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Salar Ignorado is a shallow acid saline lake hosted by a small intervolcanic basin high in the Andes Mountains of northern Chile. Modern surface waters have 3.3–4.1 pH, 0.5–3% total dissolved solids (TDS) and are actively precipitating gypsum crystals. The gypsum crystals trap the acid saline water as fluid inclusions, providing a record of recent surface water characteristics. Salar Ignorado gypsum contains three distinct types of primary fluid inclusions, which result from growth of the gypsum from surface waters. Petrography and microthermometry were performed on 27 gypsum crystals from Salar Ignorado to gain an understanding of recent water chemistry of the salar. One 18.3‐cm‐long gypsum crystal, hosting primary fluid inclusions along 28 successive growth bands, was the focus for fluid inclusion studies and allowed a record of high‐resolution chemical trends. This crystal showed a change in parent fluids during growth, from low salinity, to high salinity, back to low salinity. At the bottom of the crystal, the lowest six fluid inclusion assemblages have salinities of 1.7–5.1 eq. wt. % NaCl. The next nine fluid inclusion assemblages have significantly higher salinity (18.6–27.4 eq. wt. % NaCl) inclusions. The twelve fluid inclusion assemblages near the top of the crystal have low salinity (0.9–8.3 eq. wt. % NaCl) like those at the bottom of the crystal. The high‐salinity fluid inclusions in the middle of this gypsum crystal are interpreted to have formed during a pulse of magmatic/hydrothermal fluids to the surface, perhaps during local active volcanism. Secondary evidence of a magmatic influence on surface waters includes hydrogen sulfide and high molecular weight solid hydrocarbons within some fluid inclusions. This study is among the first detailed fluid inclusion studies of gypsum and suggests that fluid inclusions in gypsum can be paleo‐hydrogeologic proxies.  相似文献   

An integrated fluid inclusion and stable isotope study was carried out on hydrothermal veins (Sb‐bearing quartz veins, metal‐bearing fluorite–barite–quartz veins) from the Schwarzwald district, Germany. A total number of 106 Variscan (quartz veins related to Variscan orogenic processes) and post‐Variscan deposits were studied by microthermometry, Raman spectroscopy, and stable isotope analysis. The fluid inclusions in Variscan quartz veins are of the H2O–NaCl–(KCl) type, have low salinities (0–10 wt.% eqv. NaCl) and high Th values (150–350°C). Oxygen isotope data for quartz range from +2.8‰ to +12.2‰ and calculated δ18OH2O values of the fluid are between ?12.5‰ and +4.4‰. The δD values of water extracted from fluid inclusions vary between ?49‰ and +4‰. The geological framework, fluid inclusion and stable isotope characteristics of the Variscan veins suggest an origin from regional metamorphic devolatilization processes. By contrast, the fluid inclusions in post‐Variscan fluorite, calcite, barite, quartz, and sphalerite belong to the H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 type, have high salinities (22–25 wt.% eqv. NaCl) and lower Th values of 90–200°C. A low‐salinity fluid (0–15 wt.% eqv. NaCl) was observed in late‐stage fluorite, calcite, and quartz, which was trapped at similar temperatures. The δ18O values of quartz range between +11.1‰ and +20.9‰, which translates into calculated δ18OH2O values between ?11.0‰ and +4.4‰. This range is consistent with δ18OH2O values of fluid inclusion water extracted from fluorite (?11.6‰ to +1.1‰). The δD values of directly measured fluid inclusion water range between ?29‰ and ?1‰, ?26‰ and ?15‰, and ?63‰ and +9‰ for fluorite, quartz, and calcite, respectively. Calculations using the fluid inclusion and isotope data point to formation of the fluorite–barite–quartz veins under near‐hydrostatic conditions. The δ18OH2O and δD data, particularly the observed wide range in δD, indicate that the mineralization formed through large‐scale mixing of a basement‐derived saline NaCl–CaCl2 brine with meteoric water. Our comprehensive study provides evidence for two fundamentally different fluid systems in the crystalline basement. The Variscan fluid regime is dominated by fluids generated through metamorphic devolatilization and fluid expulsion driven by compressional nappe tectonics. The onset of post‐Variscan extensional tectonics resulted in replacement of the orogenic fluid regime by fluids which have distinct compositional characteristics and are related to a change in the principal fluid sources and the general fluid flow patterns. This younger system shows remarkably persistent geochemical and isotopic features over a prolonged period of more than 100 Ma.  相似文献   

