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李军 《收藏家》2002,(4):36-38
青铜器是中国古代最重要的文物门类之一,是中国古代文化的重要组成部分。这些青铜器都经过数千载的流传或经考古发掘出土,具有非凡的历史、艺术和科学价值。大量精美的青铜器多收藏于国家博物馆内,近年来由于文物收藏之风的兴起,有更多的私人收藏家藏有了青铜器。我们应当珍视这些文化遗存,并将古代青铜器能够更长久地保存和展示在世人面前,作为我们炎黄子孙义不容辞的责任。因而做好青铜器的收藏和保护是一项重要而长远的工作。  相似文献   

“如果你总拿材质、成本来计算文化价值,那只能说明你没文化。” ——知名收藏家马未都先生存谈到收藏的乐趣时说:“今天很多人开始涉足文化投资,但有多少人是出于真心喜欢就要打个问号。收藏真正的快乐足文化带来的享受,而中国人对材料有传统的喜好,这就抑制了艺术的创造力。”  相似文献   

地方志(简称方志)是我国具有独特体例的民族优秀传统文化的一种表现形式,是地方阶段性历史的载体。收藏方志则是保护国家这种文化瑰宝的文明行为与高雅风尚。当今盛世修志带动了方志收藏,使之从数量到质量全面提升,队伍由修志人员扩大到方志爱好者,功用也定位为“保证方志发挥存史、资治、教化作用的需要。”  相似文献   

南京雨花石在全国一向有极大的声誉,历史上屡次掀起收藏、鉴赏的热潮,形成了奇特的雨花石文化现象,本文结合有关文献及图片资料,对雨花石收藏试作综述。一、早期的“雨花石”收藏“雨花石”收藏已有六千年的历史了。在原始时代,“雨花石”作为“美石”之一  相似文献   

收藏方志是保护传统文化的文明行为与高雅风尚。随着全国志书数量和质量的逐步提升, 收藏方志的队伍也逐步扩大。笔者有多年收藏方志的爱好, 获得方志的途径有5: 一是常到书店寻觅搜寻; 二是去旧书店淘志; 三是俯身路边书摊拾志; 四是跟随修志进展, 不失时机收藏新版旧志; 五是收藏具有现实意义、有影响的方志。笔者收集的方志中不乏珍本。  相似文献   

中国收藏文化(开封)论坛是适应海内外广大收藏爱好者的迫切需要,由中国收藏家协会和河南省开封市政府联合发起创建的集收藏理论研究、收藏鉴定、收藏展示、收藏文化交流、收藏经济开发、收藏品拍卖、收藏品物流为一体的高层次文化实体。论坛每两年举办一次国际性的理论研究讨论会,在先进理论的指引下,广泛开展各种丰富多彩的专项活动,致力于通过收藏组织与收藏家、收藏爱好者之间的交流、整合,促进中国收藏事业沿着正确方向发展。  相似文献   

郭小凌 《收藏家》2010,(1):I0001-I0001
《收藏家》杂志随着中国文物艺术品市场的解冻而生,自1993年创刊已历17年,可谓改革开放的产物。近20年来,文物艺术品市场虽起伏不定,但喜爱收藏的人群却非但没有萎缩,反倒不断壮大,毕竟收藏不是纯粹的市场行为,而是蕴含着丰富文化内涵与审美价值取向的举动。《收藏家》杂志也在这种时起时落的群众性收藏热情中,筚路蓝缕,守道有恒,成为我国收藏事业大画卷中的一道风景线。  相似文献   

在新世纪到来的前夕,南京博物院院长、江苏省民间收藏研究会会长徐湖平研究员任主编,南京市文化局副局长、江苏省民间收藏研究会副会长施正东任副主编,南京博物院鉴定征集部副主任、江苏省民间收藏研究会常务副会长兼秘书长章义平副研究员任编著的大型综合性收藏资料汇编——《民间收藏大观》,由江苏古籍出版社出版发行。 收藏是集人类历史文化遗物及自然标本的文化行为,具有悠久的历史。应当说自从有了人类社会,就有  相似文献   

