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查汗通古(又称察汗通古)烽燧遗址位于新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州和静县,主要包括东西两座土质烽燧。为配合遗址的加固维修工作,2016年夏,和静县文物保护管理所在工程开始前对两座烽燧进行了C_(14)样本采集、烽体测量、拍照和无人机航拍及建模等工作,施工期间还与施工单位密切配合,采集了烽燧周边出土的各类遗物,并对周边老居民进行了采访。根据C_(14)测年结果和其他线索,初步判断两座烽燧的主要修筑年代均为唐代,但东烽燧有二次修筑留下的包砌痕迹,可能其最早修筑时间还要早于唐代。至于两座烽燧的最后废弃时代,可能经过长期使用后,一直延续到了清代。  相似文献   

敦煌西湖保存了国内最为完整的汉代烽燧遗址,自上个世纪以来,学者们已通过出土的汉简文物和实地调查对长城烽燧的组织结构及修建方式进行了诸多研究,基本上揭开了长城烽燧的大致走向、分布规律、长城戍守、管理机构等轮廊.但有些问题还没有得到很好的解决,2010年本文就是本人参加全国第三次长城普查时,对长城烽燧设置的原则通过实地调查所作出的一个基本判断.  相似文献   

前不久,敦煌市博物馆在进行文物普查时,在敦煌玉门关西南约60多公里处新发现一汉代烽燧遗址,因当地老百姓称其为“一棵树”,故称之为一棵树汉代烽燧遗址。当地文物部门立即对其进行了抢救性发掘,出土了一批文物,其中包括一枚保存完整的封检,字迹清晰,上下两端及左下角题写纪年。此发现为敦煌历年调查长城烽燧首次发现。  相似文献   

通过考古调查,在隆化县境内共发现汉代烽燧79座,延续长度达210公里。本文报告了1997年对漠海沟烽燧的清理发掘情况,并就烽燧的构建和使用时间及其在历史上的作用谈了几点认识。  相似文献   

本文通过对张家口地区的长城烽燧燃放点遗迹的实地调查,考证了明代烽燧"火池"、"烟皂"的存在及分布情况,结合古代烽燧制度、烽燧建筑形制、燃烽设施以及联墩的组成形式等方面的文献记载,对所谓的长城"五连墩"、七连墩"和"一烽五燧"是一种"独特的烽燧建筑制式"的观点提出质疑。  相似文献   

长城在中国历史上作为战争防御工事以雄伟、坚强、不屈的身影屹立在世界东方,是中华民族的象征。长城产生于战争,战争使互相防御设施应运而生。在秦、汉、明代,中国归一统,当时各王朝为了防御民族与民族之间的侵扰,就大规模地修筑起长城与烽燧。中国历史上先后有十几个朝代都不同程度地修筑过长城和烽燧。据统计,长城与烽燧分布的省区遗存已有万余里,烽燧数万座。地处祖国前哨的河西东端及其东边紧连的宁夏中卫,自古就是一条重要军事要塞,境内遗存不少长城烽燧。[第一段]  相似文献   

克亚克库都克烽燧遗址位于新疆巴音郭楞州尉犁县古勒巴克乡兴地村西南约57千米孔雀河中游北岸的荒漠中。遗址作为大碛古道沿线存数不多的军事古迹,是古代中央政权治理西域和维护丝路交通的重要历史见证,与孔雀河沿岸其他10处烽燧遗址以"孔雀河烽燧群"被列入第五批全国重点文物保护单位名录。  相似文献   

早在汉武帝时,烽燧亭障已从敦煌延长至盐泽(今罗布淖尔)。宣帝以后,西域完全统一于汉朝中央政权之下,烽燧组织和城堡关卡便遍及于西域各地了。 烽燧(即烽火台)是大一统国家边防报警的军事设施,为等距离连成线的若干高台组成,其上可举狼烟薪火传递军情,晚间燃燔为之“烽”,白日燃烟为之“燧”,是曰“烽燧”。 克孜尔尕哈烽燧距库车城12公里,在盐水沟河谷的东侧,高12米,底面边宽6米,以树梢、木橛加工夯筑而成,上小收,顶中缺,南面由于剥蚀而成凹形,千年风侵雨蚀,秃痕累累,仿佛一历经磨难的长者,在向人们指点着历史的迷…  相似文献   

西出阳关,穿越罗布泊北岸楼兰故闾,途经轮台、库车、疏勒、莎车,独行八千里路,寻勘狼烟散尽后失落荒漠的烽燧。万里长城的西端不在嘉峪关而在玉门关外,烽燧是长城西去的延伸。荒漠中的烽燧“个性”迥异,并非“千人一面”。面对这些苦难的塑身,霜风里的我虽不能长啸代歌,却可以为它低声吟唱……  相似文献   

<正>烽燧,又称烽堠、烽火、烽表、烽铺、烽堡等,是我国古代的一种军事警备通讯设施。其最早的历史可追溯至西周,在《墨子》中的《城备门》、《号令》、《杂守》等篇中已明确提到"烽火"、"烽表"、"积薪"、"举烽"诸事。司马迁《史记》中也有对周幽王骊山"烽火戏诸侯"的生动描绘。实际上烽燧制度的真正形成在于汉代,一直沿用至明清。我们现在所说的烽燧多是指烽燧中的建筑物,这种建筑的出现早于长城,但自长城出现后,即与长城密切结合为一体,成为长城防御体系的一个重  相似文献   

