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This article analyses Philo of Alexandria’s and Josephus Flavius’s interpretations of Sarah from the viewpoint of social and political power attached to her. Both ascribe the figure royal attributes (i.e. she is depicted as a princess or queen) and other features that promote her as a virtuous model and an individual of public standing. A variety of emphases, philological and philosophical interpretations alike, jointly serve to construct Sarah’s exemplarity. The aim of this article is to demonstrate that different dimensions of biblical female figures may be revealed when their role as spouses and mothers is not taken as the starting point of analysis in studies concerning the reception history of biblical women.  相似文献   

The value of strontium isotope analysis in identifying immigrants at numerous archaeological sites and regional areas has been demonstrated by several researchers, usually by comparing 87Sr/86Sr values of human tooth enamel and/or bone with the local strontium isotope signature determined by faunal and environmental samples. This paper examines the feasibility of using 87Sr/86Sr ratios to investigate residential mobility in the Nile Valley region, specifically at the New Kingdom period (∼1050–1400 BC) archaeological site of Tombos (ancient Nubia). Archaeological and textual information regarding this period indicates that immigrant Egyptians and local native Nubians were likely interacting at this site during a period of Egyptian colonial occupation. The results of this study suggest that non-local individuals may be distinguished from locals using 87Sr/86Sr values and that colonial agents in the Tombos population were probably both local native Nubians and immigrants.  相似文献   

Between 1998 and 1999 three excavation campaigns were undertaken on a shipwreck at the now‐submerged site of the ancient Portus Magnus, off the coast of Alexandria. The site, close to the island of Antirhodos, was identified through geophysical and archaeological surveys carried out by the Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous‐Marine (IEASM), directed by Franck Goddio. The remains of the ship lie c.5 m deep and are spread over c.350 sqm. No cargo has been found. Artefacts recovered, the details of the ship's architecture and radiocarbon dating all suggest it sunk between the end of the 1st century BCE and the 1st century CE. Its dimensions correspond to those of commercial ships of the Roman era. Identification of the wood used contributes significantly to our knowledge of materials used in naval architecture of this period.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that Kohout thermal convection may have induced the massive dolomitization of the 60 m thick lowest more reefal unit in well Unda [top of Great Bahama Bank (GBB)] is evaluated through numerical modelling. A two‐dimensional (2‐D) section, including lithological and petrophysical data, together with datings for the sediments of the GBB, was used in the basin model TEMISPACK to reconstruct the history of the whole platform, with a focus on the reef unit. Simulations showed that during high sea‐level periods, Kohout convection is a valid mechanism in the settings of the GBB, although the convection cell remains flat in most cases because of high permeability anisotropy. This mechanism induces rapid fluid flow in the superficial as well as in the deeper parts of the platform, with velocities of at least two orders of magnitude higher than with compaction alone. Lithology appears as a strong control of fluid circulations at the margin scale through the permeability anisotropy, for which a critical value lies between values of 10 and 100. The reefal unit in Unda is part of a larger area determined by the lithologic distribution, in which flow velocities are significantly higher than in the rest of the platform. These velocities are high enough to bring the magnesium necessary to precipitate the observed amounts of dolomite, within durations in agreement with the available time of post‐reef deposition high sea level(s). However, neither fluid flow pattern nor flow velocities are able to explain the preferential massive dolomitization of the lower reef unit and the complete absence of dolomite in the upper one.  相似文献   

A reactive transport computer code has been employed to model hydrothermal alteration of a granitoid rock bordering a discrete vein channel. The model suggests that the grey sericitic and sericitic with remnant biotite alteration envelopes at the porphyry copper deposit at Butte, Montana, can be formed by a reducing, low pH, and low salinity fluid under constant temperature and pressure conditions of approximately 400 °C and less than 100 MPa during a time span of approximately 100 years or less. Hydrothermal alteration has little effect on the porosity of the host rock (Butte Quartz Monzonite), and the diffusivity of the aqueous species also changes little. A sequence of mineral reaction fronts characterizes the alteration envelopes. The biotite dissolution front occurs closest to the vein channel and marks the transition from the grey sericitic to sericitic with remnant biotite envelope. The plagioclase dissolution front occurs farthest into the matrix and marks the edge of relatively fresh Butte Quartz Monzonite. From the properties of the quasi‐stationary state approximation ( Lichtner 1988 ; Lichtner 1991 ), it follows that once the sequence of reaction fronts is fully established, their relative locations remain constant and the widths of the reaction zones increase with the square root of time.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been growing interest in the application of travelling wave models to the spatial dynamics of human dispersals, and their archaeological validation. These models enable predictions of the velocity of population expansion, derived from estimates of reproductive rates and of individual mobility. In this paper we discuss some intrinsic constraints on the application of such models to dispersal events which have been documented in the archaeological record. There is significant uncertainty in radiocarbon dating of first occupation at different locations, and in the reconstruction of evolving population distributions from time-averaged archaeological distribution maps. We calculate some archaeological boundary conditions for the accurate estimation of travelling wave profiles and velocities, and demonstrate their significance for two archaeological case studies: the first peopling of the Americas, and the Neolithic transition in Europe.  相似文献   

