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邺城地区新发现的慧光法师资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慧光法师为北朝晚期著名的佛门领袖,对于慧光的成就和地位学术界早有定论,但其生卒年代一直未能弄清。新发现的《魏故昭玄沙门大统墓志铭》,出土于河南安阳(古邺城西南)附近, 墓志详细记录了慧光法师的生平。志载,慧光生于北魏献文帝皇兴二年(468年),北魏孝文帝太和五年(481年)随父亲到洛阳,同年夏末出家;东魏元象元年(538年)在邺城大觉寺卒世,享年70 岁,迁窆于西门豹祠之西南。  相似文献   

In 1973 the Watch Hill barrow in St Stephen-in-Brannel, Cornwall was excavated and demonstrated to be a complex structure. However, at the time it was only possible to arrange two radiocarbon determinations, from the same pit in the base of the ditch. As part of postgraduate research carried out at the University of Exeter, the archive was revisited and funding obtained for a further four radiocarbon determinations from the ditch and central burial within the barrow. The six radiocarbon determinations together ranged between 2140 and 1680 cal. BC. The results are significant as they indicate that the site was in use over several centuries with the burial occurring towards the end of activity.  相似文献   

Plans to redisplay the Bayeux Tapestry raise anew the questions as to where and how it was originally intended to be displayed. Analysis of the linen fabric provides new insights into the tapestry’s design and manufacture, and enables its original length to be calculated. Re-examination of the (largely destroyed) 11th-century cathedral at Bayeux and of its liturgical layout demonstrates that the tapestry would have fitted neatly into the nave west of the choir screen. Its narrative falls into three discrete sections that reflect the way in which it would have been hung within the building, and the arrangement of the scenes takes account of the uneven bay-spacings of the nave arcades and the positions of the doorways. It can therefore be concluded that the tapestry was designed for a particular location within the nave of Bayeux cathedral. The cathedral’s liturgical traditions shed light on the way in which the tapestry would have been viewed in the Middle Ages, and the wider implications for the way in which it could and should be viewed today are briefly considered.  相似文献   

自 198 8年始 ,在配合鹤壁城市建设中 ,先后发现了一批不同年代的古代陶窑遗址 ,对认识古代中原地区的社会经济和古代鹤壁地区的制陶、制瓷等手工业的发展 ,有着极为重要的意义  相似文献   

陕西潼关税村隋代壁画墓线刻石棺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
潼关税村隋代壁画墓位于陕西省潼关县高桥乡税村,陕西省考古研究院2005年3月至12月对该墓进行了抢救性发掘。墓内出土的线刻石棺,是隋唐考古和美术考古史上的又一重要发现。该石棺体量之大、图像之繁复、制作之精美,在南北朝、隋唐考古史上可谓"扛鼎之作"。为了使学术界能够更好地了解该画像石棺的全貌,特别将石棺单独介绍。墓葬发掘简报刊布于《文物》2008年第5期。  相似文献   

新乡汉代彩绘陶器纹饰赏析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1985年以来,新乡市陆续在北站区的新乡火电厂、新乡水泥厂、郊区磷肥厂、王门村等地发掘汉代墓葬1000余座,其中西汉墓葬600余座.这些西汉墓中出土了一批精美的彩绘陶器.  相似文献   

谈山东日照两城镇发现的烤箅   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海岱地区的陶箅是一种重要的炊食器 ,按功能可分为蒸箅和烤箅 ;从大汶口文化晚期始直至岳石文化 ,陶箅经历了其独特的发展演变过程 ;伴随着文化交流 ,陶箅也不断向外传播 ;陶箅的用途即为蒸食或用来烘烤肉类和鱼类等 ;两城镇烤箅的发现为研究海岱地区的古代饮食文化提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

陕西省眉县杨家村2003年元月发现西周窖藏青铜器,全部铸有长篇铭文,是研究西周历史文化的珍贵资料.《四十二年(辶桒)鼎》铭文记载了周王赏赐贵族及封建诸侯的礼仪.《四十三年(辶桒)鼎》铭文记载了周王任命作器者担任虞林的官职,并叮嘱他要勤勉从政.《(辶桒)盘》铭文记载了作器者歌颂祖先功德的文辞.  相似文献   

John Edward Lee 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):157-162
This paper presents some of the background information considered necessary to expand the archaeological uses of aerial photography. Some problems encountered recording archaeological features from the air are discussed but the paper concentrates on the subsequent use of aerial photographs and covers the interpretation and plotting of archaeological features, use of different map scales, and outlines two schemes for the presentation of completed drawings which show air photograph evidence. The uses and potential of morphological analysis are included, as are comments on the relevance of fieldwork to air photograph interpretation.

An appendix considers the application of geophysical techniques to air photograph sites, and the deductions that may be derived from these non-destructive methods.  相似文献   

E. P. S. 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):44-49
The discovery is reported of a timber from North Ferriby here interpreted as a piece of boat-planking and therefore the fourth boat-find from that intertidal site. The implications of its radiocarbon age are discussed. Although only a small fragment, the find has some highly significant features and it is argued that it is a piece of a sheerstrake of a boat, conceivably of a late version of the Ferriby-type hitherto represented by the three examples dated to the second millennium B.C. On the strength of the arguments put forward the first author has incorporated key-features into the hypothetical design for a complete Ferriby boat recently developed in collaboration with J. F. Coates.  相似文献   

More iron objects have been found in East Yorkshire than in any other part of Iron Age Britain of comparable size, largely in the burials of the Arras Culture, named after the excavations at Arras near Market Weighton (1815–17). The region also contains one of Britain's largest prehistoric iron production centres, contemporary with the Arras Culture. This article aims to contribute to re-establishing early iron production and consumption, and its social and economic significance in the archaeological mainstream, and demonstrate the importance of understanding ironworking for the Iron Age landscape.  相似文献   

周会英  郭文涛  陈晓捷  王宏民 《考古与文物》2005,(6):27-30,58,F0003
2003年8月30日,铜川市印台区红土镇东王村西王组村民在取土过程中发现瓷器窖藏.印台区文物部门闻讯后随即对出土地点进行了全面勘查,在当地公安部门协助下,共追回各类文物标本62件.主要为瓷器,另有少量铜铁残器.现将结果简报如下.  相似文献   

闫璘  徐红梅 《丝绸之路》2009,(12):21-24
本文通过对宗日文化石棺葬的浅显认识,初步探讨了宗日文化石棺葬发现的意义及其族属问题,认为宗日遗址石棺葬的创造者是羌人。  相似文献   

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