A combined clay mineralogical, fluid inclusion, and K‐Ar study of Upper Jurassic metasediments at the Gehn (Lower Saxony Basin, Germany) provides evidence for a transient hydrothermal event during Upper Cretaceous basin inversion centered on a prominent gravimetric anomaly. Kaolinite and smectite in Oxfordian pelitic parent rocks that cap a deltaic sandstone unit were locally transformed into pyrophyllite, 2M1 illite, R3 illite–smectite, chlorite, and berthierine at the Ueffeln quarry. The pyrophyllite‐bearing metapelites lack bedding‐parallel preferred orientation of sheet silicates and experienced peak temperatures of about 260–270°C consistent with microthermometric data on quartz veins in the underlying silicified sandstones. The presence of expandable layers in illite–smectite and high Kübler Index values indicate that the thermal event was rather short‐lived. K‐Ar dating of the <0.2 μm fraction of the pyrophyllite‐bearing Ueffeln metapelite yields a maximum illitization age of 117 ± 2 Ma. Lower trapping temperatures of aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz veins and the absence of pyrophyllite in metapelites of the Frettberg quarry in a distance of about 2.5 km from the Ueffeln quarry infer maximum paleotemperatures of only 220°C. The highly localized thermal anomaly at Ueffeln suggests fault‐controlled fluid migration and heat transfer that provided a thermal aureole for pyrophyllite formation in the metapelites rather than metamorphism due to deep burial. A pH neutral hydrothermal fluid that formed by devolatilization reactions or less likely by mixing of meteoric and marine waters that interacted at depth with shales is indicated by the low salinity (3–5 wt. % NaCl equiv.) of aqueous inclusions, their coexistence with methane–carbon dioxide‐dominated gas inclusions as well as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen isotope data. The upwelling zone of hydrothermal fluids and the thermal maximum is centered on a gravimetric anomaly interpreted as an igneous intrusion (‘Bramsche Massif’) providing the heat source for the intrabasinal hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

Seven vein types are recognized in three continental Devonian molasse basins (the Hornelen, Kvamshesten and Solund basins) in western Norway. These include calcite‐, quartz‐ and epidote‐dominated veins. The salinities of fluid inclusions from quartz‐dominated veins in the Hornelen and Kvamshesten basins are close to or slightly higher than those for modern seawater, whereas the fluids from quartz‐ and calcite‐dominated veins in the Solund basin range from seawater values to 20 wt % NaCl equivalent. Minerals such as biotite, amphibole, titanite, chlorite and epidote are abundant in the latter veins, and are important constituents of the authigenic mineral assemblages. A combination of fluid inclusion and petrological data suggest that at least some of the veins formed at depths around 12–14 km. The Cl/Br ratios and the salinity of the fluid inclusions can be explained by interactions with evaporites, implying that the sedimentary environment forming the basin fill had the strongest influence upon low‐grade metamorphic fluid Cl and Br contents. Differences in the Cl/I and Na/Br ratios between the Solund basin and the Hornelen and Kvamshesten basins are best explained by local mass transfer between pore fluids and the surrounding rock matrix during burial and increasing temperatures.  相似文献   

Y. LIU  G. CHI  K. M. BETHUNE  B. DUBÉ 《Geofluids》2011,11(3):260-279
The Red Lake mine trend, a deformation zone in the Archean Red Lake greenstone belt that hosts the world‐class Campbell‐Red Lake gold deposit, is characterized by abundant foliation‐parallel iron‐carbonate ± quartz veins with banded colloform‐crustiform structures and cockade breccias overprinted by silicification and gold mineralization. There is an apparent incompatibility between the cavity‐fill structures of the veins and breccias (typically developed at shallow crustal depths) and the upper greenschist to lower amphibole facies metamorphic conditions recorded in the host rocks (indicating relatively deep environments). This, together with the development of veins along the foliation plane, represents an enigmatic problem that may be related to the interplay between fluid dynamics and stress field. We approach this problem through systematic study of fluid inclusion planes (FIPs) in the vein minerals, including the orientations of the FIPs and the pressure–temperature conditions inferred from fluid inclusion microthermometry. We find that fluid inclusions in the main stage vein minerals (pregold mineralization ankerite and quartz and syn‐ore quartz) are predominantly carbonic without a visible aqueous phase, whereas many inclusions in the postore stage contain an aqueous phase. Most FIPs are subvertical, and many are subparallel to the foliation. High fluid pressure coupled with the high wetting angles of the water‐poor, carbonic fluids may have been responsible for the abundance of brittle deformation features. The development of subvertical FIPs is interpreted to indicate episodic switching of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) from subhorizontal (perpendicular to the foliation) to subvertical (parallel to the foliation) orientation. The subvertical σ1 is favorable for the formation of foliation‐parallel veins, as fractures are preferentially opened along the foliation in such a stress regime, the origin of which may be linked to the fluid source.  相似文献   

