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The zoomorphic ornament of a group of sculptured crosses from Ryedale is here analysed in detail in terms of motif and style. Its Yorkshire context is defined and close parallels from Skaill, Orkney and Kirk Braddan on the Isle of Man are discussed. Origins for various style and motif elements are sought in insular and Scandinavian art. It is concluded that a group of sculptures in Ryedale, exemplified by the Sinning ton crosses, were produced in the second quarter of the tenth century during a period when Yorkshire was under strong Scandinavian influence and had close contacts with the Irish Sea Province. The ornament of the Sinnington crosses closely reflects Anglo-Scandinavian motifs and styles current in York and around the Irish Sea in this period. These Anglo-Scandinavian artistic developments reveal a complex assimilation of preceding English and Scandinavian artistic traditions and may have been a source for reciprocal influences on the arts in mainland Scandinavia. Following the abolition of Scandinavian kingship in York in 954, metropolitan art styles further developed, with prominently insular, particularly Mercian, rather than Scandianavian influences, while the sculpture of Ryedale became introverted and provincial with little evidence of further external influence.  相似文献   

In 1973 the Watch Hill barrow in St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall was excavated and demonstrated to be a complex structure. However, at the time it was only possible to arrange two radiocarbon determinations, from the same pit in the base of the ditch. As part of postgraduate research carried out at the University of Exeter, the archive was revisited and funding obtained for a further four radiocarbon determinations from the ditch and central burial within the barrow. The six radiocarbon determinations together ranged between 2140 and 1680 cal. BC. The results are significant as they indicate that the site was in use over several centuries with the burial occurring towards the end of activity.  相似文献   

A salt-tax, existing in France since the thirteenth century, led to the construction of bonded warehouses. One such grenier-à-sel was in existence in Honfleur before 1372. By the late seventeenth century, chiefly as the result of the development of herring and cod fisheries, the need had arisen for new larger salt-warehouses. Three were constructed in Honfleur, of which two survive, dated 1670. They were built of stone from the demolished town walls.

The most striking feature of these two buildings is the roof carpentry, the trusses of which are a hybrid form comprising straight rafters, rising from projecting sole-plates and carried on the backs of curved principals springing from a point high up the walls to reach collar level. Above the collars rise king-posts supporting both ridge purlins and under-ridge purlins. This structure may be considered to fall within the cruck tradition.  相似文献   

贵州遵义的宋代石室墓,分布密集,数量众多,墓内有仿木构建筑、人物、动物、花卉、家具、几何形图案等精美雕刻,与四川盆地的宋墓风格一致,是研究西南地区宋墓的重要资料。本文旨在通过对遵义地区已经发现的宋墓资料进行梳理,分析遵义宋墓的流布时期、分布规律,分析这砦宋墓的成因以及当时四川盛行的雕刻之风对周边地区宋代石室墓的影响。  相似文献   

高松冢古坟是日本国宝级文化遗产,对其实施的原址保护一度是文物保护界的样板工程和国际典范,然而正是逐渐失控的微生物病害导致古坟解体搬迁至异地保护,复杂的人为介入手段是否有助于墓葬壁画的原址保护,值得更进一步探讨和反思。本研究回顾了高松冢古坟自发掘至今的保护历程,重点总结了侵害古坟石室及壁画微生物类群的调查分析及其防治措施的研究。通过对古坟病害微生物群落特征、环境因素变化及防治干预措施等方面相关文献资料的全面梳理和解读,客观评价了该遗址所取得的研究进展及经验教训,为我国乃至世界其他同类环境中壁画保护提供启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

德清三合塔山土墩墓结构独特,随葬器以原始瓷为主体,反映了德清瓷业发展的深厚历史底蕴。  相似文献   

《Textile history》2013,44(1):28-56

The economic causes of European emigration to the United States in the nineteenth century enjoy an established historiography, which considers many aspects of the pre-industrial economy from agriculture to the collapse of traditional industries. This paper examines the link between pre-industrial home textile manufacture and emigration from the German south-west. It draws on data from communities and households in the state of Württemberg, and finds that pre-industrial textile production was not a major determinant of migration patterns in the nineteenth century; instead, the localised rise and fall of textile work was influenced by the availability of emigration pathways, an inversion of results seen elsewhere.  相似文献   

