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In 2004 excavations at the Barbar Temple dating to c. 2000 BC established that the function of the southeastern subterranean channel connected to the temple pool was to supply the pool with water and not to divert water away from the pool. North and west of the temple the oval terrace wall of its third phase was located. In the centre of the Northeast Temple the remains of a shaft-stairway leading down to a well-chamber was uncovered and shown to be furnished with two subterranean channels leading water into the chamber. South of the Northeast Temple a house with late pottery was excavated. Two stamp seals and two seal-impressed tokens were found.  相似文献   


Excavations beneath and around the late Georgian Glinester House at Temple End, in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, revealed the presence of at least three major phases of building. Dating from the 16th century these structures appear to be a succession of farmhouses lying at the centre of wider farm complexes. While these buildings are located within the former lands of Temple Manor, from which the area and farm name derives, no evidence of a medieval manor complex was located within the excavation area. Rather the pattern of development is more indicative of wider transformations in vernacular housing and domestic life between the 16th and 19th centuries.  相似文献   

李娜  汪旻 《丝绸之路》2010,(22):26-28
金塔寺石窟是马蹄寺石窟群的一部分,因地理位置偏僻、对外开放不够等原因,没有太多具体资料可寻,但其却具有重要的石窟研究价值。笔者经过实地考察,对金塔寺石窟的造型特点及历史背景作了初步研究,本文主要就其形制、塑像特点等作简要探讨。  相似文献   

河南荥阳市关帝庙遗址商代晚期遗存发掘简报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关帝庙遗址位于河南省荥阳市豫龙镇关帝庙村西南部,地理坐标为北纬34°47′042″、东经113°28′027″,海拔高度127.5~129.9米,现存面积约10万平方米。遗址东约3公里处有须水河自南向北流过,北部约6公里处有索河自西南流向东北,两河在距遗址东北约8公里处汇合成索须河继续向  相似文献   

为了对河南宝丰清凉寺汝官窑遗址本体进行有效保护,针对病害的定性分析原因,类比筛选了国内外相关试验研究成果。保护设计从加固材料的特性、试样制取、加固方法、固化环境、试验室老化试验及现场试验等方面对加固材料的保护效果进行了系统研究。试验研究结果表明,MH具有较好的保护效果,适宜于汝官窑遗址的保护。所设计的试验方法,有助于制定土遗址化学渗透加固保护统一的试验方法和评定指标,并增强试验成果的可比性。  相似文献   

高宇峰 《丝绸之路》2009,(18):42-45
北帝诞庙会是佛山传统的民俗信仰活动,有着浓郁的地方特色,保存着丰富的岭南传统习俗和民间工艺。本文采用理论和实地调查相结合的方法,通过描述佛山祖庙北帝诞庙会的盛况和历史渊源,探讨其价值与保护。  相似文献   

本文记述了昌黎五峰山韩文公祠的历史沿革及与中国共产主义运动的先驱李大钊同志的历史渊源,1997年韩文公祠被辟为李大钊革命活动旧址纪念馆,成为向后人展示李大钊同志光辉一生的重要遗址之一。  相似文献   

古代壁画是一定时期政治、经济、文化、艺术和科技发展水平的物质反映,因此,利用现代科技分析手段提取其信息并将之与古代文献结合,则可逆推其制作工艺和判定其制作时间,进而确定其历史价值、科学价值和艺术价值,为艺术史研究和保护修复提供信息。本工作利用拉曼光谱(Raman)、偏光显微镜(PLM)、扫描电子显微镜与能谱仪(SEM-EDS)、红外光谱(FT-IR)和X射线衍射(XRD)在西藏大昭寺转经廊壁画样品分析中获取的信息,结合文献,确定西藏拉萨大昭寺转经廊壁画绘制于清代晚期至20世纪80年代之间。此幅壁画地仗使用了阿嘎土,与文献记载一致;白粉层使用立德粉、碳酸镁和方解石等,与文献记载用白胶浆或者黄胶浆相异。同时发现壁画颜料采用藏族传统绘画配色方法。  相似文献   


The conservation of the painted Roman-era reliefs in the temple of Deir el Shelwit in Luxor, Egypt, was recently initiated by the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE). As a critical step in a series of preliminary preventive conservation measures undertaken at the temple, a resident bat colony was excluded to control further deterioration of the painted reliefs and stone fabric (Figure 1). In consultation with a bat biologist, a comprehensive humane, low-tech emergency exclusion programme was designed and implemented, which included roost location, behavioural surveys, species identification, sealing of building openings, bat exclusion and the design of an alternate roost site. This programme may serve as a useful example for other conservation projects in Luxor, since it provides much-needed information on the behaviour of local bats, as well as relevant insights gained from the exclusion procedure.  相似文献   

