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正历史沿革中国现代历史地理学的建立,始于新中国建立之后,而北京大学是现代历史地理学的重要发祥地。1952年全国高校院系调整,北京大学成立地质地理系,侯仁之教授任系主任,从事与历史地理学相关的教学和科研活动。1957年,侯仁之教授在北京大学地质地理系招收历史地理专业的第一个硕士研究生,1984年招收历史地理专业的第一个博士研究生。1978年,原北京大学地质地理系划分为地质系和地理系两个单位,在地理系经济地理教研室内设置了"历史地理小组"。1981年,原  相似文献   

国际中国历史地理学术研讨会综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国际中国历史地理学术研讨会综述国际中国历史地理研讨会组委会北京大学历史地理研究中心国际中国历史地理学术研讨会于1996年7月16日至20日在北京大学召开。来自国内外的130余位专家学者到会或提交了论文。会议举行六次大会,有38位代表作了学术报告;另外...  相似文献   

史念海先生,是我国历史地理学界深孚众望的学术泰斗之一。他与北京大学的侯仁之、上海复旦大学的谭其骧教授齐名,均为我国历史地理学科的开拓者。  相似文献   

1996年中国历史地理研究综述华林甫1996年2月,复旦大学历史地理研究所主持召开了纪念谭其骧先生诞辰八十五周年暨历史地理学术研讨会;7月,北京大学历史地理研究中心主办了国际中国历史地理学术研讨会。两次学术会议将本年的历史地理研究推向高潮,因而科研成...  相似文献   

2008年5月10—11日,由中国地理学会主办,北京大学中国城市管理研究中心、中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所承办的“城市与区域管理”学术研讨会在北京大学举行。中国地理学会陆大道理事长、张国友秘书长出席了本次研讨会。另有日本地理学会和韩国地理学会的两位学者列席了会议。参加本次研讨会的专家学者共80多人,分别来自地理学、管理学、经济学、规划界和政府管理部门等四十余家机构。会议共收到学术论文50余篇。中国地理学会理事长、中国科学院院士陆大道先生就“中国地区发展战略及实施要求”进行了主题演讲。中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所王铮研究员、  相似文献   

受中国地理学会历史地理专业委员会委托、由武汉大学历史地理研究所主办,武汉市文物考古研究所协办的“荆楚历史地理与长江中游开发-2008年中国历史地理国际学术研讨会”于2008年10月25至27日在武汉大学召开。来自国内外学者共130余人出席了研讨会。会议开幕式由北京大学城市与环境学院历史地理研究中心主任唐晓峰教授主持,  相似文献   

<正>2016年11月27日,"中国历史地理学重要成果汇报暨学科发展高层论坛"在北京中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所举行。此次论坛由中国地理学会主办,中国地理学会历史地理专业委员会、北京大学城市与环境学院历史地理研究中心、北京联合大学北京学研究所承办,复旦大学中国历史地理研究所、陕西师范大学西北历史环境与经济社会发展研究院、武  相似文献   

1992年国内历史地理论著索引史先智一、通论历史人文地理研究发凡与举例谭其骧历史地理10论人文地理学的发展兰平等河南财经学院学报2再论历史地理学的理论与实践侯仁之北京大学学报历史地理专刊发挥中国历史地理学有用于世的作用史念海中国历史地理论丛3全面正确...  相似文献   

正北京大学是中国历史地理学的重要诞生地之一。北京大学已故的侯仁之教授,最早在中国倡导这一学科,提出这一学科的基本理论和方法,同时他也最早投入这一学科的研究实践,做出一系列典范性研究,是中国历史地理学科最重要的创建人之一。侯仁之先生也为历史地理这一学科在中国的发展,培育了一大批人材;特别是在侯仁之先生的直接引领下,从20世纪50年代开始,北京大学形成了一支优秀的研究团队,对中国历史地理学各个分支领域的建设和发展,都做出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

<正>"第十二次空间行为与规划研讨会——时空间行为与城市社会规划研究"于2016年11月26-27日在北京联合大学成功召开。本次会议由中国地理学会城市地理专业委员会和中国城市时空行为研究网络(UCSB)主办,由北京联合大学、中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室、北京大学城市与环境学院智慧城市研究与规划中心联合承办。本次会议以"时空间行为与城市社会规划研究"为主题,来自北京大学、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所、北京联合大学、同济大学、中山大学、清华大学、香港浸会大学、南京大学、华东师范大学等全国70余个地理单  相似文献   

