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刘伦 《旅游纵览》2010,(3):80-81
<正>冰牡丹,孕育在寒夜,盛开于凌晨。虽然只是水汽在玻璃上的短暂逗留,但毫无人工雕凿之痕,国色天香,自然天成。欣赏这幅独具韵味的冰花摄影作品,人们首先感受到的,是季节的交错、地域的交错,是大自然的多姿多彩。  相似文献   

<正>呼伦贝尔的呼伦湖,又名达赉湖,意思是"海一样的湖",面积2339平方公里,有两个香港那么大。有人说冬天的呼伦湖是中国最大的一块冰,这个比喻很形象。呼伦湖从每年的11月开始冰冻,一直到翌年的5月才开始融化,厚度将近一米,在这块2000多平方公里的大冰之上,又演绎了怎样的冬之故事呢?  相似文献   

<正>固有"冰湖"之称的布莱德湖位于斯洛文尼亚西北部的阿尔卑斯山南麓。碧绿清澈的湖水与耸立于湖畔悬崖之上的古堡相映成趣。登上小岛至高点,凭栏远眺,阿尔卑斯山层峦叠嶂,一直伸向天际,美景尽收眼底。我恐高,但面对这样的美景,我却突然有种跳下去拥抱这片天地的冲动。世上总有一些风景,让你想葬身于此。不知道,你是否有过这样的冲动?俯瞰布莱德  相似文献   

夏虫 《旅游纵览》2016,(12):24-27
正天寒,地冻,风干,物燥。北国的冬天千里冰封,万里雪飘,一片寂静,唯独这冰雕、雪雕才给这万籁俱寂的冬月带来些许生气,能工巧匠在冰天雪地里用智慧与技巧,以冰雪雕塑艺术语言描绘着一幅幅壮丽的画卷。制作者按照自己设计的作品草图,既可表现人物、动物、古代、现代建筑等不同的造型,而且还可寓有哲学理念及民族文化特色的体现,展示出冰建筑的构思、排列和  相似文献   

正冰与雪的世界,在冬季的玉树琼花中,在山巅的银装素裹中,在儿时的童话故事中。自古以来,人们多以冰雪的晶莹,比喻忠贞、高尚的品格,如"洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶",用"清如玉壶冰"比喻一个人光明磊落的心性;再如"应念岭海经年,孤光自照,肝肺皆冰雪",形容品行像冰雪一样晶莹、高洁。冰与雪,是大自然给予人类最圣洁的礼物。纵情于白雪之间,体验冰  相似文献   

毛潍坊 《旅游纵览》2016,(12):18-23
正朋友,你去过冰封雪冻的哈尔滨吗?领略过那里奇幻的冰雕吗?如果没有,那请你一定要在春节的时候去看看"哈尔滨国际冰雪节"!冰雕在我国有着悠久的历史,早在清朝初年,北方民间就形成了制作冰灯的习俗。新春时节,各色冰灯争奇斗艳,既增添了节日气氛,又为寒冷的北方营造出诗情画意的景致。清代《黑龙江外纪》里记载有:"上元,城中张灯五夜,……有镂五六尺冰为寿星灯者,中燃双炬,望之如水晶人。"  相似文献   

A reply by two North American geographers to the preceding article presents some recent results of North American studies and suggests that the role of water bodies in influencing cyclogenesis is not universal. The Black Sea is cited as an example of a large water body that does not act as a major source of cyclonic activity. Other arguments are presented questioning the significance of the large proglacial lakes in influencing storm tracks near the margin of the ice sheet.  相似文献   

赵阳 《旅游纵览》2017,(1):52-59
在很多人的印象中,这是一个冰雪的王国,恶寒凛冽的气候赋予了这里的人们以强悍冷酷的民族气质,甚至在我们的历史课本上,这个国家似乎只和专政、冷血、独裁紧紧相连.其实,她拥有世界版图上最大的国土面积,拥有美丽而漫长的冬夜,拥有天鹅湖上唯美的舞步,拥有太多伟大的文学作品,让无数人心生向往.  相似文献   

西藏旅游可持续发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保东 《旅游纵览》2013,(10):20-23
西藏位于中国西部,是一个以藏族为主的民族地区,由于特殊的自然地理条件和历史条件的制约,社会经济相对于我国东部地区发展滞后,旅游业起步较晚,规模不大,但西藏又是旅游资源极为丰富的区域之一,众多的"世界之最",使西藏成为世界顶级旅游资源地之一,给西藏旅游业的发展创造了先天的条件,西藏将努力打造"世界旅游目的地"这一目标。本文分析西藏旅游资源业的特点,论述西藏旅游发展现状、意义,提出可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

Stephen L. Schwartz, Atomic audit: the costs and consequences of US nuclear weapons since 1940  相似文献   


论骑士制度的繁荣期   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张景全 《史学集刊》2003,1(2):95-99,89
骑士制度的繁荣时期出现在11世纪末至13世纪初,其主要原因是,骑士制度的经济基础——庄园经济的繁荣期、骑士阶层的力量象征——封建城堡的大量出现期以及骑士制度三原则的最终融合期均在该时间段内。13世纪中后期以降,西欧经济、政治、军事、社会及科技等诸多方面的变化使骑士制度从其繁荣期滑落下来。  相似文献   

Under the auspices of the Portuguese colonial government, Lereno Barradas and Santos Júnior (coordinator of the Anthropological Mission of Mozambique) carried out several archaeological field surveys from 1936 to 1956 that resulted in a data set that includes a total of close to 90 sites, mostly attributed to the Stone Age. This early research added to the previous work of Van Riet Lowe in the Limpopo Valley of southern Mozambique. With the new millennium, Mozambique has emerged as a crucial geographic area in which to understand the various hypotheses about recent human evolution. Specifically, its coastal location between southern and eastern Africa is ideal for testing ideas about the link between early coastal adaptations and the appearance of anatomically modern humans (AMH). Except for the recent work by Mercader’s team in northern Mozambique, the number of researchers and projects on this topic in Mozambique is still limited because of the general predominance of interest in later periods among archaeologists working in the country, mainly due to their focus on issues related to precolonial heritage and national identity. Based on the early maps from Santos Júnior and more recent data acquired through various projects, we present a series of maps for the Stone Age prehistory of Mozambique. The maps are also based on a critical evaluation of the sites and a review of some of the materials that are presently curated at the Instituto de Investigação Científica e Tropical (IICT) in Lisbon, Portugal, as well as the materials stored at the Department of Archaeology of Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo. The sites are also presented in an online database with the information on all sites used in this study. This database is open to all and will be updated continuously. A preliminary interpretation of the regional distribution of the sites is also attempted, linking aspects that include region, topography and altitude, geomorphology, and cultural phase. These results will be the first step for research and knowledge in Mozambique on Stone Age prehistory and the emergence and settlement pattern of AMH.  相似文献   

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