1996年10月30日,位于白水县城西南部的白水中学在取土基建时偶然发现夯土建筑基础一处(图一),并在距地表约4米的夯土层中发现残缺不整的造像碑五通、八棱石经幢一块,它们被整齐地置放在建筑基础的正中部位.并且在施工过程中,发现在距地表2米处的夯层中央有一直径为6厘米的六棱形直孔,深约4米。  相似文献   

河北省易县三彩罗汉于民国初年被发现,后均流落到国外,被世界各大博物馆或私人所藏。这批三彩罗汉时代早、体量大、制作精美,诚为希世之珍。有关报道、研究文章多见诸于国外的刊物,而国内却鲜见。为此,我们刊发几篇专稿,以期引起国内学界的关注和了解,并使之研究有新的进展或突破。  相似文献   

Sacred sites in India are subject to many development pressures. Unlike heritage monuments, cultural and historic landscapes have not been the focus of institutional protection and preservation efforts. Using Rockfort Temple complex at Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, as a case study, we propose that an integrated conservation approach be based upon restoring the natural and spatial archetypes that constitute the landscape vocabulary. A group of excavated and structural temples are located on a hill on the banks of the river Kaveri surrounded by a medieval fort that became the nucleus of urban growth over time. Overwhelming growth of commerce within the last half century has resulted in many problems such as traffic congestion, confusing circulation, and visual chaos, which in turn have led to the loss of sanctity. The structure of the pilgrim landscape constituted by circumambulatory paths, tanks and groves, shrines and temples can be clarified and made legible by minor design interventions such as restoring historic buildings, reviving the holy tanks, planting sacred trees, and building rest pavilions along the pilgrim path.  相似文献   


The cellar, excavated in 1981, revealed late 17th and early 18th century material, which is the subject of this report. The pottery included yellow wares, English delftware, blackware, manganese-mottled wares, stonewares, slipware and coarseware. Tobacco pipes, medicine phials, table glass, wine bottles, bones and iron-work were also found. The excavation report will be published separately.1 Ex inf. Paul Woodfield.  相似文献   

为保护濒于毁尽的善福寺藏传佛教建筑,2002年至2003年,在乌兰察布市察右后旗政府和旗民族宗教、文化(文物)管理部门的大力支持配合下,内蒙古文物考古研究所、内蒙古辽元古建筑工程有限责任公司古建筑专业工程技术人员,对善福寺古建筑群址基础,进行了全面技术勘测与相关工程设计  相似文献   

广汉龙居寺中殿壁画为四川地区明代建筑壁画中精品。为了解该壁画制作材料与工艺,采用显微观察、激光粒度仪分析、X射线衍射、拉曼光谱、酶联免疫等方法,对样品结构形态和材料组成进行了分析。结果表明:该壁画载体为编竹夹泥墙结构。地仗层泥土颗粒矿物成分主要为石英、钠长石,颗粒组成墙体壁画以粉粒为主、砂粒次之,垫拱板壁画粗泥层比细泥层砂粒含量偏低、粉粒含量偏高;加筋材料粗泥层为稻草秸秆、谷壳等,细泥层为棉或麻纤维。颜料层显色成分为古代壁画常见矿物颜料,红色为朱砂、铅丹,绿色为氯铜矿、副氯铜矿,白色为方解石、滑石,黑色为炭黑,蓝色为石青,黄色为针铁矿,胶料为动物胶或蛋清。该壁画在四川地区明代建筑壁画制作材料与工艺上具有典型性,主要体现在载体结构类型、地仗层材料组成、颜料层显色成分等方面。研究成果不仅可为该壁画后期保护修复提供依据,而且丰富了对四川地区明代建筑壁画的认识。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代初,在西安西郊桃园地区,即原西安民用飞机场跑道北侧,基建时发现一批鎏金铜造像,后经考查得知出土物原在坑内,坑直径达1米左右。铜造像距地面1米多深散乱堆放。遗物现藏西安市文物保护考古所,经整理,将选部分予以介绍。  相似文献   

“此种藏狗大逾印度狗两倍,头大毛长,颇狞猛,其力可敌狮……” “力甚强,足制种种野兽,尤能制大而畏的野牦牛。”[编者按]  相似文献   

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