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This essay examines films created by the Edison Company of the US military campaign in the Caribbean in 1898 and their projection and reception in Vaudeville theaters and other similar venues in the larger urban areas of the US. Through an analysis of these films in regards to their production and reception contexts, it discusses relationships between entertainment, nationalism, and colonialism in this early cinema. Features foregrounding technology, production capacity, tourism, and military campaigns in tropical settings are examined in order to explore the blurred boundaries between journalism and entertainment in the context and how specifically the technology of the incipient cinema shaped these perceptions. The venues, in which they were exhibited, situated these war films within larger variety shows including oddities, acrobats, skits, and musical entertainment, together with technological exhibitions involving devices revered for both their destructive and constructive capabilities. It considers, furthermore, how tourism and the possibilities for travel related to the war shaped entertainment and dialogued with public desires regarding American empire and the roles of the Caribbean and, by relation, Latin America in these scenarios. The essay seeks to underscore, finally, how these films, and the war that they attempt to depict, resonated deeply with a type of audience and a corresponding mode of spectatorship that would come to expect an entertaining dimension in journalism.  相似文献   

The changing economic and technological conditions often referred to as ‘globalization’ have had a deep impact on the very nature of the state, and thus on the aims, objectives and implementation of cultural policy, including film policy. In this paper, I discuss the main changes in film policy there have been in Mexico, comparing the time when the welfare state regarded cinema as crucial to the construction of national identity, and actively supported national cinema at the production, distribution and exhibition levels (about 1920–1980), and the recent onset of neoliberal policies, during which the industry was privatized and globalized. I argue that the result has been a transformation of film production, from the properly ‘national’ cinema it was during the welfare state – that is, having a role in nation building, democratization processes and being an important part of the public sphere – into a kind of genre, catering to a very small niche audience both domestically and internationally. However, exhibition and digital distribution have been strengthened, perhaps pointing towards a more meaningful post-national cinema.  相似文献   

中国城市地理研究的若干问题:海外学者的观点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海外学者是中国城市地理研究的一支重要力量,取得了许多重要的研究成果,提高了中国城市地理在国际学术界的地位。本文就海外学者对中国城市地理研究的主要问题:经济发展与城市化、全球化与城市发展、体制改革与城市转型及城市地理的理论与方法等方面进行归纳总结,期望加强了解,取长补短,相互学习,共同促进中国地理学的发展。  相似文献   

寓乐于会:近代博览会与大众娱乐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近代博览会的兴起固然主要是源于商品经济与科技传播的需要,但大众娱乐文化又始终与各类博览会形影相随,成为其不可或缺的构成要素。大众娱乐是将博览会传播科技、文化功能与群众"找乐子"心态连接起来的最好形式之一,并使博览会能够吸引成千上万民众参与其中。近代中国举办的博览会充分借鉴了西方博览会的做法,加入了大量的娱乐活动,寓乐于会,寓教于乐。大众娱乐活动不仅丰富了博览会的内涵,增强了博览会对大众的吸引力,而且使博览会本身成为研究近代城市大众文化时不容忽视的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

在全球化竞争环境日益激烈的作用下,城市政府促进城市营销的需求与资本增殖的欲望共同催生了巨型工程在全球范围内的繁荣。然而城市巨型工程在为城市发展带来了新的机遇和荣耀的同时,也产生了很多的政治、经济与社会问题。在全球化的环境与语境中,我们必须从多维的视角来审视城市巨型工程背后的驱动机制和深刻影响。文章分析了全球化竞争导致的政府治理企业化转型,指出城市巨型工程迎合了政府促进城市增长的目标和治理转型的环境,促进形成了官商结合的城市增长联盟。文章进一步的分析指出,城市巨型工程是经济全球化的产物与符号,是政治与经济空间生产的工具和对象,城市巨型工程依托的增长联盟脆弱而功利,耀眼的巨型工程隐藏着巨大的经济风险,城市巨型工程也加剧了社会极化与空间分化。文章最后指出转型期中国城市巨型工程建设面临着更大的冲动和问题,应该进行更冷静的思考。  相似文献   

李凡  黄维 《人文地理》2012,27(3):28-33
现代化、全球化和城市化催生了当代的怀旧现象,城市怀旧已成为一种极其普遍的社会文化景观,并成为国内外学界关注的重要话题。通过对国内外文献的分析,总结了国内外城市怀旧现象的研究状况,以及文化地理学视角的研究进展。研究表明,城市怀旧研究已经渗透至诸多学科领域,国外文化地理学者从多个角度开展了城市怀旧的研究,但该研究在国内还十分鲜见。文章指出可以结合文化地理学及相关理论,从人地关系角度,分析城市怀旧文化的形成发展及其与城市文化生态环境的互动作用,探讨城市怀旧空间的生成、类型、特征、时空演变及其动力机制,解读城市怀旧文化景观对于城市怀旧空间的诠释以及地方认同的影响,以揭示在城市怀旧空间形成和演变过程中,城市记忆、地理想象、地方认同和建构的互动作用机理。认为城市怀旧的地理学研究将拓展我国城市文化地理学的研究视野,并对城市更新、历史街区的保护和复兴提供重要的理论支撑和决策依据。  相似文献   