人文地理学的历史概况与我国人文地理学的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人文地理学在我国是随着二十年代开始的近代地理教育而发展的。本文还讨论了我国不同时期人文地理学发展的特点以及城市地理、人口地理、旅游地理和历史地理在七十年代后所取得的进展。此外,该文还提出政治地理,文化地理、行为地理等部门的研究仍然比较落后。最后,该文对人文地理学各部门今后发展作了预测。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Space and Place. The Perspective of Experience , by Yi-Fu Tuan
Place and Placelessness , by E. R elph
Land and People: A Cultural Geography of Preindustrial New Jersey: Origins and Settlement Patterns , by P eter O. W acker
The Surroundings of Our Cities: Problems and Planning Implications of Urban Fringe Landscapes , by L orne H. R usswurm
The Revolution in Landscape Science , by F rank F. C unningham , B.C. Geographical Series No. 25, Tantalus Research Ltd.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1983,27(3):295-304
Book reviewed in this article:
Recreational Land Use: Perspectives on Its Evolution in Canada , edited by G eoffrey W all and J ohn S. M arsh
Tourism: Economic, Physical and Social Impacts , by A lister M athieson and G eoffrey W all
The Rural Real Estate Market: Geographic Patterns of Structure and Change in an Urban Fringe Environment , by C hris B ryant
Environmental Aesthetics: Essays in Interpretation , edited by B arry S adler and A llen C arlson
Historical Understanding in Geography: An Idealist Approach , by L eonard G uelke
Period and Place: Research Methods in Historical Geography , edited by A lan R.H. B aker and M ark B illinge  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles:
Gideon S. Golany Ethics and Urban Design: Culture, Form and Environment.
Thomas Richards (1993) The Imperial Archive.
J. M Blaut The Coloniser's Model of the World: Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History.
Dolores Hayden, (1995) The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History.
Paela Shurmer-Smith and Kevin Hannam (1994) Worlds of Desire, Realms of Power: A Cultural Geography.
C. Greed, (1994) Women and Planning: Creating Gendered Realities  相似文献   

Remodelling Geography , edited by Bill Macmillan.
Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory , by Edward W. Soja.
The Condition of Postmodernity An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change , by David Harvey.
Spatial Structures , by Martin J. Beckmann and Tönu Puu.
Advanced Transport and Spatial Systems Models: Applications to Korea , by Tschangho John Kim, in association with Sunduck Suh.
Travel Behaviour Research , edited by the International Association for Travel Behaviour.
The Evolution of Regional Economies: Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomic Change , by Luis Suarez-Villa.
Urban Problems in Western Europe , by Paul C. Cheshire and Dennis G. Hay.
The Human Geography of Eastern Europe , by David Turnock.
ECESIS: An Interregional Economic-Demographic Model of the United States , by Paul M. Beaumont.
Natural Landscape Amenities and Suburban Growth Metropolitan Chicago, 1970-1980 , by Christopher Mueller-Wille.
Evaluation Methods for Urban and Regional Plans: Essays in Memory of Morris Hill , edited by Daniel Shefer and Henk Voogd.
Region as a Socio-Environmental System: An Introduction to a Systemic Regional Geography , by Dov Nir.
Tourist Development , 2nd edition, by Douglas Pearce.
Tourism Analysis: A Handbook , by Stephen L. J. Smith.
The Community Tourism Industry Imperative: The Necessity, the Opportunity, Its Potential , by Uel Blank.  相似文献   


