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王炫力 《神州》2014,(15):269-269
纵观当前残疾人特殊群体就业状况,残疾人是典型的就业弱势群体,这一类弱势群体得不到高度重视,就业形势不容乐观。结合广东省政府日前关于转发省教育厅等部门《广东省特殊教育提升计划(2014-2016年)》公布,将大力促进残疾人就业工作的开展。  相似文献   

旅游权利论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《马尼拉宣言》强调旅游是“人人享有的权利”,而不是政府“发给公民的福利”。但在旅游发展过程中,人们却越来越忽略了旅游的权利理念,而功利性地把发展经济作为发展旅游的单一目的,形成了旅游的不公平现象。在进入21世纪人类强调“以人为本”发展理念的今天,我们对旅游的认识,也应该由单一的功利化目的——发展经济逐步回归到旅游的本质——把旅游作为人的基本权利。在这一认识的基础上,国家和地方政府及一切社会机构,都有责任和义务为人类旅游权利的实现提供政策保障、创造物质条件,特别是对低收入群体、残疾人等弱势群体,更应该通过政策、法规等手段,保障其旅游权利和旅游愿望的实现。  相似文献   

孔宁花  郭伟 《神州》2013,(23):64-64
中国作为世界上人口最多的发展中国家,也是人均自然资源和经济资源相对贫乏的发展中国家,就业问题一直困扰着中国政府和大学生。高校大学生的就业不仅关系到每一位大学生的自我生存和发展,更直接影响到我国经济的持续发展和社会的安定和谐。面对中国经济的转型,大学生的就业问题显得更为突出。实施大学生素质拓展计划是高校的重中之重,更是贯彻和落实《进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育》工作的重要举措。  相似文献   

中国作为世界上人口最多的发展中国家,也是人均自然资源和经济资源相对贫乏的发展中国家,就业问题一直困扰着中国政府和大学生.高校大学生的就业不仅关系到每一位大学生的自我生存和发展,更直接影响到我国经济的持续发展和社会的安定和谐.面对中国经济的转型,大学生的就业问题显得更为突出.实施大学生素质拓展计划是高校的重中之重,更是贯彻和落实《进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育》工作的重要举措.  相似文献   

残疾人也是我国大家庭的一部分,为建设社会主义也贡献了不少力量,近几年来我国不断加大对残疾人各项技能培训,让残疾人人人享有教育培训的机会,全面提高残疾人的整体素质,提升残疾人参与社会、融入社会、奉献社会的能力。保证残疾人的合法权利,帮助到更多的残疾人,最重要的是必须为我国残疾人建立规范的档案工作,通过真实有效的档案,能够及时了解残疾人培训就业的情况,更好的为他们提供服务。  相似文献   

墨西哥移民在美国移民史上占有重要的地位,是当今美国最大的移民群体。作为一种历史现象,墨西哥人向美国较大规模的移民开始于20世纪初前后,概而观之,除20世纪30年代因大萧条而短暂中断外,墨西哥移民一直呈现出持续的高水平特征。墨西哥人移民美国的历程大致可以划分为四个阶段,与之对应的是四次移民浪潮:第一次浪潮从19世纪末20世纪初到1929年美国经济大萧条;第二次移民浪潮从1942年美墨双方签署《布拉塞洛计划55301964年该计划终结;第三次浪潮从1965年移民法颁布到20世纪80年代中期,此间大量墨西哥无证件移民流入美国;第四次浪潮从《1986年移民改革与控制法》颁布至今。墨西哥人移民美国源于一系列历史、地理、经济和社会因素,根植于美墨两国总体社会经济背景之下。  相似文献   

