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誓咒,是指佛教中的某些经,或称为密咒和真言,以简短的语言,明确的内容,特定的功能而区别于诅咒,即求神降祸他人的巫术功能。其誓咒辞是以神、佛或信仰中具有神性的事物、伦理道德中的义理为内容,以神、佛和神性事物的名称或特定义理的祷念为形式,以表达内心的诚挚,取得自信或他信的功用。唐仲山发表在《青海民族学院学报》2003年第四期上的章研究了青海藏族的誓咒化。  相似文献   

对西藏文化有兴趣的人们都知晓藏域的三大印经院,即前藏布达拉宫印经院,后藏纳塘印经院和康区德格印经院。千百年来,作为出版印刷中心的三大印经院对西藏文化艺术的传承与弘扬起着巨大的作用,因此三大印经院在雪域内外声誉广播,闻名遐迩。  相似文献   

In recent years along with the improvement of the livelihoods of Chinese people and the public needs in cultural life, a religious cultural tourism is booming in China. In order to meet the tourist demand, this book is designed as a guide book to introduce 211 famous Buddhist monasteries and temples in various places of China representing different Buddhist sects including Han-Chinese, Tibetan and Southern Buddhism with their rich cultural and historical resources, characteristics of architecture and famous personages.  相似文献   

Originally, people living in Shigatse celebrated their Lingka Festival from May 1st to 15th in accordance with the Tibetan calendar. Recent changes in the weather enable locals to hold a joint celebration with Children's Day. Therefore, the actual official holiday of Lingka Festival is on June 1st, when people join in a big celebration that usually lasts for one week.  相似文献   

The year 2004 marks the 15^th birthday of our magazine. In that time,we have worked for the goal of showing our readers throughout the world the real Tibet. During the period, we have published 212 issues (Chinese, Tibetan and English editions), containing stories running to hundreds of thousands of words and thousands of photographs. They have told of the  相似文献   

Living in the residential area behind the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Lobsang Dainzin recalls how he worked for 26 years on the Northern Tibet Plateau, with the first 17 years in Xainzha,Wenbo and Shuanghu. At that time,Xainzha County covered 190,000 square km, but with two-thirds of it considered to be a no-man‘s land. Nyima County and the Shuanghu Special Administrative Area now occupy this latter area.  相似文献   

Located in the northern part of Tibet,Nagchu Pre-fecture covers an area of 0.42 million square km.As aState-class nature reserve,it is a major habitat of vari-ous wildlife,such as antelopes,argalis,black-neckedcranes and wild yaks,which are listed by the State asanimals subject to first-class protection.In recent years,the Forestry Bureau of Nagchu areabuilt many nature reserves of different levels andadopted effective measures for the protection of wildanimals.As a result,some species of endangered wild  相似文献   

On 26^th Feb.2009,China's Tibet magazine and other Chinese media were invited to sit in on the felicitation ceremony organized by Association for Sri Lanka China Social & Cultural Cooperation(ASLSCC) to celebrale 30^th Anniversary of Reform & Opening Policy in China. These media were awarded by ASLSCC for their service and introducing reform and opening policy of China to Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

The Namseling Manor rests on a site by a river, south of Samye Monastery and within the boundary of Namseling Village, County of Chanang in Lhoka Prefecture. The Manor was built during the Phagdrup regime. The Namseling Manor is a model of Tibetan feudal serfdom society. As an early, large-scalemanor house built in a time when Tibetan society lived under a serf-based regime, Namseling has survived hundreds of years as a witness to the formation and development of a feudal manor. After democratic reform in Tibet, the Namseling Manor stood deserted for more than half a century. The present manor, no longer what it once was, has embraced many life stories, including that of Shezang. The now elderly Shezang was born in Nagqu in 1927. Both his parents were servants in the nobleman's household. At 14 he was taken to Lhasa to work as a babysitter. The next year his parents passed away one by one. A fellow villager told him the news when he returned to Namseling at 26. Shezang has a younger sisterbut they were separated in Nagqu when both were still young. They never met again.  相似文献   

Referring to the point of the “middle road” made by the 14^th Dalai Lama, there is a concept of “Greater Tibet” which covers the existing Tibet Autonomous Region, the entire area of Qinghai Province, one-fifth of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, two-thirds of Gansu Province, two-thirds of Sichuan Province and half of Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

In 1751,when Qing troops had quelled the rebelion staged by Zholmet Namozhale ,the Qing court promulgated the 13-Article Ordinance for the Governing of Tibet,Which established the system of rule over Tibet by the Dalai Lama and Qing High Commissioners.  相似文献   

About 50 years ago, people going into and out of Tibet could only rely on their own backs and pack-horses to transport something. Then,it would take more than 100 days to go to the hinterland from Lhasa, and a round trip would take about a year. The QinghaiTibet Railway will tell the world that the only region without a railway in China will soon lose this title. This is obviously an exciting and great event!  相似文献   

拉萨的宗教景观犹如群星璀璨,我却偏爱那座毫不起眼的药王山。药王山并不高大,也不险峻。从拉萨市内向西望去,它与雄踞着布达拉宫的红山近在咫尺,只不过被公路隔在两边。这里过去是古城的门户,底层设有门洞,还有一座佛塔与对面的红山相接。上个世纪六十年代,拉萨大规模扩建,拆掉了佛塔,几十米宽的柏油路从此  相似文献   

Today is Sunday. Anyi, a Tibetan woman, gets up early and gets dressed. She combs her hair and tries to make herself to look smart. She takes her daughter Nyina, together with some fellow villagers, to walk toward the ehureh situated at the entrance to the village. To most of these villagers in Tsakhalho Village, this is a normal Sunday activity.  相似文献   

西藏人民信奉的宗教是喇嘛教。喇嘛教是佛教的一支,传播地区主要在中国的西藏和蒙古。喇嘛为藏语,是“上师”的意思。公元7世纪,土蕃赞普(赞普就是国王——笔者)松赞干布在他的两个妻子尼泊尔公主犀尊和唐文成公主的影响下,信奉了佛教。8世纪时.天竺僧人寂护、莲花生等到西藏传扬显、密两系佛教。10世纪后期,佛教与西藏原有的宗教相互影响,形成了喇嘛教。  相似文献   

Lhasa, July 25: Ignoring criticism of its ecological consequences,China is going ahead with the construction of the world‘s highest railway line linking Tibet with the mainland. Debunking the apprehensions that it might disturb the ecology of the region, an official of the Tibetan Autonomous Region said that enough care has been taken to protect the environment.  相似文献   

Balsang Dengzhub, a nurse with the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture People's Hospital, will remember forever August 5, 2003. It was on that day he received the 39th Nightingale Award certificate issued by the International Red Cross from CPC General Secretary and President Hu Jing tao in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. He thus became the first Tibetan to win the award named after the British medical pioneer Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) and also the first Chinese male.  相似文献   

多捡一些 鼎州禅师与沙弥在庭院里行走,突然刮起一阵风,落下好多树叶。禅师弯着腰,将落叶一片片捡起来放进口袋。一旁的沙弥说道:“老师,不要捡了,反正明天一大早我们都会打扫的。”  相似文献   

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