Tourism Geographies is a prominently ranked journal that emerged from activities of the Tourism Commission of the International Geographical Union. It is indexed in the ‘Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management’ and ‘Geography, Planning and Development’ fields in the Scopus database and published its 20th volume in 2018. A bibliometric assessment of the articles and authors who have contributed to Tourism Geographies over its first two decades highlights major trends and dominant issues covered by the journal’s content. Key indicators include the most published and most cited authors and articles, the institutions and countries that those authors are affiliated with, other academic journals that are closely linked to the journal through citations, and the most used keywords in the journal. The Scopus database provides access to these basic bibliometric data, while the VOSviewer software enables graphical analyses and displays of co-citations, co-occurrences of keywords, and bibliographic couplings (shared references) across papers and authors. Overall, Tourism Geographies is closely linked to other leading journals indexed by Scopus in the ‘Tourism’ and ‘Geography’ fields and publishes papers from around the world. Research topics that have been most prominent in the journal include tourism development, tourist destinations, tourist attractions, heritage tourism, tourism perceptions, sustainable tourism, and travel behavior. Among the most viewed individual papers have been those addressing issues related to sustainability, poverty issues (related to tourism in poor areas, volunteering, sustainable tourism, and the environment), and community planning (sustainable tourism planning, tourist routes and movement, and new locations for tourism development).  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1976,20(2):240-254
Reading the Rocks: The Story of the Geological Survey of Canada 1842–1972, by Morris Zaslow, Macmillan, in association with the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources and Information Canada, Toronto
Painters in a New Land, by M ichael B ell , McClelland and Stewart, Toronto
The Politics of Development: Forests, Mines and Hydro-electric Power in Ontario
Location and Space in Social Administration, by B ryan M assam , Macmillan, Toronto
An Introduction to Scientific Reasoning in Geography, by D ouglas A madeo and Reginald G. Golledge, Wiley, New York
Readings in Social Geography, sous la direction de E mrys J ones , Oxford University Press, Toronto
Suburban Growth, edited by J ames H. J ohnson , John Wiley, New York
New Dimensions in Urban Planning: Growth Controls, edited by J ames W. H ughes , Center for Urban Policy Research, New Brunswick, n.j.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1986,30(3):282-288
Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space by neil SMITH, BASIL BLACKWELL
Urbanization of Capital: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization by DAVID HARVEY
Consciousness and the Urban Experience: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization by DAVID HARVEY
Tourism: A Community Approach by PETER E. MURPHY
China in Canada: A Dialogue on Resources and Development edited by R. LOUIS GENTILCORE
The Staffs of Life by E.J. KAHN JR, Little
Conquest and Survival in Colonial Guatemala: A Historical Geography of the Cuchamatan Highlands,  相似文献   

Krugman, Paul The Self-Organizing Economy
Krugman, Paul Development, Geography, and Economic Theory
Sasaki, Komei (ed.) Optimum and Equilibrium for Regional Economies: Collected Papers of Noboru Sakashita
Gradus, Yehuda, and Lithwick, Harvey (eds.) Frontiers in Regional Development
Hanson, Susan and Pratt, Geraldine Gender, Work, and Space
Hanson, Susan (ed.) The Geography of Urban Transportation
Peck, Jamie, Work-Place: The Social Regulation of Labor Markets
Rhodes, Martin (ed.) The Regions and the New Europe: Patterns in Core and Periphery Development
Kopinak, Kathryn, Desert Capitalism: Maquiladoras in North America's Western Industrial Corridor
Roseman, Curtis C., Laux, Hans Dieter, and Thieme, Günter (eds.) EthniCity: Geographic Perspectives on Ethnic Change in Modern Cities
Carroll, Matthew S., Community and the Northwest Logger: Continuities and Changes in the Era of the Spotted Owl
Harrison, Lynn C., and Husbands, Winston (eds.) Practicing Responsible Tourism: International Case Studies in Tourism Planning, Policy, and Development  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Progress in Geography: International Reviews of Current Research , Volume 5, by Christopher Board, Richard J. Chorley, Peter Haggett and David R. Stoddart (eds.).
Regional Development in Britain , by Gerald Manners, David Keeble, Brian Rodgers and Kenneth Warren.
Freight Flows and Spatial Aspects of the British Economy , by Michael Chisholm and Patrick O'Sullivan.
Social Intervention: A Behavioral Science Approach , by Harvey A Hornstein, Barbara Benedict Bunker, W. Warner Burke, Marion Gindes, and Roy J. Lewicke (eds.).
The Effect of Public Policy on Housing Markets , by Hugh O. Nourse.
Geography and Contemporary Issues: Studies of Relevant Problems , by Melvin Albaum (ed.).
Employment Expansion and Metropolitan Trade , by Richard Victor Knight.
Growth Centers in the American Urban System , Vols. I and II, by Brian J. L. Berry.
Income Flows in Urban Poverty Areas , by Richard Lance Schaffer.
Poverty in the Nonmetropolitan South , by George Thomas.
Land Use and the Environment: An Anthology of Readings , by Virginia Curtis (ed.).
Environment: A New Focus for Land-Use Planning , by Donald McAllister (ed.).
Landscape Indicators: New Techniques in Geology and Geography , by A. G. Chikishev (ed.).
The Use of Land: A Citizens' Policy Guide to Urban Growth , by William K. Reilly (ed.).  相似文献   

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