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《辽左见闻录》是记载辽东故实之较早,价值颇高的专书。本介绍了该书的作王一元,进而揭示了该书的史料价值和版本价值。  相似文献   


Osphresiology, though beginning with Aristotle, and the title of a classical monograph from 1819 by Cloquet, has, like the human sense of smell itself, played a relatively modest role, compared to other sensory functions. The anatomical and physiological connections of the nose to the brain proved to be more complex than those of sight, hearing and even touch, and were therefore poorly understood before the second half of the 19th century. Moreover, the close association between smell and taste gave rise to much controversy regarding the respective roles of the first and the fifth cranial nerves. Next, came the unfolding of the evolutionary influence of cerebral structure and function ‐ viz Broca's “limbic”; concept, and the “olfactory desert”; in the brains of “anosmatic”; animals. Jackson's “uncinate”; seizures featuring olfactory hallucinations brought the hippocampal formation into focus. Finally, there were the clinical manifestations of hyposmia and hyperosmia, from “coryza”;, the common cold, to injury or neoplasms causing hyposmia, as well as some endocrine alterations causing hyperosmia. (And let us not forget Charles Huysman's “Against the Grain”; and Marcel Proust's evocative fragrant madeleine.)  相似文献   

本文分别从个人主义的泛滥与新道德和民主政治构建的难产、理想主义的滥觞与激进主义者实践道路的迷惘、唯科学主义思潮的横行与国人人生观的困惑等视角发掘出误读进化论所产生的近代社会转型问题,希望唤起学界对进化论展开深刻反思,审视它在近代所带来的负面效应.  相似文献   

"蜀人好乱"之说起源于南朝,在宋代尤其是北宋仍是社会各界的主流认识。但随着形势的发展,巴蜀社会稳定、地位不断提升,以蜀人为主的一部分士大夫从乱蜀者、蜀中及全国形势、治蜀政策等多个方面,极力批判蜀人好乱之说,为蜀人辩诬。明清以来,蜀人好乱之说更为流行,宋人的辨析无疑在巴蜀史上成为独特的现象,其深厚的历史及思想文化内涵值得人们反思。  相似文献   

凌濛初刻本《西厢记》受到今日学人的高度重视,《西厢记》印本一般都以凌刻本《西厢记》作为底本。凌刻本受到人们的关注绝非偶然,因为凌刻本《西厢记》系唯一未受传奇体制影响,体例保存完好、改动较小,与元杂剧最相契合的《西厢记》刊本,此外,凌刻本的校注与批评也有自己的成就与特色,所以,凌刻本《西厢记》在《西厢记》诸多版本中无疑应占据突出而重要的位置。  相似文献   

刘昌兵 《南方文物》2002,(2):52-54,47
依山傍水是白鹿洞书院自然环境的特色。白鹿洞书院与嵩阳书院、岳麓书院、睢阳书院并称古代四大书院,被誉为“天下书院之首”。它位于世界文化景观——庐山的东南,现存元明清古建筑面积5000多平方米。由于书院所处四面环山,俯视似洞,唐代江州(九江)刺史李渤曾在此隐居读书,养一白鹿自娱,故名白鹿洞。南唐在此兴办“白鹿国学”,北宋时更名为白鹿洞书院。书院座东北朝西南,前有一溪,名贯道溪,水自五老峰的凌霄峰来,汇入鄱阳湖,溪南有卓尔山为屏障,书院后有后屏山,左有左翼山和回流山,右有五老峰.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Liah Greenfeld, The Spirit Of Capitalism: Nationalism And Economic Growth  相似文献   

Wright, Deil S., Understanding Intergovernmental Relations
Walker, David B., Toward a Functioning Federalism
Hanus, Jerome J., The Nationalization of State Government
Hale, George E. and Marian Lief Palley, The Politics of Federal Grants  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):138-155

Theology experiences many trials of practice and interpretation as it charts a course through contemporary society's political and cultural challenges. September 11 has generated more such trials, some of which are concerned with the historic issues surrounding the ‘War on America’ and its defence in terms of Christian rhetoric and belief. This article begins with a consideration of some of the background to this defence in the language and events of the American Civil War, particularly Stonewall Jackson's dying words and their juxtaposition with Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. It then considers the validity of such notions as freedom and justice in contemporary debate, and challenges an understanding of Christian political thought that views it as responsible for defending a particular form of western society. It ends with some trenchant conclusions about a theologian's responsibilities in the present and future world.  相似文献   

学术界一般以屈家岭-石家河文化为研究三苗部落集团及文化来源的对象.有关三苗的来源,学术界一般有两种观点:一种观点认为三苗来自九黎,另一种观点则认为三苗原来就是居住在江汉平原的土著居民.通过对传世文献的考察,我们知道三苗的活动范围与屈家岭文化-石家河文化圈基本吻合.结合考古材料及人种资料,可以说九黎不是三苗的主源,它只是被黄帝打败后退居到三苗地区,并与之融合.三苗并非九黎之后.  相似文献   

The northeast coast of the Black Sea, extending from the present boundary of the Georgian SSR northwest through Sochi and Novorossiysk to the Taman Peninsula, was settled by Circassian tribes until the Russian conquest of the 1860s. The tribes practiced stockherding and fruitgrowing in the mountains and avoided the malarial swamps along the coast. The Russian settlement pattern that followed was exactly reversed, with population concentrated along the drained shore belt, with a new resort industry, and a virtually unpopulated mountainous hinterland. The rapid expansion of recreational activities along the coast tends to reduce the land available for farming and will ultimately require population movement into the lower and middle elevations of the mountain belt. The construction of access roads will be needed to foster settling of the mountains.  相似文献   

莫友芝《黔诗纪略》是收集保存明代贵州诗歌的第一部大型诗歌总集,汇两代之心血,历二十年之役,以内容之富赡,体例之特殊,考证之精审而名冠学林。今从其对版本目录学的贡献、校雠典藏的价值等为切入点,对《黔诗纪略》的文献学价值进行论析。  相似文献   

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