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2007年,车八岭国家级自然保护区经批准加入联合国教科文组织世界生物圈保护区网络。2022年,中国传统制茶技艺及其相关习俗经过多方努力被列为联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录,这无疑给我国茶产业的发展及茶文化的传播带来了新的契机。此外,研学旅行是国家青少年教育中的必修课,关于茶文化、茶非遗的研学无疑给茶产业带来了新的挑战与机遇。因此,本文以车八岭世界生物圈茶文化、茶产业为例,依托“茶非遗”与“世界生物圈生态元素”的碰撞和联动,探究打造独特的研学IP,以期为车八岭世界生物圈内的乡村振兴及社区发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

李国英 《神州》2014,(2):37-37
<正>中国是茶的故乡,是茶文化的发源地。松阳是一个有着1800多年历史的省级历史文化名城,而松阳的茶文化在南宋时期已相当繁荣。为大力弘扬内涵丰富、历史悠久的中华茶文化,促进各国、各地区、各民族茶风情的传播,茶知识的普及,进一步推动茶经济、茶文化的繁荣和昌盛;为广泛交流各地内容丰富、各具特色的茶经验,进一步推动茶经济、茶文化的交流、合作和发展;松阳县政府依托茶文化节的窗口作用,将松阳的茶叶和文化有机地融为一体,让观众在丰富多彩的文艺演出中认识松阳的茶叶、感受松阳的茶文化,展示我县生态茶产业深厚的资源,为我县的招商引资工作搭建平台。在国茶叶流通协会及中国国际茶文化研究会等单位的支持  相似文献   

边缘人 《民俗研究》2000,(1):167-169
茶叶原产于中国大地,已是不争的事实。中国人作为世界上最早把茶当作饮料的民族,少说也有四五千年的历史了。与种茶、制茶、饮茶此等茶业茶事相适应,也便逐渐形成了和发展了中国独特的茶文化  相似文献   

张港 《文史天地》2005,(1):47-48
世界上最早的关于茶叶专著《茶经》,是我国唐朝的陆羽写的。《茶经》的问世,标志着我国茶文化发展已经达到很高的程度,是唐代中国人民关于茶的经验的总结。作者陆羽收集历代茶叶史料并记述亲身调查和实践的经验,对唐代及唐代以前的茶叶历史、产地和茶的功效、栽培、采制、煎煮、饮用的知识技术都作了阐述。  相似文献   

中国茶叶博物馆是我国唯一一座以茶和茶文化为主题的国家级专题博物馆,位于浙江省杭州市龙井路88号,占地4.7公顷,建筑面积8000平方米。于1991年4月正式对外开放,集文化展示、科普宣传、人才培养、科学研究、学术交流及品茗、餐饮、会务、休闲等服务功能于一体。中国茶叶博物馆是中华茶文化的展示中心,是系统收藏茶文物、茶叶文献资料的专业场所,是茶文化研究的重要基地,是茶文化活动的重要组织机构,是茶艺师的摇篮和传播茶文化的重要窗口,是爱国主义教育及未成年人素质教育的重要阵地。中国茶叶博物馆@王建荣  相似文献   

王宇缙 《区域治理》2022,(13):225-228
中国是茶的故乡、茶文化发祥地、世界最大的产茶国,湖北省具有悠久深厚的茶文化历史底蕴.做大做强茶产业对于湖北省全面推进乡村振兴、突破县域经济发展具有重要意义.文章立足茶圣故里天门茶产业发展实际,站在湖北省域茶叶产业发展全局的角度,从现状、问题入手,分析了楚茶品牌做大做强的发展路径选择,特别是打造省域茶叶公用品牌,擦亮茶圣...  相似文献   

周慧  赵星 《旅游纵览》2022,(24):118-120
斗篷山景区旅游资源丰富,为茶旅融合发展提供了现实条件。茶旅融合发展有利于茶文化的传播和更新,更能有效促进景区的发展与壮大。本文在体验经济理论视域下,采用文献研究法、实地调研法对斗篷山景区茶文化旅游产品的开发和升级进行分析,得出以下景区茶文化旅游商品开发建议:充分挖掘都匀毛尖茶的历史文化,并将其植入茶文化旅游产品中;结合当地少数民族特色和民俗特色开发具有新意的茶文化旅游产品;以市场为导向设计开发不同层次的茶文化旅游产品;加强品牌培育和营销,打造产业融合发展龙头;增强茶文化的展示性、体验性和可参观性。  相似文献   

