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Although the coats of arms in the great east window of Gloucester Cathedral are often associated with Edward III’s 1346–47 military campaign in France, the window’s function as a commemorative monument has never been thoroughly studied. The aim of this paper is to provide a political and social contextualisation to the heraldry of the east window, while considering its symbolic meaning (and possible intention) in the framework of the window’s iconography and spatial setting. In regarding the heraldry as thematically connected to the window’s overall theme, and by examining the window in correlation to contemporary discourse on England’s military victories, this paper demonstrates how the window’s composition evokes the exalted social position of Edward III’s military companions after the victories in the first phase of the Hundred Years War. Additionally, this paper argues that the window coincides with Edward III’s kingly ideals by celebrating his rule and lineage as divinely blessed, while affirming his right to the French throne.  相似文献   


This article argues that a portion of the fifteenth-century frescos at the entrance door from the cloister to the cathedral of Bressanone can be seen as a painted sermon. The analysis draws on the frescos of two vaults and the interaction between words and images. In the first vault, just above the entrance of the church, the frescos present not only the contents of a sermon, but also its structure, namely an episode from the Gospel, a catechetical pattern, the quotation of auctoritates and a social goal to be achieved. The frescos of the second vault represent the contrast between virtues and vices using the pairs presented in Matthew 24. 40–41. This text was read by the medieval exegetical tradition as a scheme for the different status of Christian life, thus this vault could be seen as an elaborate catechetical pattern with a large system of biblical quotations. Moreover, the structure of the frescos of the second vault can be read as a sermo modernus based on the divisio of Matthew 24. 40–41. Finally, the comparison with a portion of a sermon by Bernardino da Siena on the theme of avarice confirms that the elements represented in Bressanone were really used both by preachers and painters.

In this way, the images of the cloister are a sermon, which continually preaches to anyone entering or leaving the church, thus organizing the public space as a 'theatre of memory' and offering a message readable at different levels.  相似文献   

A Romanesque double-springer and five voussoirs, decorated with foliate carving and pellet, have been reused as a door-head in the ground floor of Church House, Gloucester Cathedral. The carved stones are illustrated, together with a reconstruction of the original double arch, which may have come from an early 12th- century pulpitum screen or the arcade of the first Norman cloister.  相似文献   

C. Winston 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):211-220
Upton Court (Pl. VIIA) is a timber-framed open hall house, dated by dendrochronology to c. 1330. The building appears to have been the work of Merton Priory, the holders of the manor of Upton from the twelfth century until the Dissolution. As originally built the house comprised an ailsed hall range and a jettied upper end cross wing. The open hall truss is of particular interest in that it is a hammer beam variant of unusual construction. The building was recorded by the Threatened Buildings Section of the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England prior to, and in the course of, an extensive programme of alterations and restorations.  相似文献   

Thirty shards of medieval window glass from Elgin Cathedral in north‐east Scotland have been subjected to compositional analysis by portable X‐ray fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy – energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy. Comparison with previous analytical studies suggests that the majority of the glass was probably produced in France, while a smaller group may have been made in Germany. Significant differences in base glass composition were observed between colours. Two distinct blue glasses compositions were identified. The composition of the grisaille paint differs from paint on the continent, providing the first evidence that it was made using local Scottish lead and iron pigments. This work represents the largest analytical study of Scottish medieval window glass yet undertaken and presents insights into the transfer of medieval materials, technologies and trade routes.  相似文献   

玻璃胎画珐琅为我国首创的工艺品种。几十年来,对于它的创始时间、历史发展、官造与民造的界限、工艺名称等众说纷纭。本文依据多种文献和清宫造办处的“活计档”结合作者多年来对实物的观察研究,论述了它在宫廷内创始、发展和终止的概况,并对官造的数量、品种、艺术特色等作了较为全面的考析。同时,对“古月轩”款的作品也作了一定的探讨。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop a means of quantifying glass recycling and to discuss the ‘anachronistic’ chemical composition of medieval blue window glass. This method relies on a new numerical method using kernel density estimates and is based on a database of published glass chemical compositions. It seeks to reveal when, to what extent and why blue tesserae were recycled for the production of French and English blue glass. First, it is suggested that blue glass had an ‘anachronistic’ chemical composition only before the 13th century. Second, the ‘anachronistic’ chemical composition of 12th‐century blue glass comes from the recycling of both blue tesserae and non‐coloured glass. Finally, this recycling was motivated by the scarcity of cobalt sources until mines were found in the 13th century.  相似文献   

J. Bain 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):399-401
Skipwith church's west tower, of ‘pre-Norman’, ‘Saxo-Norman’ or ‘early Romanesque’ style, has been the focus of a campaign of investigation and analysis which included structural recording and archaeological excavation. A building earlier than this tower was identified; within and around it were burials, some in iron-bracketed wooden coffins, and a piece of newly discovered early ninth-century sculpture confirms the contemporary importance of this site. This building was replaced by a church incorporating the standing tower; hitherto unrecognized details of its construction are reported, together with its subsequent structural evolution. Attention is drawn to an extensive series of cross slabs and to a considerable quantity of painted alabaster fragments representing one or more altarpieces.  相似文献   

崔惠萍 《丝绸之路》2009,(16):34-38
北石窟寺是陇东地区早期规模最大的一座佛教石窟寺院,是佛教艺术的精品。它有着千年历史,是人类历史的瑰宝。本文从多方面梳理了北石窟寺建所以来的主要研究成果,以期对社会各界研究、保护北石窟寺有所帮助。  相似文献   

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