自由通过和飞越国际海峡是美国接受12海里领海的先决条件,也是其在第三次联合国海洋法会议的根本目标之一.该政策肇始于1968年美苏海洋法谈判,旨在维护美国的国际海峡航行自由权利,进而维护其安全、经济和政治利益.不过,由于遭遇了国内外反对意见,美国被迫做出了让步,但政策并未发生根本质变.美国陷入航行自由困境根源在于1945年《杜鲁门公告》.自由通过和飞越国际海峡政策反映了美国海洋政策优先考虑事项的变化,体现了国内和国际因素的影响,客观上反映了国际社会利益;而《航行和飞越权利计划》的实施,则反映了美国重塑强权政治作用的意图.  相似文献   

徐景玉 《神州》2012,(20):100
残疾人是社会特殊群体,残疾人职业教育工作水平直接关系到残疾人能否实现充分就业和残疾人群体生活水平的提高。近年来,我国的残疾人事业取得了显著的成就,残疾人群体参与社会的能力显著提高,残疾人生存状况得到了明显的改善,但是残疾人职业教育工作的整体水平与残疾人群体的实际需要相比还有很大的差距,残疾人职业教育工作水平亟待进一步提高。  相似文献   

9月8日,奥巴马在参众两院的联席会议上发表32分钟讲话,提出投入资金高达4470亿美元的就业刺激计划。尽管美国经济依然很糟糕,但是奥巴马的滔滔雄辩没有任何“缩水”。至少在演讲中,他展现了“硬起来”的领袖风格,12次呼吁国会立刻通过这个历史性的美国就业法案。  相似文献   

林登·约翰逊的"伟大社会"与美国工业社会的成熟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨鹏飞 《史学月刊》2006,(11):78-83
“伟大社会”是美国总统林登·约翰逊所实施的当代美国最为雄心勃勃的社会经济改革纲领。纲领的福利计划、反贫困计划、保障民权的举措以及税制改革、城市更新和环境保护等方面的行动,在立法上都获得了登峰造极的成功,在实践上取得了累累硕果。它把美国进一步推向“福利国家”的道路,缓和了美国的社会矛盾,推动了美国社会经济的发展;它部分地解决了美国丰裕社会的贫困问题,提高了美国人民的生活质量,推动了美国工业社会的完善与成熟。  相似文献   

The Americans With Disabilities Act, based on the civil rights/minority group and independent living models of disability, may enhance access to health care, personal assistance, employment, the electoral process, and smoke-free environments for people with disabilities. However, this essential law cannot resolve these key issues. Supplemental theoretical and policy approaches will be necessary to promote fundamental change.  相似文献   

The Americans with Disabilities Act was pushed through Congress with far less attention from the media than has accompanied other major civil rights bills. This was part of a deliberate and unconventional strategy by disability rights lobbyists who believed that media portrayals of disability were so cliched that journalists would impede, not further, the public's understanding of disability rights issues. Despite the success of the strategy, there is a price to pay for having been a 'stealth' civil rights movement: Now that the law is in place, disabled people face a backlash from Americans who neither understand the ADA nor the need for civil rights protection for disabled people.  相似文献   

Title I of the Americans With Disabilities Act prohibits employment discrimination against disabled people. This article provides an overview of how the courts have interpreted the duty to accommodate an individual with a disability, focusing on the concepts of "reasonable accommodation" and "undue hardship."  相似文献   

This article summarizes the research on labor market discrimination against persons with disabilities and discusses the implications of that research for the probable success of the Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA ). The research shows that discrimination reduces the wages of men and women with disabilities relative to nondisabied men and women. The size of discriminatory wage differentials varies with the intensity of prejudice toward particular impairments, suggesting that prejudice is an important problem. Employment rates for persons with disabilities are also substantially lower than employment rates for nondisabied persons, but it is unclear to what extent the lower employment rates are attributable to discrimination. The most important provision of the ADA with respect to employment is its requirement for "reasonable accommodation." The success of the ADA in improving employment rates for disabled persons will be determined by how employers evaluate the costs of accommodating workers with disabilities relative to the costs of noncompliance.  相似文献   

