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根据国务院学位委员会今年即将实施的新的硕士研究生专业目录,我国原有旅游经济专业将为新的旅游管理专业所取代,这必将导致硕士研究生培养的一系列变化.本文旨在剖析新旧专业转轨过程中应注意的问题,同时探讨旅游管理专业硕士研究生培养的有效途径.国务院学位委员会在充分吸收国家旅游局和有关院校意见的基础上,将旅游经济从经济学学科门类调至管理学学科门类,并在工商管理一级学科中,将旅游管理设置为独立的二级学科.尽管这种调整尚存一些不尽人意的地方,如将旅游管理设置在工商管理之下,很难有效涵盖作为旅游研究重要内容之一的旅游开发问题,但应该说更好地反映了旅游学科的属性,是一个不小的改进.目前,硕士研究生学科目录调整工作已近尾声,新的学科目录预计将在下半年付诸实施,旅游经济改变为旅游管理的事实也已成定局,如何妥善处理这一转变,便成为迫切需要研究的课题.  相似文献   

通过统计数据及文献研究,整理现阶段我国高等教育中文物领域涉及的相关本科、研究生专业设置情况及其培养目标,统计开设文物相关专业的高校数量以及师资现状、培养模式等方面的发展现状。研究发现,高等教育为我国文物行业输送专业技术人才尚未形成规模化、成熟的培养模式,这主要源于文物相关专业设立少、学科归属不明确,跨学科师资配置不足,以及现有相关专业培养目标针对性不强等问题。提出重视跨学科文物保护基础科学本科教育,细化研究生专业侧重,强化高校—文博单位联动平台建设等策略,以优化文物相关创新人才的高校培养模式,带动更多高校设立相关专业,为我国文化遗产的保护与传承培养高素质后继力量。  相似文献   

近年来,我国旅游市场较为低迷,与之相伴随的是旅游业人才流失,旅游业人才短缺的问题逐渐突出,出现数量和质量上的结构性问题.为应对新形势变化,我国旅游管理专业教育也要应时而变,开设特色课程,打造新专业方向,不断提高学生的专业认同,加强以能力培养为中心的实践教学体系建设,培育新时代、新环境下的旅游管理专业人才.文章针对新时代下旅游管理专业教育存在的问题,提出教育体系创新路径,以此满足旅游产业人才需求.  相似文献   

21世纪的今天,是科技信息迅速发展的时期,人们的生活水平也随着科技的发展而不断提高,人们也越来越重视对生活的享受,大多数人放松都会选择旅游,也导致我国的旅游业迅猛发展,我国为更好地发展旅游业,开设了该方面的的学科,以培养大量的旅游方面的人才,这对高校就成了一个很大的挑战,如何更好地开展旅游管理专业建设成为了各大高校讨论的问题之一。本研究将围绕以旅游管理专业建设的若干问题为肢体进行浅析。  相似文献   

张庆玥 《神州》2012,(34):137-138
随着我国高等教育的不断扩招,在目前的社会环境中,不仅更多的人在接受本科教育,研究生群体的数量也在不断壮大。这一群体在由过去的"个别化"、"小团体化"逐渐过渡到"群体化"、"大众化"的过程中,越来越多的问题也暴露出来,引起了社会的广泛关注。据统计,尽管人们选择研究生教育,希望在各方面提升自己后,能找到更好的工作,但是,不少学  相似文献   

近年来,我国旅游市场较为低迷,与之相伴随的是旅游业人才流失,旅游业人才短缺的问题逐渐突出,出现数量和质量上的结构性问题。为应对新形势变化,我国旅游管理专业教育也要应时而变,开设特色课程,打造新专业方向,不断提高学生的专业认同,加强以能力培养为中心的实践教学体系建设,培育新时代、新环境下的旅游管理专业人才。文章针对新时代下旅游管理专业教育存在的问题,提出教育体系创新路径,以此满足旅游产业人才需求。  相似文献   

