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INEQUALITY IN CITIES*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT Much of the inequality literature has focused on national inequality, but local inequality is also important. Crime rates are higher in more unequal cities; people in unequal cities are more likely to say that they are unhappy. There is a negative association between local inequality and the growth of city‐level income and population, once we control for the initial distribution of skills. High levels of mobility across cities mean that city‐level inequality should not be studied with the same analytical tools used to understand national inequality, and policy approaches need to reflect the urban context. Urban inequality reflects the choices of more and less skilled people to live together in particular areas. City‐level skill inequality can explain about one‐third of the variation in city‐level income inequality, while skill inequality is itself explained by historical schooling patterns and immigration. Local income also reflects the substantial differences in the returns to skill across, which are related to local industrial patterns.  相似文献   

上海的边缘城市   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
邓悦  王铮  吴永兴 《人文地理》2001,16(5):34-39
边缘城市是国际上的一门新兴的学科,它往往是新兴产业的依托点。本文研究并分析了上海的边缘城市,及其空间分布规律。发现边缘城市出现在距离上海市中心20公里以上,且靠近交通线的地方,但是不位于交通枢纽上,同时边缘城市往往是一个新经济增长阶段的产物。  相似文献   


Mississippian societies of southwestern North Carolina are generally thought to have been less centralized and less hierarchical than their counterparts elsewhere in the Southeast. This paper compares and contrasts mortuary patterns at the Warren Wilson, Garden Creek, and Coweeta Creek sites to reconstruct patterns of social and spatial differentiation within late prehistoric and protohistoric communities in southwestern North Carolina. These sites include, respectively, a late prehistoric stockaded village, a platform mound and village, and a protohistoric Cherokee town with a public structure and several domestic dwellings. Distributions of burial goods and the placement of burials indicate that some social distinctions were reflected in the treatment of the dead by Mississippian and protohistoric groups in southwestern North Carolina, and that those distinctions were embedded in the architecture and built environment of these sites.  相似文献   

This research provides a fine-grained analysis of the link between social capital and work-related outcomes among rural-to-urban migrants in China. Using data from the Shanghai Rural-to-Urban Migrant Worker Survey, the authors examine various kinds of social networks, the types of social capital they produce and their effects on migrant workers. While kinship networks and pre-existing social capital tend to provide migrants with job security and stability, they are negatively associated with migrants’ earnings and work satisfaction. By contrast, newly established friendship networks with local urbanites indicate new forms of social capital from the destination city, which are positively associated with higher satisfaction with income and work environment, and a higher likelihood of landing a permanent job.  相似文献   

Alongside with allround economic andsocial development inTibet, there have beengratifying changes inthe pastoral areas.Herders have developed a scientific senseof livestock breeding.Those who cut grass inDamxung in the photoare representative ofthese herders.Grass farm management was in a mess inthe past, but the situation has now changed.Supply of grass isample, and farm workers can sell their surplus. Under the situation, grass merchantshave appeared to shipthe grass from thesefarms to are…  相似文献   

This paper examines social upgrading in the inner neighbourhoods of six major Canadian cities between 1971 and 1981. The extent of social status change is assessed, and hypotheses are considered to account for neighbourhoods likely to experience social upgrading. Maps of status change are discussed and suggest further general principles. These are assessed in a correlation analysis where the dependent variable is an index of social status change for each inner city tract. Most of the independent variables show significant associations; the most consistent correlation is with proximity to an existing elite area. Implications of these findings for models of neighbourhood transition are considered.
Cet article examine le phénomène du renouveau social à I'intérieur des secteurs d'habitation de six grandes villes canadiennes entre 1971 et 1981. Le changement de statut social fait I'objet d'une évaluation dans son étendue, et des hypothèses sont formulées pour rendre compte des quartiers qui ont de grandes chances de connaître un phénomène de renouveau social. La carto-graphie des changements de statut social permet de dé-gagerde nouveaux éléments d'explication. La vérification des hypothèses est faite au moyen d'une analyse corrélative où la variable dépendante est un in-dice du changement de statut social survenu en chaque division des secteurs couverts. La plupart des variables indépendantes montrent des associations significatives; la corrélation la plus marquée a rapport à la proximité d'un secteur où réside l'élite. La signification de ces ré-sultats pour la formulation de modéles de quartiers en transition retient notre attention.  相似文献   

