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In the middle‐class home in late nineteenth‐century England, drawing rooms, morning rooms and boudoirs became increasingly associated with women, while dining rooms, studies and smoking rooms were viewed as male spaces. Historians have linked this to the exclusion of women from social power and a male ‘flight from domesticity’. This article questions these interpretations and explores gendered space through advice manuals, inventories and sale catalogues, and autobiographies. While the notion that domestic space should be divided between men and women had considerable cultural purchase, the ways in which this should occur were subject to dispute and limited by the practical contingencies of everyday living. In homes where gendered material culture was present, it exerted a powerful influence on childhood experience and the formation of adult identities.  相似文献   

The development of hypocausts heating domestic rooms is traced from the late first to the later third century. A category of hypocausta sited adjacent to major rooms and heating them indirectly is referred to in letters of the Younger Pliny and is identified in Romano-British house plans of the first and second century. The function of domestic rooms with hypocausts and of other rooms in a limited number of houses is discussed.  相似文献   

Control rooms routinely deal with happenings that might become events. They attempt to hide events and their possibility from the users of infrastructure by undertaking various forms of action to stop events coming to pass. Based on ethnographic research in a motorway control room, in this paper we describe how events are grasped and handled and subject to the effect of control. Focusing on how the promise of control is provisionally achieved through detection–diagnosis–response work, we show how control room action is situated on the ambiguous line between event and non- or quasi-event and involves making happenings that might be or might become events into their opposite: non-events, or routine occurrences. We use the case of the work of control rooms in dialogue with Michel Foucault on the relation between ‘government and event’ and Lauren Berlant on ‘modes of eventfulness’ to challenge the emphasis on the event as dramatic transformation in some current research on securing life and some geographical work on events. Paying close attention to what control rooms do shows the multiplicity of relations between government and (non)event, and invites us to expand the ‘modes of eventfulness’ that social and cultural geographers learn to sense and disclose.  相似文献   

The Negev Highlands (southern Israel) is an arid zone characterized by settlement oscillations. One settlement peak occurred in the early Iron Age IIA (late 10th and early 9th centuries BC). The most conspicuous structure in many sites of this period is an oval compound comprised of an internal courtyard surrounded by rooms. Two hypotheses for the function of these oval compounds are that they served as Israelite fortresses which guarded the southern border and routes of the Solomonic kingdom, or that they represent local agro-pastoral groups. In order to gather more information regarding the subsistence practices conducted in these oval compounds, we carried out a small-scale excavation at the site of Atar Haroa. We focused on sediment sampling and used several geoarchaeological, as well as isotopic, techniques in order to identify macroscopic and microscopic remains related to animal husbandry and crop agriculture. The remains identified from the archaeological sediments were compared with modern reference materials collected from abandoned Bedouin camps. The excavation included two half rooms and several test pits in the courtyard of the oval compound, featuring one Iron Age occupation level composed of gray sediments and relatively small amounts of pottery, bones and macro-botanical charred remains. Micromorphological, mineralogical, dung spherulite and isotopic analyses carried out on the gray occupational sediments from the rooms show that they originate from wood ash and dung, both used as fuel. Similar analyses of the gray sediments in the courtyard show that they originate only from degraded livestock dung. Phytolith analyses show that the gray anthropogenic sediments have similar concentrations of phytoliths as in control (yellowish) sediments and in the dung of winter free-grazing desert livestock and lichen-grazing black dwarf Bedouin goats. Phytoliths indicative of cereal crops are completely absent in the archaeological dung remains, indicating that cereal crops were not processed by the site inhabitants. Based on ethnographic and archaeological parallels, and on the presence of grinding stones and absence of sickle blades in the excavated rooms, we infer that the inhabitants at the oval compound at Atar Haroa subsisted on livestock herding and bought or exchanged cereal grains. Our results support the hypothesis that the inhabitants at the oval compound at Atar Haroa were desert-adapted pastoralists, rather than garrisoned soldiers.  相似文献   

