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大河口墓地M1034是一座东西向长方形土坑竖穴墓,葬具为一棺一椁,椁下有两根垫木,墓底中部有一腰坑,坑内殉狗一只。墓主头向西,仰身直肢,男性,年龄为18~19岁。随葬品共计691件套,种类有青铜器、陶器、玉器、石器、蚌贝器、骨牙器和漆木器等。其中青铜礼器有鼎3件,簋2件,青铜兵器有戈、矛、剑、镞等,陶器仅有陶鬲1件。墓葬年代为西周中期早段,墓主为霸国中等贵族。  相似文献   

宋代石藏葬制的发端一般被认为是治平四年(1067)英宗永厚陵,仔细查考文献可知,此时实以石椁作为变通形式。真正在皇堂内设置地下石藏,始自元丰三年(1080)慈圣光献皇后陵。而在此之前,熙宁八年(1075)韩琦墓已首次特诏构筑石藏。此后,又有少数与皇帝关系特别密切的王爵及对朝政起重要作用的宰臣得以使用。通过排比北宋后期帝陵、后陵、特制亲王宰臣墓、亲王墓资料,发现在墓室尺寸、石藏尺寸、石门有无等方面都构成了比较明显的等级差别。在考虑宋代墓葬等级问题时,除了地上设施诸因素需要纳入考察视野外,对于特制墓例地下形制的独特之处也要给予充分的注意。  相似文献   

考古发现的江西地区宋代石室墓可分为四型,大多数属于北宋中晚期,其总的变化趋势是:北宋初到北宋中期,石室墓的规模趋大,结构趋于复杂,北宋晚期以后,规模又逐渐变小,结构也趋于简单。石室墓一般为当时社会的中上层人士所使用,但随葬品并不繁多和贵重,可能与宋代江西地区浓厚的人文氛围及两宋政府提倡薄葬有关。宋代江西地区广泛流行的买地券在该地区石室墓中并不多见,且越是规模大、等级高的墓葬中就越发罕有买地券出土,但流行使用墓志。浇浆墓的形式有从中上层向中下层普及的趋势。  相似文献   

2008年发掘的巩义涉村宋代壁画墓墓室为圆形,穹隆顶,中部为六个铺作,下部被六个倚柱分成六个壁面,六个壁面靠近阑额的地方绘24幅行孝图,下部绘砖砌家具与生活壁画。此墓的发掘对于研究宋代壁画中的行孝图有着重要的意义。  相似文献   


In the Summer of 2005 the authors directed the excavation of a flat stone setting with a boat-shaped central depression at Skamby, Kuddby parish, Östergötland, Sweden. The stone setting covered a small and poorly preserved boat inhumation, dated by the artefacts recovered to the early Viking period (9th century AD). This is the first excavation of a boat inhumation in the province of Östergötland. The paper reports on the excavations including the discovery of an exceptional collection of 23 amber gaming pieces, which provide a new perspective on Viking-period gaming. The data from this boat grave are considered in relation to the rest of the Skamby cemetery, which remains to be investigated. Judging from a topographical survey of the ridge surrounding the excavated area, and from metal-detector finds recovered from the surrounding fields, the Skamby cemetery appears to be a high-status burial ground divided into two zones, one comprised of boat inhumation graves, the other of circular stone settings likely to cover cremation graves. The results of the excavation lead to a revised picture of boat burial as an élite mortuary rite in southern Sweden during the late 1st millennium AD.  相似文献   

倪润安 《故宫博物院院刊》2012,(3):37-61,160,161
石景山八角村魏晋墓是北京地区发现的一座出有特殊壁画石龛的重要墓葬。石龛出现的原因必与墓葬的时代背景及墓主人身份密切相关。本文从"晋制"演变发展的角度考察该墓墓葬形制和随葬品的年代范围,首先进一步研究充实魏晋都城洛阳地区"晋制"墓葬的演变序列和阶段性特点,然后以之为参照,建立北京地区魏晋墓葬的演变系统,从而认为该墓的年代为西晋晚期,下限可到十六国初期。石龛壁画的中心图像是执麈尾正坐的男墓主人,这一形象是改进东汉旧样后、创新于幽州地区的新图式,体现了与幽州鲜卑的文化联系。本文由此进一步推测,八角村墓墓主人为遇害于蓟城的西晋并州刺史刘琨,该墓为二次改葬墓,石龛为段部鲜卑单于供奉的祭龛。  相似文献   