J. P. FAIRLEY 《Geofluids》2009,9(2):153-166
Previous studies have shown that most hydrothermal systems discharging at the land surface are associated with faulting, and that the location, temperature and rate of discharge of these systems are controlled by the geometry and style of the controlling fault(s). Unfortunately, the transport of heat and fluid in fault-controlled hydrothermal systems is difficult to model realistically; although heterogeneity and anisotropy are assumed to place important controls on flow in faults, few data or observations are available to constrain the distribution of hydraulic properties within active faults. Here, analytical and numerical models are combined with geostatistical models of spatially varying hydraulic properties to model the flow of heat and fluid in the Borax Lake fault of south-east Oregon, USA. A geometric mean permeability within the fault of 7 × 10−14 m2 with 2× vertical/horizontal anisotropy in correlation length scale is shown to give the closest match to field observations. Furthermore, the simulations demonstrate that continuity of flow paths is an important factor in reproducing the observed behavior. In addition to providing some insight into possible spatial distributions of hydraulic properties at the Borax Lake site, the study highlights one potential avenue for integrating field observations with simulation results in order to gain greater understanding of fluid flow in faults and fault-controlled hydrothermal and petroleum reservoirs.  相似文献   

Petrography, geochemistry (stable and radiogenic isotopes), and fluid inclusion microthermometry of matrix dolomite, fracture‐filling calcite, and saddle dolomite in Ordovician to Devonian carbonates from southwestern Ontario, Canada, provide useful insights into fluid flow evolution during diagenesis. The calculated δ18Ofluid, ΣREE, and REESN patterns of matrix and saddle dolomite suggest diverse fluids were involved in dolomitization and/or recrystallization of dolomite. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of dolomite of each succession vary from values in the range of coeval seawater to values more radiogenic than corresponding seawater, which indicate diagenetic fluids were influenced by significant water/rock interaction. High salinities (22.4–26.3 wt. % NaCl + CaCl2) of Silurian and Ordovician dolomite–hosted fluid inclusions indicate involvement of saline waters from dissolution of Silurian evaporites. High fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures (>100°C) in all samples from Devonian to Ordovician show temperatures higher than maximum burial (60–90°C) of their host strata and suggest involvement of hydrothermal fluids in precipitation and/or recrystallization of dolomite. A thermal anomaly over the mid‐continent rift during Devonian to Mississippian time likely was the source of excess heat in the basin. Thermal buoyancy resulting from this anomaly was the driving force for migration of hydrothermal fluids through regional aquifers from the center of the Michigan Basin toward its margin. The decreasing trend of homogenization temperatures from the basin center toward its margin further supports the interpreted migration of hydrothermal fluids from the basin center toward its margin. Hydrocarbon‐bearing fluid inclusions in late‐stage Devonian to Ordovician calcite cements with high homogenization temperatures (>80°C) and their 13C‐depleted values (approaching ?32‰ PDB) indicate the close relationship between hydrothermal fluids and hydrocarbon migration.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal polymetallic veins of the Gemeric unit of the Western Carpathians are oriented coherently with the foliation of their low‐grade Variscan basement host. Early siderite precipitated from homogeneous NaCl‐KCl‐CaCl2‐H2O brines with minor CO2, while immiscible gas–brine mixtures are indicative of the superimposed barite, quartz–tourmaline and quartz–sulphide stages. The high‐salinity aqueous fluid (18–35 wt%) found in all mineralization stages corresponds to formation water modified by interaction with crystalline basement rocks at temperatures between 140 and 300°C. High brominity (around 1000 ppm in average) resulted from evaporation and anhydrite precipitation in a Permo‐Triassic marine basin, and from secondary enrichment by dissolution of organic matter in the marine sediments at diagenetic temperatures. Sulphate depletion reflects thermogenic reduction during infiltration of the formation waters into the Variscan crystalline basement. Crystallization temperatures of the siderite fill (140–300°C) and oxygen isotope ratios of the parental fluids (4–10‰) increase towards the centre of the Gemeric cleavage fan, probably as a consequence of decreasing water/rock ratios in rock‐buffered hydrothermal systems operating during the initial stages of vein evolution. In contrast, buoyant gas–water mixtures, variable salinities and strongly fluctuating P–T parameters in the successive mineralization stages reflect transition from a closed to an open hydrothermal system and mixing of fluids from various sources. Depths of burial were 6–14 km (1.7–4.4 kbar, in a predominantly lithostatic fluid regime) during the siderite and barite sub‐stages of the north‐Gemeric veins, and up to 16 km (1.6–4.5 kbar, in a hydrostatic to lithostatic fluid regime) in the quartz–tourmaline stage of the south‐Gemeric veins. The fluid pressure decreased down to approximately 0.6 kbar during crystallization of sulphides. U‐Pb‐Th, 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar geochronology applied to hydrothermal muscovite–phengite and monazite, as well as cleavage phyllosilicates in the adjacent basement rocks and deformed Permian conglomerates corroborated the opening of hydrothermal veins during Lower Cretaceous thrusting and their rejuvenation during Late Cretaceous sinistral transpressive shearing and extension.  相似文献   