The prehistoric to post-Roman site of West Hill, Uley in southwestern Britain was excavated between 1976 and 1979, and yielded a quarter of a million animal bones. Part of the site was a ritual complex, and this in particular produced a considerable amount of domestic fowl. A major problem has been to evaluate the immature domestic fowl bones and determine whether all ages are represented. This presents problems because the varieties of fowl represented are unknown. Therefore, can the osteometric data be seen as homogeneous? In fact the distribution of adult measurements suggests that one variety was mainly represented, that a wide range of ages of fowl were sacrificed, and that the selection of birds was probably not entirely random. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

THIS PAPER COMPRISES analysis of three Saxo-Norman pottery lamps recovered during archaeological excavations in 2012 in the Edward Jenner Museum garden, Berkeley, Gloucestershire. While such vessels have been known to archaeologists since the earliest days of Saxon and medieval pottery studies, their specific function, other than general ‘lighting’, has never been considered. Similarly, the composition of the fuel in such lamps has not been scientifically verified. In the following paper, both of these areas are addressed through experimental archaeology and organic residue analysis. The conclusion reached is that the lamps were chosen for use in a late-Saxon industrial workshop as they were ideal for the setting, providing a consistent, stable and bright light source in comparison with other available lighting methods of the period.  相似文献   


This article is a contribution to the revisionist literature on the monastic orders in late medieval England and their art and architecture. It discusses the visual and material cultures of the Cistercians in northern England in the period immediately before the Dissolution of the Monasteries, demonstrating the enduring popularity of the Order in the late Middle Ages and that patronage of art and architecture continued until the very moment of the Suppression. Evidence is also discussed showing that monks and nuns salvaged property from their houses in the hope that their monasteries would be restored.  相似文献   

Aspects of burial custom in Roman Britain which seem to be influenced by Roman ideas include burials found accompanied by coins, eggs, charcoal, phials, which once contained perfume, and ritual objects, such as jugs and pateras. The implications of these customs are considered together with the significance of symbolism displayed on tombstones. Discussion of funerary ritual, as it might have been practised in Roman Britain, includes the portrayal of the funerary banquets on tombstones. It is concluded, on the evidence available, that burial custom, like religious thought, was a matter of personal choice, partly because the Romans did not attempt to prescribe funerary practice, except in the law relating to the positioning of cemeteries, and partly because of the strong influence of Celtic religious belief surviving in Roman Britain.  相似文献   

West Tump is a Neolithic chambered tomb originally excavated in 1880. The mound was found to contain a mixed skeletal assemblage, the majority of which was disarticulated. Between 2000 and 2001 material from the site including human bone was re‐examined with a portion of this project focused on taphonomic evidence observed on the human skeletal material. Amongst the factors selected for investigation were deliberate toolmarks. Three specimens were identified as exhibiting toolmarks. Analysis demonstrated that the observed features were cutmarks, consistent with the use of flint tools. However those on two of the specimens were found to be both post‐mortem and recent. The cutmarks observed on the remaining specimen, a right clavicle, were identified as having been inflicted during the peri‐mortem period and consistent with decapitation. British Neolithic mortuary practice has been the subject of ongoing debate since the earliest excavations of relevant sites, but until very recently few assemblages from such contexts have been re‐examined and much of the data in use has derived from sources of considerable age and questionable reliability. The selective removal of specific skeletal elements (particularly skulls) has repeatedly been described in the literature regarding the collective funerary monuments of this period. It has often been assumed that such practices took place after the soft tissues had decayed. One of the examples discussed, suggests this may not always have been the case and the potential significance of this finding is discussed in addition to a possible interpretation of the cutmarks seen on the remaining specimens. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1996, excavations outside the Chapter House at Worcester Cathedral revealed a chamber filled with animal bones and a considerable quantity of artefacts. Analysis of this material suggests that this deposit constituted the remains of one or more high status meals, probably a feast, which were disposed of in the seventeenth century. These archaeological findings are supported and amplified by the extensive documentary evidence, which not only includes historical anecdotes but also primary source material. In combination, the historical and zooarchaeological evidence sheds light not only upon the feasting practice of the ecclesiastics at Worcester, but also on the condition of the Cathedral at the end of the seventeenth century in the aftermath of the Civil War.  相似文献   

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