在金山村发现的两座西汉早期墓葬,皆属土坑石椁墓。椁室由较为规整的石板组成,木棺和墓主人的骨骼已朽,随葬品有陶器、原始瓷器、铜器、玉器等。  相似文献   

Summary A recently discovered burial in the Toumba Cemetery at Lefkandi, Euboea, differs from others previously found there in the shape of the tomb and the method of burial, which is a cremation contained in a bronze cauldron. The offerings, which include a sword, spearhead and iron arrowheads, make it certain that it is the burial of a warrior, but others, such as a series of stone weights, a N. Syrian cylinder seal and vases from Cyprus and Phoenicia indicate that he was a trader as well. In this preliminary acount, these and other aspects of the burial are considered.  相似文献   

安徽当涂船里山遗址发现后良渚阶段至春秋时期地层堆积及柱洞、灰坑等遗迹,并出土铜器、陶器、原始瓷器、石器等重要遗物。根据地层、遗迹间的叠压关系以及出土遗物的情况,可将遗址分为三期:龙山文化晚期至夏初期、西周晚期和春秋早中期。其中龙山文化晚期至夏初期遗存较为丰富,为了解姑溪河流域后良渚阶段至夏时期该地区考古学文化提供了宝贵资料。  相似文献   

Human skeletal remains have been discovered from a variety of contexts in the Palauan archipelago of western Micronesia. These include caves, rockshelters, earthen mounds, stone platforms, midden burials, crypts, sarcophagi, and historic period gravesites. Recent excavation of a prehistoric cemetery in a rockshelter on Orrak Island dating from ca 1000 BC–AD 200, combined with nearly contemporaneous surface finds in caves on both Orrak and other nearby islands, shed light on the earliest known burial practices in Palau. Interment in limestone caves and rockshelters was then replaced in succession by burial in earthwork terraces, beneath stone platforms, in middens, within limestone slab crypts and at least one known stone sarcophagus, and finally in Western or Asian‐style gravesites with headstones. Here we present the first major synthesis of mortuary patterns in Palau from the earliest periods of known settlement (ca. 1000 BC) to modern times. Understanding how these burial practices change over time provides valuable insight into changing sociocultural practices within Palauan society, including how contact with outsiders during the historical period drastically altered traditional mortuary behaviours. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Castle Acre     
Geo. T. Clark 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):282-285
This is the report of research excavations and salvage recording both inside and outside the standing Romanesque church. Evidence was seen of three pre-Conquest churches. The first was a ground standing timber building. The second was a Brixworth-type stone building. The third was a T-shaped church with a continuous transept and a tiny eastern apse. The evidence for these interpretations is presented. Documentary evidence is given and parallels are discussed. Additional information about the succeeding Romanesque church is presented. It had a rectangular crossing and tower, and evidence of a large added eastern chapel, reasoned to have been a new setting for the Holy Cross of Waltham, is discussed. Finds include floor tiles and stone. A burial close to the first church probably dates to the seventh century and suggests that Waltham was a minster church from the early years of the conversion. A herring-bone masonry wall is attributed to Harold.  相似文献   

王瑞霞  周麟麟 《文博》2009,(6):371-386
近十几年来,青州陆续有龙兴寺佛教造像和香山汉墓彩绘陶俑出土。这些文物有一个共同特点,即彩绘保存较好,且数量很大。通过对山东其他地区出土的同类彩绘文物的色彩、纹饰等的统计,让我们对山东的彩绘陶质和石质文物的艺术特色有一个综合认识。陶质彩绘文物自大汶口文化时期出现,经历了由实用器到明器的转变,到两汉时期发展到高峰,中国雕塑的最大特色之一塑、绘结合成熟了,对其后的雕塑艺术产生了很大影响。隋唐以后,彩绘陶质明器渐渐走向衰落。目前彩绘石质文物在山东最早见于汉代画像石,在北朝时期的佛教造像上得到极大发展。继承了汉代陶俑塑、绘结合的雕塑形式,将外来的宗教艺术中国化了,其细腻的刻画,对形体比例的准且把握,使中国的雕塑艺术达到了一个高峰。  相似文献   

Analysis of a bundle burial of a young male recovered from 22OK905, a late prehistoric/protohistoric site located near Starkville, Mississippi, is discussed. AMS dating of the burial places it between AD 1640 and AD 1814, a time when Native American and European conflicts are well documented. One interesting finding is the presence of cut marks on the frontal bone of this individual. These marks were determined to be the result of scalping rather than defleshing marks associated with secondary burial treatment. Comparisons of bone element frequency among several bundle burials suggest that this individual died away from his village and the body was later collected for burial. A second study indicates that a stone tool may have been used to scalp the victim. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