我国有近千座基层博物馆,占文物系统博物馆数63.9%,收藏的文物藏品占全国总量的40%。,是国民教育、公共文化服务体系的重要组成部分。在思想观念、专业人才、基础设施条件等多种因素制约下,公共文化服务能力受到影响。当下应转变思维,树立"以人为本"的理念,打造精品展览、开拓新的博物馆展示空间,提升公共文化服务能力。  相似文献   

《铜元投资与收藏》,段洪刚编著。该书以讲座的方式,系统全面地总结了历史以来,铜元品种版式之外,收藏与研究的基本规律和基本常识。是铜元界数十年收藏研究实践的一个经验总结。综合起来看,本书主要目的是帮助读者解决下列问题:1.铜元的产生及其历史过程是怎样的?最后是怎么退出货币舞台的?2.铜元收藏与研究是什么时候开始的?前人做了哪些工作?  相似文献   

Knowledge about historical photographic collections of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is limited both in source communities and amongst scholars. This article aims to shed light on significant collections of PNG photographs, describing some of the collections, and pointing to their importance at both ends of the ‘exchange’. I discuss some limitations in present uses of these visual records and point to the need for repatriation initiatives. The poor knowledge of extant photographic collections among today’s Papua New Guineans is described, and I raise some thoughts about what this signals to archives and researchers. As examples, special mention is given to the collections of photographers Albert English, William Saville, Rudolf Pöch and Captain F.R. Barton. Finally, I comment on current challenges and future opportunities for the keepers of these historical collections. A list of the collections mentioned in the article can be found at the end.  相似文献   

This research investigates US cultural institutions housing collections of industrial and product design (IPD) and explores how IPD are collected, curated, and exhibited to uncover the barriers and opportunities that exist in connecting these collections to economic development. Based on key person interviews with nine institutions, this inquiry finds the collections generally are not externally integrated as a local or regional economic development asset. The full depths of these collections are somewhat concealed within the institutions because of their curation across departments or through a broader Decorative Arts lens. Using a framework of arts and culture research and development, this article argues that IPD collections represent an opportunity for greater engagement of cultural institutions in culturally oriented economic development strategies that pair their expertise and assets with those of the private sector.  相似文献   

清宫的书画收藏是中国封建社会后期文化史的重要组成部分,为考察艺术与社会的关系提供了一个特殊的窗口。大量珍贵的前代书画作品从民间进入清代宫廷,并在乾隆朝形成鼎盛局面。成为宋徽宗以来又一个皇家艺术收藏的高峰。这不仅是封建集权制度的产物,同时也是满汉文化融合的结果。自清王朝覆亡至满洲国出笼,逊帝溥仪及其小朝廷在北京、天津及长春的一系列复辟和称帝活动中从未放弃对清宫旧藏的关注与重视,将之作为象征皇家名分的主要标志之一。本文以1746年到1940年代元代钱选《羲之观鹅图》(现藏美国纽约大都会美术馆)的收藏过程为脉络,通过考察画卷上诸多收藏印鉴和题跋来认识清宫绘画收藏的兴衰转折及其历史意义。在近200年的皇家收藏史中,特别是在清皇室20世纪所经历的变故中,这一画卷成为不可多得的历史见证。其奇特的收藏始末,深刻地向世人揭示了中国和世界政治、经济及文化史中的一段精彩画面。  相似文献   


Existing archaeological collections hold great potential for archaeologists who seek to answer specific research questions with minimal investment of time and money. Unfortunately, biases introduced in the field and during curation require us to evaluate and reorganize collections before and during analysis. Biases are reflected in collections as a result of research design, recovery methods, interpersonal variability, and the storage of both objects and documentation. By comparing collections from two different excavations at the Middle Paleolithic site of Pech de l'Azé IV, France, a number of biases in the older collection were identified and corrected. While all older collections are not affected by the same problems, our experience serves as a useful example to others who work with them.  相似文献   