明代山西北部聚落变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明代,山西长城沿线卫所、关隘、堡寨、墩台星罗棋布,形成了独特的人文地理景观———军事聚落,随着清代的一统,大部分则逐渐演化为城镇和村落。本文对该区域军事聚落的形成、发展以及变迁进行了历史考察,认为明清时期是山西北部历史上聚落形成和发展的繁荣时期,这与明代军事聚落的形成与发展有着非常密切的关系。  相似文献   


Naxos, the largest island of the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea in Greece, has been continuously inhabited from Neolithic times to the present and is full of architectural remains from all historical periods. Traditional settlements, castles, towers, numerous Byzantine and post-Byzantine churches, and several archaeological sites testify to its long and significant history.

The relationship between inhabitants and their archaeological heritage is multifaceted and of special interest. This article analyses the history of this relationship, the reasons that shaped its quality, the problems, and perspectives. It also explores the ways in which citizens, in this particular case the Naxians, participate in the protection of their monuments at a time when tourist development dominates the Naxian economy.  相似文献   

张勇 《中原文物》2006,(5):55-61
本文依据已发表的考古学资料,对河南出土的汉代陶阙进行了分类分期研究,并对其中一类陶阙在汉墓中的位置、寓意、双阙中间的“罘罳”及其上面的浮雕像内容进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中国历史文化名楼既有多层面建筑风采,也有浓郁的文化品位与人文情怀。一座名楼本身就是一个文脉遗产累积的过程,它所肩负的文化使命,延伸了城市生活的时空,丰富了城市文化的景观。名楼遗产无疑有益于人们用地域文化优势提升城市文明,用远久历史文脉延续城市文化,用名楼突出的普世价值激活城市活力,这是我们已经做了或正在努力的方向。如何让厚重的历史文化名楼重放异彩,不仅是领略建筑的精彩,更重要的是文化的魅力。然而今天的历史文化名楼面临着在城市规划中被"过度化",在城市品牌建设中被"低俗化"、在城市主体中被"离心化"的危机。我们需要围绕文物价值,文化品位和景观功能看待历史文化名楼,让它们更具魅力风采。  相似文献   

This paper examines the processes of settlement and abandonment of the medieval countryside as revealed by archaeological surveys undertaken in southern Greece. The Nemea region, the focus of an intensive archaeological survey, serves as a case study. Early archaeological surveys approached this time period primarily from a historical point of view. Political history provided the textual frame while the archaeological data were expected to “fill in” the gaps of the historical record. In contrast, in the last twenty-five years the second generation of surveys has taken an active interest in the archaeological documentation of the medieval countryside. The settlement trends observed in Nemea are viewed as manifestations of a variety of political, social, and economic processes.  相似文献   

To establish historical and archaeological contexts for the case studies presented in this volume, this paper presents a review of the literature on the history and archaeology of almshouses. Because both English and Dutch colonial almshouses were based on European precedents, this paper examines historical research and archaeological work conducted in The Netherlands and England, as well as their North American colonies.  相似文献   

By focusing on Thucydides'Chalkidic Torone' against the backdrop of modern historians' neglect of archaeological evidence, this paper highlights not only another case of 'history being written by the winners,' but the persistent problem of privileging written documents over archaeological material in Aegean prehistory and classical archaeology. The practice of using literary historical records as direct historic analogues continues to be one of the methodological cornerstones of textual history. Such a neglect of archaeological evidence by historians of early Greece, South Italy and Sicily contributes to the current schism between prehistory and history. Even when the material record is used in historical inquiry, it is in a framework already defined or informed by written sources. By adopting a more integrated approach, this paper echoes Kent Lightfoot's (1995) perspective that archaeology is poised to play a pivotal role in the reconfiguration of historical studies.  相似文献   


Historical masonry structures are often located in earthquake-prone regions and the majority of them are considered to be seismically vulnerable and unsafe. Historical masonry towers are slender structures that exhibit unique architectural features and may present many inadequacies in terms of seismic performance. The seismic protection of such typologies of structures and the design of effective retrofitting interventions require a deep understanding of their behavior under horizontal loads. This paper presents the results of the seismic performance evaluation of historical masonry towers located in Northern Italy. A large set of case studies is considered, comprising a significant number of towers with high slenderness and marked inclination. First, a preliminary assessment of the dynamic behavior of the different towers is carried out through eigenfrequency analyses. Then, non-linear dynamic simulations are performed using a real accelerogram with different peak ground accelerations. A damage plasticity material model, exhibiting softening in both tension and compression, is adopted for masonry. The huge amount of results obtained from the non-linear dynamic simulations allows a comparative analysis of the towers to be performed in order to assess their seismic vulnerability and to show the dependence of their structural behavior on some geometrical characteristics, such as slenderness, inclination, and presence of openings and belfry. The evaluation of different response parameters and the examination of tensile damage distributions show the high vulnerability of historical masonry towers under horizontal loads, mainly in the presence of marked inclination and high slenderness. Some general trends of the seismic behavior of the towers are deduced as a function of the main typological features.  相似文献   

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