我国云南所产的普洱茶闻名遐迩,在云南地区发现的大面积古茶树更为普洱茶文化增色不少,尤其对云南世界茶源地的确定以及我国种茶史的研究有着重要意义。由于古代人民对于生物进化、历史发展等知识的局限性,使他们试图对普洱茶起源进行解释时多采取神话的形式,对某些历史人物进行附会、神化。本文主要搜集了民间流传的关于普洱茶起源的传说并借此对神话传说与历史的关系进行一番探讨。  相似文献   

云南是世界茶树的原产地,也是中国民族茶文化的发源地。居住在这里的各民族兄弟很早就形成了自己特有的饮茶方式和绚丽多姿的民族茶文化。 最早形成茶文化体系的是居住在云南的哈尼族。 哈尼族是世界上最早种茶的民族之一。土锅茶就是哈尼族人最早创出的一种饮茶方式,并做为一种茶文化被其它少数民族所接受和传播。 这种在土锅或土罐里煮成的茶,古时候是专门用来招待客人的,故又名待客茶。这种煮茶法最初的发明还有一个奇特的故事。 据说距今约1500年前,一位勇  相似文献   

茶文化起源于中国,中国是茶的故乡,据说始于神农时代,具有悠久的历史。近年来,酒店行业发展迅速,各个大中小酒店对于酒店管理专业人才的需求也日益增加。虽然每年都有很多的酒店管理专业毕业生,但是酒店对毕业生的综合评价并不高,很多酒店认为这些毕业生无法满足酒店发展需求。因此,高职院校需要及时反思酒店管理专业不足之处,加强对复合型人才的培养。基于此,本文分析了茶文化教育及酒店复合型人才的内涵、我国酒店管理专业现状、茶文化教育的作用。  相似文献   

十八世纪后,英国逐渐占据了中国同西方贸易的主导地位,茶叶取代丝绸成为他们从中国进口的主要商品。中国的绿茶凭借优良的品质倍受英国人青睐,大量运销英国。绿茶的大量出口推动了茶叶商品经济地发展,同时也带动了相关产业地兴起。  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(5):634-651

This essay shows an important shift in the Religious Right from Evangelical participation to Renewalist participation in politics. Renewalists, who are largely Pentecostals, Charismatics and non-denominational Christians, have been lumped into the "Evangelical" category by scholars and the media alike. Yet their theological orientations and concerns drive political questions and actions in different ways. Sarah Palin's placement on the Republican ticket in 2008 as the Vice Presidential candidate represents the first time an explicitly Renewalist Christian has been nominated. Since then, Palin's weaving of her theological orientation has influenced both political activity and Republican candidates in the 2012 election. Butler's essay explores Palin's contribution to this change, and poses questions about how this shift affects the future of the Religious Right.  相似文献   

The Gillard government's decision to reverse an election promise to not introduce a carbon tax prompted protest rallies around Australia during 2011–12. Beneath the hyperbole of critics who dismissed these protests as imitating US Tea Party extremism lies an intriguing possibility: that these are each examples of a new form of right-wing political expression enabled by structural changes in the media. This article considers the nature of the anti-carbon tax ‘people's revolt’ and its resemblance to the Tea Party. Both are a hybrid mix of top-down control and bottom-up grassroots populism whose emergence ‘outrage media’ facilitated. In a manner that echoes the support Fox News gave Tea Partiers, talkback radio in Sydney appears to have played a particular role shaping the identity, agenda and uncivil tone of the campaign against the carbon tax.