The calc‐alkaline plutonic complex from Charroux‐Civray (north‐western part of the French Massif Central) displays multiphase hydrothermal alteration. Plutonic rocks, as well as early retrograde Ca–Al silicate assemblages, which have crystallized during cooling and uplifting of the plutonic series, are affected by multiphase chlorite–phengite–illite–carbonate alteration linked to intense pervasive fluid circulation through microfractures. The petrographic study of alteration sequences and their associated fluid inclusions in microfissures of the plutonic rocks, as well as in mineral fillings of the veins, yields a reconstruction of the PTX evolution of the Hercynian basement after the crystallization of the main calc‐alkaline plutonic bodies. This reconstruction covers the uplift of the basement to its exposure and the subsequent burial by Mesozoic sediments. Cooling of the calc‐alkaline plutonic series started at solidus temperatures (~650°C), at a pressure of about 4 kbar (1 bar = 105 N m?2), as indicated by magmatic epidote stability, hornblende barometry and fluid inclusion data. Cooling continued under slightly decreasing pressure during uplift down to 2–3 kbar at 200–280°C (prehnite–pumpellyite paragenesis). Then, a hot geothermal circulation of CO2‐bearing fluids was induced within the calc‐alkaline rocks leading to the formation of greisen‐like mineralizations. During this stage, temperatures around 400–450°C were still high for the inferred depths (~2 kbar). They imply abnormal heat flows and thermal gradients of 60–80°C km?1. The hypothesis of the existence of one large or a succession of smaller peraluminous plutons at depth, supported by geophysical data, suggests that localized heat flows were linked to concealed leucogranite intrusions. As uplift continued, greisen mineralization was subsequently affected by the chlorite–phengite–dolomite assemblage, correlated with aqueous and nitrogen‐bearing fluid circulations in the temperature range of 400–450°C. In a later stage, a continuous temperature decrease at constant pressure (~0.5 kbar) led to the alteration of the dolomite–illite–chlorite type in the 130–250°C temperature range.  相似文献   

The first occurrence of immiscibility in magmas appears to be most important in the magmatic–hydrothermal transition, and thus studies of magmatic immiscibility should be primarily directed towards recognition of coexisting silicate melt and essentially non-silicate liquids and fluids (aqueous, carbonic and sulphide). However, immiscible phase separation during decompression, cooling and crystallization of magmas is an inherently fugitive phenomenon. The only remaining evidence of this process and the closest approximation of natural immiscible magmatic liquids and vapours can be provided by melt and fluid inclusions trapped in silicate glasses and magmatic phenocrysts. Such inclusions are often used as a natural experimental laboratory to model the process of exsolution and the compositions of volatile-rich phases from a wide range of terrestrial magmas. In this paper several examples from recent research on melt and fluid inclusions are used to demonstrate the significance of naturally occurring immiscibility in understanding some large-scale magma chamber processes, such as degassing and partitioning of metals.  相似文献   

