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优先发展重工业,是苏联社会主义工业化的方针。这一方针的确定,不仅对苏联,而且对其它一些国家也产生过深远的影响。近年来,学术界和史学界围绕这一问题曾发表过许多不同的见解。认真探讨一下这个问题,对于进一步了解苏联的社会  相似文献   

谢泳 《文史精华》2002,(2):58-60
前几年,因为写了一篇与王芸生有关的文章,我得以认识他的儿子王芝琛先生。我们见面时,曾谈起过当年大公报和王会生的一些情况。王芸生晚年与其子有过很深入的谈话,几乎涉及一切问题。王芝琛告诉我,王芸生1949年以后是一本小说都不看的,但在50年代,他曾看过一本苏联小说,就是上下两本的《旅顺口》,看完以后气得脸都白了,很长时间一言不发。我对王芸生没有作过深入研究,但看过他一些文章和他当年为大公报所写的社评,总的感觉是,他是一个非常有远 见和历史感的人,他当年对中国发生的 许多大事的看法和评价,是很高明的。 …  相似文献   

一九五五年十一月,东北人民大学历史系教师柳春藩、李庆龄、谈阳、陈贵宗、马金科等同志和我同赴沈阳辽宁省图书馆(即前东北图书馆),就该馆所藏档案中,抄录了一些有关中国近代、现代史的原始资料。在这以前,该馆的一些工作同志曾进行过一些拣选的工作,这给我们的抄录工作提供了不少的便利。这些抄录出来的  相似文献   

赵成蓉 《沧桑》2013,(3):76-78
1945年《雅尔塔秘密协定》规定苏军须在战后三个月内撤出中国东北,但因美国插手中国事务加上美苏冷战已露端倪,为阻止美国进入东北和避免美蒋合作造成不利影响,苏联曾数次延缓撤军,美军在中国华北的长期驻军更使苏联撤军问题复杂化。本文拟从影响苏联延缓撤军的美国因素作一简要分析。  相似文献   

对“共产主义小组”名称的质疑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来,我国党史界一直把中国共产党成立以前的早期组织,统称为“共产主义小组”。可是,当年曾参加过中国共产党早期组织的成员却否认当时曾使用过这个名称,并认为这个名称是后人给起的。面临着这种意见分歧,我们应该解放思想,实事求是,按照历史唯物主义观点,从中国的建党  相似文献   

半个世纪前,曾经有一大批苏联专家活跃在中国社会主义建设的各条战线上。苏联专家在中国的待遇怎样呢?围绕这个问题中苏之间曾出现过怎样的外交风波?笔者从外交部最新解密的文件中发现了很多详细的材料。  相似文献   

半个世纪前,曾经有一大批苏联专家活跃在中国社会主义建设的各条战线上。苏联专家在中国的待遇怎样呢?围绕这个问题中苏之间曾出现过怎样的外交风波?笔者从外交部最新解密的文件中发现了很多详细的材料。  相似文献   

苏联专家在华待遇揭秘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
半个世纪前,曾经有一大批苏联专家活跃在中国社会主义建设的各条战线上。苏联专家在中国的待遇怎样呢?围绕这个问题中苏之间曾出现过怎样的外交风波?笔者从外交部最新解密的文件中发现了很多详细的材料。斯大林提出高额工资要求新中国建立前,苏联对于派遣专家来华的待遇要求是很低的。1949年6月27日,斯大林在莫斯科会见刘少奇时表示:“我们已经准备好在最近按照你们的要求,派出第一批专家。但我们应当谈妥关于专家的报酬。我们认为,如果你们是按照粮食价格向你们的专家提供报酬的话,对苏联专家也可照此办理。但是应当按照你们的优秀专家的高…  相似文献   

清初以来,关内向东北移民,是中国历史上最大的人口移动之一,它对东北地区的历史进程产生了巨大而深远的影响。早在上世纪40年代,吴希庸先生就曾指出:“若不日jj悉于东北移民之史,必无法了解全部东北史,尤无法了解东北社会经济史”(吴希庸《近代东北移民史略》,《东北集刊》1941年第2期)。因而,东北移民问题,历来是史学领域一个很有学术价值和现实意义的重大问题。  相似文献   

论土地斗争中党对富农的政策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
富农问题,是我们党的土地革命路线的重要内容。在党的历史上,特别是在民主革命时期的土地斗争中,党内在这个问题上曾发生过多次论争,并走过不少弯路。认真总结我们党在这个问题上的反正经验,是很有意义的。  相似文献   

J. O. Halliwell 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):243-245
Excavation of a mound at the meeting place of Secklow Hundred, Bucks., suggested that it was built in the tenth century; the evidence from twelve other excavated meeting place mounds is discussed and it is suggested that mounds were often built specifically for that purpose.  相似文献   

张晓松 《华夏地理》2002,(12):28-51
这里纪录的,是那些从边远山区来到城市谋生的农民,他们处于城市的底层.  相似文献   

从传道之师到大学教员:现代学术研究职业化趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左玉河 《安徽史学》2007,3(1):47-53
近代知识人的学术研究出现了职业化趋向.所谓学术职业化,就是将学术研究作为一种谋生的职业,学术研究者成为职业学者.随着清末民初现代学术教育体制的建立、科学家群体的形成、专门科研机构的创建、科研成就的取得与科学交流系统的建成,近代学者的社会职业角色开始形成,学术研究逐渐呈现一种职业化趋向,不仅出现了以知识生产和传授为谋生手段的社会职业,而且这种学术研究职业为一定的制度所保障.学术职业化是现代学术体制的重要特征.职业化学者被纳入近代分科化、专门化之学术体制中.现代学术体制以有形之场地和无形之规范,直接限定着学者之学术活动,并间接影响着学者之学术思想.职业化之知识人多遵从现代学术体制从事知识生产,甚至将知识作为稻粱谋,而不再执着于思想之道.这是职业化体制下学术研究的特点及知识人的特色.  相似文献   

