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本文通过对中国旧石器考古史上两次大讨论的回顾,认为引起学界长期以来对石器性质进步与原始的争论的主要原因是对石料与石器制作技术的关系认识不够,“因材施工”可能是中国古人类适应环境的一个十分重要的手段,也是中国旧石器文化的一个特点,这一点对认识“东谷坨石核”的成因可能有一定的启示。  相似文献   

湖北旧石器文化初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
祝恒富 《华夏考古》2002,6(3):13-23
一、前 言湖北位于我国中部 ,长江从其腹地穿越 ,地理位置处于东经 1 0 8°2 1′——— 1 1 6°0 1′ ,北纬 2 9°5′——— 33°2 0′。属亚热带季风气候 ,因受太阳辐射和季风环流的季节性变化的影响 ,湖北雨热同季 ,四季分明 ,光照充足 ,雨量充沛 ,年平均降水量在 80 0毫米~ 1 0 0 0毫米 ,年均光照总数在 1 2 0 0小时~2 0 0 0小时之间 ,年平均温度在 1 5℃~ 1 7℃。湖北东、西、北三面环山 ,东南及中部为平原。全境河流交织 ,湖泊如星。湖北的生物资源也极为丰富 ,据统计 ,生活在湖北的动物多达 70 0余种、植物 4 0 0 0多种。这种生态…  相似文献   

本文针对1987年和1993年有学者提出广德是安徽第一个旧石器地点发表了不同意见,认为这种观点难以成立,并对其中的一些问题加以了澄清。  相似文献   

华南考古资料显示,该地区旧石器时代晚期文化发展至少可分为三期:距今4万年前后开始,持续到距今3万年左右为初期,仍是以砾石石器占主导地位阶段;从距今3万年前后起,以远距离输入硅质岩原料加工的小型石片石器成为石器组合主体,砾石石器减少或不见,成为第二阶段的发展特点;从距今2万年开始到晚更新世结束为第三阶段,陡刃砾石砍砸器等又重新成为主导石器类型,并相继出现磨制石器与陶器等新技术。尽管有上述阶段性特点,但砾石石器传统始终保持显著影响。这一发展过程,对于我们认识中国南方旧石器时代晚期文化的发展尤为重要。  相似文献   

贵州地区分布着三种有特色的旧石器时代晚期文化类型,即以锐棱砸击法为特点的猫猫洞文化类型;以小石片石器为特点的马鞍山文化类型和以上述两者兼有的白岩脚洞文化类型。这三种类型的旧石器时代遗址在地理分布上,具有一定的规律。这一分布特点构成了贵州地区独具特色的旧石器时代晚期文化。文章从地质、气候、生态环境等因素出发,对其形成这一特点的原因进行了较为详细的分析与论证,认为更新世晚期环境对贵州地区旧石器时代晚期三种不同文化类型的产生具有十分重要的影响。  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地东部早期旧石器文化的石料与文化性质探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>泥河湾盆地早期旧石器文化的发现和研究在中国旧石器时代早期文化的研究中一直占有重要地位。继1978年发现小长梁遗址后,~([1])先后发现的遗址有东谷坨、~([3])半山、~([5])马圈沟、~([9])马梁、~([4])岑家湾、~([16][17][18])飞梁~([21])等。关于这些遗址的时代与文化性质也一直存有争议。~([11][12][13][20][22])本文根据近年来发表的有关  相似文献   

杜水生 《考古与文物》2003,270(2):22-26
一、引言探讨全球气候变化对人类活动的影响是当前全球气候变化研究中的前沿课题。一方面会拓展全球气候变化研究的意义 ,另一方面人类演化和文化发展中的一些重大问题也会得到一个较为满意的解释 12 3。更新世晚期到全新世初期 ,是人类自身及其文化发生变化的一个重要时期 ,其主要标志是现代人起源并向全球扩散和农业的发生 ;同时 ,这一时期也是自然环境变化较多的一个时期 ,末次冰期极盛期的来临与消退 ,使得有些时期极端干冷 ,有些时期干湿冷暖快速波动。泥河湾盆地处于中原与北方的过渡地带和气候变化的敏感地带 ,为研究人类的技术、行…  相似文献   

