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直到20世纪中叶,在英华人数量并不很多,但由于多方面的原因,威尔士的华人移民倍受歧视,尤其是新闻媒体在报导华人时有一种妖魔化倾向,华人成为经济不景气的背景下英国人夹杂着种族偏见的一种心理渲泄对象.本文根据大量第一手资料对此进行了充分论证和初步探讨.  相似文献   

Following the 1834 fire, the work of house of lords committees continued virtually without interruption, at first in temporary accommodation and, from 1846, in rooms in the new palace designed by Charles Barry. This article charts the history of house of lords committee activity and the varied use of its accommodation at Westminster from 1834 to the present. Major committee work immediately following the fire included an inquiry into prison reform. Barry's accommodation was scantily fitted out, and quickly needed technical and other adaptations. Committees themselves changed too, with the heaviest phase of private bill activity needed for the creation of the railways tailing off by the late 1860s. Following a low point in committee activity between 1940 and 1970 committee work has developed in fits and starts from 1971 onwards. The further expansion of committees following the Jellicoe committee report of 1992 was accommodated by the reform of private bill procedure, which helped free up committee rooms, and in October 2009, the establishment of the Supreme Court meant that the law lords no longer sat judicially in the large committee rooms 1 and 2. Since 2012, however, the further expansion of committee activity has not been matched by an increase in its accommodation.  相似文献   

Accounts and images created by foreign travellers on the Egyptian Nile over the past four centuries indicate the widespread use of rafts and floats for both local and long‐distance travel. Many of the materials employed survive poorly in archaeological deposits, or are otherwise easily overlooked as components of river‐craft: moreover, several of these raft‐types were built for a single journey or season, then dismantled. These travellers' accounts and images alert us to much humbler vessels than the well‐preserved wooden boats of the Pharaonic elite which have so far commanded the attention of maritime archaeologists. © 2010 The Author  相似文献   

许国林 《史学月刊》2006,1(5):71-74
19世纪末20世纪初,美国大众化杂志迅速兴起和发展。大众化杂志有如下几个特点:迎合大众口味;内容贴近社会现实;价格低廉;有一个稳定增长的、数量较大的读者队伍。美国大众化杂志的兴起和发展,是当时美国社会政治经济状况决定的,并对20世纪初美国黑幕揭发运动的兴起和发展,以及20世纪初美国社会的变革和转型起了重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

闵凡祥 《史学月刊》2006,1(8):87-93
在英国社会保障发展史上,18、19世纪是“友谊会”等民间互助组织快速发展的时期。但对“友谊会”运动这一历史现象的成因,国内外学界长期以来没有一个明确的解释。通过对18、19世纪英国“友谊会”等民间互助组织兴盛与衰落过程的历史考察表明,“友谊会”运动的出现,是此时社会上日益增长的社会保障和救助需求与英国国家职能尚未完全扩及到社会保障领域、很好地满足人们对社会福利需求的结果,“友谊会”等民间互助组织的出现与迅速发展是对18、19世纪英国国家职能在社会保障领域中缺位的重要填充。  相似文献   

Roads designed by civil or military engineers for animal-drawn vehicles before the arrival of the railways constituted an essential factor for the movement of goods and people and for the economy and trade in different countries. The improvement in road construction techniques over the 18th and 19th centuries, following the creation of the first civil engineering colleges and institutions, allowed greater transportation at diminishing cost. Despite its significance, this heritage has received comparatively little attention from industrial archaeologists. As such, the object of the present article is to provide an overview of the development in road planning and construction in Spain over the 18th and 19th centuries, in order to demonstrate the historical and technological value of these roads. The article also presents two sections of Spanish roads corresponding to the start and end of the study period, and identifies some of the main archaeological elements dating to their time of construction that prove the evolution in road technology. This process has made it possible to create an inventory which incorporates the main elements that characterise this type of infrastructure.  相似文献   

美国史学对19、20世纪之交美国海外扩张的思考与认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对 1 9、2 0世纪之交美国海外扩张的研究是整个美国外交史学的极为重要的部分 ,在一定意义上 ,这一研究折射出美国外交史学陷入困境的症结与原因 ,同时也映现着美国外交史学发展的出路和方向。美国外交史学在以下两个问题上无法解释美国海外扩张的合理性 :其一 ,海外扩张是否违背了局限于大陆拓进的孤立主义外交传统 ;其二 ,海外帝国的追求是否有悖于美国人视为立国之本的民主理想。自 2 0世纪初美国外交史学产生以来 ,无论是理想主义史学的“背离说” ,还是现实主义史学的“国家利益说” ,都不能说明海外扩张的历史逻辑性。修正派史学虽然揭示了美国扩张外交的本质 ,但由于其“由内到外”的研究体系的局限 ,最后难免落入孤立主义的陷阱。本文着重介绍了“后修正史学”的“综合研究”和“国际研究”的研究方法 ,指出不同民族的观念、情感的平等沟通和交流才能代表着美国外交史学的发展方向。  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to show that the Mutiozabal shipyard in Orio, Gipuzkoa, Spain, was using the tools and procedures of non‐graphic hull‐design methods into the latter 19th and early 20th centuries. These procedures allow a hull to be designed with a very simple set of tools: a template of the master‐frame and some simple graduated gauges or graminhos. The plan of a 65‐Burgos‐foot 1 (18.11 m) trading boat is used as the basis of the study. The nature of the templates and graminhos is shown in detail, as well as their use.  相似文献   

This article describes the archaeological recording of a Sunday school which was constructed in 1873, on the site of an earlier building, to provide educational needs for the working-class families which surrounded Garden Street. A brief historical background to the provision of education both nationally and in Sheffield is provided, along with the results of the recording of the standing building, and reference to below-ground remains of the residential accommodation which surrounded it is given. The recording concluded that the original form of the school was intact, with little in the way of modifications, apart from the addition of 20th-century industrial structures and an air raid shelter. The site provides a valuable insight into educational provision in one of the poorer areas of 19th-century Sheffield.  相似文献   


The excavation of the only Cistercian abbey firmly established on the Isle of Man produced clear evidence of its church plan, its various modifications and its modest architectural pretensions. The burials contained some grave goods and displayed early methods of burial. An unexpected feature was a chapel attached to the east end of the north transept north chapel.  相似文献   

在这世纪交接的时刻,回眸一百年走过的历程,惊涛骇浪的历史给我们史学工作者展示一个道理:一个时期的史学重大思潮总是与时代的变动联系在一起的,一个有重大影响的历史观点对历史变动产生的影响不可低估。认真总结这一百年来历史,对我们认识史学工作有关问题,对思考新世纪的历史与史学都是有意义的事。全球范围内的社会发生大变动:俄国十月革命后苏联建立与80年代末苏联解体;中国新民主义革命胜利后新中国建立,并且在80年代走上建设有中国特色社会主义的道路;美国霸权主义的扩张以及由此带来的世界动荡。冷战结束后,世界格局发生了变化,但世…  相似文献   

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