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<正>想去欧洲旅游,去看看地中海的风光,体验一下西方的异国风情,这一直是我的一个愿望。怀着对欧罗巴的美好遐想,在2013年的清明节期间,我和夫人踏上了前往欧洲的浪漫旅途,了却了多年的夙愿。这次欧洲游,前后13天,我们走了8个风情各异的国家,看到了比利时的中古风貌,法国的名胜古迹,瑞士的秀丽风景,奥地利的浪漫怀古;感受到了意大利的古罗马风尚,梵蒂冈的政教合一文化,捷克起伏的丘陵和德国的独特景致。整个行程安排得十分紧凑,一路上精彩纷呈。难忘的13天,我们不仅欣赏了欧洲的绮丽风光,也了解了西方的宗教、历史、艺术和文化,  相似文献   

<正>上期中作者分享了在比利时、法国、瑞士和奥地利的旅行见闻。现在,作者将带您到佛罗伦萨、意大利、捷克和德国,与您一同感受那里的独特风光。艺术之都佛罗伦萨有人说:假如文艺复兴时期的艺术,是欧洲艺术最高的表现,那么意大利的佛罗伦萨,便是最高艺术表现的精华了。当我进入佛罗伦萨市尼奥列广场以后,便知此话很有道理。佛罗伦萨西尼  相似文献   

彧非 《神州民俗》2007,(1):24-25
1800海里云和月,30个日夜风和浪,过赤道,越西太平洋,哥德堡号一路驭风而行,载着希望和友谊从雅加达来到广州。  相似文献   

一位熟知日本情况的朋友得知我将赴日本九州地区考查农业,行前特地告诉我.到了九州.一定要到佐世保的豪斯登堡去看一看。看来真幸运,当我们在长崎考查结束后,接待单位决定安排我们到豪斯登堡游览一天。  相似文献   

朱倩 《收藏家》2016,(8):45-50
一、缘起东风西渐15世纪开始的航海大发现,使东西方商品贸易直接往来逐渐频密,而随之亦带来文化上的交流和碰撞,以致融合。在瓷器、丝织品、漆器、家具、象牙雕刻件等深受西方市场欢迎的产品中,中西方文化因素融合的产物屡见不鲜,但限于当时的交通条件,  相似文献   

关于土族先祖的勇武逝去如风,戎装①在妇女身上犹存。摒弃刀箭或被刀箭摒弃,(即便是传说或梦呓,那梦境也不乏动人。)注定了一次离乡背井。他们长途跋涉到这方沃土,一落脚就深深地扎根。(幸有北大坂遮风挡寒,清泉水润喉洗尘。)热恋土亲近土从土立命:土庄廓圈定安居乐耕心;土热炕孕育恬静温馨梦;土锅头烧熬②的酩馏儿,飘香十里八村;土烟囱添一笔袅袅炊烟,田园景致因之而灵秀生动。莫非因感恩斯土哺育,才有这朴实无华的命名?明明是客居的第二故乡,却爱之切切,厮守生生!痴情爱意播进土里,连同汗水和憧憬,那生命就蓬勃了——田里的庄稼顺人意泛绿…  相似文献   

正珐琅嵌螺钿瑞兽化妆盒尺寸长5.21、宽5.21、高1.48厘米,正方形盒身,四角圆润呈现花瓣状。盖中央镶嵌方形螺钿的瑞兽、树木等图样,四边用钻石镶嵌固定。盒内附镜,带盖粉隔上饰折枝梅花。按钮亦镶钻石。署名:Black StarrFrost(布莱克、斯戴尔和弗罗斯特),1920年(图27)。珐琅嵌螺钿花鸟化妆盒尺寸长9.23、宽6.87、高1.52厘米,银镀金质地,盒  相似文献   

咱们能不能把晚上活动减少点,一个礼拜只搞上一两次,其他八九天叫大家吃晚饭以后打打扑克,写写家信,或者想聊天的人在一起聊聊天,想睡觉的人早点睡觉。自由活动多,松弛一下神经,第二天下地劳动不不就精力充沛了?我们没有顾惜过自已的身体,没有偷过懒。连队有点松懈,说明什么?说明大家拼着命地干了七八个月,累了,乏了,需要减轻一下工作量,可是连队领导和党支部却想着法子要人家克服松懈,把我们身上还仃的一点点力量要挤出来  相似文献   

张蓓 《神州》2011,(12):58-63
今天是个阴天,天上的暗色云彩如同我灰暗的心情。我站在医院病房窗前,看着窗外蹁跹而过的鸽子,手中的咖啡已凉了,我却没心情去加热。冰凉的咖啡色液体顺着我的肠胃缓缓流下,有些微  相似文献   