Mixed collections are ubiquitous in archaeology. Multiple linear regression provides one means for partitioning mixed archaeological collections into their constituent components. The technique estimates the best combination of specified sets of sources in the composition of a mixed whole. As applied to ceramic collections, this technique has proven successful in solving complex dating problems. Used in conjunction with sherd collections obtained through probabilistic sampling, the technique can be extended to demographic reconstruction. Under certain conditions, the techniques described in this paper provide important ancillary data for detecting seasonality, duration, and nature of occupations.  相似文献   

侯春燕 《中原文物》2012,(1):103-107
借鉴史料与史学的关系理论来思考藏品与陈列问题,或可有利于博物馆界问题意识的强化和理论品位的提升,从而将相关问题的研究引向系统和深入。陈列本质上是一种意义重构的过程,理想的陈列应该是使藏品的自我解释与陈列的外在解释相得益彰。陈列设计者应该在整体历史观念的统摄下,将那些承载着片段历史和文化信息的藏品进行正确解读和定位,并引发观众对基本完整的历史事件的理解。为了从不同侧面令人信服地展示历史风貌,扩大博物馆藏品的征集和遴选范围是十分必要的。  相似文献   

A. K. Trusler 《Archaeometry》2014,56(6):1075-1084
Recovery methods can affect species richness in faunal assemblages, which can in turn impact interpretations of diet. A comparison of sample size to species richness across faunal collections from screened and from unscreened deposits associated with Roman occupations clearly shows these influences. Not surprisingly, the rate of species input was higher for collections recovered using screening methods than for collections not recovered from screens. Syntheses of published data and comparative analyses of faunal assemblages must be cognizant of whether or not included assemblages were recovered using screens.  相似文献   

Although our practice has come to be defined by a focus on excavation as the trademark of archaeological research, research on archaeological collections lies at the scientific heart of the discipline. We demonstrate through two very different case studies how a return to primary sources (in this case, boxes of artifacts) can upend our understanding of the objects themselves and create new narratives of social and technological change. At the same time, access to museum collections is becoming increasingly difficult as institutions struggle with the growing pressure to enhance public outreach and modernize data management, while simultaneously contending with persistent budget cuts. As archaeologists who work closely with museum curators and museum collections, we offer suggestions for how researchers can work with museums to ensure that future generations of researchers and the general public can learn from the ancient materials preserved within their collections.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on archaeological curation repositories and their role as more than mere storage facilities. Archaeological collections are increasingly marshaled to confront anxieties about a seemingly ‘vanishing past’ and to arrest its disappearance. In Maryland, the state has invested heavily in a ‘state-of-the-art’ facility to protect and study archaeological collections in its custody. The facility has become the proxy for the collections and a form of cultural property itself, becoming part of the ongoing process that serves to recast this portion of the state as a place rooted in the past.  相似文献   

In France, the history of the series form for young readers begins in collections such as the well-known Bibliothèque rose published by Hachette. More recently, other serial forms using the recurring characters of the traditional series have developed. These new forms have complex structures that go beyond linearity. Authors Brigitte Smadja and Daniel Pennac in particular have created series that straddle the various collections of their respective publishing houses and whose characters also appear in their texts published for an adult readership. Through an analysis of these series and French children's collections, this article proposes a new term as a means to understand them. Both collections and series require a rhizomatic reading from the reader. Favouring the link, such a reading puts connections between texts to the fore, along with their re-establishment after rupture.

En France, l'histoire de la forme sérielle pour enfants commence dans les collections de jeunesse dont la plus connue est sans doute la Bibliothèque rose des éditions Hachette. Plus récemment, d'autres formes sérielles ont pu se développer librement et se servent des personnages récurrents de la série traditionnelle mais s'appuient sur des structures complexes qui devancent toute linéarité. En particulier, les auteurs Brigitte Smadja et Daniel Pennac ont créé des séries qui chevauchent plusieurs collections de la maison d'édition, et dont les personnages se retrouvent également dans leurs textes destinés à un lectorat adulte. En analysant les collections françaises et des séries contemporaines écrites par des auteurs français, nous proposons une nouvelle expression pour ces deux formes. Les collections et les séries exigent une lecture rhizomatique du lecteur. Une telle lecture qui favorise le lien met en évidence les connexions entre textes et leur rétablissement à la suite d'une rupture.  相似文献   

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