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ABSTRACT. A two period consumer choice model is presented in which housing is treated as a quality differentiated good. The short-run comparative static response of rental housing to a price change is examined via an example, an exogenous increase in the inflation rate. Two stylized facts are alternately used; interest income is taxed, and interest rate ceilings are imposed on small savings deposits. The partial equilibrium distributional impact of inflation, in the context of rental housing markets, is also discussed.  相似文献   

基于持续年份住宅数据、利用空间热点分析和地理加权回归模型,对2011年以来长春市住宅价格分布的空间分异现象和住宅价格影响因素分布的空间异质性进行研究。结果显示:①近年来长春市住宅小区存在向内填充与向外扩散并进,圈层扩展和扇形放射融合的演化趋势,其中西南-东南扇面是居住空间扩展的主要方向;②2011年以来长春市住宅价格呈现出以南部为指向的扇面增长的空间特征,高价住宅街区由点状分布到片状扩散。通过半变异函数和冷热点聚类分析方法指出,长春市住宅空间的南北分异现象显著,住宅价格的低值与高值聚类以铁路为界线存在显著的空间隔离;③就POI数量而言,住宅小区周边银行保险、医疗、住宿、休闲娱乐数量对住宅价格产生较强影响,同时以上因素作用效应的空间差异性同样显著。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In this paper, we adapt recent developments in uncertainty modeling to the location choice paradigm. In particular, we analyze the impact of income and housing price uncertainty on housing demand and location demand characteristics in a partial equilibrium framework. We begin by recognizing that housing consumption cannot readily be altered in response to changes in income and price. We find that income and house price risk affect housing and location demands in different ways. Additionally, the spatial characteristics of price risk also affect consumer housing and location demands. For example, if housing price risk is lower farther from the central city, housing demand can be greater in those locations even with the higher transportation cost. Thus, over some locations, the expected price gradient could be positive.  相似文献   

it is widely supposed that urban house price inflation has recently put ownership beyond the reach of many potential home buyers. In fact, between 1974 and 1982 this was not uniformly the case in Canada's three largest cities. Homeownership rates declined in Vancouver, held steady in Toronto, and increased in Montreal. In Montreal all social classes shared in an ownership boom. In Toronto, the middle class fared well, blue-collar workers rather poorly. In Vancouver, blue-collar workers held their own, but the middle class lost ground. Everywhere the relative position of the self-employed declined. The geographical impact of house price inflation has been variable while the social and political implications merit study. There is a need for synthetic studies of specific cities.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates and evaluates some of the features of the Danish and European research of the history of housing policy and relates these to the main results and perspectives in the author's doctoral thesis ‘Housing: From Night Watchman State to Welfare State – Construction and Housing Policy in three Danish Towns, 1850–1930’, 2006. The paper argues that the roots of the welfare state's housing policy are to be found in the far more prominent part which the public sector got to play in the Danish society as a result of the crises following World War I and the conjunctural repercussions throughout the 1920s.  相似文献   


During the Industrial Revolution period, rows of small houses built for industrial and other workers became a common landscape feature in Britain. Most were through houses, but, in many parts of the country, sizeable numbers were built as back-to-backs. By the early Victorian period, such houses had become associated with high-density and extremely squalid loving conditions in industrial towns and were strongly condemned by contemporaries. Of particularly concern were the health hazards that were seen to arise from a lack of through ventilation. Less well recognised and discussed by historians, however are the-back-to back houses that were associated with rurally-based industry. Focusing on textile Lancashire, this article addresses the theme, demonstrating not only the importance they could have as a component of rural settlement during and beyond the Industrial Revolution era, but also that they came to offer much improved standards of accommodation.  相似文献   

本文以北京市为例,采用GIS 网络分析方法,分析具有中低收入群体特征、居住在保障性住房居民通过公共交通和私家车方式,到达各类医疗设施的就医可达性。分析结果显示:从出行方式来看,采取私家车出行的就医可达性高于公共交通。从就医可达性的医院等级来看,三级医院的可达性明显低于社区医院。从就医可达性的空间分布来看,位于城市中心、北部和东部地区的保障性住房居民,其可达性相对较好;位于城市高速路沿线的保障性住房汽车出行可达性较高、但公共交通可达性相对较差。从就医可达性的时间上看,建设年代偏后的保障性住房就医可达性差。通过这些分析发现,居住在保障性住房、选择公共交通的保障性住房居民的就医出行更加不方便。  相似文献   

The 1970's has been a period in which three trends have coincided: housing prices have been escalating, wives have continued to enter the labor force, and legislation prohibiting discrimination in mortgage markets on the basis of sex and marital status has been enacted. In this paper, we examine the role of the two-earner family–one in which both husband and wife work–in the housing market of the 1970's, and the interrelation of this household type with other factors shaping the current high demand for housing. We also speculate on the role of the two-earner family in the housing market of the 1980's. We conclude that two-earner families are in a position to increase their housing outlays in the future, that the continued growth in the number of two-earner families will add to future housing demand, but that many two-earner families may be divorced couples of the future. This suggests that, while there will be a strong impact on single-family home demand, there will also be some restructuring of demand toward rental housing and cooperative/condominium ownership.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In this paper we develop a model of the law of one price in a network where many markets are linked with a structure of paths. We show that arbitrage-free prices depend on the structure of the network and so do price dynamics. Our estimates indicate that local bypass and open access pipeline transportation were instrumental in opening arbitrage paths to natural gas city markets and causing their prices to converge. Spot markets in the city gates, pipeline hubs, and production fields, that are scattered over distant points in the vast pipeline network in the United States, now form a single market.  相似文献   

Rural housing conditions and needs across Canada are as complex as the rural landscape itself, yet within the research literature rural housing is often treated as a single and unproblematic unit. This paper makes two arguments about rural housing research in Canada. The first is that the ‘rural’ is a complex housing landscape, not simply an undifferentiated ‘other’ in comparison to urban housing. The second is that this complexity has important implications for assessing changes to the local housing stock. The empirical content of the paper is drawn from three study areas in Canada where there is a mix of rural / agricultural and cottage area properties. Questions of housing stock change within these rural-recreational countryside examples are examined using questionnaire and building permit data. The findings presented here support the contention that the rural landscape is in fact a complex housing landscape, and also support the view that unless this complexity is recognized, a coherent portrait of rural housing will not emerge. Les conditions et les besoins d'habitations rurales au Canada, sont aussi complexes que le paysage lui-même, même si la littérature traite I'habitat rural en tant qu'unité“unique, dénuée de problèmes. Cet article présente deux arguments concernant la recherche sur I'habitat rural au Canada. En premier lieu, ‘rural’ decrit un paysage contenant des habitations complexes et pas simplement une ‘autre chose’ non-déstincte par rapport a I'habitat urbain. Deuxidmèment, cette complexité a des conséquences importantes qui ont un rapport avec les changements dans I'inventaire local des habitations. Le contenu de l'article est basé sur trois Études de cas au Canada où il y a un mélange de propriétés rurales, agricoles et vacancyères. Les questions concernant le changement dans I'inventaire des habitations pour ces examples ruraux et vacanciers, sont reliées à des donnés de questionnaires et aux permis de construction. Les résultats présentés ici, confirment l'argument qu'un paysage rural est en fait un paysage complexe d'habitations. lis confirment aussi I'idée qu'un portrait cohérent de I'habitat rural n'apparaitra pas, sauf si cette complexity est reconnue.  相似文献   

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