The article deals with the largest mansion-type buildings in the Golden Horde towns of the Lower Volga region. These buildings had many rooms and walls made of hard-burned and adobe bricks. A large ceremonial hall was located at the center of the building; vestibule premises were located adjacent to the hall on the northern and southern sides; residential and utility rooms occupied the eastern and the western wings. Golden Horde mansions are compared with the palaces and mansions of China, Mongolia, and the countries of the Middle East. The infl uence of the architectural traditions of these countries led to the emergence of an original building type based both on a typical Western Central Asian layout, and principles of organizing space borrowed from Eastern Central Asia.  相似文献   

Phosphate analysis and trace metals analysis were used to determine activities that took place on plaster floors in domestic contexts at the ancient Maya site of Chunchucmil, Yucatan. Research on activities and the use of space contributes to an understanding of social relations within household groups as well as unforeseen patterns that structure refuse discard. The floors analyzed in this paper pertain to three structures in two neighboring houselots dating to the Early Classic (300–600 A.D.) period. Data from the chemical analyses were utilized in conjunction with associated architectural features and artifacts found on the floors. These three lines of information were interpreted with the help of models developed from ethnographic and ethnoarchaeological research. The results demonstrated functional differentiation of rooms within elaborate residences and suggested that front rooms were used to host visitors. The results also suggested that different types of debris were managed differently. Finally, chemical analyses suggest that non-elite Maya occasionally enacted rituals often restricted to elites.  相似文献   

曹魏时期的薄葬是相对秦汉厚葬而言,薄葬与厚葬在考古遗存上各有具体的体现,曹魏通过对汉代地面标记性设施和祭祀性设施、地下居室性设施和随葬明器的简省,开创了以薄葬为特征的新的丧葬模式,并影响着魏晋南北朝时期的丧葬。  相似文献   

Following the 1834 fire, the work of house of lords committees continued virtually without interruption, at first in temporary accommodation and, from 1846, in rooms in the new palace designed by Charles Barry. This article charts the history of house of lords committee activity and the varied use of its accommodation at Westminster from 1834 to the present. Major committee work immediately following the fire included an inquiry into prison reform. Barry's accommodation was scantily fitted out, and quickly needed technical and other adaptations. Committees themselves changed too, with the heaviest phase of private bill activity needed for the creation of the railways tailing off by the late 1860s. Following a low point in committee activity between 1940 and 1970 committee work has developed in fits and starts from 1971 onwards. The further expansion of committees following the Jellicoe committee report of 1992 was accommodated by the reform of private bill procedure, which helped free up committee rooms, and in October 2009, the establishment of the Supreme Court meant that the law lords no longer sat judicially in the large committee rooms 1 and 2. Since 2012, however, the further expansion of committee activity has not been matched by an increase in its accommodation.  相似文献   

山东临沂吴白庄汉画像石墓   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东临沂吴白座汉画像石墓由墓道、墓门、墓室、回廊、耳室组成,出土了少量随葬品和大量画像石材,画面内容丰富,主题鲜明,雕刻技法婚熟,线条流畅,为我们研究汉代的政治、经济、宗教信仰等提供了宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   

大司马墓地位于河南省卫辉市唐庄镇大司马村北面,在太行山余脉谷驼岭以南,为西北高东南低的丘陵地带(图一)。墓地中心的地理坐标为东经113'59'34、北纬35'  相似文献   


