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杨学政 《攀登》2012,(3):120-123
本文通过对青海行政学院在远程教育中存在问题的分析,阐述了现代远程教育在教育培训中的重要作用,提出了青海行政学院在教育培训中充分发挥远程教育作用的具体措施,以发挥远程教育的最大效果,从而提升培训质量和培训效果。  相似文献   

青海省公务员培训需求调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷扬林  倪敏 《攀登》2006,25(3):78-82
客观、准确地了解公务员的培训需求,对行政学院有效开展公务员培训有着非常重要的意义。本文在深入调查的基础上,分析了青海省县(处)级公务员的培训需求及特点,并就今后的公务员培训工作提出了初步的意见和建议。  相似文献   

对完善我国公务员培训制度的几点认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贡世康 《攀登》2004,23(5):39-41
公务员的培训是为了提高公务员的素质和技能.使之具备担任某种职务的资格。对公务员的培训方法应谊根据需要和可能,采取灵活多样的形式。本着重从公务员培训的涵义和意义、存在的问题以及对完善公务员培训制度的基本思路方面进行了分析和论述。  相似文献   

孙萍 《攀登》2006,25(6):142-145
本文分析、总结了芬兰、荷兰和意大利三国公务员培训的共性和特点,提出了我国公务员培训工作可以借鉴的培训理念、培训模式和培训手段。  相似文献   

林春阳 《神州》2013,(14):81-81
现代远程开放教育是我国继续教育体系中重要的组成部分,为了能更好地发挥远程教育的优势,教师在教育教学过程中要认真地思考一下在网络技术和多媒体源与传统教学相融合时,任课教师应该如何调整自己的定位,让其更符合远程教育的发展方向。  相似文献   

马德明 《攀登》2007,26(4):117-121
任何培训效果评估体系的构建,必须以一定的理论依据或假设为前提,即使从实践经验中升华的培训评估体系,也是在一定的理论指导下形成和发展起来的。因此,尝试探讨适合我国公务员培训效果评估体系的理论基础,尽快确立一种有效的适合我国特色的公务员培训效果评估体系,并有效付诸实施,已成为提高公务员能力与建设效能、廉洁的服务型政府的必然要求。  相似文献   

肖国刚 《攀登》2007,26(6):123-125
目前,理论界对于公务员培训制度的研究正处在探索阶段,特别是在公务员培训效果评估方面是一个薄弱环节,其理论储备和实践经验都极为欠缺。因此,科学、系统、客观地对公务员培训效果评估存在的问题及对策进行研究,对理论界和政府部门都具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

张琦 《神州》2020,(5):264-265
服务型政府建设是我国政府职能转变的重要举措,对满足我国人民对美好生活的向往具有重要意义。公务员是人民的公仆,是服务型政府建设的根基,做好公务员培训是服务型政府建设的根本要求。基于此,本文立足于我国公务员培训体系的现状,深挖目前我国公务员培训的现存问题,并结合现存的问题提出相应的改进举措,以期为我国公务员培训发展提供理论基础,更进一步地促进我国政府职能转变,加速服务型政府建设。  相似文献   

我国的国家公务员是指国家依法定方式和程序任用,在中央和地方各级国家行政机关中工作依法行使国家行政的人员。国家公务员的监督是指党和国家及人民群众对国家公务员在执行公务活动中,履行国家法律、法规、政策和执行纪律情况实行的监督。国家公务员作为具体行政行为直接实施者,不论其职务高低,权力大小,都是人民的勤务员,人民的公仆。因此,为人民服务是国家公务员唯一的宗旨。但是,由于目前国际环境和社会生活错综复杂,公务员在素质、觉悟、品德和能力上存在着差别,加上人们认识存在的  相似文献   

石海强 《攀登》2012,31(1):79-82
本文分析了青海省现行公务员在线学习模式存在的问题,按照胡锦涛同志大规模培训干部、大幅度提高干部素质的要求,提出以青海公务员在线自主学习网站为基础平台,大力发展公务员在线自主学习模式,突出在线学习指导、学习交流以及测评认证等功能,以增强公务员教育的开放性,为推动青海省公务员学习培训工作做有益的尝试。  相似文献   

改进基层公务员绩效考核之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜杰敏 《攀登》2011,30(4):69-73
当前,在公务员队伍中存在着“庸政”、“懒政”现象,这些虽属个别现象,但是如果不严格治理,将严重损害党和政府的形象。因此,对公务员特别是基层公务员开展程序规范、便于操作、导向明确、约束力强的绩效考核,对于改善公务员的工作状态和提高公务员的工作水平意义重大。本文借鉴实践中的一些成功经验,对改进绩效考核提出基本设想。  相似文献   

