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In this work, two-photon absorption fluorescence is used as a non-destructive method to detect the presence of paint upon an archaeological sample. The objective was to recover writing that, due to the discoloration caused by the passage of the time, was barely readable. The technique has been successfully applied to determine the consular date painted upon the neck of a Dressel 1A amphora found in the Roman village of Iesso (Guissona), in Catalonia. The identification of the consular date provides a terminus post quem for the foundation date for the city as well as a starting date for the Roman colonization of Hispania Citerior.  相似文献   

"偃师邢渠孝父画像石"是流失海外、现藏美国波士顿美术馆的一块东汉画像石。该石图文内容丰富、画像精美生动,从当朝民间孝行事迹的记述,到函谷关关楼建筑结构的绘制,皆是难得珍贵的史料。本文解读了画像石上五则孝行故事和关楼图像,对画像石镌刻年代、用途性质、装配位置、墓主身份、关楼及出行图与人物的关系、画像石的出土时间和地点作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

邓城遗址位于襄樊市樊城西北部,本次在邓城北部韩岗、解放店一带发掘西周晚期至汉代的化遗址。主要遗址有灰坑、水井、渠沟,主要遗物有鬲、盂、豆、罐、盆、缸、砖、瓦等陶器;另有少量青铜器和铁器。为研究邓城的时代和该地区的化面貌提供了一批重要的资料。  相似文献   

本文在对宁夏灵武市磁窑堡、回民巷古窑址进行实地考察并采集部分标本的基础上,结合已有的研究成果,对这两处古窑址的烧造品种、文化内涵及工艺渊源等进行了论述。这两处窑址是目前已发现的最重要的西夏瓷窑遗址,对其进行调查和发掘,为在宁夏、内蒙、青海等地西夏遗址出土陶瓷的断代和窑口的判别提供了珍贵的实物资料,对西夏史的研究也具有重要意义,同时也填补了故宫博物院在古陶瓷窑址调查方面的一项空白。  相似文献   

Both large‐ and small‐scale ceremonial monuments are a well‐known feature of the third and second millennia cal BC. However, from the middle of the second millennium cal BC the character of the evidence changes, firstly with the appearance of widespread settlement remains, and then in the earlier first millennium cal BC with the appearance of hillforts. This paper considers the evidence from a number of newly discovered enclosures in Cornwall, which, given their similarity to much older ceremonial monument forms, have unexpectedly been found to date from the first millennium cal BC. The implications of these discoveries are discussed as well as the evidence for possible Atlantic Connections across the Irish Sea.  相似文献   

The recently-developed laser microprobe 40argon-39 argon technique has been used to give a geological date for a rhyolitic tuff stone axe fragment from the Stonehenge environs. The method requires only milligramme-sized samples and gives dates of sufficient accuracy to aid in provenancing artefacts to sources, as well as information on the heating history of samples. The axe sample is of Lower Carboniferous date (341 ± 5 Ma) and this limits possible sources to outcrops within the Scottish Midland Valley and small altered exposures in Dartmoor. X-ray fluorescence analysis of the axe suggests the Scottish Midland Valley as the more likely source. The laser argon analysis also shows that the implement had not been heated in antiquity. Laser argon-argon dating can, therefore, be a useful tool in artefact study.  相似文献   

周言 《东南文化》2000,(1):65-68
本文在上一篇论文的基础上继续使用系连排谱的方法,对剩余的完整历日铜器所属的时代进行判定,进而排定十二位周王的在位年代;并确认西周王朝始于公元前1071年武王克商,终于公元前771年骊山之役。  相似文献   


The essay examines the plausibility of a “Double Monachy,” a large state, under a king Solomon in the 10th century with Jerusalem as its capital. First, all texts in the Old Testament are mentioned, and it is pointed out that no extrabiblical texts from the period mention such a state. In the next paragraph the archaeological finds from the period are examined whether they may allow the existence of such a state, and it is concluded that it is improbable. Also from historical knowledge of the period in the Levant as well as Solomon’s name it is concluded that there was not a large kingdom in Jerusalem under a king of that name.

In the rest of the essay I try, from the story in the Bible, to date the various elements of the story, and comparing them with other legendary kings (e.g. Sargon of Akkad) to find a suitable period when such a legend could be construed, I point to the second half of the 7th cent. BCE as the best possibility for the story’s date.  相似文献   

To date, the geographical implications of the role played by the Orange Order in the settlement of Ontario have largely been ignored by comparison with the role played by the Catholic Church in Quebec. The origins and processes of the transfer of Orangeism from Ireland are examined. The spread of the movement inside Ontario and the role it played in the lives of the settlers is related to the settlement process in a period of rapid social as well as spatial change.  相似文献   

Three newly discovered prehistoric sites on the east coast of the United Emirates (UAE) are described. All are located on surfaces of Pleistocene carbonates or rock shelters that are generally rare along the eastern coast of the Gulf of Oman. Aqqah 1 (Le Meridien al Aqqah Beach Resort), the most important and best preserved of these sites, is a partially collapsed rock shelter with an exposed section, lithic finds and marine molluscs. Deriving an exact date from the material present is difficult because of a lack of comparanda. A bifacial fletched arrowhead made of yellow jasper and the lithic debris of five different raw materials as well as an undecorated ceramic fragment might suggest a date in the Late Neolithic or Early Bronze Age. The presence of many marine bivalves and snails with operculae, which differ from recent coastal species, indicates the collection and consumption of living molluscs by the prehistoric population of Aqqah. Nearby burials may be related to the rock shelters.  相似文献   