The search for ‘total history’, combined with improvements in flexible computer techniques, has focused fresh analytical attention upon multiform documentary records relating to everyday living and working conditions. Prominent among such sources, for the early modern period of English history, are probate inventories. Their richly detailed and intricate contents are now under renewed scrutiny for many purposes. This survey looks briefly at the general problems highlighted by one batch of urban inventories; and analyses detailed evidence relating to rooms and their use, in the housing of the city of Norwich, 1580–1730. Investigation of 871 surviving inventories yields information about the number of rooms per house (and their heating), plus a survey of room use, as inferred from location of furnishings. These findings illuminate conditions of urban housing, suggest a developing specialisation in room use, and illustrate the manifold complexities of room nomenclature. The study was undertaken for the Norwich Survey, to collate the documentary with the archaeological record. Although it did not prove possible to match inventories directly with surviving seventeenth-century buildings in Norwich, the general picture confirmed the archaeological evidence—especially in showing considerable reorganisation and subdivision of housing in the later seventeenth century.1 The research upon which this article is based was carried out for the Norwich Survey, at the University of East Anglia. The computer scheme was devised by Ursula Priestley and Helen Sutermeister, who was still working on the project, with great stoicism, right up until her untimely death in May 1979. Subsequently, the project has been undertaken by Ursula Priestley; and the text drafted and edited jointly with P. J. Corfield—with an introductory note (P.J.C.), comments on the problems inherent in the source data (P.J.C. and U.P.) and analysis of rooms and room use (U.P.). Special thanks are due to Alan Jenyon at the University of East Anglia Computing Centre, for his interest and invaluable help; to Dr. J. F. Pound for advice on sources; to all the staff of the Norwich Survey, for the production of drawings and data; to Philip Judge for his original drawing of housing on Timberhill; and particularly to Alan Carter, the Survey Director, for his unfailing encouragement and good advice. Copyright to Figures 1 and 10 is retained by the Norwich Survey.  相似文献   

During 1984–85 an area of over 1,500 square metres was excavated on Hartlepool Headland (NZ 528 336) by Cleveland County Archaeology Section. This is the second part of the report on that work, the first, covering the Anglo-Saxon monastic occupation was published in Archaeol. J., 145, henceforth referred to as Daniels 1988b. Following Anglo-Saxon occupation, cultivation took place on the site, to be succeeded in the late eleventh or early twelfth centuries by the establishment of two properties. An earthfast timber building was sited at the front of the northern property, parallel with and probably on the frontage. Behind the building the area was subdivided by a sequence of fence lines and there were indications of cultivation. This phase of occupation ceased with some evidence that the building had burnt down. In the mid-thirteenth century the boundary between the two properties was re-established with a small house (Building III) being built in the southern property. In the northern property three buildings (II, IV, and V) were constructed gable end on to the street and separated by narrow lanes from which access was gained to suites of rooms which were not interconnecting. Throughout the life of these buildings a number of the ground floor rooms contained sequences of ovens used for food processing some of which were evidently used for domestic and others for commercial purposes. The buildings went out of use at the end of the fifteenth century, from which time the area was cultivated prior to its redevelopment in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

The evidence available for the reconstruction of the Western Magazines of the early palace at Malia is here re‐evaluated. Despite the importance given to external social agents stationed in the Protopalatial town outside the palace, our knowledge of the main building during this key period in the history of the settlement remains limited. The shallow stratigraphy associated with its construction and heavy rebuilding during the succeeding Neopalatial period obstruct a clear vision of the architectural phasing of the early building, but a new analysis focusing on building materials and techniques suggests the presence of a series of Protopalatial storage rooms behind the main façade on the West Court, later integrated into the Neopalatial building. This architectural analysis allows a better assessment of the role of the central building of Middle Bronze Age Malia.  相似文献   

为了开展环境因素对有机质材料色牢度影响的研究,及寻找不同的文物陈列展览与藏品保存所适宜的环境,必需了解文物环境的质量状况,探讨环境因素对文物造成的影响及变化规律。为此,选择故宫博物院有代表性的文物陈列展览与藏品保存的环境为试验场所,对该试验场所环境温湿度进行检测分析,同时在该环境中摆放试验样品,对试验样品的颜色变化进行不定期的检测。经过试验样品色牢度的检测和试验数据的整理分析,得出了相同环境下,丝织品试验样品色牢度变化比绘画颜料色牢度的变化大;三种不同温湿度的环境,对丝织品试验样品色牢度变化影响也不相同,其中,红色样品变化最敏感。相对绘画颜料,不同环境温湿度变化对其造成的影响较小。  相似文献   