Recent maritime investigations at Quseir al-Qadim, on the Red Sea coast of Egypt, have revealed the importance of this port in both the Roman and later Islamic periods. This paper outlines the key evidence for the location of the harbours, from survey, sedimentological analysis and selective excavation. The Roman harbour, occupied between the 1st century BC and the 3rd century AD, was located in a now-silted lagoon. Over 100 sedimentological cores indicated its siltation process. By the time the site was reoccupied in the 12th century AD, the harbour was reduced to a small bay at the entrance to the former lagoon.
© 2007 The Author  相似文献   

At the distal western end of a main drainage canal running along West Gate Street in the Hellenistic city of Priene, an unusual masonry outlet structure has been found. The housed structure contains a doubly curvilinear, contracting rectangular cross-section flow passageway that allows drainage water flow through the city perimeter wall. A computer model of the complexly-shaped drainage structure has been hydraulically analysed in order to determine the function of the curvilinear passageway. Results indicate that the internal shaping of the structure hydraulically conditions the flow to create multiple circulatory mixing flows that agitate and entrain debris in the outflow stream sufficient to “self-clean” the outlet, thus preventing clogging. Further calculations of flow free surface shapes at different flow rates indicate the maximum flow capacity that can be processed by the drainage system without overspillage to provide a lower-bound estimate of the steady-state water supply to the city. The design of a self-cleaning, continuous flow urban wastewater system implies that Greek city planners maintained a high level of awareness about the hygienic conditions needed to maintain the health of the populace. The Greek attitude toward technical refinements necessary to improve the quality of urban life could therefore not be better represented than in attention to detail related to water supply and waste water drainage systems as a key to improved life standards.  相似文献   

A re-evaluation of the published reports on the Khufu I vessel suggests: first, Egyptian boatwrights used as much of a plank's original width and length as possible to minimize waste, resulting in unpredictable stealer and scarf placement; second, crafting tenons to be narrower than corresponding mortises may have been one of many standardized techniques of Egyptian boatbuilding; third, temporary and permanent edge-to-edge transverse lashing was an important structural feature. Finally, woven straps instead of ropes were probably used to lash this vessel, and seams were probably sealed with wadding and battens, while the frames appear to have been recycled.
© 2009 The Author  相似文献   

This investigation is indented to explore the relationship between changes in pore fluid pressure and deformation of the land surface induced by a large‐scale injection experiment at the KTB site. Deformation will be monitored by ASKANIA borehole tiltmeters at five locations. During the year 2003, a network of borehole tiltmeters was installed, data transmission links established and tested, and recording of tilt data started. Our first main interest was to receive data sets of all stations well before the injection experiment to start in May 2004, to be able to evaluate local site effects. Thus, the separation of injection‐induced effects will be more reliable. Principal 3D numerical modelling (poro‐elastic modelling and investigations, using the finite element method, FEM) of poro‐elastic behaviour showed that significant tilt amplitudes can be expected during controlled fluid injection. Observed deformation will be investigated within the framework of the fluid flow behaviour and resulting deformation. Two models have been used: a coupled hydro geomechanical finite element model (abaqus ) and, as a first step, also a multi‐layered poro‐elastic crust (poel ). With the numerical model two effects can be quantified: (i) the deformation of the upper crust (tilt measurements) and (ii) the spatial distribution and the changes of material properties in the KTB area. The main aim of the project is to improve the knowledge of coupled geomechanic–hydraulic processes and to quantify important parameters. Thus, the understanding of fracture‐dominated changes of the hydrogeological parameters will be enhanced, geomechanical parameter changes and the heterogeneity of the parameter field quantified. In addition, the induced stress field variation can be explained, which is believed to be mainly responsible for the increase of local seismic activity. Here, we introduce the tiltmeter array at the KTB site, the modelling for a poro‐elastic crust and the preliminary FEM modelling.  相似文献   