旅游管理专业(本科)的课程体系和教学方法探讨   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
旅游管理专业(本科)是新修订的专业目录中唯一的旅游高等教育专业.本文主要探讨了在四年制本科教育的框架下,旅游管理专业的课程体系及其教学方法.  相似文献   

比较视野中的旅游专业教育教学定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田里  吕天云 《旅游科学》2008,22(3):59-62
旅游高等教育存在的诸多问题都与专业定位不清晰有关。本文通过对美国、欧洲、日本等国家及地区相近专业的比较分析,在旅游管理专业与旅游专业、职业导向与学科导向的辨析中,提出我国旅游专业科学合理及可行的定位。  相似文献   

钭伟华 《旅游纵览》2013,(7):221-222
由于非旅游管理专业学生对旅游知识需求以及旅游动机等方面的知识,增加非旅游管理专业学生对旅游管理知识的了解,在导学课中应用案例教学方法具有非常重要的意义。为了取得更好的教学效果,在案例选择以及与其他教学方法的综合运用上充分考虑非专业学生的特点,才能够调动学生的主观能动性,提高学生解决实际问题的能力,为培养实用性人才打下基础。  相似文献   

为有效建立常态化人才培养质量自主保证机制,专业要根据自身办学定位、人才培养目标对教学条件、教师队伍建设、课程改革、教学管理与制度、校企合作等方面进行诊断与改进,查找不足并不断优化提升。绵阳职业技术学院旅游管理专业通过3年的教学诊断与改进工作,现在已经建成全国旅游类行业专业示范点。诊改工作已经成为旅游专业发展的一种常态化、周期性的工作,是教学质量生成和保障的基础。  相似文献   

Several aspects of the distribution of institutions of higher education and their graduates are compared for the Soviet Union and the United States. The concentration of institutions and students is found to be greater in the USSR. Differences in regional enrollment rates relative to the location of institutions and students may be partly explained by differences in the curriculum structure of American and Soviet institutions of higher education and the greater degree of local control over higher education in the United States. A direct relationship exists in both countries between the percentage of graduates in a region and percentage urban and per capita income. Regional inequality in the percentage of graduates in urban versus rural areas is much greater in the USSR while regional inequality in the percentage of male and female graduates was only somewhat greater in the United States. Level of urbanization, migration of students and graduates, economic opportunity and economic structure are seen as important factors helping explain regional variation in the distribution of graduates.  相似文献   

This study pioneers the quantitative research of second generation Iranian graduates in Germany. Second generation immigrants in Germany, immigrants raised in Germany with at least one parent born abroad, are relevant as they are a crucial part of German society. Second generation immigrants in general as well as Iranians in particular are assumed to have high extrinsic aspirations. But a dataset big enough to study the employment situation of second generation Iranian graduates in Germany did not exist. Therefore, the article uses the KOAB dataset from 2011 to 2015, which contains data from 53,429 full-time employed higher education graduates in Germany (among those are 161 second generation Iranians). Their extrinsic job aspirations and career success (income, job satisfaction) are analyzed. Multivariate analyses reveal the higher extrinsic job aspirations of second generation Iranian graduates compared to many other migrant groups and Germans but similar to second generation Turkish graduates. Nevertheless, the extrinsic job aspiration is relevant, though only one factor among others to predict career success.  相似文献   

The employability of university graduates is a concern in higher education as labour markets change more and more rapidly. This is of particular relevance for multi-faceted subjects such as geography. Studies on employability have to consider to what degree a university education helps graduates start a career. The results of a survey of 257 geography graduates of JLU (Justus Liebig University) Giessen, Germany, indicate that the traditional curricula did not necessarily prepare German geographers adequately for their jobs. The graduates possess more knowledge than required but lack important competences and transferable skills that the job market demands. This may be partly remedied by the introduction of project-oriented classes.  相似文献   

