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Shenah is an area of high biological and geological diversity, supporting an active and developing population. Its resources include extensive archaeological sites, of which the petroglyphs, beehive tombs and other archaeological sites deserve more detailed study to determine their importance. Some light is thrown on the former occurrence of wild ungulates in the region. The area has potential for tourism but the petroglyphs are highly vulnerable to damage.  相似文献   

穷科克岩画点位于新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州尼勒克县吉仁台乡,西距尼勒克县城约30公里。岩画分布在朝南的山坡上,山坡下为乔(乔尔马)巴(巴伊托海)公路和喀什河(图一)。  相似文献   

凹穴岩画的分期与断代--中国史前艺术研究之一   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“凹穴”是指岩刻画中(petroglyphs)以研磨法制作于岩石表面上的坑状杯形(cups)图案。这种图案大小不一.一般在2~20cm之间;深浅各异,一般在2~6cm,其横剖面大抵为锅底形。这是一个世界性的岩画主题,而且是世界性早期岩画的主题,特别是在亚、欧、美三个州  相似文献   

在自然环境因素的长期作用下,花山岩画颜料褪色脱落。为了治理岩画颜料褪色病害,应用偏光显微镜分析、电子探针面分析、X射线衍射分析、红外吸收光谱分析,系统研究了花山岩画的颜料及其粘合剂成分。结果表明,铁红是花山岩画红色颜料中的基本显色成分,但红色颜料中存在朱砂。颜料粘合剂属植物性的,岩画作成后其中的植物性粘合剂在老化分解过程中分泌出有机酸,其中的草酸与立壁岩石中的钙质发生反应,形成一层水草酸钙。依据现状调查与采访结果,提出了岩画颜料褪色病害及其防治对策。  相似文献   

岩画在欧亚大陆北方草原地区东起大小兴安岭西达黑海的广大区域内都有分布,从岩画的内容看,大多与古代游牧民族有关。在对中国西北草原地区古代游牧文化遗迹进行调查与研究的过程中,我们发现,在岩画的附近,一般都有古代游牧文化的遗址分布,这应该是古代游牧文化遗址分布的一个重要规律。  相似文献   

广西花山岩画风化产物微观特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花山岩画在中国南方系岩画群中规模最大、图像最多、场面最为壮观,是南方系岩画的代表之一,对研究古代壮族文化及历史具有重要意义.本文分别采用EPMA定量分析方法、SEM-EDX分析了岩画风化产物的化学成分,采用SEM方法研究了风化产物的微观形态特征,结合分析数据讨论了岩画各种风化病害间的关系,在此基础上,提出了治理花山岩画风化病害的关键性问题.  相似文献   

Petroglyphs are well known in the Negev, eastern and southern Jordan, and the Arabian Peninsula. Intensive documentation of hundreds of petroglyphs at the site of Wisad Pools in the Black Desert of eastern Jordan records animals, humans, hunting traps and geometric designs, connecting people and places to the larger landscape. These were recorded at the landscape scale with drones and photogrammetry, and the local scale through the construction of a database combined with GPS recording and terrestrial photogrammetry. Petroglyphs of animals and hunting traps are significant because the site is located within a landscape that includes enormous and enigmatic hunting traps (desert kites). Mapping these depictions highlights typological distribution, association of types, and relation to landscape features as well as the topography of the basalt boulders on which they were pecked. The depictions of animals and hunting traps provide clues about the use of desert kites, the social role of hunting, communal gatherings, and feasting in the region.  相似文献   

The rock art in Dakhleh, despite being known for more than a century, has been thoroughly investigated only since the late 1980s, and remains far from being well known especially outside of Egypt. At the same time, the consecutive seasons of fieldwork conducted by the Petroglylph Unit (part of the international Dakhleh Oasis Project) have produced a great number of findings and substantially enhanced our knowledge of the petroglyphs of this area. Here, rather than focusing on interpretive aspects of the research, I wish to discuss the threats endangering the petroglyphs in the Oasis. Dakhleh has developed very intensively in the last 100 years. It is, however, the twenty-first century which seems to pose some serious threats to archaeological heritage. Hence, in this paper I wish to report on what has been done so far to document rock art in the Oasis, and try to establish the priorities for potential future work. The agricultural and infrastructural development in the area, and the uncertain political climate in the country, heavily influence the state of rock art preservation and the possibilities of research. The need for documentation and preservation of rock art is larger than ever before, because many changes in the local landscape cannot be stopped. The time is pressing, because more and more rock art is disappearing due to the reasons discussed in this paper. Threats to Egyptian rock art in general will form a background for considerations concerning petroglyphs from the Western Desert.  相似文献   

万新华 《收藏家》2013,(11):59-61
清初文人画家宋骏业向来不为绘画研究者所重视,只因其曾于康熙三十年(1691年)奉命而举荐王翚(1632-1717年)主绘《康熙南巡图》、康熙四十四年(1705年)与孙岳颁(1639-1708年)主编《佩文斋书画谱》、康熙五十二年(1713年)与王原祁(1642-1915年)先后主持《万寿盛典图》而进入绘画史的视野,故其生平资料现存甚少。《清史稿》将宋骏业小传附于乃父《宋德宜传》之后,曰:子骏业,自副贡授翰林院待诏,直御书处,历兵科给事中。康熙四十一年,  相似文献   

邝以明 《收藏家》2013,(8):32-38
"居古泉先生是承前启后一位大师,岭南三家初得新技法,合居氏画风影响创出新国画。此册是居氏神来之笔。虽未署款,审定为晚年精品无疑。吾曾见居氏花鸟册不下十余件,但未有及此者,近兄以重金购藏,可宝也。壬申五月、善深。"这是岭南画派第二代传人杨善深先生在居廉《水墨杂花册》中的  相似文献   

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