This article examines the emigration dimension of marriage migration in Asia by focusing on remittances received by parents from daughters who married and migrated abroad. Based on a study of 250 migrant-sending households in Vietnam with a daughter living in an Asian country as a ‘foreign wife’, the analysis provides empirical evidence that emigrant spouses make substantial financial contributions to their natal families through remittances. A multivariate analysis of the determinants of remittance-sending shows that a woman's characteristics and living conditions abroad largely determine whether or not she remits, while the relative poverty level of her natal family has limited influence. Findings call for a broader conceptualization of ‘women who marry foreigners’ or ‘foreign brides’ as emigrants who contribute to the social development of their sending countries.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):390-398

Implements used in punctation and incising of prehistoric ceramic artifacts were potentially as meaningful as the designs they imparted. Their use may have been prescribed by a perceived relationship between the tool or its source and the vessel in production or its intended function. Replicative experiments reveal use of various styli, but especially feather quills, by native potters of the Appalachian Summit region in applying punctations and incisions to wet clay. Feathers of various birds may have been used because of their roles in the beliefs, rituals, and medicine of Southeastern Indians. Results of this study may benefit typological refinements, studies of vessel function, and traditional craft revitalization and inquiries into prehistoric animism.  相似文献   

Geographical development economics as reflected in the recent report by World Bank (2009) Reshaping Economic Geography (henceforth WDR-2009) and Sachs' (2005) End of Poverty has placed geographical factors of distance and density at the core of economic development. However, development geography has largely moved beyond a paradigm of modernity. This article seeks to narrow the above disciplinary divide and suggests that explanations of distance and density are not irrelevant but will need to be better integrated to local knowledge, practices and power relations in development schemes which are valued by development geographers. The latter is examined in the context of micro-credit programmes in two lagging areas, Soc Son and Vinh Loc, in northern Vietnam. Drawing from interviews and surveys of 160 female participants, we show that micro-credit, WDR-2009 and Sachs' geographical variables significantly affect poverty levels. However, qualitative interviews also reveal that the effects of distance, density and micro-credit schemes are constituted differently in the two areas. Relative to their Vinh Loc counterparts, Soc Son's participants experience less distance and density problems but are confronted with greater vulnerability to coercive relations of rule. In contrast, the approach to rule in the more geographically distressed area of Vinh Loc is underscored by flexibility and compromise which seek to cultivate conditions that sustain local livelihoods.  相似文献   

The history of elites has gained popularity among researchers during the last few decades. This article explains the historiographical conditions and significance of this phenomenon. The rise of different schools in the history of elites has been made possible by, on the one hand, structuralistic social history, which has taken impressions and theories from neighbouring sciences, and, on the other hand, by the new cultural history, which often uses the concept of ‘elite’ more metaphorically. This article also serves as an introduction to this special issue. The history of elites is here defined as a diverse branch of research, which is interesting partly because of the influential role of the studied individuals in their own time and partly because of their often strong social identity.  相似文献   

The author, comparing growth histories of East and West Siberian cities of over 50,000 population through regression and cluster analysis techniques, develops a number of city typologies based on magnitude of population growth, economic specialization, and social infrastructure. It is argued that such typologies are useful in planning because they identify types of cities experiencing similar growth conditions and instances where cities have changed from one type of situation to another. Although the study is limited to 1926-1986, it addresses economic and social components of Siberian urban growth relevant to the interpretation of preliminary results of the 1989 census (translated by H. L. Haslett, Leamington Spa, UK).  相似文献   

"后社会主义城市"社会空间分异研究述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社会空间的分化与极化是当代城市空间结构的主要特征。经济转型伴随了社会分异程度的增加,带来新的社会空间结构。对于中国城市社会空间转型的研究正处于方兴未艾之际,但对于处于东欧和前苏联的所谓“后社会主义城市”(Post-socialistCities)的研究尚缺乏比较与借鉴。本文通过对“后社会主义城市”社会空间分异研究的综述,探讨了这一类城市在新的政治经济背景下新的社会极化对城市社会空间的影响,市场的出现和福利体系的重构造成了普遍的社会空间分异程度的增加,这类转型城市的社会空间表现出多元多样的空间分异格局。  相似文献   

曹嵘  白光润  王琳 《人文地理》2004,19(1):13-16
在评析传统的住宅经济区位论的基础上,文章提出了居住环境的生态价值对住宅区位的重要意义,进而从经济因素和环境因素两个角度提出了城市住宅的生态区位模型。并以上海市为例分析了环境生态价值对商品住宅价格的影响,以及对未来住宅区位的几点启示。  相似文献   

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