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Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》2002,11(3):281-294
François Bougard, La justice dans le royaume d'Italie de la fin du VIIIe siècle au débutdu XIe siècle.
Michelle P. Brown and Carol A. Farr (eds), Mercia: An Anglo-Saxon Kingdom in Europe.
Philippe Depreux, Prosopographie de l'entourage de Louis le Pieux (781–840).
Gunnar Karlsson, Iceland's 1100 Years. The History of a Marginal Society.
Adam J. Kosto, Making Agreements in Medieval Catalonia: Power, Order, and the Written Word, 1000–1200.
Ralph W. Mathisen (ed), Law, Society and Authority in Late Antiquity.
Marco Mostert, 754: Bonifatius bij Dokkum vermoord.
Isabelle Réal, Vies des saints, vie de famille. Représentation et système de laparenté dans le Royaume mérovingien (481-751) d'après les sourceshagiographiques.
Translated and introduced by Hans van Rij, Alpertus van Metz, Gebeurtenissen van deze tijd. Een fragment over bisschop Diederik I van Metz. De mirakelen van de heilige Walburga in Tiel.
Adriaan Verhulst, The Carolingian Economy.
Ian W. Walker, Mercia and the Making of England.  相似文献   

Short notices     
Carolingian Civilization: A Reader . Edited by Paul Edward Dutton
Readings in Medieval History, Volume I . Edited by Patrick J. Geary
English Heritage Book of Anglo-Saxon England . By Martin Welch.
The Origins of Norfolk . By Tom Williamson.  相似文献   

Short Notices     
《Early Medieval Europe》1993,2(2):184-188
The Transformation of the Year One Thousand: The Village of Lournand from Antiquity to Feudalism . By Guy Bois, translated by Jean Birrell.
The Origins of Somerset . By Michael Costen.
Wessex to AD 1000 . By Barry Cunliffe.
Living in the Tenth Century: Mentalities and Social Orders . By Heinrich Fichtenau.
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History, 5. Edited by William Filmer-Sankey and Sonia Chadwick Hawkes, James Campbell and David Brown
Images of Sanctity in Eddius Stephanus'Life of Bishop Wilfrid, An Early English Saint's Life . By William Trent Foley.
Legitimation und Funktion des Herrschers: Vom Ägyptischen Pharao zum neuzeitlichen Diktator . Edited by Rolf Gundlach and Hermann Weber.
The High Crosses of Ireland : An Iconographical and Photographic Survey. By Peter Harbison.
England in the Eleventh Century: Proceedings of the 1990 Harlaxton Symposium . Edited by Carola Hicks.
The Medieval Church: A Brief History . By Joseph H. Lynch.
Maritime Celts, Frisians and Saxons: Papers presented to a Conference at Oxford in November 1988 . Edited by Sean MGrail.
Rechtsarchäologie Europas . By Witold Maisel. Translated by Ruth Poninska-Maisel.
From Roman Basilica to Medieval Market: Archaeology in Action in the City of London . Edited by Gustav Milne.
English Heritage Book of Roman York . By Patrick Ottaway.
The Church in Western Europe from the Tenth to the Early Twelfth Century. By Gerd Tellenbach, translated by Timothy Reuter.
The Vikings . By Else Roesdahl, translated by Susan M. Margeson and Kirsten Williams.
The Early Germans . By Malcolm Todd.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Fundamentals of Islam . By Haji Mirza Mehdi Pooya.
Islam and the Plight of Modern Man . By Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
Recueil des sources arabes concernant I'Afrique Occidentale du VIIIe au XVle siècle (bild al-sdn) . Translation and notea by Joseph M. Cuoq, preface by Raymond Mauny.
Les Musulmans en Afriqua . By Joseph M. Cuoq.
Recueil d'Études sur les Moriscos Andalous en Tunisia . Edited by Miguel de Epalzs and Ramón Petit.
Riza Shah Pahlavi: The Resurrection and Reconstruction of Iran 1878–1944 . By Donald N. Wilber.
Mudror to Lauanne: Britain's Frontier in West Asia, 1916–1923 . By Briton Cooper Bosch.
