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“Provost Marshall General does not concur in the construction of outdoor dance floors at Monticello Internment Camp … Outdoor dance floors would be of no use at an internment camp,” the brigadier general responded to the chief of engineers in 1943. Camp Monticello, located in southeast Arkansas, was an Italian prisoner of war camp constructed according to a set of standardized building plans. Despite the brigadier general’s insistence that Camp Monticello “conform as far as possible to the standard plan,” archaeological research that combines archival research with a metal detector survey shows that the plans were influenced by local politics, access to materials, environmental conditions, and the everyday activities of the prisoners of war.  相似文献   

The site of Finch Camp in the middle Queen Creek area of Arizona, southeast of Phoenix, has produced some of the earliest evidence of utilitarian pottery use in the US Southwest. Using multiple lines of evidence from vessel morphology, surface alteration, and minute fatty acid residues in vessel walls, I evaluate the nascent function of the earliest vessels (mostly neckless jars, or tecomates) and infer a diachronic process of functional expansion from about 350 B.C.-A.D. 400. This evidence provides robust evidence for evaluating various theoretical models of pottery origins. I argue that utilitarian pottery was initially adopted in connection with the intensification of small particulate plant foods (e.g., seeds, grains) and increasing household-level control over resources. Further, vessel functions may have expanded during the early centuries A.D. in response to women’s task-scheduling conflicts stemming from increasing residential stability and growing reliance on low-level horticulture.  相似文献   

海山在策划1911年外蒙古“独立”过程中起了童要的作用。他在彼得堡协助车林齐密特与俄国政府交涉援助事宜,以后又在伊尔库茨克、恰克图与俄国有关当局联络。他就外蒙古“独立”问题出了不少主意。1913年秋,海山转向北京政府,声称愿意劝导外蒙古王公内向,但是却乘机提出了大量无理要求,说明他是一个借外蒙古“独立”谋取私利的投机分子。  相似文献   

民国初年乌泰"独立"事件的外援背景再探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在民国初年乌泰“独立”事件的外援背景问题上 ,以往的研究成果多存在语焉不详、存疑待考之处。本文认真辨析各种史料记载 ,认为尽管沙皇俄国和外蒙古政权均有染指、利用这一事件的动机和欲图 ,部分史料也有相关记载或说法 ,但乌泰起兵肇乱并未实际得到俄国或外蒙古的武器、兵力援助。  相似文献   

Abundant clay burnt plaster remains and a few flaked tools, including an obsidian artefact, found on the ground surface not far from Trieste (north-eastern Italy) provide rare evidence of a possible prehistoric open-air occupation in the area. To confirm and detail their ancient origin, a plaster sample has been dated between 4000 and 2000 B.C. via thermoluminescence. Outer and inner structure of selected plaster samples has been characterized using several techniques, i.e. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray computed micro-tomography, obtaining information about their production technology. The last technique has allowed to image and virtually extract vegetal remains and imprints. Their 3D morphological study has contributed to collect information about the ancient environment and has provided clues to define the plaster production season. The provenance of the obsidian artefact from Lipari Island, revealed by prompt gamma activation analysis, suggests that the finding site was part of long-distance connection systems and probably worked as intermediate point between the north-eastern Adriatic coastal areas and the inner Karst plateau.  相似文献   

Examination of skeletons excavated in Dorset has probably produced the earliest example of leprosy known in northern Europe. The site, Poundbury Camp, Dorchester, was excavated under the direction of C. J. S. Green for the Dorchester Excavation Committee from 1966 to 1973. It is a Romano-British cemetery, apparently Christian, and the leprous bones are dated by their archaeological context to the middle of the fourth century AD.The specimen consists of the distal portions of right and left tibiae and fibulae, and the right and left feet. The right intermediate cuneiform is missing, but this may be a post-mortem loss. All parts of the skeleton above the mid-shaft of the tibiae and fibulae have been lost due to modern disturbance. It is therefore impossible to estimate the sex of the individual or its age, but the bones are certainly those of a mature adult.The following pathological changes were noted.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the intersections between architecture and agency in Subhash Camp, a squatter settlement in New Delhi, by ‘situating activism in place’. It highlights the significance of place in social action by examining the architecture of everyday places—the house, the street and the square—as the sites of both individual transformations and collective consciousness. Through observations of the activities of and interviews with members of Samudayik Shakti, a women's organisation and a men's panchayat, this article highlights a number of related processes in Subhash Camp: how different women experienced different places through everyday spatial practices; how the spatial practices in these places were shaped by different social structures at different scales, from the family to the state; how the architecture of these places was significant both as sites of control and of emancipation of women's bodies; and how this dynamic contributed to the making of social action in Subhash Camp.  相似文献   