In francophone West Africa, the term fonctionnaire unambiguously identifies public servants as integral parts of the state apparatus. Yet during general strikes in Guinea in 2006/7 this self‐evident association was called into question by the polarization of the public discourse which forced Guineans into associating either with the state or with the protesting people. Based on empirical data from ethnographic fieldwork, this contribution explores how public servants negotiated this tension during and after the upheavals. Their professional (historic) trajectories are constituted by ideological and institutional characteristics of post‐colonial state building and are fundamental for the participation of public servants in the changing dynamics of the local political arena. At the same time, these trajectories play an important and pertinent role in the everyday production of state that stabilizes society even during governance crises such as those experienced in Guinea.  相似文献   

目前我国法治水平的提高,除了必须关注法律自身的完善外,公职人员的行政法律意识直接影响和决定着依法行政的进程,进而影响到依法治国的步伐。本文从解析江苏省文化系统公职人员行政法律意识这一微观角度入手,宏观上阐述公职人员行政法律意识存在误区的原因,并提出增强法律意识的方法和途径,为依法行政做些理论和实践上的探讨。  相似文献   

The 1966 Hong Kong riots were the trigger for wide-ranging changes in relationships between the government and the public which shaped the political future of the colony. However, it is not immediately clear why a relatively small-scale disturbance which was quickly contained should have had such a considerable impact. The explanation, it is argued, lies in a confluence of factors. The riots were the first to be specifically concerned with events in Hong Kong rather than in China and therefore required attention to local causes; urban councillors were demanding more electoral representation and devolution of government functions to the Council; the Commission of Inquiry into the riots held public meetings raising political awareness; and reforming senior civil servants saw the riots as an opportunity for change. Because there was antipathy within government towards elections and to any devolution of functions, the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry were given priority, resulting in administrative rather than public policy or electoral solutions, a decision which retarded the development of democracy.  相似文献   

三江源生态移民生存发展问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关桂霞 《攀登》2011,30(6):7-14
生存环境是一个民族赖以生存发展的基本条件。站在民族发展进步的视阈,青海三江源生态保护和建设工程无疑是生活在这一区域的各民族,特别是藏民族发展进程中的重大事项,它对千百年沿袭下来的生产和生活方式的改变将产生十分重大的影响。工程实施以来,各级政府按照“实现保护和恢复生态功能、促进人与自然和谐和可持续发展、农牧民达到小康生活”三大目标的要求积极开展工作,取得了阶段性成果。同时,面临的困难也相当大。本文根据笔者的调研,就三江源生态移民生存发展面临的困难和问题及其解决的思路提出粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

Incineration outside of the health sector has started to become a growing business in Tanzania recently. The following article reflects on how internationally and locally formulated concerns about pollution from incineration unfold in the context of Dar es Salaam. More precisely, it looks at civil servants authorized to monitor incineration activities. How do they translate their mandate into practice? What are the public goods at stake in the monitoring of incineration? The article concludes with reflections on incineration as a highly ambivalent waste management technology for those responsible for monitoring it.  相似文献   

Contemporary ideals of democratic governance hold that public trust in the workings of public authorities is achieved through measures such as allowing free access to information. Yet 18 months participating in and observing the activities of users of Freedom of Information legislation – introduced in Scotland in 2005 – and civil servants disclosing information under it reveals that public trust and transparency do not always flow from increased access. Treating ‘transparency’, not as a known phenomenon, but as something that emerges in ethnographic observation and analysis, this article moves beyond an idea of transparency as being the simple revelation of an object by a subject, and in doing so challenges the fixed distinction between persons and things on which transparency as it is understood by Freedom of Information legislation appears to rely.  相似文献   

During the period of the Japanese occupation, ordinary civil servants were the main force keeping the puppet municipal government of Tianjin functioning. In the first years of the occupation, the puppet municipal government mainly hired former civil servants who had served under the Nanjing National Government. After the situation was stable, the puppet municipal government also recruited civil servants by civil service examinations. The ranks of civil servants and the rules and regulations they observed were basically the same as those of the former National Government. Most ordinary civil servants came from the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and were relatively young and well educated. They mainly relied on their salaries for their livelihood. For the first three years of the Japanese occupation they lived comfortably, because of their relatively high and stable incomes and the slow rate of inflation. After that, inflation soared, but their salaries did not increase correspondingly, therefore the living conditions of civil servants declined constantly. The Japanese puppet government exercised strict control over civil servants, physically and psychologically, and forced them to receive enslaving education. In short, they were in a distorted and struggling state both in their material life and their spiritual world.  相似文献   

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