Sources de I'Histoire de I'Afrique au Sud du Sahara dans les Archives et Bibliothèques française . II Bibliothèques Vol. 4 of Guide to the Sources of the History of Africa .  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1992,11(1):157-177
Book reviewed in this article:
'Observations, Rules and Orders of the House of Commons': An Early Procedural Collection. Edited by W. R. McKay.
Clerks in the House of Commons 1363–1989: A Biographical List. By W. R. McKay.
English Politics in the Thirteenth Century. By Michael Prestwich.
The Governance of Late Medieval England, 1272–1461. By A. L. Brown.
Mary Tudor: A Life. By David Loades.
Elizabeth I. By Christopher Haigh.
The Writings of William Walwyn. Edited by Jack R. McMichael and Barbara Taft.
The Cavalier Parliament and the Reconstruction of the Old Regime, 1661–1667. By Paul Seaward.
Letters of George Lockhart of Carnwath, 1698–1732 . Edited by Daniel Szechi.
An Economic History of the English Poor Law, 1750. By George R. Boyer.
Government and Expertise: Specialists, Administrators and Professionals, 1860–1919. Edited by Roy MacLeod.
Katharine Atholl 1874–1960: Against the Tide . By S. J. Hetherington.
The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy. By David Cannadine.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1993,2(2):163-183
Geschichte der iberischen Halbinsel im Mittelalter, 711–1480. By Ludwig Vones.
The Age of Sutton Hoo : the Seventh Century in North-Western Europe. Edited by M. O. H. Carver.
The Image of Aristocracy in Britain , 1000–1300. By David Crouch
Vie chrétienne et culture dans I'Espagne du VIle au Xe siècles . By Manuel C. Díaz y Díaz.
Wessex and England from Alfred to Edgar: Six Essays on Political, Cultural and Ecclesiastical Revival . By David N. Dumville.
Doppelklöster und andere Formen der Symbiose männlicher und weiblicher Religiosen im Mittelalter . Berliner Historische Studien 18. Ordensstudien 8. Edited by K. Elm and M. Parisse.
Die abendländische Freiheit vom 10. zum 14. Jahrhundert. Der Wirkungszu-sammenhang von Idee und Wirklichkeit im europäischen Vergieich , Vorträge und Forschungen des Konstanzer Arbeitskreis für mittelalterliche Geschichte 39. Edited by Johannes Fried.
The West Midlands in the Early Middle Ages . By Margaret Gelling.
Venantius Fortunatus: A Latin Poet in Merovingian Gaul . By Judith W. George.
The Kingdom of Northumbria AD 350–1100 . By N. J. Higham.
Rome, Britain and the Anglo-Saxons . By Nicholas Higham.
Anglo-Saxon Women and the Church, sharing a common fate . By Stephanie Hollis
Re-Envisioning Past Musical Cultures: Ethnomusicology in the Study of Gregorian Chant . By Peter Jeffery.
Ottonian Book Illumination: an Historical Study . By Henry Mayr-Harting.
The Heliand: The Saxon Gospel . By G. Ronald Murphy.
The English Church and the Continent in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries: Cultural, Spiritual, and Artistic Exchanges . By Veronica Ortenberg.
St Dunstan. His Life, Times and Cult . Edited by N. Ramsay, M. Sparks, and T. Tatton-Brown.
The City in Late Antiquity . Edited by John Rich
Province and Empire. Brittany and the Carolingians . By Julia M. H. Smith.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Carolingian Renewal: Sources and Heritage. By D. A. Bullough.
The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe . By Valerie I. J. Flint.
Dark Age Naval Power . By John Haywood.
Goths and Romans 332–489. By P. J. Heather.
The Goths in the Fourth Century . By Peter Heather and John Matthews
The External School in Carolingian Society . By M. M. Hildebrandt.
Handbook for William: A Carolingian Woman's Counsel for her Son , by Dhuoda.
Wulfstan of Winchester: The Life of St æthelwold . Edited by Michael Lapidge and Michael Winterbottom.
The End of Ancient Christianity. By Robert Markus.
Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: The Development of Christian Discourse . By Averil Cameron. Berkeley
The Annals of St-Bertin (Ninth-century Histories, volume I). Translated and annotated by Janet L. Nelson
Ireland and Northern France AD 600–810. Edited by Jean-Michel Picard
The Making of England: Anglo-Saxon Art and Culture AD 600–900. Edited by L. Webster and J. Backhouse  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1996,5(2):215-250
The Anatomy of a Little War. A Diplomatic and Military History of the Gundovald Affair (568–586) . By Bernard S. Bachrach. Intinerant Kingship and Roual Monastesries in Early Medieval Germany c. 936–1075. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought). By John W. Bernhardt. Abü Ma‘?’ar, the Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology, Together with the Medieval Latin Translation of Adelard of Bath . Edited and translated by Ch. Burnett, K. Yamamoto and M. Yano. Interactions of Thought and Language in Old English Poetry . By Peter Clemoes. The Chronicle of Marcellinus, Translation and Commentary . By Brain Croke. Anglo-Saxon Church Councils c. 650-c. 850. By Catherine Cubitt. English Carolin Script and Monastic History: Studies in Benedictinism, A. D. 950–1030 . By David N. Dumville. Studien zum Polyptychon von Saint-German-des-Prés . By Konrad Elmhäuser and Andreas Hedwig. Das Polyptychon von Saint-German-des-Prés: Studienausgabe . By Konrad Elmhäuser and Andreas Hedwig. Viking Age Ringed Pins from Dublin . By Thomas Fanning. Settlement and Social Organization. The Merovingian Region of Metz . By Guy Halsall. Famille et pouvoir dans le monde franc (VIIIe-Xe siècle). Essai d'anthropologie sociale . By Régine Le Jan. Culture and Religion in Merovingian Gaul, AD 481–751 . By Yitzhak Hen. The English conquest: Gildas and Britain in the fifth century. N. J. Higman. Das römische Erbe und das Merowingerreich . By Reinhold Kaiser Die Entstehung des Deutschen Reiches . By Joachim Ehlers Königtum und Königsherrschaft im 10. und 11. Jahrhundert . By Egon Boshof Die Regularis Concordia und ihre altenglische Interlinearversion. Mit Einleitung und Kommentar , edited by Lucia Kornexl. Zur päpstlichen Urkundensprache im frühen Mittelalter: Die päpstlichen Privilegien 896- 1046 . By Hans-Henning Kortüm. Miracles and the Venerable Bede . By W. D. MCready. Both One and Many: Essay on Change and Variety in Late Norse Heathenism . By John MKinnell, Fiefs and Vassals. The Medieval Evidence Reinterpreted . S. Reynolds. Danish Medieval History: New Currents . Edited by Niels Skyum-Nielsen and Niels Lund. The Road to Judgment: From Custom to Court in Medieval Ireland and Wales . By Robin Chapman Stacey. Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint , Edited by Clare Stancliffe and Eric Cambridge. In the Foreground Beowulf . By Eric Gerald Stanley.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1995,4(2):213-250
Eid und Herrschaft. Untersuchungen zum Herrscherethos Karls des Groβen . Vorträge und Forschungen. Sonderband 39. By Matthias Becher. Aurelius Victor: De Caesaribus . Translated with an introduction and commentary by H. W. Bird Anglo-Saxon Oxfordshire . By John Blair. Stroud and Dover, The‘chronicle'of Hydatius and the‘Consularia Constantinopolitana ‘. Two contemporary accounts of the final years of the Roman Empire. Edited with and English translation by R. W. Burgess. Philologische Studien zur Chronik des Hydatius von Chaves (Palingenesia xlvii). By Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann. The Later Roman Empire, AD 284–430. By Averil Cameron. The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity, AD 395–600 . By Averil Cameron. L’Économie médiévale . By P. Contamine, M. Bompaire, S. Lebecq and J.-L. Sarrazin. Civitas to Kingdom, British Political Continuity 300–800. By K. R. Dark. Discovery by Design. The Identification of Secular Elite Settlements in Western Britain AD 400–700. By K. R. Dark. Saint Patric's World: The Christian Culture of Ireland's Apostolic Age . Translations and commentaries by Liam de Paor. Les fonctions des saints dans le monde occidental (IIIc-XIIIc siècle): Actes du colloque, Rome 1988, Collection de l'Ecole Française de Rome, 149. Rome: 1991. 