本文将存在主义与现象学的研究理念纳入康体保健型休闲娱乐场所的研究中,通过对康体保健型休闲娱乐场所空间主体性的解析,透视出此类场所使用者的主体性价值观、感知、意象性以及活动时间、频次与康体保健型休闲娱乐场所的空间认知关系,继而总结出基于人文主义场所观的城市康体保健型休闲娱乐场所认知结构,以期对康体保健型休闲娱乐场所的规划与研究提供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to make explicit the linkages between specific characteristics in the urban built environment, moderate physical activity (in particular walking and cycling), and public health. The review will take place at three different scales — the region, the city and the city‐block. At all three scales, the main interest is placed on accessibility, with the recognition that if distances are short enough and there is high connectivity within neighbourhoods, people might be encouraged to walk or cycle. The paper will draw on urban built environment characteristics from a number of Michigan municipalities, including Detroit, Ann Arbor, Birmingham, East Lansing and Okemos.  相似文献   

汪丽  王兴中 《人文地理》2008,23(2):43-48
基于学术界共识的后工业化大城市社会空间中产阶层化的理念,本文首次提出社会阶层化的概念并指出社会阶层化主要研究在社会阶层的生活行为扩散和变化规律下,所构建的城市日常居住社区体系和日常生活行为场所体系的时空模式,以此探讨城市社会空间结构的变化。研究认为不同城市发展阶段其对应有不同主导阶层的社会阶层化空间结构。进一步从解构城市社会空间结构的演化动态角度,研究不同社会发展阶段下,社会阶层化与城市娱乐产业的对偶空间结构关系。  相似文献   

城市职能演变的回顾与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全球化是当前世界发展的主流,全球化对城市的发展已经产生了深远的影响,一方面生产要素在城市之间的流动加强。另一方面城市主导权力扩大。加剧了城市之间的竞争。由此带来城市产业结构和产业布局的变化,促进了城市化、郊区化、绅士化等的发展。在此背景之下,全球城市在人类社会发展中的职能不断演变。其基本趋势是由生产性职能转向服务性职能。并且这种演变会伴随着全球信息化的发展逐步由多元服务向单一的人居服务发展。本在对全球城市职能演变简单回顾的基础上。根据全球化发展的趋势。探讨了全球化对城市职能演变的影响,并预测未来城市职能的变化趋势。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, geographers have paid a great deal of attention to transnational firms (TNCs) and global production networks (GPNs) in the global economy, to the emergence of a mobile transnational business class and also to the development of global or globalizing cities. All three literatures have made important contributions to understanding the spatiality of global economic activity, but each adopts a fairly discreet theoretical and empirical focus. This article aims to outline a number of theoretical dimensions for thinking about how these key strands to the globalization debate can be brought together through the concept of global business spaces. It will propose a framework for understanding the spatialities of global economic activity that seeks to capture the complex interaction of material, social, organizational and virtual spaces that form the context through which it is constituted. With reference to business travel as a key form of economic practice which plays a central role in (re)producing these spaces, it assesses how these emerging spaces of global economic activity present problems for the conceptual categories commonly used by both urban and economic geographers. In so doing, it proposes a series of ways in which a different research agenda can produce new insight into the complex forms of social practice at the centre of global economic activity.  相似文献   

全球化视角下的世界城市网络理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄璜 《人文地理》2010,25(4):18-24
城市诞生时就相互保持着联系,只有将城市纳入世界城市网络中才能正确把握城市产生和发展的本质。1980年以来在第三次全球化浪潮的背景下,世界生产要素和产品市场开始整合,世界城市的兴起是国际劳动分工在空间上的表达。Cohen、Friedmann、Sassen、Castells和Taylor等学者提出并发展了世界城市理论,世界城市网络理论已经成为研究城市问题的重要框架。联系数据的缺乏长期制约了世界城市网络的实证研究,二十世纪九十年代中期以来学者们创新性地解决了方法论的问题,对世界城市网络的各个层面进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

City officials are continuously working to attract airlines willing to fly to new destinations. The inherent expectation is that a more extensive aviation network stimulates economic growth. This paper investigates empirically the causal implication of this hypothesis. Using data on nonstop flights by origin and destination over the period 1984–2013, we propose a new measure for a metropolitan area's connectivity to the national aviation network. We then use this measure to investigate its contribution to local economic development, as captured by the growth in population, in total employment, in per-capita income, and new firm entry. To ensure causality, we use instrumental variable methods that exploit geography and destination airports growth as a way to capture the exogenous variation in the likelihood to add new travel routes. Our results suggest that a metropolitan area's air connectivity, resulting from an expansive local aviation network, has a positive effect on population, on employment and on the number of businesses established in that location.  相似文献   

