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The Hannover Region is extremely interested in the development of an innovative information and communication technology (ICT) cluster through the continued use of the EXPO 2000 site. This article looks into the question of whether the potential for the successful development of an ICT cluster exists. The location factors considered by the ICT firms to be poor, such as cooperation with consulting and transfer facilities, the administration and educational facilities, the missing critical mass of related and supporting industries and R&D facilities, all indicate serious weaknesses in the ICT sector. But, the development of the Hannover EXPO Park into a nucleus of the regional ICT cluster, which was begun after the end of EXPO 2000, is counteracting these deficits  相似文献   

怎么买票?1、销售票期门票销售分为预售期销售和会期销售,预售分为三期。其中,预售第一期(2009年3月27日至2009年6月30日)和预售第二期(2009年7月1日至2009年12月31日)已过,预售第三期(2010年1月1日至2010年4月30日)正在进行中。第三期向团体和个人销售指定日普通票、指定日优惠票、平日普通票、平日优惠票、3次票和7次票;会期销售则是从5月1日至10月31日的世博会期间,向团体和个人销售指定日普通票、指定日优惠票、平日普通票、平日优惠票、3次票、7次票和夜票。  相似文献   

路一箫  钱冰戈 《旅游》2010,(5):93-94
北京活动周巡游表演彩排在上海世博会即将开幕之际,市旅游局参博运行团队在朝阳体育中心举行了巡游带妆彩排动员大会。巡游表演是北京周的重头戏,是北京周的首场活动,花车巡游更是值得期待,吊足观众的胃口。  相似文献   

上海世博园区后续利用问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国学术界对于世博园区后续利用问题的研究主要集中于后续利用的必要性、原则、影响因素及方式四个方面。本文建立在世博园区后续利用问题之研究成果基础上,将上海世博园区后续利用界定为三个层次:一是有形资源,即场馆与建筑的后续利用;二是土地的再次开发;三是无形资源,即新增了城市基础设施和服务设施的世博园区如何继续发挥世博的后续效用,以期为相关部门的决策提供理论支持。  相似文献   

大型活动的形象影响研究--以'99昆明世博会为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从旅游影响的角度出发,大型活动将对举办地形成一定的形象影响。本文以'99昆明世博会为例,使用问卷调查数据,从四个方面研究了'99世博会的形象影响问题。研究表明:'99世博会所带来的形象效应并未成为游客选择昆明作为出游目的地的首要决定因素,目的地区域的传统特色(如气候、环境及文化因素),仍然是游客作出决策的主导因素;'99世博会对举办城市昆明而言,所带来的积极影响超过了负面影响,可以有效提高举办地的知名度;大型活动长期的、潜在的形象影响可以通过了解游客的重游意愿和口碑效应来衡量,世博会的举办所带来的潜在长期影响是正面的;有助于形成较高的形象认同度。  相似文献   

<正>From September 25th to27th,2014,the First China Tibet Tourism and Culture International Expo,which is cosponsored by the State Culture Ministry,the National Tourism Administration,and the government of Tibet Autonomous Region,was held in Lhasa.During those three days,all forms of activities ranging from exhibitions and theme forums all the way to economic and trade  相似文献   

Age-related memory loss was a marginal issue in medical discussions during early modern times and until well into the second half of the 17th century. There are many possible explanations: the lack of similar traditions in antiquity and in the Middle Ages, insufficient physiological and morphological knowledge of the brain, and the underlying conflict between idealistic and materialistic perspectives on the functions of the soul and the conditions of these in old age. After these boundaries had been pushed back by the influence of Cartesianism and Iatromechanism, the problem of age-related memory loss was increasingly regarded as a physical illness and began to receive more attention. This trend first occurred in medicine, before spreading to the literary world, where the novel “Gulliver's Travels” is one clear and famous example.  相似文献   

<正>聚焦世博会边走边拍,博览万国建筑的万种风情2010年上海世博会诞生了一批出其不意的建筑,在后续利用上,其中大部分都将在会后拆除。虽然一些在设计理念、环境保护、材料节能等方面有显著特点的场馆将通过一定的遴选程序予以异地保留,但还是有相当一部分极具特色的建筑会在世博会结束之后成为无法保留的经典之作。因此,在世博会期间,除了亲身体验现  相似文献   

The archaeological and anthropological exhibits included in the four Expositions universelles held in Paris between 1867 and 1900 and the Wiener Weltausstellung in the Austro‐Hungarian capital in 1873, contributed to the commercialization of antiquarianism and granted international attention to the amateur practitioners of these emerging disciplines. Displays of archaeological artefacts and human remains from the migration period and the early Middle Ages, juxtaposed with more exotic ‘primitive’ art, permitted organizers to broaden the aesthetic sensibilities of fairgoers and promote the acquisition of native antiquities. Exhibiting private collections of early medieval objects likewise justified nineteenth‐century concepts of French and ‘pan‐Germanic’ identity by linking them to iconic artefacts and romanticizing the barbarity of this distant epoch.  相似文献   

王明佳 《神州》2011,(2):56-56
2010年上海世博会的成功举办给我国高校思想政治教育工作带来了新情况和新挑战。高校思想政治教育工作在这种情况下如要发挥其应有的作用,就一定要适时创新。从而适应时代和社会进步的需要。  相似文献   

在热爱旅行的人群中,有相当一部分是为了远离都市的喧嚣和污染,去拥抱真正属于自然的色彩。旅行归来,与亲友共同分享,永远是一个不变的主题,无论是在山之巅感受静谧的巍峨,还是在海之角聆听浪花的轻语,相信你都希望能够让亲友真正体验到身临其境的那种感受。不再需要几个人围在一起看照片,不再需要费力的语言或肢体描述,  相似文献   

《Gender & history》2001,13(1):187-190

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