Interaction between hominins and carnivores has been common and constant through human evolution and generated mutual pressures similar to those present in worldwide modern human-carnivore conflicts. This current interaction is sometimes violent and can be reflected in permanent skeletal pathologies and other bone modifications. In the present paper, we carry out a survey of 124 forensic cases of dangerous human-carnivore encounters. The objective is to infer direct hominin-carnivore confrontation during the Pleistocene, which is important to understand behavioral changes during human evolution. In addition, the case of Neanderthals is analyzed in order to find evidence of past attacks using forensic observations. The results obtained pose that Neanderthals could potentially have been involved in dangerous encounters during the Pleistocene, validating our methodology to approach past attacks from a forensic perspective.  相似文献   

Russian populism spread in China at the turn of the twentieth century in the name of anarchism, nihilism, and socialism, and gradually contributed to the formation of modern Chinese populism. Populism around the time of the 1911 Revolution had two characteristics: one was its deep hatred of capitalism which regarded capitalism as an ugly, decadent, and regressive historical phenomenon; the other characteristic was an attempt to get around the developmental stage of capitalism in order to proceed directly into socialism. Compared with Russian populism, modern Chinese populism did not have well-organized proponents, nor did it have any systemic system of populist political thought. It manifested itself more as a populist intellectual tendency without a strong self-awareness. Agrarian civilization and Confucianism provided the hotbed for populism, and a superficial understanding of Western capitalism was the main cultural drive that bred populism. The most important feature of modern Chinese populism was the fantasy of leaping from a backward agrarian country into socialism by surpassing capitalist industrialization.  相似文献   


This study of Lascaux Cave consisted of simulating the evolution of changes in the levels of temperature and humidity both in the air and in the rock. By choosing different models (one-dimensional, three-dimensional, etc.), it was possible to calculate the required variables (temperature, moisture levels, speeds, etc.) at all points inside the cave, to locate zones of high water vapour concentration and to understand the nature of the airflow. The simulations described here provide the first general data on the airflow within the cave and its hygrothermic behaviour. The temperature fields result from natural convection phenomena, which are influenced by the climate outside the cave. From the point of view of air dynamics, we can observe the presence of an overall airflow that starts in the Machine Room (containing the air conditioning system installed in 1958), runs along the ground to the end of each of the branches of the cave, and returns along the cave vault to its starting point. This slow-moving phenomenon suggests the possibility of passive control of the ambient air from the Machine Room. There are localized risk areas where condensation of water vapour can occur, resulting in rapid deterioration of the limestone. Several of these areas are therefore monitored using condensation indicators placed on the cave walls or by visual observation of painted areas. The higher air speeds detected in some areas of the cave result in decay of the prehistoric paintings. The numerical modelling results, confirmed by observations and measurements in situ, should be taken into consideration when managing the conditions within the cave.  相似文献   

The principal aim of our research is to capitalize on the close relationship between prehistoric hunters and prey to develop spatial models for the investigation of land-use patterns. Ideally, these models should be useful both as predictive tools for designing regional archaeological surveys, and as analytical tools for studying the distribution of known archaeological sites. Here, we build upon a basic G.I.S. model (including standard environmental variables such as slope, aspect and distance to water) adding a paleoethological variable in the form of range reconstructions for the regionally dominant, prehistoric human prey species: Equus hydruntinus.  相似文献   

黑水国汉代墓葬出土的农具、动物骨骼、农作物遗存和人骨为人们了解河西走廊张掖地区汉晋时期生业经济和农业发展等问题提供了重要证据。通过动物骨骼、农作物遗存鉴定结果和人骨碳氮同位素检测结果,可以揭示汉晋时期黑水国人群的食物结构和生业模式特点。墓葬出土的农作物有粟、黍、稻,随葬动物有鸡、猪、绵羊、黄牛、狗、马,人骨骨胶原碳稳定同位素主要呈现C3和C4混合信号,部分呈现C3信号和C4信号,氮稳定同位素值相较牛羊等家养食草动物较高。综合研究说明汉晋时期河西走廊形成麦类、粟黍和豆类的混合农业模式,所以黑水国汉代先民摄取的粮食作物来源呈多样化。同时,河西走廊畜牧业发达,使当时人群摄取了大量的肉食资源,导致蛋白质摄入量较高。  相似文献   