This paper examines the involvement of British officials at the Stanley Internment Camp in Hong Kong in the perpetuation of imperial ideals during the Second World War, as well as in the eventual restoration of British rule to the territory. It highlights the debates that were conducted within the camp on issues of post-war reconstruction, as well as the strategies that were devised by the internees in anticipation of the new social, economic and political orders of the post-war colonial world. The paper also highlights similar discussions that transpired within the Changi Camp in Singapore and the Lintang Camp in Sarawak (Borneo) as supplementary case studies. Remarkably, many of these ideas ran in parallel with secret planning in London, where Hong Kong and Malayan governments-in-exile conceived revamped colonial administrations following the envisaged defeat of the Japanese. A number of these wartime schemes were even implemented after the Japanese surrender in August 1945, with significant impact on the phase of post-war British imperial revival.  相似文献   

A. H. A. Hogg 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):375-402
Focusing upon the restructuring over many years of a mid nineteenth-century ‘blackhouse’ in the crofting township of Callanish, on the Outer Hebridean Isle of Lewis in northwestern Scotland, this paper explores the manner in which a number of interests repeatedly rewove the fabric of the building over time as a means of expressing often competing views of society and community. In an attempt to make sense of and legitimize the present and project a desired future, various groups literally built strategic, contradictory and conditional pasts, infusing the material fabric of everyday life with a political dynamic. The paper concludes with observations on the implications for the practice of ‘cultural resource management’ as strategic negotiation of the politics of past and present.  相似文献   

徐树铮与外蒙古撤治及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1919年。在外蒙古撤消自治已具备相当有利的客观条件的前提下,徐树铮抓住有利契机,经过深思熟虑的准备,运用正确的策略方针。把握和推动时局,迅速和平地完成了撤治使命,使外蒙古最终于1919年11月17日正式呈请政府“情愿撤消自治”。徐树铮在撤治过程中发挥了巨大作用。外蒙古回归,不仅在外交上打击了一切侵略、分裂势力,政治上实现了民国以来的领土与主权的完整与统一,而且撤治本身对外蒙古社会的政治稳定、经济化的恢复和发展均产生了一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Karen Horn 《War & society》2014,33(4):269-282
This article narrates the experiences of white English-speaking South African Prisoners-of-War in Dresden Work Camp 1169 during the Second World War. Work Camp 1169 was populated predominantly by South African servicemen, and the availability of their memoirs and diaries, as well as first-hand interviews with some of the former inmates of this camp, provide an opportunity to analyse their experiences in terms of national identity, how well they adapted to captivity and how they managed relationships between themselves, their captors and the German citizens with whom they came into contact.  相似文献   

For more than half a century, the Robert E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home in Richmond, Virginia, provided shelter, food, and medical care to some of the South's neediest Confederate veterans. Applications to the Lee Camp home offer valuable insight into the post-war experiences of a substantial number of Confederate veterans and highlight the enduring effects of the Civil War upon those who fought in it. For such men, the long-term physical and economic ramifications of the conflict largely exceeded the capabilities of existing avenues of social assistance and necessitated the augmentation of state-based welfare efforts. Moreover, applications to the Lee Camp soldiers' home indicate some of the cultural assumptions which informed the home's application process and demonstrate the duality of purpose that has often been regarded by historians as a key characteristic of Confederate veterans' welfare.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis was undertaken on 48 individuals from Iron Age, Roman and Post-Roman periods of the Poundbury Camp Cemetery, Dorchester, England. Variations in diet, reflected by the stable isotope values, were observed between individuals from the different time periods. Differences in diet within the Late Roman period were particularly interesting, as we found that the isotope values could be related to burial type. We also found evidence of possible immigrants at Poundbury; individuals that may have come to the site from a warmer climate.  相似文献   

