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江凌董亮 《收藏家》2009,(10):50-52
从明嘉靖时期开始,欧洲的葡萄牙就向中国定购纹章瓷,不过,直到明末,纹章瓷并未真正兴起,因为明代纹章瓷主要是青花纹章瓷,而欧洲纹章是彩色形式,青花并不能完美地表达纹章的内涵。从清康熙时期开始,釉上彩形式的纹章瓷代替青花成为纹章瓷的主流,从而迎来了外销欧洲纹章瓷的高峰。许多王公贵族、富商巨贾、公司团体等纷纷派遣或委托欧洲各国东印度公司前来中国定购。  相似文献   

The publication of Edward Said’s Orientalism (1978 Said, E. 1978. Orientalism, New York: Random House.  [Google Scholar]) marked a paradigm shift in thinking about the relationship between the West and the non‐West. Said coupled his critique of European discourse on the Middle East to issues of representation generally, demonstrating that Western discourse on the Middle East was linked to power, trafficked in racist stereotypes and continually reproduced itself. Despite important achievements, the critique of colonial representations often appeared abstract and disengaged from its own history as well as the specific colonial histories it sought to explain. We contend that while colonial representations have been theorized, they have yet to be adequately historicized. To this end, we trace the genealogy of the critique of colonial forms of knowledge in Britain, France and the US from the mid‐1940s to 1978. We argue for the historicization of the critique of orientalism, and for a more philosophically adequate theorization of modernity in world history.  相似文献   

Korean rural settlements are generally clustered at midslope sites on the flanks of hills or mountains. The settlement sites and forms were determined both by Fengshui and by palrilineal inheritance system. Feng-shui, intertwined with people's needs, intentions and imaginations about life, influenced the concept of an ideal settlement site. Palrilineal system of inheritance tied with Confucianism encouraged the branch households to cluster around a main household. Folk oral tradition and written genealogy serve as sources for the reconstruction of Korean settlement morphology.  相似文献   

南朝的谱学与政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南朝谱学是南朝史学的一个重要组成部分,它较为突出地反映了史学与政治的密切关系。门阀政治深刻地影响着南朝谱学的发展,反之,谱学也成为门阀士族维护其特权政治的工具。南朝谱学的政治功用是它一个突出的时代特点,表现出很强的姓氏与地望相结合的姓族特征。同时,南朝谱学与南朝的选官、婚姻有看密切的内在联系。  相似文献   

Analysis of a database comprising archaeological records of fur-bearing species in Scotland has highlighted the presence of foxes, badgers and other mustelids in areas outside their modern-day geographic range. Of particular interest is the apparent presence of foxes on Orkney for a number of centuries, from perhaps the last few centuries BC to the mid to late first millennium AD, pine marten on Orkney in the Neolithic, and badgers on the Outer Hebrides in the Early Bronze Age and 6–7th centuries AD. While zooarchaeological analysis of the data suggests the evidence from the Outer Hebrides is indicative of imported products of fur-bearing species, such as skins or ‘trophies’, the evidence from Orkney suggests populations of fur-bearing species may have been purposefully introduced by humans. This raises interesting questions regarding human perception and use of the different species in prehistoric North Atlantic Scotland.  相似文献   

This article explores the origins of certain theories of fascism, notably political religions theory, in the gendered intellectual milieu of the late nineteenth century. It suggests that political religions theory owes much to Gustave Le Bon's collective psychology (or crowd theory), a discipline that depended on a distinction between the feminised, racialised mass and the active male elite, and which saw women as trapped in the traditional phase of history. The article shows the influence of collective psychology in Durkheimian sociology and Freudian social psychology, and details its transmission to political theory via Talcott Parsons's account of the origins and nature of Nazism. The unacknowledged influence of collective psychology means that advocates of political religions theory either ignore women, or depict them as passive creatures defined by their need for the domination of a male elite.  相似文献   

边台哈什胡里氏汉译韩姓家谱.为沈阳市档案馆少数民族宗谱类首例收藏(复制件)。谱序记有始祖雅奇布初定居黑龙江(将军)所属墨尔根城(今嫩江市)和雅鲁河流域.康熙皇帝从蒙古王公台吉处赎出锡伯人众之后,将四世苏色等记丁编牛录驻防齐齐哈尔.六、七年后又经伯都讷人(今吉林扶余)迁来盛京编人满洲佐领下“兼管”当差;谱单中记有六世达尔扎“拨往伊犁”.八世瓦力海“徂往伊犁”.去西北戍守边疆。笔1981年赴新疆伊犁察布查尔锡伯族自治县与达尔扎后代联上家谱.1985年又续了新谱。  相似文献   

Carlyle and Scottish Thought. By Ralph Jessop (London: Macmillan, 1997) xvii + 266 pp. £40.00 cloth.  相似文献   

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