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With only two Kentish exceptions, the West Saxon identity of the English female correspondents of Boniface and Lull can be affirmed. Together with other evidence, the letters imply a considerable number of female religious in Wessex in the late seventh and eighth centuries, but with a distribution confined to the western parts of the kingdom. The foundation of these religious communities appears to belong to a particular phase of West Saxon conversion and political expansion.  相似文献   

Calcite veins at outcrop in the Mesozoic, oil‐bearing Wessex Basin, UK, have been studied using field characterization, petrography, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes to help address the extent, timing and spatial and stratigraphic variability of basin‐scale fluid flow. The absence of quartz shows that veins formed at low temperature without an influence of hydrothermal fluids. Carbon isotopes suggest that the majority of vein calcite was derived locally from the host rock but up to one quarter of the carbon in the vein calcite came from CO2 from petroleum source rocks. Veins become progressively enriched in source‐rock‐derived CO2 from the outer margin towards the middle, indicating a growing influence of external CO2. The carbon isotope data suggest large‐scale migration of substantial amounts of CO2 around the whole basin. Fluid inclusion salinity data and interpreted water‐δ18O data show that meteoric water penetrated deep into the western part of the basin after interacting with halite‐rich evaporites in the Triassic section before entering fractured Lower and Middle Jurassic rocks. This large‐scale meteoric invasion of the basin probably happened during early Cenozoic uplift. A similar approach was used to reveal that, in the eastern part of the basin close to the area that underwent most uplift, uppermost Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks underwent vein formation in the presence of marine connate water suggesting a closed system. Stratigraphically underlying Upper Jurassic mudstone and Lower Cretaceous sandstone, in the most uplifted part of the basin, contain veins that resulted from intermediate behaviour with input from saline meteoric water and marine connate waters. Thus, while source‐rock‐derived CO2 seems to have permeated the entire section, water movement has been more restricted. Oil‐filled inclusions in vein calcite have been found within dominant E‐W trending normal faults, suggesting that these may have facilitated oil migration.  相似文献   

Large scale magnetospheric parallel electric fields expected to occur beyond the plasmapause modify the nonlinear behaviour of the cyclotron resonance between electrons and coherent whistler mode waves. Enhancement of the effects originated in the interaction requires waves of varying frequency which might be generated in natural emissions, or artificially injected into the magnetosphere. Adopting a static electric field model based on a differential pitch-angle anisotropy in the geomagnetic mirror, we contrast the evolution of the resonant particles and the adequate ground transmitter frequency format with the corresponding results for the zero electric field case. The outcome, obtained for a field line with L = 6.2, demonstrates the strong influence of the parallel electric field on the nonlinear cyclotron resonance.  相似文献   

Scholars have usually supposed that the marriage of King Aethelwulf of Wessex to the daughter of Charles the Bald in 856 signified the creation of an anti-Danish alliance between the two rulers. That this union signified a royal accord is not in doubt but there is no evidence to associate it with any venture against Danes. Though the evidence is not conclusive it appears more probable that Aethelwulf's marriage to Princess Judith was part of a scheme to prevent or to undermine a rebellion in England then being fomented by Aethelwulf's son Aethelbald who desired his father's throne. For his part Charles the Bald aimed at gaining influence in England. At the time of her marriage Judith was crowned and anointed and this was a rare occurrence. When analyzed in the proper light it suggests the existence of a compact by the terms of which Aethelwulf would disinherit Aethelbald at some future date should Judith bear a son. The marriage, then, did not signify an alliance against Danes. Rather it denoted an alliance against Aethelwulf's son Aethelbald.  相似文献   

Scholars have usually supposed that the marriage of King Aethelwulf of Wessex to the daughter of Charles the Bald in 856 signified the creation of an anti-Danish alliance between the two rulers. That this union signified a royal accord is not in doubt but there is no evidence to associate it with any venture against Danes. Though the evidence is not conclusive it appears more probable that Aethelwulf's marriage to Princess Judith was part of a scheme to prevent or to undermine a rebellion in England then being fomented by Aethelwulf's son Aethelbald who desired his father's throne. For his part Charles the Bald aimed at gaining influence in England. At the time of her marriage Judith was crowned and anointed and this was a rare occurrence. When analyzed in the proper light it suggests the existence of a compact by the terms of which Aethelwulf would disinherit Aethelbald at some future date should Judith bear a son. The marriage, then, did not signify an alliance against Danes. Rather it denoted an alliance against Aethelwulf's son Aethelbald.  相似文献   