吉拉德政府决定背弃不征碳税的竞选承诺,在2011-12年引发了全澳大利亚的抗议示威。批评者将示威斥为对美国茶党极端主义的模仿。批评者夸张言辞的背后却是一种有趣的可能:此乃媒体结构变化所造成的、右翼政治表达的新形式。本文思考了反碳税“人民反叛”的性质,以及它与茶党的相似性。二者都是自上而下控制与自下而上草根民粹的混合,“愤怒的媒体”有利于它们的出现。就像狐狸新闻声援茶党那样,悉尼的对讲电台似乎在塑造反碳税运动的身份、议题以及粗暴的口吻方面发挥了特殊的作用。  相似文献   

本文结合《茶经》等文献记述,对河北宣化辽墓壁画中所见之茶具作了考辨,并对其时北地饮茶之俗的流播、自身的地域特色及古人的"一器多用"现象作了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper engages with the concept of territorialization through telling the story of the transformation of Chinese former Kuomintang (KMT) soldiers of Yunnanese origin and their descendants living in northern Thailand, from being opium and heroin traders and smugglers, to becoming mercenaries fighting against the Communist Party of Thailand in northern Thailand on behalf of the Thai military, to finally transforming into tea farmers and traders through receiving development aid support provided from the Republic of China (Taiwan). Taiwan's development aid was ostensibly only for humanitarian purposes, but in reality also had important underlying political objectives. We argue territorialization is a more-than-human political technology. In particular, it is argued that territorialization frequently combines both military politics and development politics, even though the literature often separates these two elements, as if they are not frequently intertwined and interrelated. Here, we show how these two forms of politics, one explicit and one much less so, can come together to create new social and economic realities, ones with important geographical and geopolitical implications.  相似文献   

Feature Review     

The emergence of the Tea Party has set off a new round of speculation on the “future” of the conservative movement. This essay discusses two issues, defense spending and immigration, on which the Tea Party may fuse a conservative-libertarian approach that might distinguish it from earlier conservative political movements. The essay notes that the twenty-first century has a developing school of conservative thought that can provide the intellectual groundwork for such a political combination between conservatives and libertarians. This school opposes both mainstream liberalism and mainstream conservatism and attempts to rework the conservative tradition to face contemporary challenges.  相似文献   

This article examines how the practice of learning geography, and the arenas in which knowledge-making takes place, can be usefully positioned within changing histories of the discipline. It contends that networks of action – understood through the intersection of social sites, subjects and sources – present a conceptual framework and narrative focus for the re-consideration of specific episodes from geography's past. The interventions made here are informed and illustrated by a 'small story' about the doing of geography. Based on different personal accounts, the story revives a series of events, encounters, dialogues and images dating back to the winter of 1951 at Glenmore Lodge, Scotland. This educational institution in the Cairngorm mountains offered children from urban areas the opportunity to learn field studies and the skills of 'outdoor citizenship'. Initially, the focus falls on Margaret Jack, a 14-year-old field-course participant. Her learning experiences are traced through personal letters, a diary and a field journal dating from that time, and her recent recollections of this event. Margaret's account dovetails with the story of her field studies instructor, Robin Murray. Robin's role is traced through his learning experiences as a geography undergraduate at Aberdeen University, and the recent recollections of Catriona Murray, his wife.  相似文献   

The Knowledge of Debt: Law, Media Technique, and Everyday Experience in Liberal Capitalism. Performing an object such as ‘the economy’ hinges on practices of formatting knowledge. The article proposes to look at such instituting moments in connection with social conflicts over the legitimate rules of exchange. This is exemplified by way of recounting the story of the codification of Swiss bankruptcy law in 1889. In order to homogenize the legal procedures of debt collection and bankruptcy, two subject categories were instituted: ‘merchants’ and ‘non-merchants’. These different categories were thought to account for the diverging temporalities and spaces of credit exchange in everyday economic life. The introduction of the commercial register, a media-technical apparatus, enabled a formal distinction between ‘merchants’ and ‘non-merchants’. However, this boundary was contested and proved to be porose.  相似文献   

Shells of two species of freshwater bivalve (Unio willcocksi Bullen Newton and Etheria elliptica Lamarck) from the predynastic Gerzean (Nagada II) Decorated Tomb at Hierakonpolis, Egypt have given dates of 5000±90 bp for the tomb, and 12,900±120 bp for an episode of Nile terrace accumulation (correlated here with the Sahaba-Darau aggradation event). The archaeological and geological significance of these results is discussed, together with an outline of problems associated with radiocarbon dating of shell. Comparisons are made with the few other radiocarbon dates available for the Predynastic period in Egypt and possible reasons for the presence of shells in the tomb are considered.  相似文献   

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