551 pp. 525 F. ISSN 0223 5099; ISBN 2 7283 0228 2. Die Begegnung des Westens mit dem Osten. Kongreβakten des 4. Symposions des Mediävistenverbandes in Köln 1991 aus Anlaβ des 1000. Todesjahres der Kaiserin Theophanu . Edited by Odilo Engels and Peter Schreiner. A History of English Field-Names . By John Field. Manuscrits hagiographiques et travail des hagiographes . Edited by M. Heinzelmann. Animals in Early Medieval Art. By Carola Hicks. The Book of Letters of Saint Parick the Beshop. By D. R. Howlett. Die Stadtkirche St Laurentius in Winterthur: Ergebnisse der Archäologischen und Historischen Forschungen . By Carola Jäggi, H-R. Meier, Renata Windler and Martin Illi. Caesarius of Arles. The Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul . By William E. Klingshirn. Fernhandel und Geldwirtschaft: Beiträge zum deutschen Münzwesen in Sächsischer und Salischer Zeit. Ergebnisse des Dannenberg-Kolloquiums 1990. Edited by Bernd Kluge. The Picts and the Scots. By Lloyd and Jenny Laing. Cnut: The Danes in England in the Early Eleventh Century. By M. K. Lawson. Benedictine Maledictions. Liturgical Cursing in romanesque France. By Lester K. Little. Ship of the Port of London: First of Eleventh centuries AD . By Peter marsden. The Clash of Gods. A Reinterpretation of Early Christian Art. By Thomas F. Mathews. Thrymsas and sceattas in the Ashmolean Museum Oxford. By D. M. Mctcalf. Vegetius: Epitome of Military Science . Translated Texts for Historians, 16. Translated with notes and introduction by N. P. Milner. Eutropius: Breviarium . Translated Texts for Historians 14. Translated with an introduction and commentary by H. W. Bird. Cultural Interplay in the Eight Century: The Trier Gospels and the Making of the sciptorium at Echternach . By Nancy Netzer. Römer und Alamannen im Breisgau: Studien zur Besiedlungsgeschichte in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter . Edited by H. Nuber, K. Schmid, H. Steuer and T. Zotz. Corpus of Early Christian Inscribed Stones of South-west Britain . By Elisabeth Okasha. Un historien et son Église au X siècle, Flodoard de Reims . By Michel Sot. The Age of Migration Ideas. Early Medieval Art in Northern Britain and Ireland. Edited by R. M. Spearman and J. Higgitt. Rural Aspects of Early Medieval Northwest Europe . By Adrian Verhulst. Études sur le Grand Domaine Carolingien . By Jean-Pierre Devroey. Signs and Wonders: Saints, Miracles and Prayers from the 4th Century to the 14th . By Benedicta Ward. Anglo-Saxon Paganism By David Wilson. The Uley Shrines . By Ann Woodward and Peter Leach. The Irish Tradition in Old English Literature. By Charles D. Wright.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》2000,9(1):129-142
John Carey, King of Mysteries: Early Irish Religious Writings
John Hines, A New Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Great Square-Headed Brooches
Lloyd and Jennifer Laing, Early English Art and Architecture
Anna Ritchie (ed), Govan and its Early Medieval Sculpture
P.S. Barnwell, Kings, Courtiers and Imperium: the Barbarian West, 565–725.
Joseph Canning, A History of Medieval Political Thought, 300–1450
Marcia L. Colish, Medieval Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 400–1400
A.E. Leont'ev, Arkheologiia meri. K predystorii Severo-Vostochnoi Rusi (The Archaeology of the Merya)
Peter S. Baker and Nicholas Howe (eds), Words and Works: Studies in Medieval English Language and Literature in Honour of Fred C. Robinson
R. Künzel, The Forgotten Side of the Low Countries' Social History, 7th–13th centuries. Beelden en zelfbeelden van middeleeuwse mensen. Historisch-antropologische studies over groepsculturen in de Nederlanden, 7de–13de eeuw
Emma Cownie, Religious Patronage in Anglo-Norman England 1066–1135.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1999,18(1):81-105
Book reviewed in this article:
Lay Taxes in England and Wales 1188–1688. By M. Jurkowski, C. L. Smith and D. Crook.