Lester B. Pearson’s speech at Temple University in April 1965 suggesting a pause in the bombing of North Vietnam enraged United States President Lyndon B. Johnson, who in private the next day at Camp David strongly rebuked the Canadian prime minister. While their stormy encounter has become the stuff of legend, just how the controversial proposal for a bombing pause appeared in Pearson’s speech in the first place has received far less attention. Making use of new archival material, including the private diary of Canadian Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs Marcel Cadieux, among other original sources, this article revisits previous accounts of the Temple speech, offering new details on the origins of the proposal for a bombing pause and examining the hitherto unknown but crucial drafting changes that were made prior to its becoming public. In doing so, this article sheds new light on one of the most significant events in the history of Canadian–American relations.  相似文献   

关于《左传》的记事终止时间,现在流行的《中国文学史》和《古代汉语》教材中存在两种不同的说法:一种认为迄于鲁哀公二十七年,即公元前468年;一种认为迄于鲁悼公四年,即公元前453年。结合《左传》一书的自身性质、编写体例、行文风格、古书通例等因素综合考察,鲁悼公四年和有关战国预言史料并不能作为记事终止时间的根据。《左传》的记事年代是和《春秋》大体一致的,最终止于鲁哀公二十七年,即公元前468年。但在流传过程中也间杂有一些战国史料。  相似文献   

Low altitude sandy plains (machair) are a distinctive feature of the Atlantic coasts of the Scottish Outer Hebrides. They formed as a result of shoreward movement of sediment consequent upon a rise in Holocene sea levels. During the long period over which machair has been forming, the earliest date proposed for their human occupation is the Neolithic. The natural origins of the machair are not disputed, but examination of deposits at sites in the islands of Benbecula and Grimsay encourages us to advance a possible anthropogenic role in the process of machair development, and also to suggest that human involvement may date from the Mesolithic period (pre-5000 BP [ca. 5730 cal BP]), a time for which archaeological evidence is lacking from the Outer Hebrides. The presence of charcoal might suggest that burning of the vegetation cover of the machair was an additional factor to the supposedly dominant marine and aeolian processes in sand mobility. Removal of shrub vegetation may also have left sand surfaces open to deflation. There remains a difficulty in separating natural from human causes in investigations of long-term coastal evolution.  相似文献   

论中国古代以广州为起点的“海上丝绸之路”的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文依据海上交通史料 ,以广州城为主要论述线索 ,全面阐述了海上丝绸之路的历史发展过程 ,认为广州是我国海上丝调之路的最早始发港和海岸城市。徐闻和泉州是在特定条件下 ,如徐闻在番禺城烧毁 ,南越国灭后的外贸中成为新兴始发港 ;泉州是南宋偏安后 ,朝廷特别经营下成为超广州的外贸中心 ,全国最大的外贸城市。在徐闻、泉州兴盛时 ,广州外贸并未消失 ,而只是退居次要地位  相似文献   

为了更好地对纺织品文物进行保护修复,在系统学习布兰迪现代修复理论的基础上,尝试运用意大利的纺织品文物保护方法和技术对承德市外八庙管理处的一件黄绸花袈裟进行保护和修复.历经除尘、清洗、干燥、染色和加固等处理过程,着重介绍用意大利方法对白色丝绸和白色丝线进行染色.经过保护修复后袈裟上的灰尘、污渍等病害基本得到清除,损坏部分得到了加固,针线缝合法保证了修复的可再处理性.  相似文献   

An extensive Late Iron Age settlement (SP 842430), with Middle Iron Age predecessor, was succeeded by an early Roman land management/drainage scheme accompanied by roads, and a timber bridge. This was followed by the construction of storehouse and barns adjoining a timber wharf, the whole encircled by an engineered river channel enclosing at least three ha, with an outlying cemetery. In the early/mid second century at least four, and possibly six, separate substantial stone buildings, all apparently of villa quality, were constructed over an area more than 250 m across. There were hints of a late Antonine destruction. Subsequently structural additions were made up to the early third century. Decline in the mid third century was followed by extensive rehabilitation in the late third/early fourth century, succeeded by slum/industrial conditions in the mid fourth, with iron working and smithing. Notable finds include parts of an early black and white mosaic, rib vault voussoir tiles, stamped tegulae, part of a luxury bronze folding tripod, a lead coffin, an anvil and a coulter. The pottery series extends from the middle Iron Age to the seventh century A.D., with a gap in the late fourth. Coinage extended from a stater of c. 40–20 B. C. to issues of the House of Valentinian, c. A.D. 375.  相似文献   

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