中国的大型城市为了解决巨量散客出游的问题,由上海率先建立了“旅游集散中心”的散客旅游服务模式,目前已经被证明适用于中国现行体制下的特大型城市,符合城市旅游发展之需。国内其它许多城市也跟着建设了名为“旅游集散中心”的机构,但是仔细比较可以发现,这些机构虽然表面名称一致,在体制和运行机制上却存在较大差异,实际运行效果也很是不同。文章比较分析了上海、杭州、成都、北京以及其它若干城市的旅游集散中心在体制、机制与运行效果上的异同点,并探讨了旅游集散中心的本质特征与形成机制,强调了它的准公共产品属性。  相似文献   

基于居民移动-活动行为的城市空间研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
柴彦威  沈洁 《人文地理》2006,21(5):108-112,54
在以人为本及后现代思潮的大背景下,人文地理学研究越来越关注个体人的行为以及生活质量问题,基于居民移动-活动行为的城市空间研究正成为人文地理及城市规划学等学科的焦点。论文在对城市活动空间研究及城市交通出行研究中的问题进行梳理的基础上,提出一个基于居民移动-活动行为的城市空间研究新框架,强调行为与空间之间的互动关系,强调RP法和SP法的结合,强调现实行为、现实空间与理想行为、理想空间之间的和谐。  相似文献   

城市社区环境下商业性娱乐场所的空间结构   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
现代城市社会地理学对城市生活空间质量的评价,已涉及到城市内部福利设施(与场所)的空间结构层面。随着社会经济发展,城市居民收入与文化素质的提高,闲暇时间延长,城市内部商业性娱乐场所日益增加,已引起了学术界的关注,但国内地理学者对商业性娱乐场所的空间关注较少。本文从人本主义视角,运用行为和实证主义方法,在总结国内外对商业性场所研究的基础上,力图轮廓性地揭示商业性娱乐场所的空间形成与分布等规律;并以城市社区和场所作为城市社会生活空间研究的两大基本单元,探讨商业性娱乐场所的社会空间内容和结构模式,及其与城市社会生活空间质量的相互关系。以便更深入地揭示城市社会生活空间质量的本质,丰富城市社区规划与整治的基础理念。  相似文献   

在全球竞争时代,大事件营销已经成为城市政府实现增长策略的重要工具。文章引入空间生产的分析视角,对城市大事件营销的物质空间效应、社会空间效应、经济与政治效应进行了客观的评述,这些影响有正面的,也有负面的,从而揭示了通过大事件营销实现城市空间生产过程的本质。文章指出,大事件营销成为城市在全球化流动空间中增强对资本等发展要素粘性的重要媒介,实现了从流动空间向场所空间的转变,对城市的空间、经济、社会与政治关系等都产生着深刻的重塑作用。但是,更加关注如何将外向增长机遇与城市内生增长能力进行更好的结合,是非常必要的。  相似文献   

An American urban geographer specializing in China explores whether a commercial and urban redevelopment model successful in Beijing (Wangfujing) can be transferred to a more remote region of the country (Qinghai Province), and whether the potential benefits outweigh the costs of dismantling the traditional commercial core of the relatively large provincial capital of Xining, with one-half million inhabitants. The Xining project is investigated in the contexts of globalization, secondary globalization, and the diffusion of urban planning and development practices in China. The biases in Chinese planning practice toward methods employed in large eastern cities are considered in light of global trends toward neoliberalism and the new regionalism. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: I31, O18, R58. 2 figures, 83 references.  相似文献   

Miike Takashi’s Sukiyaki Western Django is a contemporary remake of Sergio Corbucci’s Spaghetti Western Django. In this updated Japanese version all of the characters speak English and there is a notable cameo appearance by Quentin Tarantino that references the continuous series of filmic exchanges that have taken place between Asia and the West, most notably in the context of action cinema. Rather than conceiving of the various movements and exchanges between the two films (and their predecessors) in terms of the search for an “original” or for the conceptualisation of good or bad copies, this paper focuses on the question of genre and what it can bring to a discussion of cross-cultural value in cinema. In particular, the paper explores what the recurring turn to Westerns in Asia reveals about the search for new frontiers of value and aesthetics in global cinema. From the serious to the self-conscious to the downright “bad” (and bad-ass) Western, Sukiyaki Western Django is a notable recent example of how the “Asian Western” both localises and globalises a peculiarly American genre, and at once de-values and re-values the “original”.  相似文献   

When the population of New Orleans increased dramatically during the nineteenth century, it became a place of strangers. While historians have documented the experiences of different groups in the city, the nineteenth‐century urban world was defined largely by those unknown, by the strangers one passed in the streets. The present study explores how residents of the city coped with this change by analyzing the meanings they ascribed to strangers. It also illustrates why the ability of a stranger to legitimize his/her identity became a crucial means of escaping scrutiny and obtaining acceptance by society. The essay examines the reception of two groups of strangers: elite travelers who sought to read and interpret the city and its subjects and new residents who sought opportunity and adventure, but instead became alienated from society and castigated as vagrants and suspicious people. Although city residents largely came to terms with the anonymity of city life by the 1850s, this essay explores the preceding decades when strangers invoked both fear and excitement.  相似文献   

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