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《史记》早期版本源流研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《史记》自问世以来 ,经两千余年的流传 ,产生了众多的写本、刻本 ,构成了庞大的《史记》版本体系。研究《史记》各本的文本形态及各本之间文字的异同 ,是为《史记》版本学。本文客观地疏理了历代《史记》版本研究的状况 ,评述了前人研究的成就及不足 ,揭示了《史记》版本的传承系统。  相似文献   

The Conference on Devolution, 1919–1920 has been a little studied event in Britain’s constitutional history. However, recent analysis has shed new light on this little studied moment in British constitutional history. Building on Evans (2015), this article focuses on the Conference’s deliberations on the units that would be represented by devolution (i.e. whether devolution would be on national or regional lines) to provide further evidence that the division between intra-parliamentary and directly elected devolution was a cleavage that cut through the entirety of the Conference’s work, as opposed to simply being a source of disagreement at the end of its proceedings. As this debate essentially focused on how England should be governed post-devolution, this article also sheds further light on the history of ‘the English Question’.  相似文献   

The object of this communication is to draw attention to the appearance of this fossil talus Stw 363, which carries a densely adherent fragment on its posterosuperior aspect. We have endeavoured to verify that this bony fragment could be the posterior half of the fractured calcaneus resulting from a fall on to the animal's left foot. Furthermore, it is suggested that this animal survived long enough for this fracture to unite by bone to the posterior aspect of the talus in this grossly displaced and unreduced deformity.  相似文献   

本文以日本银行在2010年10月到2013年4月间所实施的货币政策作为研究对象,通过考察日本银行的资产负债表规模以及结构的变动,认为上述期间日本银行所实施的货币政策属于非传统货币政策中的信贷宽松货币政策。之后再基于事件研究法,通过考察日本银行货币政策公告以及相关的资产价格变动,定量地分析了日本银行所实施的信贷宽松货币政策对于国债市场产生了较为有效的刺激作用,而对股票市场和外汇市场作用不明显。  相似文献   

文章依据雍正、乾隆朝引见绿营武官的履历档案,分析了这一时期绿营武官的籍贯、民族等问题,并比较雍正、乾隆两朝的变化特点。揭示了旗人特别是满人的选官特权在乾隆朝更明显,任职比例大幅攀升,任职层级提高,且多在战略要地任职。陕甘籍官员以功绩、福建籍官员以水师技能也分享了选官特权。乾隆朝武官人事渐显因循化趋势,循资任职比例增多,避籍制度宽松、年龄增大。通过对出兵记录的分析,估算了这一时期出兵西北、西南和台湾的比例。  相似文献   

黔铅的开发与清代国家铸币及边疆民族地区的社会经济发展有密切的关系,在清代矿业生产中具有重要的地位,而考证其产量和销量是研究黔铅地位、作用及其影响的前提。本文以清代档案中黔铅矿厂年度奏销数据为基础,考证清代不同时期黔铅的产量与销量,并对清代矿产量的计算方法进行了检讨,以期推进清代矿业的研究。  相似文献   

To establish historical and archaeological contexts for the case studies presented in this volume, this paper presents a review of the literature on the history and archaeology of almshouses. Because both English and Dutch colonial almshouses were based on European precedents, this paper examines historical research and archaeological work conducted in The Netherlands and England, as well as their North American colonies.  相似文献   

本文通过对店子头早期遗存的遗物梳理,简略复原出该遗址新石器人类活动时期的自然环境与经济结构,进而对其食物来源作出了一个基本的蠡测,认为店子头遗址早期人类的生产活动,主要是狩猎和捕捞,其次是挖掘与收割。渔猎和采集,是店子头遗址早期遗存的基本经济类型。其食物结构由两种物质组成,一种为纤维淀粉质类,一种为脂肪蛋白类。这两类食物均来源于大自然的赐予,而非人为的驯养和垦殖。  相似文献   

Using a case study of Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) in Cambodia, this article adds to emerging literature on local responses to land grabbing. While much of this literature has focused on political opportunity structures, this article looks at the agency of local groups organizing in response to land grabbing. Noting that organization and connections have been ‘missing links’ in the literature, the authors draw on thinking on collective action and social networking. Their findings highlight the importance of identity politics in the development of movements responding to land grabbing. Transnational discourses and external support also play a significant role in local responses to land grabbing in general, and in the modest success achieved by the PLCN in particular. All this complicates the traditional understanding of political opportunity structures and calls for a more dynamic approach.  相似文献   

明代藩府是明代社会一个特殊的政治和文化群体,对于明代的社会、政治、经济、文化有着极为重要的影响。本文在综合辨析现有研究成果的基础上,依据所掌握的文献资料,对明代藩府著作和撰述作了较为全面的钩沉、辑录和考释。  相似文献   

