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The Philippines is the world's leading coconut exporter. The benefits of this trade for Filipino producers have been circumscribed by declining terms of trade in the world market and by highly unequal distribution of coconut-sector income at home. A case study of the Philippine coconut trade illustrates the crucial importance of linkages between wealth and power in determining the size and distribution of income in export agriculture. ‘The time has come,’ the Walrus said, ‘To talk of many things: of shoes — and ships — and sealing wax — Of cabbages — and — kings — And why the sea is boiling hot — And whether pigs have wings.’ Carroll (1922: 186)  相似文献   

清阮元校刻的《十三经注疏》本《毛诗正义》,堪称善本。但在校刻时,因各种条件的限制,并未达到尽善。阮本《毛诗正义》结构复杂,有谱、序、经、传、笺、疏以及附释音、校勘记等多种层次。其中传、笺、疏以及附释音、校勘记中涉及多种古籍的引文,这些引文与原书相较,经论证:有不少阮本误引影响到阅读;有阮本不误原书今本反误。原书已佚者通过旁证和传统小学方法作校正。  相似文献   

Sir J. G. Frazer 《Folklore》2013,124(4):382-407
PSYCHOLOGY AND PRIMITIVE CULTURE. By F. C. BARTLETT. Cambridge: University Press, 1923. Pp. xii + 294. 8s. 6d. n. Reviewed by R. R. Marett.

THE EXEMPLA OF THE RABBIS. By M. GASTER. [The. Asia Publishing Co.'s Oriental Series, edited by BRUNO SCHINDLER, Ph.D., Section III.: Palestine (Hebrew),. vol. I.] Leipzig-London, 1924. Pp. xlviii + 314 + 208. £2 2s. n. Reviewed by W. R. Halliday.

MASSENKUNST IM 16. JAHRHUNDERT, FLUGBLÄTTER AUS DER SAMMLUNG WICKIANA. FEHR, H. (Denkmale der Volkskunst, ed. by Wilhelm Fraenger). Berlin: Herbert Stubenrauch, 1924. 4°. Pp. 121 + 86. 10s. Reviewed by M. Gaster.

ANGLO-NORMAN LAPIDARIES. By PAUL STUDER and JOAN EVANS. Paris: Ed. Champion, 1924. 8vo. Pp. xx + 404. Reviewed by M. Gaster.

LES ROIS THAUMATURGES. Étude sur le caractere surnaturel attribué à la puissance royale, particulierèment en France et en Angleterre. By MARC BLOCH, Professeur à l'Univ. de Strasbourg. (Strasbourg and Paris, Librairie Istra, 1924.) Oxford University Press. Large 8vo. Pp. vii + 542; 4 plates. Fr. 30 (12s. 6d. n.). Reviewed by H. J. Rose.

LA POÉSIE CHEZ LES PRIMITIFS, OU CONTES, FABLES, RÉCITSET PROVERBES DU RWANDA (Lac Kivu). Par le R. P. EUGÈNE HUREL (Pères Blancs). Brussels: Goemaere, 21 Rue de la Limite), n.d. 10″ x 6½″. Pp. 260. 18 f. Reviewed by A. Werner.

LA LANGUE KISONGE. GRAMMAIRE—VOCABULAIRE—PROVERBES. Par le R. P. A. SAMAIN, Missionnaire de Scheut Au Kasai (Congo Beige). Brussels: Goemare, 21 Rue de la Limite, n.d. (Being No. XIV of the Bibliothèque-Congo). 10″ x 6½″. Pp. 152. Reviewed by A. Werner.

THE PANCHATANTRA RECONSTRUCTED. By FRANKLIN EDGERTON Connecticut, New Haven: American Oriental Society 1924. Two Vols. Vol. I., Text and Critical Apparatus Vol. II., Introduction and Translation. 8vo. Pp. x + 406 xix + 409. Reviewed by H. A. Rose.

THE OCEAN OF STORY : being C. H. Tawney's Translation of Somadeva's Kathā. Sarit Sagara (or Ocean of Streams of Story). Ed. by N. M. Penzer. (10 vols.) Vol. I. pp. xli + 334. Privately printed for subscribers: Chas. J. Sawyer, 1924. 10″ + 6?″. Pp. xli + 335. 42s. n. per vol. Reviewed by W. R. Halliday.  相似文献   

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