从莫斯特期文化到旧石器时代后期文化这一时期的过渡过程,是很有意义的研究领域。苏联对莫斯特期洞穴和石洞的居住形式到旧石器时代后期的穴居制度的动态变化,进行了细致的研究。最近对阿尔泰山地区有关这方面的研究也取得了令人瞩目的成绩。在日本,类似洞穴、石洞和穴居这样聚集处是很少见的。  相似文献   

本文从文化发生的角度重新界定文化、传统文化、文化传统以及它们之间的联系和区别,认为文化是人与自然界之间、人与人之间以及灵与肉之间互动的结果。传统文化则是在传统社会中通过人与自然、人与人、灵与肉之间互动所产生、积淀并传承下来的文化。文化传统则是促成这些互动并在互动过程中始终发生作用的媒介。  相似文献   

饶力铭 《神州》2020,(5):30-30
我国是一个有着漫长历史的国家,这也使得我国有着丰富的传统文化与文化传统精神内涵。在本文中,将根据传统文化与文化传统的特点进行分析,来研究传统文化与文化传统之间的关系,并探讨如何正确的继承与发扬优秀传统文化与文化传统,以此来推动我国文化的繁荣发展,树立文化自信与文化自豪感。  相似文献   

本文运用黄土地层学、气候地层学、生物地层学的方法尝试建立中国北方旧石器时代中期文化发展序列,认为大荔遗址、丁村遗址、周口店15地点、许家窑遗址、陕西长武窑头沟、辽宁喀左鸽子洞的年代分别相当于深海氧同位素的阶段7-8、6-4、6、4、4、3。并认为中更新世哺乳动物群在北方的最终消失大约在阶段6,如以中更新世哺乳动物群的消失作为中晚更新世界限,则和黄土地层学的研究结果比较吻合。  相似文献   

The initial Late Paleolithic, said to appear between 40 and 30 kya in eastern Asia, is defined by the appearance of many innovations. These archaeological indicators include the appearance of more refined stone tool making techniques (e.g., include the appearance of blade and microblade technology), complex hearth construction, use of pigments and personal ornamentation, as well as worked faunal implements such as bone and antler tools. We report here new findings from a multidisciplinary research project conducted at the Shuidonggou (Choei-tong-keou) site complex in northern China, a series of localities that date from the initial Late Paleolithic to the Neolithic.  相似文献   

The Lower Paleolithic of Central Asia is represented by several sealed and more or less firmly dated Lower–Middle Pleistocene cave and open-air sites in the southeastern part and by more numerous surface occurrences throughout the region. The assemblages assigned to the Lower Paleolithic form two rather distinct groups, one remarkable for well-made handaxes and the other characterized by cores and flakes with no handaxes. The distribution map of pebble industries and industries with handaxes shows that while the latter originate from the western regions of Central Asia, the former are concentrated in the eastern part of the area. The Middle Paleolithic assemblages of Central Asia do not form a single technocomplex. Their variability in time is difficult to assess, but variation in space is obvious. Very few Upper Paleolithic sites in this region are known. At the same time, their stone industries are very diverse and most of them differ sharply from each other and from sites in adjacent regions.  相似文献   

申艳茹 《南方文物》2020,(1):187-192
赭石的使用是现代人行为的标志之一,是除石制品之外更能反映现代人认知能力等深层次精神世界的载体,但是国内对该类物质的研究还比较少。本文主要参照西方学者的研究成果,讨论中国遗址中赭石的功能,认为赭石在旧石器时代的中国地区主要被用作颜料、兽皮防腐和药物,同时它还被用于原始宗教活动。与旧大陆西侧遗址中的赭石相比,除了相似的使用功能,西方的古人类利用赭石的时间更早,所以本研究推测中国地区古人类对赭石功能的认识可能源于西方并在现代人迁徙的过程中流入中国地区。这些证据指示着中国地区的现代人由北向南的迁徙路线。  相似文献   