Three pressed leaves of Ulmus glabra (Wych Elm) were found within the pages of a copy of the Great Bible in the Library of the University of Western Australia. The Bible dates from AD 1540 and was originally housed at Ely Cathedral in Cambridgeshire. A radiocarbon age on one of the leaves found it was about as old as the Great Bible itself, and stable C and N isotope and neutron activation analyses were carried out on the same leaf. The δ15N values were elevated and the content of iron, arsenic, bromine, silver, gold and mercury were relatively high. These analyses are consistent with an environment where water logging is present, as at Ely at the time, and the silver and gold content are probably consistent with the cathedral setting. The mercury was found to be associated with the red ink in the Bible. It is intriguing to ponder why Wych elm leaves were placed in the Bible, especially in the light that a copy of an original edition of the King James version of the Bible from Ely, also in the library in Perth has many dozens of U. glabra leaves also preserved within in its pages.  相似文献   

In 1845, an expedition, commanded by Sir John Franklin, set out to discover the Northwest Passage. The ships entered the Canadian Arctic, and from September 1846 were beset in ice off King William Island. A note left by the expedition in May 1847 reported all was well, but by April 1848, 24 of the 129 men had died. The ice‐locked ships were deserted in April 1848, but the 105 survivors were so weakened that all perished before they could reach safety. The causes of the morbidity and mortality aboard the ships have long been debated, and many commentators have argued that scurvy was an important factor. This study evaluates the historical evidence for the likely effectiveness of anti‐scorbutic precautions taken on polar voyages at that time, and investigates whether the skeletal remains associated with the expedition provide evidence for scurvy. Skeletal remains available for study were carefully examined for pathological changes, and lesions potentially consistent with scurvy were subject to histological analysis. Where remains were no longer accessible, use was made of published osteological work. It is argued that the anti‐scorbutic measures customarily taken on mid 19th century British naval polar voyages were such that there is no a priori reason to suppose that scurvy should have been a problem prior to the desertion of the ships. The analysis of the skeletal evidence provided little in the way of bony lesions consistent with the disease, and cannot therefore be used to support the presence of scurvy. Factors other than scurvy may been the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the 11 months prior to the desertion of the ships. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article addresses the calculation of the inertia of an adjacency matrix (i.e., the number of positive, zero, and negative eigenvalues) associated with a connected, undirected planar graph. A formula is derived that is an upper bound for the number of negative eigenvalues of this matrix, based upon standard matrix trace results, coupled with the use of nonextreme eigenvalue averages, and requiring calculations of the pair of extreme eigenvalues and the number of zero eigenvalues. The number of positive eigenvalues can be calculated easily from this specific result. Assessment of this formula is in terms of selected regular two‐dimensional tessellations and in terms of a set of empirical surface partitioning, commonly employed in spatial analyses. Proposed correction factors allow a modification of this formula to estimate more precisely the associated inertia of an adjacency matrix. Este artículo aborda el cálculo de la inercia de una matriz de adyacencia, (es decir, el número de valores propios (eigenvalues) positivos, cero y negativos) asociados a un grafo conexo plano no orientado (connected undirected planar graph). Se deriva una fórmula que es el límite superior del número de valores propios negativos de esta matriz basándose en los resultados estándar de la traza de la matriz (matrix trace) junto con el uso de los promedios de valores propios no extremos y que requiere cálculos del par de valores propios extremos y del número de valores propios cero. El número de valores propios positivos se puede calcular fácilmente a partir de este resultado. Se evalúa esta fórmula en términos de mosaicos regulares bidimensionales y en términos de un conjunto de superficies de partición (surface partitioning) empíricas comúnmente empleados en análisis espaciales. Los factores de corrección propuestos permiten modificar esta fórmula para estimar con mayor precisión la inercia de una matriz de adyacencia. 本文讨论了联通非有向平面图邻接矩阵的惯性逼近(即正的,零以及负的特征值的个数)问题。基于标准矩阵迹的结果,综合利用非极值特征值的平均值,通过计算极值特征值对和零特征值个数,构建了邻接矩阵中负特征值上界计算公式。正特征值的个数可以简单地从上述结果中直接计算。采用空间分析中常用的规则二维格网化选取,以及一系列的经验曲面剖分对该公式的评估。所提出的修正指数允许对该公式进行修正,从而更精确地估计邻接矩阵惯性。  相似文献   

A substantial problem in studying the geographical epidemiology of rare noncontagious diseases is to estimate the risks of their development within populations. A geostatistical solution is described and illustrated by a case study of cancer among children in the West Midlands of England for the years 1980 to 1984 inclusive. Data consist of the numbers of diagnosed cases of cancer and of healthy children in each of 838 electoral wards, the centroids of which are known accurately. The rate of incidence or frequency, equal to the number of cases divided by the number of children, is a binomial variable and is treated as a realization of the underlying risk of a child's developing the disease that varies from place to place. The experimental variogram of the frequency was computed using the standard formulation. The variogram of the risk was obtained from it taking into account the numbers of children at risk and the error associated with each observed frequency. The variogram of the risk increased monotonically from 0 at zero lag to about 50 kilometers, and it was modeled as Whittle's two-dimensional elementary correlation function. The covariances of frequency and cross-covariances between the frequency and the risk were derived from it, and these were then used together with the data to krige the risk and map it. The risk of developing the disease is shown to have a patchy distribution, strongly autocorrelated at the regional scale of the investigation.  相似文献   

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