Contemporary parenting standards in the field of child protection produce a paradox in disability policy. Focusing on the protections necessary for child safety, child protection workers are apt stereotypically to discount the abilities of parents with disabilities to raise their children. This situation runs a wide spectrum. It includes parents fully capable of parenting with no outside assistance who are nevertheless denied their children on the basis of completely baseless stereotypical assumptions. It includes parents who are mentally fully capable of parenting, but who are denied the necessary personal assistance services to perform the physical tasks of child care. This article, however, focuses on yet another situation: parents with mental, emotional, or cognitive disabilities who, without assistance to perform the cognitive tasks necessary for safely raising children, could neglect their children. It discusses this situation in light of the Americans with Disabilities Act and various state laws that protect the civil rights of persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

This essay explores the occurrence of unintended consequences of public policy, particularly those embodied in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) towards people diagnosed with mental illness. Rights to equal opportunity under the ADA are not inalienable. Two key provisions of the ADA allow employers to abridge those rights. While these provisions sound reasonable on the surface, this paper points out how they disproportionately affect people with psychiatric disabilities. The first provision is the direct threat exclusion, which exempts employers from the requirement to provide reasonable accommodation to a person with disabilities if that person poses a significant risk to the safety of others. Employers can exclude or fire qualified applicants or employees who potentially may pose a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals in the workplace. The second provision is that employers must only accommodate the known disabilities of an employee or applicant. While these provisions address legitimate concerns, they may be abused and they may distract employers and policymakers from other underlying problems.  相似文献   

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 represents a strong national commitment to protecting the full rights and opportunities of persons with disabilities. This article traces evidence of the impact of the ADA's implementation and compliance during its first decade.  相似文献   

This article offers a critical analysis of some of the practical implications for disabled people of the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992. Specifically, it raises questions about politics and the role of the law as an instrument of social changetaking greater account of the interests of disabled peopleon the one hand, and of the reliance of the social model of disability on a strategy based upon legal rights on the other. The article also suggests that the constraining effects of Australia's constitutional protections of rights and its federal system of government hinder the mildly progressive elements of the Disability Discrimination Act. To illustrate this, the paper employs empirical evidence to suggest that these effects have been exacerbated by the passage of the Human Rights Legislation Amendment Act in 1999.  相似文献   

As federal and state budget sheets show more red than black ink, the private sector is delivering more social services and even protecting rights. The experience of disability rights leaders during the past five years shows that the private sector will accept such obligations as long as the burden is evenly distributed throughout an industry. They will balk if it is not. The task of ensuring access and fairness for people with disabilities in an industry where equal allocation of social responsibility is difficult is illustrated by the continuing effort of disability rights leaders for accessibility to Information Age telecommunications products and services. The effort also highlights a recurring theme in public policy: Does equity mean that all Americans pay a little more so that those with disabilities gain full access, or does it mean that overall rates are kept low while those with special needs use adaptive devices? Each point of view was illustrated in the telecommunications policy debate of the 102nd Congress-and likely will shape that of the 103rd Congress as well.  相似文献   

The success of persons with severe physical disabilities in living independently in the community, engaging in self-directed productive activities, and staying healthy depends, in part, on getting and maintaining adequate personal assistance with basic tasks such as getting out of bed and tending to personal hygiene. Although few policymakers would disagree with the contention that many people with disabilities need assistance with daily tasks, there is considerable debate about who should provide assistance, what services should be included, who should pay, who should be entitled to publicly provided and paid services, how much assistance should be provided, and who should control its administration. The prevailing model for delivery of personal assistance services has been primarily medical, with control of services by health care professionals, rather than independent living, with control by consumers receiving services. Traditionally there has been an institutional bias of funding for disability-related service, despite its much higher expense than community-based personal assistance services and its violation of basic human rights. Proponents of various solutions to health care reform have given little consideration to the provision of support services for people with disabilities. The advantages of implementing a uniform national system for the delivery of personal assistance services based on consumer control are discussed.  相似文献   

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