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This paper is a part of a wider study into landscape change around St Albans, Hertfordshire. The original area of enquiry covered six medieval parishes, that is an area of126.z square km. While it has not been possible to subject the area to detailed field-walking, new information has arisen that requires a fresh assessment to be made of the area in the Late Iron Age. The new data come from a variety of sources such as aerial photographs, non-systematic field-walking, topographical observation, new archaeological discoveries and previous excavation reports. This combined information permits an insight into the earliest discernible landscape around St Albans and something of the society which created it.  相似文献   

The principal characteristics of the earthworks known as pillow mounds—artificial rabbit warrens—are discussed, together with the evidence for their date and purpose. Several aspects of their location and construction have caused considerable confusion to archaeologists in the past, and examples are suggested of current misidentification of these earthworks as prehistoric features. The need for a discussion of pillow mounds has recently become especially urgent due to the recognition of certain types of Neolithic earthwork of similar general appearance.  相似文献   

The wealth of evidence for Channel Islands megaliths is surveyed, with some attention to the contribution of the archaeological family Lukis. Detailed studies of distribution and relative survival demonstrate one advantage of the insular circumstance. A review of structural diversity, associations, and mortuary rites provides a local schema and this is placed within the framework for north-west France. The effects of insularity versus wider developments are assessed. Two specific case-studies—a structural and social interpretation of La Hougue Bie and an assessment of megalithic origins based on the Déhus carving—are of considerable importance for the wider field. Detailed lists of island structures are appended  相似文献   

潘口水电站与陕南和川东接壤,是古庸国所在地.遗址地处河流边缘地带,长年受河水的冲刷,破坏殆尽,出土遗物甚少,文化内涵主要包含新石器晚期和东周时期遗存.东周时期文化面貌较为复杂,既有楚文化特征又具巴蜀文化风格,同时还包含陕南文化因素,这种多元文化因素,是与周边文化相互影响、碰撞形成的一种以地方文化为特色的多元文化.因此,我们认为潘口水电站淹没区的小府坪、红花湾、王家套等遗址是东周时期楚灭庸后的一处村落遗址.  相似文献   

近二三十年来,古寄生物学在国外发展较为迅速,对古尸、粪化石和粪土的古寄生物研究已取得丰硕成果,但对墓葬腹土的古寄生物研究很少涉及。在国内,古寄生物学研究整体相对滞后,专门从事古寄生物研究者至今鲜见。我们通过对贾湖遗址墓葬腹土进行古寄生物研究,发现了一些寄生虫卵,这是对墓葬腹土研究的一次尝试和探索,也为古寄生物的研究提供了一个新的途径。  相似文献   

2001年11月,巩义市清中村南地发现一尊北宋时期的圆雕石虎,石虎附近同时发现有大量的砖、瓦、瓷器残片等。河南省文物考古研究所与巩义市文物部门在清中村调查时又发现了两尊武士造像和两尊石虎石刻,这些石刻出土地点均属北宋皇陵的清易镇墓区范围,这些发现对进一步研究北宋皇陵公布提供了新的资料。  相似文献   


This paper provides an edition of a stray duchy of Lancaster building account currently located in the archives of the Spalding Gentleman’s Society and relating to building works at Pontefract castle. The roll contains what are referred to as ‘the parcells’ of account for the year 1406–07. Few such accounts survive for this period. Pontefract was an important centre under Henry IV, having housed the deposed Richard II until his death. The work being done at the castle was part of the rebuilding of the quarters of Robert Waterton, constable of Pontefract. Robert de Gamelston of Nottinghamshire is known from other sources as a quarryman and master mason, but this account extends the period for which he is known to have been active. Details of the quarries and of the work and wages of the masons, carpenters and smiths are provided.  相似文献   

由于旧石器时代饰品的发现较少,且分布零散,所以关于饰品的研究多集中于前期制作,而对于穿系方式少有深入,这就成为目前旧石器时代饰品研究的新领域。山西吉县柿子滩遗址中出土有30件穿孔饰品,通过对其穿孔位置和表面绳索压磨痕迹的观察分析,饰品可以明确识别出单绳单孔、单绳双孔、双绳单孔和多绳单孔四种穿系方式,相应形成以串饰和坠饰为目的的多种穿系方式的组合。这项研究为探索旧石器时代饰品的制作工艺提供了重要的线索和信息。  相似文献   

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