In southern England, the end of the Early Bronze Age is marked by the appearance of archaeologically visible farmsteads and field systems. This paper explores and critiques the widespread idea that these changes are the direct result of a need to intensify agricultural production. Such discussions have implicitly drawn on evolutionist images of economic maximization and environmental exploitation that do not sit easily with our knowledge of other aspects of Bronze Age society. In this paper, I shall consider economic change as a consequence rather than the cause of wider changes to the social fabric at this time. A review of the Early and Middle Bronze Age settlement evidence provides insights into how society became transformed over the period and begins to hint at some of the reasons why subsistence practices changed so visibly.  相似文献   

The new book by Wilt L.Idema is a collection of English translations of six precious scrolls (baojuan寶卷) from Western Gansu,also known as the Gansu Corridor or Hexi(河西,meaning the land to the west of the Yellow River).It continues Idema's work on the English translation of the most important works of Chinese popular literature (mainly related to oral storytelling practices),many of which still remain understudied or completely unknown in Western sinology.  相似文献   

Spanish colonial sites in southern Peru and Bolivia contain remains of native camelids and introduced bovids with examples of degenerative paleopathologies that are interpreted as reflecting changes in herd management, animal use and animal health following the Spanish conquest. The archaeological contexts include three Spanish colonial wineries from Moquegua in southern Peru and the nearby colonial village of Torata Alta where indigenous people were forced to resettle under Spanish control. Also from Peru is faunal material from the 14th to 16th century rural agropastoral village of Pillistay located near Camana. Animal remains with bone abnormalities are also present in residential, commercial and industrial sites associated with Spanish silver mining near Potosí, Bolivia at Tarapaya and Cruz Pampa. Eighteen pathological specimens are described including examples of degenerative changes to phalanges, vertebrae, tarsals, limb elements and ribs. Paleopathologies present include exostoses, osteophytes, porosity, grooving and eburnation. Examples of phalangeal exostoses on bovid phalanges indicate the use of these introduced animals as draught cattle. Exostoses on camelid first phalanges suggests their use as cargo animals as do thoracic vertebrae with severe cases of degenerative pathology. Introduced caprines contain few pathologies indicating their primary use as food animals. The bone abnormalities from colonial sites are more severe than those reported for prehispanic faunal assemblages. These data provide insights into the health and work behaviour of indigenous Andean camelids and introduced Eurasian animals following the Spanish conquest. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王宏林 《文献》2007,(3):63-68
在明清以选诗而著称的诗论家之中,沈德潜是值得关注的一位,其对唐诗的编选尤为后人重视.一则其唐诗选本修订多次,时间跨度达四十馀年,堪称用力最深;二则其《唐诗别裁集》重订本被视为取材较宽、品评精当的佳作,盛行不衰.  相似文献   

The Jing-Mei Detention Centre, Taipei, is one of the primary sites associated with the ‘White Terror’, which took place during the imposition of Martial Law in Taiwan (1949–1987), by the authoritarian post-war regime of Chiang Kai-shek. Taiwan’s intelligence agencies violated civil rights and liberties. Suspects suffered arrest, interrogation, torture, trial, and imprisonment. The former detention centre has become Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park, which is one of two penal facilities dealing with the processing of political prisoners and for the suppression of activists who struggled for human rights. This study focuses on the interpretation by visitors of exhibitions at the site and the process of historical representation at the memorial park. The roles of the relevant parties were identified through interviews with former prisoners. The selection criteria, and the approaches to interpretation employed by the exhibition planners to represent a contested history, were examined. An analysis of visitor experiences and interaction with historical interpretation and layout in the exhibition demonstrated the visitors’ disoriented, yet unified, perceptions. A model of prison history has been developed that selects the memories and materials used to depict the past, unifying the multiple layers of histories during the ‘White Terror’.  相似文献   

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