Hilal Kara  Beverley Mullings 《对极》2023,55(4):1047-1067
Despite dramatic increases in university graduates over the last 30 years, unemployment rates among youth with advanced education in Turkey remain some of the highest in the world. With levels of unemployment among university graduates almost equal that of high school graduates, the promise of social mobility and formal waged work that higher education once promised, no longer holds credibility. Many young people, instead find themselves in waithood—a state characterised by uncertainty, joblessness, and obstacles to independent adulthood. Studies tend to view waithood temporally as a period of indeterminacy and frustrated futures, but we argue, waithood also encompasses spatial dimensions that are liberatory in so far as they communicate a demand for a liveable life. Examining how young women in Turkey navigate both the state’s conservative politics, and restricted employment opportunities, we use the term “wait space” to capture what an attentiveness to the intimate connection between space and time and work offers to our understanding of the politics and possibilities of work beyond the wage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  In this paper we employ dichotomous, multinomial and conditional logit models to analyze the employment-migration behavior of some 380,000 U.K. university graduates. By controlling for a range of variables related to human capital acquisition and local economic conditions, we are able to distinguish between different types of sequential migration behavior from domicile to higher education and on to employment. Our findings indicate that U.K. female graduates are generally more migratory than male graduates. We suggest that the explanation for this result lies in the fact that migration can be used as a partial compensation mechanism for gender bias in the labor market.  相似文献   

随着中国城市化进程进入快速增长时期,低收入大学毕业生社会群体在城市的生存状况成为政治家和科学家关注的焦点。本文主要根据现有文献资料,配合笔者实地调研,进行北京低收入大学毕业生聚居体研究,尤其就北京唐家岭现象及其延续效应进行分析,主要涉及北京低收入大学毕业生聚居体现况、社会特征、群体聚居村落和后续空间效应等。文章认为:北京低收入大学毕业生聚居体是2000年以来、继下岗职工、农民工之后,中国城市化进程中形成的第三大社会弱势群体。北京低收入大学毕业生聚居体产生的原因,首先是低工资就业市场,其次是高房租租赁市场。他们是弱势社会群体,需要全社会的关注和帮助,在目前中国发展阶段,彻底改造甚至消灭这样的聚居体是没有必要的。  相似文献   

The main argument advanced in favour of the Hawke government's reform of higher education, as contained in the recent White Paper, relates to the imperatives of economic restructuring. A more ‘relevant’ and ‘responsive’ higher education system is, according to the government, the necessary basis of a more advanced and internationally competitive economy. We argue below, however, that the reforms are premised on a false assumption: that the private sector in Australia is capable of and/or interested in exploiting the expected boost in graduates and research for the purposes of developing new technologies and competitive advantages. Indeed, the government has found it necessary to intervene in a centralist manner to induce the appropriate response in the private sector. This is justified as market‐facilitating. In reality it is an act of faith which contradicts both the capacity and agenda of the private sector in Australia.  相似文献   


An increase in the level of concern with geography graduate careers is needed. Geographers in higher education should undertake fuller and more detailed analysis of career patterns so that they can give careers advice and provide courses that give students some marketable skills. A brief survey of information currently available on geography graduate careers is followed by an analysis of the career patterns of geography graduates from the universities and a polytechnic. Suggestions are made for data improvement and for immediate action.  相似文献   


This paper examines the status of geography in higher education in Hungary. Stress is placed on reforms begun in the 1990s to launch new curricula for training professional geographers. The authors played an important role in developing this new curriculum by introducing new subjects into geography programmes, working out the scope and sequence of courses, obtaining accreditation and carrying out market research for graduates. The project was motivated by a decline in demand for geography and geography teachers in secondary schools accompanied by an increase in demand for geographers trained to work in public administration, government and business. The graduates of the new professional geographer curriculum receive a practice-oriented education designed to cultivate their spatial problem solving and applied geographical skills. In this paper the authors present the steps in the curriculum reform and suggest that it may serve as a model for reform in a number of nearby countries planning to join the EU.  相似文献   

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