河南巩义市新华小区汉墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2001年6月,巩义市文物保护管理所文物钻探队在河南省巩义市物资局所建新华小区2号楼基础内探得一座汉墓(图一),郑州市文物考古研究所派员联合巩义市文物保护管理所对该墓进行了发掘,现简报于后。 该墓(编号0106ZGXHM1)为双室砖券墓,方向33°,距地表深8.2米,由墓道、前雨道、前室、后甬道、后室组成。(图二) 墓道 位于前室北侧偏东,南接前甬道,宽1.2米,由于场地所限,墓道未清理。 前甬道 位于墓道与前室之间,砖砌,券顶为盗洞所破坏,长1.5米,宽1.1米,高1.4米。南部见一铁门环。 前室 …  相似文献   

Results derived from the analysis of small carnivores from a burial chamber at the Late Neolithic Çatalhöyük (TP Area) shed light on the socioeconomic significance of stone martens (Martes foina), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and common weasels (Mustela nivalis). All of these are fur-bearing animals, though only the stone marten remains to show evidence that this animal was exploited for its pelt. The evidence consists of the observed skeletal bias (only the head parts and foot bones were present) and skinning marks. Two of five sets of articulated feet are most likely linked with an almost completely preserved human infant skeleton, one of two well-preserved skeletons that were interred on the burial chamber floor. In contrast to these, other human skeletons were found mostly incompletely preserved, though with evidence of articulation. It seems that the articulated forepaws were deliberately incorporated into the structure, most likely as a part of burial practice and ritual behavior. These distinctive deposits, along with rich grave goods, emphasize the uniqueness in the entire Anatolian Neolithic of the assemblage from the burial chamber, which is decorated by a panel incised with spiral motifs.  相似文献   

新石器时代多数石器需要安柄使用,但木柄之类的有机质遗存极难保存。由于南湖等地具备特殊的埋藏环境,良渚文化带柄石器的实物竟有成批出土。本文首次公布这些珍贵的装柄石器实物资料,并系统介绍了良渚文化带柄石器出土的历史和现状,对带柄石器的安装和使用进行了初步探讨,相信对良渚文化石器的研究能产生推动作用。  相似文献   

The President 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):260-264
Excavation of the Franciscan friary church at Hartlepool revealed an apparent two phase stone construction, preceded by an aisled timber building. An initial long narrow church of c.1240 was extended by the addition of a nave and north aisle. An extensive series of burials from beneath the church floor and from the friary burial ground provides useful pathological information, whilst a range of worked stone and other building materials, together with evidence for window manufacture, provides information on the fabric of the building. After the Dissolution the friary site was occupied by a mansion.  相似文献   

张耘  李慧  陈庆峰  颜道彩 《考古》2012,(1):34-53,1,109,112
2008年,对山东滕州市染山汉墓进行发掘。该墓系在山坡开凿斜坡式墓道和长方形墓坑。在墓坑内用石材砌筑并排的5座椁室,椁室前部有前室和南、北侧室。出土遗物500余件,包括陶器、原始瓷器、玉器等。该墓的年代应为西汉中期,墓主应是郁郎侯刘骄。该墓的发掘为研究西汉葬制、葬俗、画像石艺术等提供了新资料。  相似文献   

A biological object was recovered from the pelvic region of an adult woman coded to SK13 unearthed from Oluz Höyük in Amasya, Turkey. The skeleton was dated to the medieval period on the basis of the burial customs and the calibrated 14C dates. The find was identified as a bladder stone on morphological, radiographic and chemo‐analytical grounds with the help of X‐ray diffraction, polarised energy dispersive X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy, confocal Raman spectroscopy, and microscopic techniques. The mineralogical composition of urinary stone was found to be as calcium phosphate (apatite). Bladder stone disease is endemic in poor agricultural regions where the typical diet is mostly based on grain carbohydrate consumption with scarce intake of animal protein. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gillian Smith  David Crane   《考古杂志》2018,175(2):255-291
The article reports on a newly re-discovered fragment of a recumbent effigial slab commemorating Abbot Hywel (‘Howel’), most likely an abbot of the Cistercian house of Valle Crucis, near Llangollen (Denbighs.). The slab was probably carved very early in the fourteenth century, and could have covered the abbot’s burial place. The stone was dislocated and fragmented at an unknown point in the abbey’s history, and most likely removed from the site during the nineteenth-century clearance of the abbey ruins. It was briefly reported on in 1895 and has been lost to scholarship subsequently.

If indeed from Valle Crucis, the stone is the only known effigial slab commemorating a Cistercian abbot from Wales, and a rare example from Britain. Given that few similar Cistercian abbatial monuments have been identified from elsewhere, the ‘Smiling Abbot’, although only a fragment, is a significant addition to the known corpus of later medieval mortuary monuments. The article discusses the provenance, dating, identification and significance of the monument, including the abbot’s distinctive smile. The stone sheds new light on mortuary and commemorative practice at Valle Crucis Abbey in the early fourteenth century.  相似文献   

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