Care is double-edged and paradoxical, inspiring a vast range of strong feelings in both care-givers and care-recipients. This article draws on ideas about psychotherapeutic relationships to offer a theorisation of the complex emotional and power dynamics and imaginative geographies of care. Examining the humanistic approach developed by Carl Rogers as well as the psychoanalytic tradition, I advance an interpretation of psychotherapeutic practices that foregrounds the fundamental importance of the emotional and power-inflected relationship between practitioners and those with whom they work. I show how different traditions offer conceptualisations of the shape of therapeutic relationships that are highly relevant to consideration of the emotional and power dynamics of giving and receiving care. Against this background I discuss current debates about care, emotions and power, drawing especially on feminist and disability perspectives and arguing that psychotherapeutic approaches offer a powerful lens through which to understand the emotional and power dynamics of caring relationships. I conclude by emphasising how this theorisation helps to illuminate ubiquitous features of women's care work.  相似文献   

The article highlights the social history of Jewish goldsmiths in French Morocco between the two World Wars, a period in which the global capitalist system challenged their historical monopoly over production and commerce. Continued external intervention (Moroccan commercial treaties with European capitalist markets), direct competition (the import of cheap industrial products and an influx of entrepreneurs), the mechanisation of local manufacturing, the encouragement of individualism resulting in the breakdown of Jewish social cohesion and the taking over of political institutions by France (the Makhzen) and its local agent (the Muhtaseb) had all eroded the Jewish monopoly of the precious-metals industry and created an unexpected atmosphere of strong economic, political and judicial pressures on Jewish goldsmiths. In order to explore the struggle and survival of Jewish goldsmiths in the new economic order, the article addresses the following key questions: (1) What was the influence of various forces, both external and internal, on the Jewish goldsmiths' industry?; (2) How did the artisans respond to and cope with these new economic conditions?; and (3) Why did the Protectorate revert back from liberal economic policy to that of local producers' protection?  相似文献   

Understanding hydrothermal processes during production is critical to optimal geothermal reservoir management and sustainable utilization. This study addresses the hydrothermal (HT) processes in a geothermal research doublet consisting of the injection well E GrSk3/90 and production well Gt GrSk4/05 at the deep geothermal reservoir of Groß Schönebeck (north of Berlin, Germany) during geothermal power production. The reservoir is located between ?4050 to ?4250 m depth in the Lower Permian of the Northeast German Basin. Operational activities such as hydraulic stimulation, production (T = 150°C; Q = ?75 m3 h?1; C = 265 g l?1) and injection (T = 70°C; Q = 75 m3 h?1; C = 265 g l?1) change the HT conditions of the geothermal reservoir. The most significant changes affect temperature, mass concentration and pore pressure. These changes influence fluid density and viscosity as well as rock properties such as porosity, permeability, thermal conductivity and heat capacity. In addition, the geometry and hydraulic properties of hydraulically induced fractures vary during the lifetime of the reservoir. A three‐dimensional reservoir model was developed based on a structural geological model to simulate and understand the complex interaction of such processes. This model includes a full HT coupling of various petrophysical parameters. Specifically, temperature‐dependent thermal conductivity and heat capacity as well as the pressure‐, temperature‐ and mass concentration‐dependent fluid density and viscosity are considered. These parameters were determined by laboratory and field experiments. The effective pressure dependence of matrix permeability is less than 2.3% at our reservoir conditions and therefore can be neglected. The results of a three‐dimensional thermohaline finite‐element simulation of the life cycle performance of this geothermal well doublet indicate the beginning of thermal breakthrough after 3.6 years of utilization. This result is crucial for optimizing reservoir management. Geofluids (2010) 10 , 406–421  相似文献   

Food storage economies among hunter–gatherers have been fundamentally important in research within anthropological archeology. It is well recognized that food storage was a key element in the evolution of hunter–gatherer societies. This paper examines storage facilities utilizing a digital planimeter to evaluate the volume and morphology of storage pits in the Jomon period (ca. 13,750–500 cal. BC). Quantitative analysis of Jomon storage pits shows temporal and spatial variability in terms of size. This research demonstrates that the quantitative analysis of storage pits is an effective way to improve our understanding of storage and its role in the Jomon economy in particular and subsistence adaptations in general. Thus, this approach has potential applications to other storage economies worldwide.  相似文献   

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