Structure‐ and tectonic‐related gas migration into Ordovician sandstone reservoirs and its impact on diagenesis history were reconstructed in two gas fields in the Sbaa Basin, in SW Algeria. This was accomplished by petrographical observations, fluid inclusion microthermometry and stable isotope geochemistry on quartz, dickite and carbonate cements and veins. Two successive phases of quartz cementation (CQ1 and CQ2) occurred in the reservoirs. Two phase aqueous inclusions show an increase in temperatures and salinities from the first CQ1 diagenetic phase toward CQ2 in both fields. Microthermometric data on gas inclusions in quartz veins reveal the presence of an average of 92 ± 5 mole% of CH4 considering a CH4‐CO2 system, which is similar to the present‐day gas composition in the reservoirs. The presence of primary methane inclusions in early quartz overgrowths and in quartz and calcite veins suggests that hydrocarbon migration into the reservoir occurred synchronically with early quartz cementation in the sandstones located near the contact with the Silurian gas source rock at 100–140°C during the Late Carboniferous period and the late Hercynian episode fracturing at temperatures between 117 and 185°C, which increased in the NW‐direction of the basin. During the fracture filling, three main types of fluids were identified with different salinities and formation temperatures. A supplementary phase of higher fluid temperature (up to 226°C) recorded in late quartz, and calcite veins is related to a Jurassic thermal event. The occurrence of dickite cements close to the Silurian base near the main fault areas in both fields is mainly correlated with the sandstones where the early gas was charged. It implies that dickite precipitation is related to acidic influx. Late carbonate cements and veins (calcite – siderite – ankerite and strontianite) occurred at the same depths resulting from the same groundwater precipitation. The absence of methane inclusions in calcite cements result from methane flushing by saline waters.  相似文献   

The chemical evolution of fluids in Alpine fissure veins (open cavities with large free‐standing crystals) has been studied by combination of fluid inclusion petrography, microthermometry, LA‐ICPMS microanalysis, and thermodynamic modeling. The quartz vein systems cover a metamorphic cross section through the Central Alps (Switzerland), ranging from subgreenschist‐ to amphibolite‐facies conditions. Fluid compositions change from aqueous inclusions in subgreenschist‐ and greenschist‐facies rocks to aqueous–carbonic inclusions in amphibolite‐facies rocks. The fluid composition is constant for each vein, across several fluid inclusion generations that record the growth history of the quartz crystals. Chemical solute geothermometry, fluid inclusion isochores, and constraints from fluid–mineral equilibria modeling were used to reconstruct the pressure–temperature conditions of the Alpine fissure veins and to compare them with the metamorphic path of their host rocks. The data demonstrate that fluids in the Aar massif were trapped close to the metamorphic peak whereas the fluids in the Penninic nappes record early cooling, consistent with retrograde alteration. The good agreement between the fluid–mineral equilibria modeling and observed fluid compositions and host‐rock mineralogy suggests that the fluid inclusions were entrapped under rock‐buffered conditions. The molar Cl/Br ratios of the fluid inclusions are below the seawater value and would require unrealistically high degrees of evaporation and subsequent dilution if they were derived from seawater. The halogen data may thus be better explained by interaction between metamorphic fluids and organic matter or graphite in metasedimentary rocks. The volatile content (CO2, sulfur) in the fluid inclusions increases systematically as function of the metamorphic grade, suggesting that the fluids have been produced by prograde devolatilization reactions. Only the fluids in the highest grade rocks were partly modified by retrograde fluid–rock interactions, and all major element compositions reflect equilibration with the local host rocks during the earliest stages of postmetamorphic uplift.  相似文献   