The beginning of the Upper Paleolithic in Western Siberia is now dated to almost 35,000 B.P. The earliest sites reveal a well-developed blade technology and very sophisticated mobiliary art. The evidence suggests that the early Upper Paleolithic developed within Siberia out of the local Mousterian and that there is no need to regard it as an intrusive phenomenon out of the west, as has been traditionally done. The florescence of the Western Siberian Upper Paleolithic began at about the glacial maximum and two major cultural groups can be identified. However, they share many features in common and seem not to have existed in isolation from each other; instead, it is possible to trace numerous complex and interwoven connections between them. Together, they form a Western Siberian Upper Paleolithic technocomplex, which was essentially local but fully as sophisticated and as technologically advanced as was that of Europe.  相似文献   

刘湾旧石器时代遗址位于湖北省十堰市郧县杨溪铺镇刘湾村4组,埋藏于汉水左岸第Ⅲ级阶地上。其文化面貌有以下一些特点:石制品的岩性大类中以火成岩为多,种类以沉积岩为多;岩性多样,以脉石英为主;素材以河床中磨圆度较高的河卵石为主,石器的素材以砾石(石核)为主,以石片为素材的石器处于可忽略的地位;石制品的剥片和加工方式均为硬锤锤击法,没有发现砸击法等其它方法的产品;剥片时对石核的台面不进行预先修理;石器类型以砍砸器为主,其次为手斧、手镐,刮削器最少;石器的加工方式以单向加工的为多,但双向加工的石器也有相当的比例。刘湾旧石器时代遗址的发掘证明在汉水流域不仅有距今100万年的旧石器时代早期的"郧县人"文化,也有距今10~5万年的文化,汉水流域的远古文化是土生土长的文化。  相似文献   

Radiocarbon Chronology of the Siberian Paleolithic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have compiled 462 C-14 determinations for 120 Paleolithic and Mesolithic sites from Siberia and the Russian Far East. The Mousterian sites are dated to ca. 46,000–28,500 BP. The Middle–Upper Paleolithic transition dates to ca. 43,300–28,500 BP. Although there are a few earlier sites, most of the Upper Paleolithic sites are dated to the time interval between ca. 34,000 BP and 10,000 BP. The earlier Upper Paleolithic stage is characterized by macroblade technology and is radiocarbon-dated to ca. 34,000–20,000 BP. The earliest microblade technology occurs in the late stage of the Upper Paleolithic, dated to ca. 23,000–20,000 BP, but the majority of microblade sites is dated to ca. 20,000–11,000 BP. The Final Paleolithic (Mesolithic) sites date to ca. 12,000–6000 BP. At ca. 13,000–11,000 BP, the earliest Neolithic appeared in both the Russian Far East (Amur River basin) and the Transbaikal. The Paleolithic–Neolithic transition occurred ca. 13,000–6000 BP.  相似文献   

中国和欧洲地区小石器文化的共同点是打片没有固定程序,石器类型以刮削器为主,但在Arago遗址中仍有少量的手斧和显示进步的技术因素,而在东欧和中国的小石器文化中都没有出现。"莫维斯线"的成因可能相当复杂,单纯归于其中任何一种因素都是不全面的。  相似文献   

To understand major processes of human evolution during the Plio- Pleistocene, it is necessary to consider the available evidence from key regions of the Old World. The Arabian peninsula is often depicted as a key geographic route for hominin dispersals in Out of Africa models, although the available primary evidence is rarely cited. And yet, significant Lower Paleolithic assemblages have been identified in many parts of the peninsula, including in areas near the Strait of Bab al Mandab. The presence of Oldowan-like and Acheulean assemblages may reflect at least two major dispersals outside of Africa. Acheulean localities are particularly abundant on the Arabian peninsula, and variations in stone tool manufacturing techniques and tool-type frequencies may reflect temporal changes in assemblages. Although there is good potential to chronometrically date sites in the Arabian peninsula, absolute dating methods have not been adequately applied, most temporal reconstructions relying on typotechnological change. If the Arabian peninsula is to provide solid evidence for understanding hominin adaptation and dispersal patterns, future fieldwork in secure depositional contexts needs to be conducted to overcome current limits in dating and environmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

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