Images of Rule. Art and Politics in the English Renaissance, 1485–1649. By David Howarth.
Inventing a Republic. The Political Culture of the English Commonwealth, 1649–1653. By Sean Kelsey.
Tudor Government. Structures of Authority in the Sixteenth Century. By David Loades.
The History of the Reign of King Henry VII and Selected Works. By Francis Bacon. Edited by Brian Vickers.
The English Levellers. Edited by Andrew Sharp.
Peerage Creations 1649–1800. A Chronological List of Creations in the Peerages of England and Great Britain. Compiled by J. C. Sainty.
Officials of the Royal Household, 1660–1837. Part 2: Departments of the Lord Steward and the Master of the Horse. Compiled by J. C. Sainty and R. O. Bucholz.
The Early Parties and Politics in Britain, 1688–1832. By Brian Hill.
Divided Loyalties, The Question of the Oath for Irish Catholics in the Eighteenth Century. By Patrick Fagan.
Maps of the Mediterranean Regions. Published in British Parliamentary Papers 1801–1921. By Susan Gole.
Print Politics. The Press and Radical Opposition in Early Nineteenth-Century England. By Kevin Gilmartin.
Gladstone. Edited by Peter J. Jagger.
The Mid-Victorian Generation 1846–1886. By K. Theodore Hoppen.
Benjamin Disraeli Letters. Volume Six, 1852–1856. Edited by M. G. Wiebe, Mary S. Millar and Ann P. Robson.
Irish Home Rule 1867–1921. By Alan O'Day.
Facing Fascism. The Conservative Party and the European Dictators, 1935–1940. By N. J. Crowson.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2002,21(2):269-299
Book reviewed in this article:
The Houses of Parliament. History, Art, Architecture. Edited by Christine Riding and Jacqueline Riding.
Kingdoms in Crisis. Ireland in the 1640s. Essays in Honour of Dónal Cregan. Edited by Micheál Ó Siochrú.
Archbishop William King of Dublin (1650–1729) and the Constitution in Church and State. By Philip O'Regan.
Beaufort. The Duke and his Duchess, 1657–1715. By Molly McClain.
England in the 1670s. 'This Masquerading Age'. By John Spurr.
Political Ideas in Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Edited by Sean J. Connolly.
Studies in Irish Legal History. By W. N. Osborough.
Revolution, Religion, and National Identity. Imperial Anglicanism in British North America, 1745–1795. By Peter M. Doll.
The History of Suffrage, 1760–1867. Edited by Anna Clark and Sarah Richardson.
British Electoral Facts, 1832-–1999. Compiled and edited by Colin Railings and Michael Thrasher.
Voting in Britain. A History of the Parliamentary Franchise. By John Hostettler and Brian P. Block.
Liberalism in West Cornwall. The 1868 Election Papers of A. Pendarves Vivian, M.P. Edited with an introduction by Edwin Jaggard.
The Labour Party and Taxation. Party Identity and Political Purpose in Twentieth-Century Britain. By Richard Whiting.
Stanley Baldwin. Conservative Leadership and National Values. By Philip Williamson.
Parliament and Politics in the Age of Churchill and Attlee. The Headlam Diaries, 1935–1951. Edited by Stuart Ball.
British Elections and Parties Review. Volume 10. Edited by Philip Cowley, David Denver, Andrew Russell and Lisa Harrison.
Scotland Decides. The Devolution Issue and the Scottish Referendum. By David Denver, James Mitchell, Charles Pattie and Hugh Bochel.
Scottish Government and Politics. An Introduction. By Peter Lynch.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1993,12(1):93-113
Book reviewed in this article:
The Royal Mace in the House of Commons. By Peter Thorne.
The Mental World of the Jacobean Court. Edited by Linda Levy Peck.
Prelate as Pastor. By Kenneth Fincham.
An Uncounselled King. Charles I and the Scottish Troubles, 1637–1641. By Peter Donald.