Although the concept of sustainability has long permeated the literature on tourism and its development, the research on sustainability in tourism rarely reaches beyond the industry level to examine how tourism contributes to the sustainable development of a given destination in wider terms and how effective such processes can be in different economic, environmental and socio-cultural settings. The aim of this paper is to contribute to this important, yet under-developed, research agenda. The paper focuses on the Isle of Eigg – a remote community-owned Scottish island that has recently committed itself to becoming more sustainable and that seeks to rely on inbound tourism as the most important means to this end. It is demonstrated that tourism plays a key role in enhancing the economic stature of Eigg residents and that, rather than undermining, it strengthens the community cohesion on the island. Despite this, its contribution to the island's environmental sustainability cannot always be taken for granted and some trade-offs between these three kinds of sustainability cannot therefore be avoided. Moreover, economic sustainability on Eigg should not be considered synonymous with economic self-sufficiency.  相似文献   

曾莉  吕光耀  安宁 《人文地理》2022,37(4):53-64
乡村景观研究多注重物质层面的讨论,与之相关的社会文化及其权力关系分析却不常见。本研究以全面生产理论为基础构筑了以“景观”为研究对象的理论分析框架,解读了艺术介入下白族村落双廊的乡村景观再生产过程。研究发现,双廊景观再生产过程是乡村发展趋于艺术化、现代化与旅游化的过程。艺术家以催化、牵引、调节等柔性作用方式介入其中,推动景观形态的重构;介入过程作用于景观的不同结构,在经济、政治、文化等不同层面均有反馈;其实践涉及政府、居民、游客以及艺术家自身的愿景表达,促成了景观理想的主体间性。双廊的艺术乡建旅游发展之路,对我国乡村振兴战略的实施具有参考作用。  相似文献   

本文通过分析毛泽东在建国前后对社会主义与资本主义谁战胜谁问题的认识,认为在20世纪50年代他在这一问题上发生了两次观念转变,并对这两次观念转变的实质及其依据进行了说明,指出从认识论根源看,导致这种观念转变的根本原因在于其思维方式的转变,即:由主要从生产力发展状况所决定的客观物质条件方面认识"谁战胜谁"的问题,转变为主要从上层建筑特别是意识形态方面来认识这一问题.这也是他晚年对中国国情作出错误判断的根本原因.  相似文献   

Based on ethnographic research with firefighters trained as EMTs (emergency medical technicians) or paramedics in northern Sonora and southern Arizona, this article takes the vantage point of emergency responders on both sides of the US‐Mexico border to trace the harmful effects of the security assemblage on those who inhabit and trespass this militarized landscape. Interested in the materiality of security – how its discursive and affective qualities are anchored in urban and desert terrain by means of infrastructure and technology – this article focuses on two such ‘anchors’, the wall and the wash, in order to address the legal and ethical issues that result from the deployment of tactical infrastructure on the border.  相似文献   

随仲嬭加鼎的发现具有重要意义,但其非考古发掘品,需要考察其制作年代。在楚系青铜器大背景下,本文通过对该鼎器形、纹饰、铭文以及工艺等时代特征的观察,并对比分析相关楚系青铜器,认为该鼎制作年代在春秋中期无疑。  相似文献   

五代十国时期的水路交通是目前研究中的一个空白。本文全面系统地考察了这一历史时期南北方的水路交通状况,重点对以开封为中心的运河系统的变化情况和南、北方新开凿或疏浚的小运河进行了详尽地研究;其次,对这一历史时期各地的自然水道的通航情况进行了考察。初步勾画出了五代十国时期全国水路交通网,对促进中国古代交通史的研究具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

梁章钜的《读渔洋诗随笔》,记述师友对于王士禛诗歌的评论,是研究《渔洋山人精华录》的重要文献。本文考证此书的撰著时间,并阐释其理论价值。  相似文献   


I take as my starting point the fact that Western cities are often depicted as on the brink of catastrophe. Indeed some contemporary authors would argue that they have never been closer to that brink. The first part of this paper argues against this tendency by focusing on the preponderance of activities of repair and maintenance. Having looked at the state of this forgotten infrastructure, in the second part of the paper I turn to an examination of why this Cassandra interpretation is so prevalent. I argue that, in particular, it draws on wellsprings of misanthropy which are rarely voiced in writings on cities because sociality is too often confused with liking. Yet it seems vital to me to tackle misanthropy head on. Then, in the third part of the paper, I argue that currently there is a coming together in cities of all kinds of affective politics of concern which can act, through all manner of small achievements, as a counter to misanthropy but which do not mistake the practice of this politics for a search after perfection.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to shed light on the eighteenth-century Italian reflection on luxury and consumption in a comparative perspective, clarifying, on the one hand, the complex significance that it assumed and, on the other, the specificity of the Italian context, marked by the immense political value of the debate on the subject. In particular this objective will be pursued through the analysis of specific cases among the many offered by the Italian context and through different research strands. These are: the debate on the evaluation of luxury; the transition from the notion of luxury to that of consumption; and the discussion on luxury and consumption in the revolutionary context. This article intends to outline the particular contribution made by Italian thought, which conveyed a multifaceted discourse of social reform, critique and understanding built on more even foundations, and at the same time to clarify what contribution can be made to current historiography by the study of this theme within eighteenth-century Italy.  相似文献   

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