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北京美术产业对地方文化的嵌入性程度分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
北京十一五规划指出北京将大力发展文化产业,尤其是文化创意产业。美术是文化产业中最具有创意色彩的产业部门,北京是中国最重要的美术产业中心,近5年来出现了一批美术创意产业集中区。本文使用近十多年来国外经济地理学家频繁使用的嵌入概念分析北京的美术产业。本文所采用的嵌入概念更强调KarlPolanyi的观点,以北京三个主要美术产业区798艺术区、宋庄画家村、观音堂文化大道为研究地点,通过分析实地访谈资料、艺术家和画廊的网站资料,探讨企业和艺术家在作品风格、市场定位、企业分布、企业制度等方面是如何嵌入北京地方制度文化和意识形态文化的。本文认为在把握嵌入程度,避免过度地方化的程度上有待未来讨论。  相似文献   

This paper traces the events leading up to the formation of a project in 1954, in the Chemistry Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory, dedicated to the application of those new developments that were rapidly transforming postwar nuclear science to the parallel humanistic disciplines of archaeology and the fine arts. The further evolution of this effort involved the enlightened support of the Department of Energy (then AEC and ERDA) coupled with the lively interests of the archaeological, fine‐arts and art‐historical communities, their professional academics and the many graduate and undergraduate students who participated in the Brookhaven project. But more than new scientific methodologies, concepts and instrumentation were deployed. What developed was a large‐scale, truly interdisciplinary effort, where scholars of the humanities and sciences worked side by side in a remarkable way, each led by the other, to the mutual benefit and increase of their knowledge and understanding. A paradigm of co‐operation between arts and sciences was initiated: this paper presents a record of the process and its outcome, a novel blending of science and humanism that is very much taken for granted by research workers today.  相似文献   

This article investigates consumers’ perceptions of three types of sponsors that play a role in backing financially Canadian artistic and cultural organisations: government ministries (or departments), Crown corporations and private companies. In addition to the type of sponsor and the nature of the sponsorship (philanthropic or commercial), the perceived congruence between the sponsor and the sponsored event (strong as opposed to weak), and the form of arts and cultural events (high art versus popular art and performing arts versus heritage arts) are explored in an experimental setting combining within‐subjects and between‐subjects factors. The main hypothesis of this research was that consumers’ perceptions are not the same when it comes to the different kinds of sponsors that evolve in the cultural and art fields. As the researchers explored this issue, they observed that significant differences do exist. It is believed that the rich findings of this study will be useful to civil servants.  相似文献   

The paper presents a critical discussion of the current debate over the social impacts of the arts in the UK. It argues that the accepted understanding of the terms of the debate is rooted in a number of assumptions and beliefs that are rarely questioned. The paper goes on to present the interim findings of a three‐year research project, which aims to rethink the social impact of the arts, with a view to determining how these impacts might be better understood. The desirability of a historical approach is articulated, and a classification of the claims made within the Western intellectual tradition for what the arts “do” to people is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

人文地理学理论的多元性   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
唐晓峰  李平 《人文地理》2001,16(2):42-44
在西方地理学界,八十年代以后,人主义与后现代主义思潮兴起,推动了人地理学理论的多元化发展,在人地理研究中,针对不同性质的问题,应采用与之相对应的适合理论,而不应不顾问题的属性,盲目地追逐理论的新奇时髦。理论与问题的统一性,是运用理论成败的关键。  相似文献   

蔡晓梅  刘晨 《人文地理》2013,28(5):36-41
随着人文地理学的文化转向,以及跨学科的研究趋势,有关饮食、饮食文化体系和饮食活动的研究成为了地理学的研究对象之一。人文地理学视角下国外饮食文化研究主要集中在饮食的象征意义、饮食的文化经济、饮食的文化政治以及饮食与认同的相关研究四个方面。而国外的饮食文化研究趋势主要表现在(1)强调饮食全球化和跨国现象及其带来的影响;(2)关注饮食的意义以及人、饮食、物质环境和社会之间关系的探讨;(3)从探讨饮食和饮食文化本身的地理学研究,转向对饮食空间问题的探讨。在此基础上,从人地关系、跨地方以及文化政治三个方面对人文地理学视角下国内饮食文化研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