Few studies to date have examined the relational aspects of life within a non-nuclear medieval household. This article aims to show that the affective bonds that were prescribed for members of the nuclear family in the late middle ages were also prescribed for members of the larger household, though to a lesser degree. ‘Familiars’ were expected to develop bonds of loyalty that cut across distinctions of social estate. A series of petitions to the papal penitentiary from German-speaking areas during the fifteenth century shows that both elite and non-elite individuals exhibited such affective bonds of support in violent situations as well as in a wide variety of other circumstances. This indicates that the household formed a major building block of medieval society in relational as well as in logistical terms.  相似文献   

New lead isotopic analyses are presented for lead antimonate coloured glass and faience from Amarna in Middle Egypt and dated to around 1350 BC. When compared to existing data, these suggest that Gebel Zeit on the Red Sea coast of Egypt may be the source for some of the lead antimonate colourants used in Egypt and possibly for the galena kohls of Eighteenth‐Dynasty date as well.  相似文献   

Summary. Early Anglo-Saxon pottery of sixth-century date of a distinctive type has been described as the Illington-Lackford type, named after two cemeteries in which large quantities have been recovered in Norfolk and Suffolk respectively. As well as their use as cremation urns, large, but fragmentary, quantities have also also been recovered from the excavated settlement at West Stow. Analytical techniques are applied, especially to the stamped decoration, in an attempt to define more closely the mode and pattern of production.  相似文献   

This article reexamines the text and interpretation of three crucial passages in Avitus of Vienne's Ep. 46, the only contemporary document attesting the baptism of Clovis, and one passage in Gregory of Tours' Decem Libri Historiarum . The following conclusions relative to the date and circumstances of the baptism can be drawn. A. Avitus addresses Clovis not as if he was a pagan convert, but as if he was a recent Arian sympathiser, possibly even a catechumen. 2. There is no allusion to Clovis's honorary consulship in Ep. 46, hence no terminus post quem of 508. 3. The populus adhue nuper captivus cannot be the Alamans or the newly-converted Franks. Clovis's letter to the Bishops of Aquitaine and Avitus's known involvement in the ransoming of prisoners-of-war are adduced to suggest that the populus may most plausibly be identified with Catholic Gallo-Roman captives taken in the Franco-Visigothic war of 507. If this is right, it provides a terminus post quem , of 507 and suggests a baptism in Christmas 508. 4. Gregory of Tours' account of the Alamannic war is reexamined, and the following conclusions reached: the account fuses a "Clotilde-spool" and a "Constantinian-spool;" the battle against the Alamanni must date to late 506 (evidence from Cassiodorus and Ennodius); but Gregory himself did not know when it took place in absolute terms, and his relative chronology may well be unreliable. Thus the date of the battle and the date of conversion can be uncoupled. The most probable terminus post quem remains the freeing of the populus captivus , probably after the war of 507. The article ends by reexamining the implications of Clovis's and Avitus's relationship and correspondence.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2006, RPM Nautical Foundation continued its survey along the south-western Turkish coast. After completing the verification of anomalies along the south-east Bozburun peninsula close to Marmaris, a new survey was conducted along the coast near Bodrum. Additional shipwrecks were discovered, those of historic interest ranging in date from Roman Republican to Ottoman. This report describes the shipwreck sites and some of the random finds along the Bozburun coast, as well as the depositional characteristics in the Bodrum approaches.
© 2007 The Author  相似文献   

The initial Late Paleolithic, said to appear between 40 and 30 kya in eastern Asia, is defined by the appearance of many innovations. These archaeological indicators include the appearance of more refined stone tool making techniques (e.g., include the appearance of blade and microblade technology), complex hearth construction, use of pigments and personal ornamentation, as well as worked faunal implements such as bone and antler tools. We report here new findings from a multidisciplinary research project conducted at the Shuidonggou (Choei-tong-keou) site complex in northern China, a series of localities that date from the initial Late Paleolithic to the Neolithic.  相似文献   

The popularity and prevalence of strategic alliances for problem solving has been well documented in research on the corporate sector and public policy. However, there has been limited work to date on building a comprehensive theory about the evolutionary process of alliances. The purpose of this article is to synthesize current research on alliance development in order to develop a model of strategic alliance evolution. The theoretical model is built with ideas from prior research as well as findings from our own recent research on alliances in education. We conducted a national study of strategic alliances in charter schools focused on uncovering the process of evolution—including how alliances are initiated, operated, and evaluated—and the various internal and external factors that influence alliance development and progress. Our findings offer a model of strategic alliance evolution and provide direction for future research.  相似文献   

考古发现的西高穴二号墓,其墓葬形制、规格明确。通过与其墓葬形制、规格相近的东汉晚期河北定县北陵头M32、徐州土山东汉墓、山东济宁普育小学汉墓和三国时代偃师杏园M36和M34、安徽马鞍山朱然及其家族墓、马鞍山宋山东吴墓、南京上坊孙吴墓等对比研究,西高穴二号墓应为东汉晚期至魏晋时期高等级墓葬。西高穴二号墓出土遗物研究,又进一步推定该墓时代为东汉晚期。通过对西高穴二号墓发现的刻铭石牌文字内容和字体时代、西高穴二号墓出土男性人头骨与文献记载的曹操去世年龄、西门豹祠遗址和邺城遗址与西高穴二号墓相对分布位置、出土"鲁潜墓志"与西高穴二号墓地望关系、西高穴二号墓的地势和"不树不封"现象与历史文献记载、中国古代帝王陵墓与都城位置关系等六方面,论证西高穴二号墓墓主人就是曹操,西高穴二号墓就是"曹操高陵"。  相似文献   

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