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In the present paper, it is shown that in the Hergla area (eastern Tunisia), obsidian was present from the early to at least the late sixth millennium cal BC. The presence of cores indicates that obsidian knapping was at least partly carried out in situ. The origin of these obsidians was determined from their elemental composition, by comparison with those originating from western Mediterranean potential sources, including analyses of new samples from the nearby Pantelleria Island. All obsidians were measured following the same protocol, by particle induced X-ray emission or by scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersion spectrometry. All the Hergla obsidians were found to originate from the Balata dei Turchi sources of Pantelleria. A review of the present body of knowledge on eastern Maghreb suggests, in spite of the still very preliminary data available, that Pantelleria was almost its unique provider of obsidians from the Epipalaeolithic to and during the Neolithic. However, the relative importance of the two main Pantellerian sources of Balata dei Turchi and Lago di Venere as providers of obsidian to eastern Maghreb remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Expansion of territories targeted by travellers and growth of attendance rates make tourism sector of significant interest for the implementation of policies on environmental protection at the European Union (EU) level. The need to protect local natural heritage, to integrate tourism industry development policies with the ones pertaining to other sectors that characterize a given territory and to enhance the overall environmental performance are some of the priorities that may appear conflicting at times. This paper discusses a method of analysis and planning aiming to promote potential directives of local governance. This method, representing the outcome of a process coordinated and shared across territories, is oriented towards the sustainable development of the area and refers to the implementation of integrated policies, The Interreg Eco Tourism (INTER.ECO.TUR) project, co-financed by the European Commission under the EU's INTERREG IIIC, provided the research with a useful case study to analyse the dynamics of sustainable tourism development within the European Mediterranean area. The debate of its results offers evidences on the possibility to develop such a governance process effectively, providing insight into an assessment methodology enriched by a clear-cut analysis of its applied experiences.  相似文献   

1923年2月,南方滇桂联军驱逐陈炯明,迎接孙中山先生从上海返回广州,重建大元帅府。次年9月,北方第二次直奉战争爆发。本组史料即为第二次直奉战争爆发后孙科等各方人士致广州大本营文电选编,反映了北方局势以及三角同盟反直军事战况,并涉及南北有关协商活动与对策等情,现予公布。  相似文献   

本文所选铭文系雅典在公元前5世纪中叶颁布的部分法令,集中反映出作为盟主之邦的雅典在政治、经济及司法等诸多方面对盟邦主权的肆意践踏,是解读该时期雅典历史的重要原始资料。国外古典学界对古希腊传世铭文的释读与研究极为重视,其中较权威的选本为R·梅格斯与D·刘易斯整理的《希腊历史铭文选》,亦是本文所依据的文本。  相似文献   

Meteor wind results obtained at 93–95 km altitude at seven sites, six in the Soviet Union and one in Antarctica, between 1965 and 1985 are reported. Attention is focussed on the amplitudes and phases of the semi-diurnal tide, showing a 22-yr oscillation, and of the generally weaker diurnal tide. The measurement results are compared with the results of theoretical models.  相似文献   

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