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在黄河上游,在凤凰山下,有一片神奇而美丽的地方,叫作三川。  相似文献   


Anglo-Saxon garnet cloisonné composite disc brooches form a small but important group of jewellery, representing an extremely high level of design and craftsmanship. While a good deal has been written about them in various contexts, this paper sets out to analyse the brooches in terms of their construction. All eighteen known examples (with the exception of one now lost) were examined in detail, from a practical manufacturing point of view, and a number of their components classified: cloisonné work, rims, back-plates, brooch fittings and general construction. On the basis of this examination, clear distinctions could be drawn between two groups — those with gold cloisonné work and those with copper-alloy. Within these groups, it is further possible to draw parallels between three sets of brooches (two pairs with gold cloisonné and a trio with copper alloy) which appear likely to have had a common manufacturing source.

Very little is known of the Anglo-Saxon jewellers, but there can have been only a small number of them. Because of this, and the high level of skill needed to make both types of brooch, it would not be safe to assume that the copper alloy cloisonné examples necessarily represent a degenerate form of the gold. The Sarre brooch illustrates levels of accomplishment comparable with that seen on many gold cloisonné brooches.  相似文献   

土耳其建筑师耶纳尔·托伦(Yener Torun)在伊斯坦布尔生活了14年。因为热爱摄影,他总是游走在这座城市的大街小巷,拍摄当地的各类建筑。他的早期作品大都是色彩丰富的建筑细节;而随着照片越拍越多,他开始把街头摄影和极简主义视觉风格结合起来,探索出观察伊斯坦布尔的独特角度。  相似文献   

A rhetorical approach to transport planning seemingly contradicts the traditional bias towards means-ends rationality and reliance on analytical techniques. However, this approach is useful for understanding transport planning in its present context. Two major causes are suggested for a possibly growing importance of rhetoric. One is the institutional setting of the transport planning authorities; the other is the changing conception of transport planning problems. Some archetypal rhetorical strategies are described, as well as a particular strategy aiming at the acceptance of road pricing. Acknowledging the rhetorical content of transport planning practice implies new challenges for transport planners. A normative framework based on communicative planning theory is outlined. The discussion draws upon case study material from transport planning in Trondheim, Norway.  相似文献   

Lance Compa 《对极》2001,33(3):451-467
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and its supplemental labor pact, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) reflect the uneven advances of labor rights advocacy in connection with international trade. NAFTA provides extensive rights and protections for multinational firms and investors in such areas as intellectual property rights and investment guarantees. The NAALC only partially addresses labor rights and labor conditions, but within its limits it has shown itself to be a viable tool for cross-border solidarity among key actors in the trade union, human rights, and allied movements. The NAALC's principles and complaint mechanisms create new space for advocates to build coalitions and take concrete action to articulate challenges to the status quo and advance workers' interests. Cooperation, consultation, and collaboration among social actors have brought a qualitative change to transnational labor rights networks in North America.  相似文献   

汤菁 《风景名胜》2010,(7):22-27
低碳无疑是2010年的热门关键词,从2009年尾召开的哥本哈根气候变化大会,到现在如火如荼的上海世博会,无一不在号召着“低碳环保对于我们人类生活的重要性”。2010年的网络红人中,80后“低碳哥”堪称最别具一格的一位。虽然初衷是对生活的一种自嘲,但他的低碳生活习惯依然得到不少掌声。  相似文献   

道教典籍中关于陈抟的许多奇闻异辞,给陈抟其人罩上了神话般的色彩。本文从诸多典籍中详考陈抟的生平、行状,认为文献中所记载的许多关于陈抟的奇闻轶事令人难以置信,陈抟真正令后人敬仰不已的是其博大的胸怀,过人的学识以及高深的修为。  相似文献   

在沦陷区发行公债,隐性劫掠中国资财,是日本侵华战争期间(1931-1945)实行对华经济战、以逞其"以战养战"战略企图的一个重要工具.日本在华公债政策随战局的变化而变化,大致经过了有限度发行--扩大发行--无限度滥发三个阶段.发行中,所有公债种类均有发行,表现出公债发行与伪币发行"有机"结合、发行的强制性和发行的欺诈性等特点.日本在华公债政策不仅给中国造成了难以估量的经济损失,而且给日后中国的经济发展埋下了严重隐患.  相似文献   

面对浩洛荡荡的长江,面对烟波诡异的历史,有战云烽火、官场争斗,也有青山碧水、诗情画意。清风徐徐,不知是羽衣翩跹的道士,还是达观洒脱的苏子在耳畔说:"赤壁之游乐乎?"。  相似文献   

何炳松指出历史学与自然科学在研究方法、研究目的和研究对象上均有很大不同,由此得出历史学是一门主观推理的学问,历史学不必像自然科学那样寻求历史发展的因果规律,历史认识会随时代的变化而变化,体现了历史相对主义的思想特征。另一方面,他指出,历史学与自然科学都旨在求真,历史学为了求得历史真相,必须在充分搜集史料的基础上,对史料进行科学的考订和分析,然后用科学的方法进行编撰,这又是一种实证史学的方法论。因此,简单将他定位为中国现代相对主义史学家是片面的。  相似文献   

王芬 《中原文物》2003,(5):14-25
泰沂山北侧是大汶口文化分布区的重要组成部分。本文从典型遗址的分析入手,进而对该地区大汶口文化的分期、年代、区域特征、与周围地区的文化联系等问题,进行了较为系统的分析和探讨,提出了具体的分期及类型划分意见。  相似文献   

楚公(家)钟侧鼓鸟纹研究--兼及商周时期的鸟纹和鸟形饰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
楚公(家)钟侧鼓的鸟纹均为翘尾,与同时期甬钟上流行的垂尾鸟纹不同.商周时期我国南北地区的鸟纹及鸟形饰存在差异.楚公(家)钟侧鼓的鸟纹装饰,属于南方地区翘尾鸟纹装饰传统,这种风格一直延续到战国时期.  相似文献   

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