应美国朋友H夫妇的邀请,我到他们那儿小住几天。H家位于西雅图附近S城郊外一个湖畔,那是H君从外祖母那里继承下来的遗产。这湖很大,岸边长满了巨大的红杉树,各色房舍点缀其间,非常美丽雅致。眺望黛色的远山,湛蓝的湖面,翠绿的树林和青嫩的草地,端的令人心旷神怡。湖水清澈,游鱼可数,水鸟成群;数量最多的是加拿大斑头雁。  相似文献   

Exotic Nuclei     

Atomic nuclei are composed of two kinds of nucleons, the positively charged protons and the uncharged neutrons. Two forces are acting in nuclei; the attractive nuclear force between the neutrons and the repulsive electrostatic force between the protons. The number of protons in a nucleus is called its atomic number (symbol Z). The number also determines the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus and, hence, the chemical behavior of an atom; chemical elements differ in thei atomic number. The neutron number is indicated by N, and the mass number – that is, the total number of Z+n nuclear particles in a nucleus – by A. In light stable nuclei, protons and nuetrons are mixed in a ratio close to one-to-one as can be seen in the chart of nuclides (Figure 1). For example, the most abundant stable atomic nucleus of the element oxygen contains eight protons and eight neutrons (Z=N=8, A=16).  相似文献   

汤菁 《风景名胜》2011,(3):12-15
“我住在这个城市,却向往着另一个国度的生活。我入住一间又一间酒店,以此找寻不同文化喧来的激情感受。”当不能身处异国感受异域风情时候,酒店成了最好的选择,入住一家酒店,体验一回不一样的文化风情。  相似文献   

This paper examines the c. 250 'exotic' Celtic coins found in Britain, defined as coins originating beyond Armorican and Belgic Gaul. The coins are considered in relation to their typology, their contexts of discovery and their distribution. Several key themes emerge: the occasional import of early continental staters, perhaps in the third century BC; the arrival of fine copies of Massiliot bronze issues during the second century BC, leading to the development of British potin coinage; and, from the first half of the first century BC, the importation of an increased number of exotic coins, mostly from central Gaul, primarily to Chichester, north-east Kent and the territories north of the Thames.  相似文献   

An extensive range of plant remains was recovered from seven Roman sites in London where waterlogged conditions had resulted in good preservation. In the majority of cases the “artificial” nature of urban deposits precludes any objective ecological interpretation, since the allochthonous origin of the plant remains cannot be satisfactorily established. However, the presence of exotic plants in dated deposits is of both botanical and archaeological significance and is here artificially treated as an autonomous group. This varied group of plants (excluding carbonized cereals) is arranged according to their use and put in archaeological and botanical perspective. Species such as cucumber (Cucumis sativa), gold of pleasure (Camelina sativa), peach (Prunus persica), olive (Olea europaea) and millet (Panicum miliaceum) have not been recorded from Romano-British sites before. For many of these plants their status, either as introductions or imports, is uncertain. Whichever is the case, it is clear that a wide variety of economic plants was available in Roman London.  相似文献   

章节体、条目体是地方志书的两种主要体例。第二轮修志要注意融合章节体、条目体的长处,安排体例,设置篇目。目前,有些志书采用所谓的章节条目结合体,实际上并没有解决好他们的结合问题。正确的做法是,选择其中一种体例,以其为主导,吸收他体之长。在两者的取长补短过程中,应保持各自的特点和优势,不要失去本色。  相似文献   

文章认为概述体裁的形成经历了六个阶段;首轮志书概述体武名称五花八门,应当庄重统一;概述的文风不同于记、志、传,可以使用述而有作的“快笔”和述而有论的“论笔”,注重文采,注重叙事,适当运用赋比兴等修辞手法;同时概述写法上要继承叙故事的史家法度。  相似文献   

B. C. Spooner 《Folklore》2013,124(2):135-139
I propose to define nicknames as a unique folklore genre and to compare it with other mini-genres of folklore. The nickname genre combines known folklore techniques, and conveys its messages by varied poetic means, using play and creation. Nicknames constitute a perfected and ciphered system of signs of the society in which they are created. This practice acts as a two-fold mechanism, which encourages the integration of individuals into the life of the group to which they belong, while encouraging the group as a whole to maintain its norms under changing conditions. I suggest that a group which creates such a system of nicknames for itself, highlights the unity of its members and the will to maintain its traditions, uniqueness and identity. My case study is the former Jewish community of Tetuan, the capital of northern Morocco, from the beginning of the twentieth century until the present time.  相似文献   

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