K. LI  C. CAI  H. HE  L. JIANG  L. CAI  L. XIANG  S. HUANG  C. ZHANG 《Geofluids》2011,11(1):71-86
Petrographic features, isotopes, and trace elements were determined, and fluid inclusions were analyzed on fracture‐filling, karst‐filling and interparticle calcite cement from the Ordovician carbonates in Tahe oilfield, Tarim basin, NW China. The aim was to assess the origin and evolution of palaeo‐waters in the carbonates. The initial water was seawater diluted by meteoric water, as indicated by bright cathodoluminescence (CL) in low‐temperature calcite. The palaeoseawater was further buried to temperatures from 57 to 110°C, nonluminescent calcite precipitated during the Silurian to middle Devonian. Infiltration of meteoric water of late Devonian age into the carbonate rocks was recorded in the first generation of fracture‐ and karst‐filling dull red CL calcite with temperatures from <50°C to 83°C, low salinities (<9.0 wt%), high Mn contents and high 86Sr/87Sr ratios from 0.7090 to 0.7099. During the early Permian, 87Sr‐rich hydrothermal water may have entered the carbonate rocks, from which precipitated a second generation of fracture‐filling and interparticle calcite and barite cements with salinities greater than 22.4 wt%, and temperatures from 120°C to 180°C. The hydrothermal water may have collected isotopically light CO2 (possibly of TSR‐origin) during upward migration, resulting in hydrothermal calcite and the present‐day oilfield water having δ13C values from ?4.3 to ?13.8‰ and showing negative relationships of 87Sr/86Sr ratios to δ13C and δ18O values. However, higher temperatures (up to 187°C) and much lower salinities (down to 0.5 wt%) measured from some karst‐filling, giant, nonluminescent calcite crystals may suggest that hydrothermal water was deeply recycled, reduced (Fe‐bearing) meteoric water heated in deeper strata, or water generated from TSR during hydrothermal water activity. Mixing of hydrothermal and local basinal water (or diagenetically altered connate water) with meteoric waters of late Permian age and/or later may have resulted in large variations in salinity of the present oilfield waters with the lowest salinity formation waters in the palaeohighs.  相似文献   

The Trèves zinc–lead deposit is one of several Mississippi Valley‐type (MVT) deposits in the Cévennes region of southern France. Fluid inclusion studies show that the ore was deposited at temperatures between approximately 80 and 150°C from a brine that derived its salinity mainly from the evaporation of seawater past halite saturation. Lead isotope studies suggest that the metals were extracted from local basement rocks. Sulfur isotope data and studies of organic matter indicate that the reduced sulfur in the ores was derived from the reduction of Mesozoic marine sulfate by thermochemical sulfate reduction or bacterially mediated processes at a different time or place from ore deposition. The large range of δ34S values determined for the minerals in the deposit (12.2–19.2‰ for barite, 3.8–13.8‰ for sphalerite and galena, and 8.7 to ?21.2‰ for pyrite), are best explained by the mixing of fluids containing different sources of sulfur. Geochemical reaction path calculations, based on quantitative fluid inclusion data and constrained by field observations, were used to evaluate possible precipitation mechanisms. The most important precipitation mechanism was probably the mixing of fluids containing different metal and reduced sulfur contents. Cooling, dilution, and changes in pH of the ore fluid probably played a minor role in the precipitation of ores. The optimum results that produced the most metal sulfide deposition with the least amount of fluid was the mixing of a fluid containing low amounts of reduced sulfur with a sulfur‐rich, metal poor fluid. In this scenario, large amounts of sphalerite and galena are precipitated, together with smaller quantities of pyrite precipitated and dolomite dissolved. The relative amounts of metal precipitated and dolomite dissolved in this scenario agree with field observations that show only minor dolomite dissolution during ore deposition. The modeling results demonstrate the important control of the reduced sulfur concentration on the Zn and Pb transport capacity of the ore fluid and the volumes of fluid required to form the deposit. The studies of the Trèves ores provide insights into the ore‐forming processes of a typical MVT deposit in the Cévennes region. However, the extent to which these processes can be extrapolated to other MVT deposits in the Cévennes region is problematic. Nevertheless, the evidence for the extensive migration of fluids in the basement and sedimentary cover rocks in the Cévennes region suggests that the ore forming processes for the Trèves deposit must be considered equally viable possibilities for the numerous fault‐controlled and mineralogically similar MVT deposits in the Cévennes region.  相似文献   

Memorials cultivate a common understanding of the past that is communicated through the celebration of select people, places or events. Because memorials are located in public space and crafted from time‐defeating materials, the process of commemoration is inherently political. Scholars have studied this process to discover the agendas that inform the ideological content of memorials, but rarely how this content is received by its audience. This question is especially pertinent when memorials outlast the generation and the ideology that created them. This study attempts an answer by exploring the career of one memorial: the monument in St. Catharines, Ontario, dedicated to Private Alexander Watson, a casualty of the Battle of Batoche (1885). It finds that the monument's significance was transformed by political, cultural and historiographical shifts. While its local audience has forgotten its specific message, its generic intent to honour fallen soldiers is still recognized.  相似文献   

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