One of the more popular ideas in electoral geography is that there is a positive correlation between residential proximity and voting behaviour. Often referred to as the neighbourhood effect, the idea is quite simply that individuals within a given local area tend to vote similarly. The process involves, it is suggested, social contacts between neighbours leading to political discussion and information flow which exerts an influence on the way people vote. Closely related to, but distinguishable from the neighbourhood effect is the friends-and-neighbours effect whereby neighbours of a particular candidate will tend to know him better, discuss him more, and support him more avidly than they will other candidates. Since the concepts of the neighbourhood effect and the friends-and-neighbours effect have been adopted into the literature of political geography, and have become central as explanatory models for certain spatial patterns of voting behaviour,1 the rather inconclusive and contradictory findings of researchers using these concepts require examination, and the concepts and process require an empirical test.  相似文献   

人文地理学研究中对空间的再认识   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
作为人文地理学的核心概念,空间在全球化、信息化、人文主义、后现代主义、地理学社会与文化转向等语境下需要重新认识。首先对空间认知转变的背景进行阐释,在此基础上重点辨析国内外研究成果中对于"空间"的核心论述,把对空间的认知转变归结为4点:(1)从科学的空间到人性的空间;(2)从物质的空间到非物质的空间;(3)单纯的空间到复杂的空间;(4)从"外壳"的空间到空间里面的空间。最后提出对我国当前人文地理学研究的3点启示:(1)注重学科基础概念的重新认识;(2)重视微观层面的细化研究;(3)加强跨学科的整合研究。  相似文献   

中国互联网发展的地域结构研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
王如渊  金波 《人文地理》2002,17(6):89-92
本文通过对我国近年来CN下注册的域名、WWW站点及互联网用户三要素变化的分析 ,表明我国互联网的发展的地域差异巨大。首先 ,东部沿海地带省份发展水平远远高于中西部地带 ,呈东、中、西三带递减规律。其次 ,互联网在我国的发展主要集中在城市 ,特别是大、中城市 ,广大的农村地域基本属于待发展区。再次 ,在东、中、西三带内部存在次级分异。此外 ,在城市之间也存在次级差异 ,呈超大城市向小城镇递减规律。最后 ,作者从经济、科技、社会发展水平等角度初步探讨了差异形成的原因  相似文献   

东北平原农田防护林网景观的行为地理效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王岷  张柏 《人文地理》1995,10(3):75-77
东北平原农田防护林网是本区广大人民经过十余年的努力共同创造的宏伟景观,对改造自然、保护农业生产起到重要作用,这一独特景观的形成是人类作用于环境的一次积极尝试、并被事实验证是成功的,这一景观形成后在改造自然环境的同时也影响了人们的生产和生活行为,本文旨在根据行为地理学的基本理论初步分析该景观的行为地理效应。  相似文献   

The effect of purifying, mixing and firing of clays on trace element concentration was systematically investigated using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Eight different clays from two sites in Crete were used together with sherds found around several kilns near the sites. Trace element analysis showed that the extent to which the concentration changes after purification and firing depends on the initial particle size and chemistry of the clay. The calcite concentration plays an essential role in this. An application is made using roof tiles found at the excavation of the ancient city of Pella in Macedonia.  相似文献   

在参阅大量国外学者关于中国农区发展相关文献的基础上,对国际主流学派就中国农区宏观和微观决策主体的国际地理学研究进行了评述。国际学术界重点关注的中国农区发展的热点问题包括农户外出务工背景及决策因素、乡镇企业发展与农业生产的矛盾关系、农区发展中的环境变化问题、农区家庭的收入与需求、对传统农业区位论的思考等。文章从五个方面进行了评价,最后提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

信息化对中国区域经济的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
滕丽  王铮  庞丽  李刚强 《人文地理》2006,21(1):72-75
本文从信息化设施和信息产业两方面来认识区域信息化水平,对中国各省区的信息化水平进行了定量估算和综合评价。在区域信息化水平测度的基础上,本文从以下两方面分析了信息化的区域影响。作为区域经济的一个部门,研究结果显示中国大部分省区信息产业与区域经济增长呈现了不同程度的正的相关性。文章重点分析了信息化设施溢出对区域经济的影响。运用相应的经济增长核算模型,分单区域和两区域研究信息化设施溢出对经济增长的贡献。估算结果显示信息化设施溢出的增长作用存在区域差异。在作用机制上,单区域信息化设施的溢出与两区域的情况也有差异。  相似文献   

至今在我国国内,有关评介韩国地理学研究状况的文章甚少。虽然韩国地理学研究历史较短,但有些领域的研究已走到了我们的前面。本文将系统地介绍韩国农业地理学、工业地理学、商业流通地理学、交通地理学的研究状况,并指出目前在经济地理学研究中所存在的一些问题和今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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