Foucault,space and primary school dining rooms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper takes up recent debates within Children's Geographies as to the ‘usefulness’ of theory and its application to school dining rooms. The paper argues that in particular, Foucault's notions of governmentality have the potential to advance theoretical understandings of the spatiality of school dining rooms, the social relationships that occur within them and that in addition this can have relevant practical and policy implications that could impact upon the everyday lives of children that are both constituted by and constitutive of this space.  相似文献   


This study investigated the movable fire loads and the characteristics of combustible materials in Japanese-style wooden historical buildings via field surveys and cone calorimeter experiments. Twenty-one historical buildings with 102 rooms and a total floor area of 2235.06 m2 were surveyed to determine the movable fire load. Strong correlations among fire load density, compartment floor area, and spatial use are found in this survey. The mean values of the movable fire load density in decreasing order in terms of room use are storeroom (431.38 MJ/m2), study room (298 MJ/m2), bedroom (294.88 MJ/m2), reception room (287.20 MJ/m2), and dining room (217.11 MJ/m2), providing fire engineering design with a reliable fire load setting in various types of rooms in historical buildings.  相似文献   

Resort-hotel location has diffused from the Northeast and Midwest to the Sunbelt and West. In 1985 there were approximately 834 resort hotels and 295,617 resort-hotel rooms in the United States. More than half of these rooms were located in just three states: Florida, Nevada, and Hawaii. The present distribution of resort-hotel rooms has been influenced by three periods in resort-hotel evolution. Until the early 20th century, resort hotels were in the tradition of the “Grand Hotel,” oriented toward natural resources in the East and Midwest and serving an elite clientele. Later in this period, elite resorts were also developed in the coastal Southeast and in the Southwest. A second, transitional period beginning in the 1920s accelerated construction of resort hotels in the Southwest and along the Southeastern coast. In the third period, post World War II mobility and affluence led to a revolution in resorthotel location and function. Resort hotels are now found in urban and suburban locations and have expanded the resort concept by linking it to meetings, conventions, and business travel. This has allowed resort hotels to adapt to changing market conditions and to achieve economies of scale by spreading demand throughout the year.  相似文献   

2008年9月,南京三山之原发现明太祖朱元璋最幼女宝庆公主墓葬.该墓为前后砖室券顶结构,墓前有绿釉琉璃构件,为研究明代公主墓葬制度提供了新的例证.墓葬遭破坏,仅存墓志,记载了宝庆公主的生平.另于发掘中征集到驸马赵辉之孙赵伯容墓志,为研究赵氏家族历史提供了新的资料.  相似文献   


Aztec Ruins National Monument is a World Heritage Site in northwestern New Mexico, USA. More than 50,000 visitors come to the site each year, specifically to visit West Ruin, a 12th–13th century, multi-storey Ancestral Pueblo an (Anasazi) village with over 400 rooms. West Ruin was excavated in the early 1900s and was intentionally left exposed for public access and interpretation. The walls, constructed of shaped sandstone blocks set in mud mortar, have gradually deteriorated, despite years of stabilization and preservation efforts. In 1999, park management began to partially rebury portions of West Ruin as a reversible long-term preservation treatment. While partial reburial allows for presentation of the site to visitors, it also results in uneven fill levels in many rooms. Differential fill levels can increase the area subject to migration and capillary rise of moisture through the walls, and can accelerate stone and mortar deterioration on the exposed wall faces. Differential fill levels can also lead to structural instability from unequal pressure exerted between filled and non-filled areas. To mitigate moisture migration and structural instability from differential fills, a soil retention system was designed and tested using layers of synthetic three-dimensional earth confinement cells. This paper discusses the design and implementation of the soil retention system within the larger context of a multi-phased reburial project underway at Aztec Ruins National Monument.  相似文献   

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