English Conservatism Since the Restoration: An Introduction and Anthology. By Robert Eccleshall.
Algernon Sidney and the Restoration Crisis, 1677–1683. By Jonathan Scott.
Gentlemen and Barristers: The Inns of Court and the English Bar, 1680–1730. By David Lemmings.
Robert Walpole and the Nature of Politics in Early Eighteenth Century England. By Jeremy Black.
'Organise !Organise! Organise!': A Study of Reform Agitations in Wales, 1840–1886. By Ryland Wallace.
Public Moralists: Political Thought and Intellectual Life in Britain, 1850–1930. By Stefan Collini.
A Different World for Women. The Life of Millicent Garret Fawcett. By David Rubinstein.
Lloyd George. By Stephen Constantine.
Herbert Samuel: A Political Life. By Bernard Wasserstein.
Private Members' Bills. By David Marsh and Melvyn Read.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2003,22(3):315-337
Book reviewed in this article:
The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament. Politics and the Three Estates 1424–1488 . By Roland Tanner
Early Tudor Gwent 1485–1547 . By W. R. B. Robinson
Politics, Religion and Popularity in Early Stuart Britain. Essays in Honour of Conrad Russell . Edited by Thomas Cogswell, Richard Cust and Peter Lake
The Stuart Kingdoms in the Seventeenth Century. Awkward Neighbours . Edited by Allan I. Macinnes and Jane Ohlmeyer
The Crown's Servants . By Gerald Aylmer
Revolution by Degrees. James Tyrrell and Whig Political Thought in the Late Seventeenth Century . By Julia Rudolph
Walpole in Power . By Jeremy Black
W. B. Ferrand. The Working Man's Friend, 1809–1889 . By John Ward (edited and with an introduction by Norman Gash)
George Herbert Penis 1866–1920. The Life and Times of a Radical . By Robert Gomme
SNP. The History of the Scottish National Party . By Peter Lynch
From Votes to Seats. The Operation of the U.K. Electoral System since 1945 . By Ron Johnston, Charles Pattie, Danny Darling and David Rossiter
The Labour Party. Continuity and Change in the Making of 'New' Labour . By Steven Fielding
Labour's Second Landslide. The British General Election of 2001 . Edited by Andrew P. Geddes and Jonathan Tonge  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1987,6(2):330-364
Book reviewed in this article:
Tudor Ireland: Crown, Community and the Conflict of Cultures 1470–1603. By Steven G. Ellis.
The Reign of Elizabeth I . Edited by Christopher Haigh.
The Road to Revolution: Scotland under Charles I, 1625–37. By Maurice Lee, jr.
Dangerous Positions: Mixed Government, the Estates of the Realm, and the Making of the 'Answer to the XIX Propositions'. By Michael Mendle.
The Jewish Community in British Politics. By Geoffrey Alderman.
The Cross of Saint Patrick: The Catholic Unionist Tradition in Ireland. By John Biggs-Davison and George Chowdharay-Best.
English Society 1688–1832: Ideology, Social Structure and Political Practice during the Ancien Regime. (Cambridge Studies in the History and Theory of Politics). By J. C. D. Clark.
Goodwin Wharton. By J. Kent Clark.
The Scottish Enlightenment and the Militia Issue. By John Robertson.
Lord Grenville 1759–1834. By Peter Jupp.
Henry Brougham: His Public Career 1778–1868. By Robert Stewart.
The Ballot Question in Nineteenth-Century English Politics. By Bruce L. Kinzer.
'Orator Hunt: Henry Hunt and English Working-Class Radicalism. By John Belchem.
Catholic Emancipation: Daniel O'Connell and the Birth of Irish Democracy 1820–30. By Fergus O'Ferrall.
Gladstone, Politics and Religion: A Collection of Founder's Day Lectures Delivered at St. Deiniol's Library, Hawarden, 1967–83. Edited by Peter J. Jagger.
The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the Era of Disraeli and Gladstone. By Marvin Swartz.
Austen Chamberlain: Gentleman in Politics. By David Dutton.
The First Labour Party 1906–14. Edited by K. D. Brown.
