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Several alternative schemes for the dating if Pictish relief sculpture have been advanced during the last century. Representations if artifacts which can be dated archaeologically, decorative devices associated with the Viking Period and details if animal ornament are used to provide new date-ranges for some stones usually dated earlier. The early dating often advanced for some low-relief sculptures is accordingly questioned, and a tentative scheme for the dating if Pictish relief sculpture proposed.  相似文献   

占堂 《世界遗产》2011,(3):54-57
熊本城位于日本熊本县熊本市,是日本著名景点之一,与大坂城、姬路城合称为日本的三大古名城。1607年,丰臣秀吉的旗下大将——加藤清正为熊本城主,开始建造熊本城。加藤清正是日本战国末期数一数二的勇将,甚至在中国明朝的史书中有如此记载:倭人清正,强悍、严厉,实乃酋中名将也。事实上,在日本的筑城史上,清正流也是占了重要的一席的。清正的筑城才能,早在筑造大坂城时为丰臣秀吉所发现,当时只有二十四五岁的清  相似文献   

Dover Castle     
G. T. Clark 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):436-461

Compton Castle     

One of the perennial problems in the study of medieval architectural sculpture is the lack of identifiable patrons. At the church of St Michael, Horwood (North Devon), however, the north aisle and chapel of c. 1400 can be firmly associated with the patronage of the Pollard family, in particular John Pollard and his wife Emma. This includes the north arcade of five bays with its four freestanding and two engaged columns, all of which bear carved capitals. It is likely that the building of this extension was intended to establish the Pollard family at Horwood as well as to commemorate the patrons. Thus the work carries a funereal/monumental air that is reflected in the choice of sculptural imagery which includes a skull, angels and hybrid monsters. This context provides new insight into the ways in which architectural images were perceived and used in the later Middle Ages, particularly with regards to the image of the mermaid.  相似文献   

寒江 《旅游纵览》2016,(7):90-93
与英格兰的许多古城相比,拥有千年历史的杜伦或许并不算太老。蜿蜒的鹅卵石路、精致的老房子,还有那些茂密的植物,簇拥着一座雄伟的教堂与一座坚固的城堡,这是再典型不过的北英格兰古镇的风貌。威尔河不知流淌了多少年,在杜伦这里强劲地拐了一个弯儿,城堡和教堂就屹立在河床三角洲的高地上。关注过英国留学的国人一定知道杜伦,1832年建立的杜伦大学,即使在全世界的大学排名中,也是位列靠前。对自己实力有信心的人方敢报名这里,毕竟是英格兰第三古老的大学,至今仍沿用着传统的学院制。早年,Durham被译成达勒姆,随着越来越多的国人在此留学,更具英范儿的译名——杜伦,现在更被广泛接受。  相似文献   


Castle Acre     
Geo. T. Clark 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):282-285
This is the report of research excavations and salvage recording both inside and outside the standing Romanesque church. Evidence was seen of three pre-Conquest churches. The first was a ground standing timber building. The second was a Brixworth-type stone building. The third was a T-shaped church with a continuous transept and a tiny eastern apse. The evidence for these interpretations is presented. Documentary evidence is given and parallels are discussed. Additional information about the succeeding Romanesque church is presented. It had a rectangular crossing and tower, and evidence of a large added eastern chapel, reasoned to have been a new setting for the Holy Cross of Waltham, is discussed. Finds include floor tiles and stone. A burial close to the first church probably dates to the seventh century and suggests that Waltham was a minster church from the early years of the conversion. A herring-bone masonry wall is attributed to Harold.  相似文献   

The demolition of castles following the English Civil War is often seen as an inevitable consequence of the conflict, with their slighting often being ascribed to a need to prevent further bloodshed and punish the ruling elite. However, recent studies have demonstrated that the destruction of elite buildings during this period was far from straightforward, and this complexity is reflected in the methodology employed to damage them. At Sheffield, so extensive was this damage that, less than a century later, not a trace remained of what had once been one of the largest castles in South Yorkshire. Whilst little remains of the building itself, the rare survival of a set of demolition accounts, alongside a large number of other sources including personal correspondence, estate rentals and town records, means it is possible to explore in great detail the circumstances of the castle’s slighting. Through these a far more nuanced picture of civil conflict emerges with the castle’s destruction taking place within a complicated dialogue between the Lord of the Manor, Parliament’s officials and the inhabitants of Sheffield themselves.  相似文献   

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