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Few attempts have been made to develop and test a conceptual framework for the comparative analysis of urban spatial structure and growth. This paper offers one aggregate approach as well as a series of empirical tests based on Canada's 27 largest urban areas. Six composite indices are introduced: population densities, rates of change, intraurban population redistribution, mobility rates, incidence of low-income populations, and degree of social polarization. Regression analyses reveal that differences among urban areas in spatial patterning and structural change are consistent with the hypothesized effects of city size, age, transport usage, social heterogeneity, production base, and physical setting. Yet immense regional and intraurban diversity remains. No single model of urban structure is sufficient to capture this diversity. On enregistre peu de tentatives pour mettre au point et tester un cadre conceptuel qui puisse servir à I'analyse comparative de structure spatiale et de croissance urbaine. Get article offre une approche g/oba/e ainsi qu'une série d'analyses empiriques basées sur les 27 territoires urbains canadiens les plus grande. Six indices composes servent aà l'analyse: densité de population et taux de changement de ces densités, redistribution et taux de mobilité de la population intra-urbaine, incidence de revenus faibles et importance de la polarisation sociale. Les analyses de régression démontrent que les différences dans l'arrangement des espaces et le changement des structures entre les zones urbaines sont en accord avec les effets supposés de taille urbaine, d'âge, d'utilisation du transport, d'hétérogénéité sociale, de base de production et de cadre physique. Cependant, une très grande diversité régionale et intraurbaine de-meure, II n'existe pas un seul modèle de structure urbaine capable d'englober cette diversité.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In this study we use a translog profit function and iterate seemingly unrelated regressions to estimate a system of factor demand and output supply functions for metropolitan economies. Our sample includes all metropolitan areas defined by the Census in 1977 for the period 1962 to 1982. Estimation shows that all price elasticities are elastic and that the signs are as expected. These results hold true for virtually all model specifications. Our findings indicate that federal, state, and local tax policies have significant impacts on factor demand and output supply. Public investment plays a positive and significant, but small, role in increasing output and in complementing other factors, although this influence has declined over time. Additionally, capital provided by the private sector has a substantially larger impact on output and employment than does capital provided by the public sector.  相似文献   

李同升 《人文地理》1995,10(1):21-27
莫斯科大都市地区具有放射状环形空间结构,相对于以莫斯科市为中心而形成的一级聚集区,这里广泛发育着以地方大中城市为核心的城市二级聚集区。影响莫斯科市发展规划的一系列因素决定了地域扩张是其空间发展的必然趋势,而定向轴线发展为主的方案则是规划的合理选择。  相似文献   

The incidence and spatial patterns of residential mortgage lending for a sample of resales in Metropolitan Toronto in 1976–7 are examined. The empirical evidence indicates a high level of private individual financing and a clear spatial differentiation of lender types. Regression analyses indicate the importance of ethnicity, in addition to income, in accounting for these spatial variations. The importance of ethnicity is verified by cross tabulations between source of mortgage funds and borrower ethnicity. Factors such as the legislative environment within which financial institutions operate, the policies of individual institutions, and the advantages of private mortgages are evaluated as possible explanations for the observed patterns and relationships .  相似文献   

This paper attempts to analyse the changing residential composition of the Montreal metropolitan region over time. More specifically, it examines the principal dimensions of Montreal's residential structure in 1971 and 1981, by conducting two separate factorial analyses based on census data; this part of the study is completed by a direct analysis of change, through factor analysing indices established by combining 1971 and 1981 variables The cross-sectional comparisons underline the regularities between the two residential configurations. The analysis of relative changes uncovers the principal modifications in Montreal's residential space through the period, showing in particular that some neighbourhoods registered major shifts in the composition of their population, due to ethno-linguistic movements or to social mobility. Cet article analyse le portrait changeant dans le temps de la structure résidentielle de la région métropolitaine de Montréal. Basée sur deux analyses factorielles con-duites séparément à partir des données de recensement, la première partie s'attache à décrire les dimensions maîtresses qui structurent l'espace résidentiel de Montréal en 1971 et 7981; cette analyse est ensuite complétée par une étude plus directe du changement qui repose sur une analyse factorielle d'indicateurs établis en combinant les variables de 1971 et 1981. La compa-raison des analyses factorielles transversales souligne la régularité de la structure résidentielle de Montréal dans le tpmps, alors que l'analyse des variables de changement relatiffait ressortir les modifications majeures qui ont transformé l'espace métropolitain au cours des années soixante-dix. Elle montre, par exemple, que plu-sieurs quartiers ont enregistré des changements impor-tants dans la composition de leur population, suite à un processus de gentrification ou de mobilité ethno-Iinguistique.  相似文献   

