(the Yarlung Zangbo River,the Lhasa River and the Nyang Qu River)that Tibetan government attaches importance to the development there.  相似文献   

正Construction on the last two (Mainling Tunnel and Zagar Tunnel) of the 47 tunnels pertaining to a railway linking Lhasa and Nyingchi in Tibet Autonomous Region has been completed on April 7.Lhasa-Nyingchi Railway is a section of Sichuan-Tibet Railway,which is the first electrified railway in Tibet with a total length of 435 km and a designated speed of 160 km per hour.It is expected to be completed by the end of 2020,and start operation in 2021.  相似文献   

<正>1.General remarks Although the Dharmadbatustava(DDhS)has been ascribed to Nagarjuna,1 this attribution has been questioned by TSUKINOWA(1934)and SEYFORT RUEGG(1971:453-54)and rejected by LINDTNER(1982:10).2 Judging from its content,which shows significant influence from the tatbagatagarbha-tradition,the author of the DDhS cannot be the same as that of the Madhyamakakdrika.Another possible indication for the non-authenticity of this work is the fact that we do not find any Indian commentaries on it.  相似文献   

The labels “Hellenes” and “Hellas” are often considered to be collective names for the Greeks and have a close connection with the term “Panhellenes.” This article studies the process of naming the Greeks in the Archaic period and the relationship between these collective names and the notion of Panhellenism. By a literary and etymological examination of the relevant sources, it suggests that the designation “Hellenes” probably did not evolve from that of “Panhellenes” and that the terms “Hellenes” and “Hellas,” but not “Panhellenes,” probably have generic significance in the sixth century. Furthermore, with the Olympic Games and the Hellenion, a Greek sanctuary in Naucratis, as two study cases, the article shows the complexity of the development of Greek identification. On the one hand, collective names like “Hellenes” and “Hellas” have a centripetal force on trans-regional occasions, and on the other, those events also feature competition, privilege and express civic identities of both individual and community, which seems to be divisive.  相似文献   

<正>o.Introduction Ratnakarasanti was a Buddhist scholar from the Vikramasila monastery at the final period of Indian Buddhism and was a teacher of Atisa/Dipamkarasrijnana.He occupies a unique position in the spiritual lineage of Mahayana Buddhism,which in India and Tibet developed out of the conflict and integration of Buddhism’s two main philosophical schools,namely,Yogacara and Madhayamaka.According to Ratnakarasanti’s understanding,the traditional Yogacara thought that was founded and systematized by Maitreya,Asanga,and Vasubandhu is fully compatible with the Middle Way(madhyama.pratipat)as  相似文献   

<正>If it were not for seeing him in person,one would have thought the Tibetan man to be someone from literature.He wears loose clothes with a shiny dark pigtail on the back of his head,and every now and then,he breaks out in a few classic sayings made by Deng Xiaoping,a recent president of China.25 years ago,Rigzin Sherab left Tibet to go study in mainland China for the first time.Looking out of the window  相似文献   

海涛  海啸 《东南文化》2000,(2):47-54
Dragon,in Chinese traditional beliefs,is the highest fairy beast,which is the symbol of luck and happiness.It has been the everlasting subjec tin painting for a long time.Especially in the Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty,the dragon painting approached to its climax.Obviously, the profound meaning in the dragon painting is rather complicated.Examined from all angles of Chinese Culture,it reflects the unique Chinese thought and traditional belief.  相似文献   

Many times,we have been to Lulang Town in Nyingchi Prefecture,which is known as “Geneva on the plateau”.But this time,we invited a German Scholar named Daniel Winkler,who has been carrying out work for a long time related to the protection and development of fungus resource in the Tibetaninhabited areas in China,  相似文献   

张朦 《神州》2013,(15):148-149
In the brilliant American literature area, Emily Dickinson is a mysterious figure who attracts readers deeply. She was born in an upper class family in New England of American in the 19th century, which is never married. She was one of the most outstanding poets. Her poems have extensive subjects and deep thoughts, and renowned with plain but eternal language. In her poetry, Emily Dickinson explored the theme on death, eternity, love and na- ture. This paper is just an attempt to help the readers to under- stand her complex themes of her poetries. She praised the nature and holy love, describe the essence of death and eternity. Dickin- son’s poems are usually based on her experiences, her sorrows and joys.  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction As is well known,Prajnapradipa(PP),which was written by Bhaviveka(ca. 490/500-570 CE),is one of the most famous and important commentaries on Mulamadbyamakakarika(MMK),which was written by Nagarjuna(ca.150-250CE). When we study PP,we must use two translations of it,namely,the Tibetan translation, Sbes rab sgron ma,(hereafter,PP_tib) and the Chinese translation,Ban ruo deng lun(《般若灯论》),(hereafter,PP_chin).PP’s original Sanskrit text was lost and is yet to be  相似文献   

The Lhasa River originates from Nyangqentanglha Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is 551 km long and is one of the five major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo. For many years, the average diametric flow volume has been 6 billion cubic meters, which is about one-eighth of that of the second largest river in China, the Yellow River. The drainage area is nearly 30,000 square km. The Lhasa River is the Mother River of the Tibetans, which witnessed the changes of ancient Tibetan culture. The drainage area of the Lhasa River serves as the center of politics, economy, culture, transportation and religion in the whole Tibet,as well as the significant part of three-river area (the Yarlung Zangbo River, the Lhasa River and the Nyang Qu River) that Tibetan government attaches importance to the development there.  相似文献   

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