Victor Grayson: Labour's Lost Leader. By David Clark.
Lloyd George: From Peace to War 1912–1916. By John Grigg.
The Changing Constitution: Edited by Jeffrey Jowell and Dawn Oliver.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2004,23(2):265-300
Book reviewed in this article:
The Origins of the English Gentry. By Peter Coss.
Henry IV. The Establishment of the Regime, 1399–1406. Edited by Gwilym Dodd and Douglas Biggs.
Restoration Scotland, 1660–1690. Royalist Politics, Religion and Ideas. By Clare Jackson.
The Restoration. England in the 1660s. By N. H. Keeble.
John Locke. Selected Correspondence. Edited by Mark Goldie
The Duke of Portland. Politics and Party in the Age of George III. By David Wilkinson.
Rethinking the Age of Reform. Britain 1780–1850. Edited by Arthur Burns and Joanna Innes.
Political Tactics. By Jeremy Bentham. Edited by Michael James, Cyprian Blamires and Catherine Pease-Watkin.
The Irish Act of Union, 1800. Bicentennial Essays. Edited by Michael Brown, Patrick M. Geoghegan and James Kelly.
Electoral Reform at Work. Local Politics and National Parties, 1832–1841. By Philip Salmon.
English Public Opinion and the American Civil War. By Duncan Andrew Campbell.
The Diaries of Edward Henry Stanley 15th Earl of Derby (1826–93) between 1878 and 1893. A Selection. Edited by John Vincent.
MacDonald's Party. Labour Identities and Crisis, 1922 1931. By David Howell.
Television Policies of the Labour Party 1951–2001. By Des Freedman.
The Conservatives in Crisis. Edited by Mark Garnett and Philip Lynch.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1996,15(2):253-284

The People's Peace: British History, 1945–1989. By Kenneth O. Morgan.
Power, Competition and the State : Vol. 2, Threats to the Postwar Settlement: Britain, 1961–74. By Keith Middlemas.
Power, Competition and the State: Vol. 3, The End of the Postwar Era. By Keith Middlemas.
Selecting the Party Leader: Britain in Comparative Perspective. By R. M. Punnett.
British Politics Since 1945: The Rise and Fall of Consensus. By David Dutton.
UK Political Parties Since 1945. Edited by Anthony Seldon.
British History, 1945–1987: An Annotated Bibliography. By Peter Catterall.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》2003,12(2):179-200
Boods reviewed:
Gerd Althoff, Inszenierte Herrschaft. Geschichtsschreibung und politisches Handeln im Mittelalter.
R. Bartlett (ed.), Geoffrey of Burton, Life and Miracles of St Modwenna .
Brian Croke, Count Marcellinus and his Chronicle.
Dawn M. Hadley and Julian D. Richards (eds), Cultures in Contact: Scandinavian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries.
Dominique Iogna-Prat. Translated by Graham Robert Edwards, Order and Exclusion: Cluny and Christendom Face Heresy, Judaism, and Islam (1000–1150).
Ludger Körntgen, Königsherrschaft und Gottes Gnade: Zu Kontext und Funktion sakraler Vorstellungen in Historiographie und Bildzeugnissen der ottonisch-frühsalischen Zeit.
Adam J. Kosto, Making Agreements in Medieval Catalonia: Power, Order, and the Written Word, 1000–1200.
Hugh Magennis (ed.), The Old English Life of Saint Mary of Egypt: An Edition of the Old English text with Modern English Parallel-Text Translation.
Lionel Mary and Michel Sot (eds), Le discours d'éloge entre Antiquité et Moyen Age. 'Textes Images et Monuments de I'Antiquité au Haut Moyen Age'. Université Paris X Nanterre CNRS.
Stephen C. McCluskey, Astronomies and Cultures in Early Medieval Europe.
Clare A. Lees and Gillian R. Overing, Double Agents: Women and Clerical Culture in Anglo-Saxon England.
Walter Pohl. Stuttgart, Die Völkerwanderung: Eroberung und Integration.
Adriaan Verhulst, The Carolingian Economy.
Duncan Wu (ed.), Old and Middle English Poetry.  相似文献   

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