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Narratives on the birth of the Ottoman city of Bursa, the first capital of the Ottomans, known to the Byzantines as Prousa, highlight its early Ottoman identity. Although Bursa represents one of the richest legacies of early Ottoman architecture, the city's urban fabric has suffered from several fires and earthquakes that resulted in heavy restorations and remodellings. The first aim of this paper is to discuss the textual and visual evidence for the built environment in the early fourteenth century and, second, to offer commentary on the Ottoman attitude toward Byzantine architecture in an effort to unearth the Byzantine substrata of Ottoman Bursa. In the service of the latter goal, this article debunks the Ottoman-centric views. With the aid of drawings of Bursa's upper city that predate the 1855 earthquake we may begin to visualize a city far less uniform in character, in which the Byzantine legacy both endured and informed the construction and urban design practices of the ascendant Ottomans.  相似文献   

Informal housing,spatial structure,and city compactness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper develops a monocentric city model with a formal and an informal sector in the housing industry. While formal developers build houses renting land from landowners, informal developers use land for free. However, informal developers must incur defensive expenditures to avoid government intervention. In equilibrium, at any distance of the central business district (CBD), informal developers use land until the value of the marginal productivity of land equals the defensive expenditures per unit of land. The model shows the land allocated to produce short informal (tall formal) buildings increases (decreases) with distance to the CBD. Thus, the model introduces a new source of spatial variation of building height. The model also shows that a higher level of informal housing increases the spatial size of a city and reduces the height of its buildings.  相似文献   

杜辉 《旅游纵览》2008,(12):22-23
称隆里为"一叶浮萍"的古城恰如其分,坐落在山间盆地之中,群山围绕,龙溪河水如玉带揽身蜿蜒北去。在这块聚集了苗、侗等少数民族的土地上,隆里小城书写着自己的故事。  相似文献   

<正>秦皇岛有多重美称,国家首批优秀旅游城市,国际旅游名城,中国生态旅游百强城市,中国休闲生态旅游魅力之都,中国十佳宜游城市,中国最佳休闲旅游城市……这里的风景、古迹名闻遐迩,而如今,"中国观鸟之都"的称号让秦皇岛更富魅力。海鸥悠然戏水,白鹭蹁跹起舞,大雁翱翔天际,万鸟齐飞共鸣,吸引着世界各地的游客前来观赏。400种鸟的造访候鸟迁徙大都沿着固定的线路,其中海岸线是候鸟迁徙的重要通道。秦皇岛市位于河北省东北部,  相似文献   

This article explores water’s capacities as a vibrant matter with specific properties that generates passions, attachments and a sense of belonging, and which enrols bodies in new connections, socialities, alliances and politics in unpredictable ways. Based on research into practices and engagements with water in a large urban public space the paper builds on studies of blue space. It concludes that water has the capacity to enhance a sense of well-being in those that swim in it and to mobilise a very particular sense of embodiment which gives this form of public space its distinctiveness constituting new forms of sociality and connections amongst diverse individuals. It seeks to do this by paying attention to the experiences of things themselves and the active participation of nonhuman forces in events and the ‘vital materiality’ that runs through and across bodies both human and non-human. The article also explores water’s capacity to be constituted and defined by experts as dangerous and risky matter, and to thus engender political associations and connections amongst diverse groups who seek to oppose such expert interventions.  相似文献   

Putting Bath on the Map is an exhibition of maps of the City of Bath displayed in the Building of Bath Collection. The maps are considered in the context of the permanent collection of the museum which examines how buildings were constructed in the eighteenth-century city. The exhibition reviews how buildings moved from conception, as shown on maps and in architectural texts, through legal, financial, and material processes to take their place in the landscape. This essay considers the display of particular maps, such as Joseph Gilmore's (1694), and John Wood's (1735), and the recent city initiative to improve its signage maps to help visitors and citizens build mental maps of the historic city.  相似文献   

梁娜 《旅游纵览》2010,(8):54-59
哈利法克斯是一个远在加拿大东部的大西洋海滨城市,它对许多中国人来说都是一个陌生的名字。但是,在整个北美新大陆的开发史上,它可是举足轻重的。哈利法克斯是加拿大新斯科舍省的省会。中国人称哈利法克斯为"夏城"。因为"哈"的发音就是"夏",于是"哈城"变成了"夏城"。时间久了,你会觉得"夏城"不仅听起来响亮,也更符合这座美丽城市的特征。  相似文献   

夏张王士店属泰安市郊,1963年修水坝取土时,发现一批青铜器,当地农民及时送交泰安市博物馆.组织人员实地考察后发现这里是一处东周时期的文化遗址.出土地点在王士店旧北庄西北200米处,西为水坝,南为公路.  相似文献   

Geographers have effectively examined girls' reactions and resistances to adult control in public space, but the ways that girls learn about and reinscribe social differences like race and class through ‘hanging-out’ practices in public, urban space have yet to be sufficiently explored and theorized. Therefore, in this paper I consider the normative productivity of girls' spatial practices, as well as girls' resistances to adultist space. I examine the case of consumption space and focus on how girls utilize, create and reproduce myriad social identifiers as they hang out in public, urban space. Consumption space and consumerism dominate the urban spaces and hanging-out practices of teenagers, and while girls complain about the ubiquity of consumption space, girls' public social-spatial activities inevitably involve consumption space. Therefore, consumption's symbols and spaces are central to the normative production of girls' identities like class and race, and of social difference more generally in urban space.  相似文献   

The article is a critical review of the literature investigating the impact suburbanization has had since the mid-20th century on the downtowns of Canadian mid-size cities and the strategies deployed to revitalize these districts. It demonstrates that large city downtowns are more likely than their mid-size city counterparts to enjoy conditions favourable to their success, hence the need to devise revitalization efforts tailored to the reality of mid-size city downtowns. The article identifies revitalization strategies adopted over the last decades, which mostly failed to reverse the decline affecting these downtowns. It then concentrates on the present, and likely enduring, revitalization model, which emphasizes hospitality, recreation, culture, services, and walkability. The article refines the understanding of the differences between mid-size and large city downtowns by concentrating on their specific dynamics and explores future revitalization options for mid-size city downtowns. It discusses the present and likely enduring absence of alternatives to the present revitalization model and highlights its equity downsides as it challenges the downtown low-income resident living environment.  相似文献   

Hammams, or public baths, are an essential part of the social life in urban Islam. Often, they have a rich and inspiring architecture. In Iran and, in particular, in Isfahan – a large and historic city in central of Iran – numerous hammams were built since the Safavid dynasty (1501–1722). Social and urban changes have resulted in a significant decline in the number of hammams over the years. This paper starts by describing the multiple dimensions of hammams, such as their main architecture features, their role in health, society and culture. This is followed by an analysis of hammams in Isfahan, using a modified version of Büyükdigan categories for Ottoman baths: (i) ‘baths in ruins’; (ii) ‘baths continuing their original functions’; and (iii) ‘baths readjusted for new uses’. Anecdotal evidence from a survey conducted in 15 hammams is used throughout this paper. The main conclusions relate to the rapid deterioration of hammams in daily life, coupled with the lack of detailed documentation, which would allow proper planning and development, and the deficient use of some of these magnificent buildings and places for tourism development.  相似文献   

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