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本主要根据人类学家对巫与巫术的研究结论为基础,结合我国献之记载,讨论三星堆方国的“巫”,认为三星堆方国的宗教已进入祭祀宗教化的阶段,三星堆方国的巫已不是人类学家所言及的巫了,巫已祭祀化,巫实际上已成为了祭司。  相似文献   

王俊 《东南文化》2006,(3):23-27
青铜铙在南方主要流行于商代晚期至西周早期。马鞍山青铜大铙的造型、纹饰与新干商代大墓出土的商代青铜器相似,因此,它的年代应与新干商墓青铜铙的年代相当,可定为商代晚期,相当于殷墟二期至三期。中原系统的青铜铙为军旅乐器,而南方系统的青铜大铙,具有明显的祭祀性质。从出土情况分析,马鞍山青铜大铙的卷云纹饰,以及出土地点距长江古道不远,因此它的功能极有可能是祭祀长江神灵的。  相似文献   

济南刘家庄商代青铜器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
济南刘家庄出土的商代青铜器,时间为段墟化二期至四期,对于了解商王朝晚期的东进提供了新的史料。  相似文献   

1980年6月,河北省赤城县东兴堡乡前孤山村放牧人在村东2里的永福禅寺遗址附近发现三处佛像、佛具窖藏。1号窖出土鎏金铜坐佛7尊、布袋僧一尊;2号窖出土鎏金铜舍利宝幢亭一座、菩萨2尊、立式罗汉6尊、韦驮、托塔天王各一尊、狻猊、孔、象各一件,另有真武神一尊、莲花座2件,还出土了铭为“嘉靖四十五年八月吉日造”的小铁钟一口,装在锡盒中的木印一方;3号窖出土的主要是僧房日常用具:掸瓶、茶瓶、药罐、笔筒等。同时在寺院遗址上发现“孤山永福禅林”碑一通。  相似文献   

Albert Way 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):195-202
The architectural development of Maxstoke Castle is described, in the light of its historical background and of relevant documents. It began as a meticulously planned fortified quadrangular house of the Earl of Huntingdon in c c.1345, and continued as a major residence of the Stafford family until 1521. After neglect in the sixteenth century, it was refurbished following its purchase by Sir Thomas Dilke in 1599. Despite further alterations, its total architectural history can be followed very clearly.  相似文献   

佛教是渤海国时期信奉的大教,遗憾的是至今尚未发现渤海留下的佛教典籍,但在上京龙泉府遗址内各寺庙址附近发现数量较多的渤海佛像.  相似文献   

本对广汉三星堆出土的青铜立人像冠式进行了深入的复原研究,认为可称为“天眼冠”或“天目冠”,立人冠的冠式当有古蜀人太阳崇拜的古风。同时还对古蜀人的眼睛崇拜和商周青铜器上的“饕餮纹”发表了看法。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一件邢台新发现的赵国刻铭兵器——铍,在对其铭文释义的基础上,结合古文献记载和有关的出土资料,对该铍的定名、国别、制造时间、监制人及相关的历史背景等做了初步的求证。  相似文献   

For the past two decades, uneven development in general, and the changing structure of the labour market in particular, have figured prominently in geographic literature explaining the possible trajectories of restructuring events in industrial countries. This paper explores the regional nature of various socio-economic processes shaping gendered employment patterns in Cornwall, eastern Ontario. Focussing on the dimensions of workforce 'feminisation' we argue for a critical reexamination of gender-neutral regional geographies in understanding how gendered divisions of labour and local identity formation and concepts of 'class' are in flux.  相似文献   

THE remains of the medieval manor of Penhallam lie in a sheltered valley in the parish of Jacobstow, some 3 miles from the sea. It was one of the principal houses of the Cardinham family who held, under the king, the largest seignory in the county of Cornwall. Extensive excavation between the years 1968 and 1973 revealed substantial remains of a sophisticated manor house, standing within an earlier ring-work. The stone-built house was constructed in four periods during the late 12th and early 13th centuries. It was deserted in the middle of the 14th century and was gradually demolished. Mo remains of the buildings were visible above ground at the time of the commencement of the excavation. The site, now known as Berry Court, takes the name of a small homestead of probable 16th-century origin, standing on the outer edge of the moat.

There was no visible trace of the hall associated with the early Norman ring-work, but its existence is attested by the subsequent development of the site. Excavation revealed that there were stone buildings standing on the four sides of a courtyard. They comprised a hall, camera, chapel, service rooms, lodgings and a gatehouse. From these remains it was possible to obtain much information about the construction and development of a medieval manor house in the 12th and 13th centuries. Excavation of the 13th-century gatehouse and drawbridge well revealed the construction, assembly and operation of a counter-balanced bridge.

The excavation finds, attributed to the 13th and early 14th centuries, have been presented to the Royal Institution of Cornwall at Truro.  相似文献   

The Belgammel Ram was found off the coast of Libya in 1964, and examined during 2008–9. The following techniques were used: surface non‐contact digitizing using a laser scanner, reflectance transformation imaging using polynomial texture mapping and hemi‐spherical harmonics, digital photogrammetry with dense surface modelling, structured light optical scanning, and X‐ray fluorescence analysis. For internal structure the ram was examined by X‐radiography and 3‐D X‐ray tomography. Metallurgical composition was studied by micro‐drilling and subjecting the samples to scanning electron microscope X‐ray micro‐analysis, micro X‐ray fluorescence and X‐ray backscatter. The lead isotope composition was analysed. The alloy has average percentage composition Cu = 86.9, Sn = 6.3, Pb = 6.6, and Zn = < 0.10. The Belgammel Ram is probably a Hellenistic‐Roman proembolion from a small military vessel or tesseraria. The archived data are at the Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Engineering Sciences, Material Data Centre, University of Southampton ( muvis@soton.ac.uk ).  相似文献   

E. W. Godwin 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):317-324
A survey of the George Inn, with some references to the medieval cloth and wool trade, and an interpretation of the architectural evidence to show the various stages of building, the existing structure being of the late fourteenth century overlaid with many subsequent alterations. The upper floors were given their present jettied front c. 1500 when the building was extensively remodelled. The George was used both as an Inn and for storing and selling cloth at two important annual fairs held by the owners of the manor, the Carthusian Priory of Hinton Charterhouse. The George Inn stands on the south side of the former market place (called the Plain) in the centre of Norton St Philip, a small stone-built market town a few miles north-east of the Mendip Hills (ST 775 560). Norton lies on the route from Salisbury to Bristol and owes its former prosperity to the wool and cloth trade. The George itself is by far the largest secular building in the town and stands three storeys high, head and shoulders above its neighbours, at the cross-roads.  相似文献   

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