国内外城市居住空间研究的回顾与展望   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
刘旺  张文忠 《人文地理》2004,19(3):6-11
住宅作为城市的重要职能和城市空间结构的重要组成部分,长期以来地理学、经济学、社会学、政治学等不同学科的学者一直关注城市居住和相关理论的研究。本文在全面阐述西方居住空间研究的理论、方法、研究领域和研究成果的基础上,对我国有关城市居住空间的研究领域和研究进展进行回顾,并展望有待进一步深化研究的领域。  相似文献   

长江三角洲都市连绵区城市规模结构演变研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
潘鑫  宁越敏 《人文地理》2008,23(3):17-21
本文选取长江三角洲都市连绵区7个年份的城市人口规模数据,分别从城市规模等级结构、首位度、城市规模分形以及城市规模的空间演化等层面对城市规模结构的演变进行了分析,初步揭示了长江三角洲都市连绵区规模结构的分布特征和演变规律,并对其空间演变特征进行了总结。  相似文献   

近年来,住宅市场的空间分异逐渐受到学界关注。本文以西安市主城区为研究区域,以2003年至2009年区内住宅资料为基础数据,分析了西安市主城区住宅空间结构的动态演变规律,并从城市规划视角对住宅空间结构演变机制做以探究。结果认为:西安市主城区内住宅空间结构呈现出数量上向轴线和板块集聚、价格上向多核均衡演变的趋势。住宅空间结构的演变受城市规划的空间战略、产业布局、交通建设和设施配套等影响较大。科学的城市规划能够引导住宅结构逐步优化,使之从单一极化结构向多极多层次的网络化均衡结构演变。  相似文献   

<正>残废十四年独臂走天涯"不知道为什么,我当时就知道自己左手肯定废了,但我绝对还可以站起来!"14年前一次飞身救人的意外事故,老宋右脑严重受伤,左手和左腿功能丧失。也许是强大的精神力量,也许是命中注定要用双腿去行走世界,老宋又重新站了起来。老宋热爱旅行,他以镜头里的美,戏谑的文字,和坚强的意志征服了热爱自由精神的人们。本期带你透过他的镜头,体验他的懒人慢生活。  相似文献   

陈小晔  孙斌栋 《人文地理》2017,32(4):95-101
制造业是城市经济的重要组成部分和推动城市空间格局演化的重要驱动力。本文采用上海1996年、2004年、2008年制造业企业分街道就业数据,分析上海都市区制造业的空间格局演化,采用计量模型探究了制造业就业分布的主要影响因素。研究表明,上海都市区制造业就业空间格局已经基本实现了郊区化,并涌现出了稳定的制造业次中心;区位、交通、地价和政策因素对制造业就业格局的形成有着显著作用,而且这些因素的作用存在着显著的行业间差异性。为实现制造业的合理布局和城市空间结构优化,政府应该尊重市场规律和不同产业的特点,为不同产业选址布局提供相应的空间供给和基础设施。  相似文献   

More and more attention is being paid to issues associated with urban decline. Many types of decline affecting different locations and functional usages in the city have been identified, including 'deterioration' (Simmons, 1966), 'decay' (Medhurst and Parry Lewis, 1969), 'stagnation' (Alexander, 1974), 'dereliction' (Bugler, 1972), 'obsolescence' (Davies and Whinston, 1966), and 'blight' (Berry, 1963;McKean, 1977). This list, although not exhaustive, indicates the confusion surrounding the issue of decline, since distinctions are rarely made among these conditions in terms of timing, effects, or types of remedial or preventive action. In this paper we focus on the concept of 'blight' and in particular the classifications of commercial structure that have been used to further our understanding of this issue. In the process our understanding of the other forms of decline may also have been advanced.  相似文献   

上海市区有老人家庭居住需求与居住分异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
褚劲风  唐燕  王文华 《人文地理》2003,18(2):45-48,44
上海是我国第一个进入老年型人口结构的城市。随着年龄的增长、生理心理状况的变化,老人对住宅的需求有一定的特殊性。居家养老模式下,老人的居住状况直接影响老人晚年的生活质量。以老人与子女居住空间距离为标准,可分为共居型、网络型和分离型三种居住类型。受经济、社会、文化及健康状况的影响,上海市区有老人家庭存在居住地段、住宅类型、住宅环境、社区为老服务等方面的分异。  相似文献   

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