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This paper analyses how much culture is valued in a newly-developed economy with a distinct dichotomy of an arts-appreciating population segment and a less-culturally aware mass. An analytical framework weaving together the intrinsic, business and societal benefits of arts and culture is applied to explore whether arts festivals – a popular tourism event in many countries – are a temporary fad, an expensive governmental fetish or a naturally-evolving fixture. This has implications for government funding and cultural policy. Empirical evidence supports the notion that the long-running performing arts festival is a not a fad but a fixture with some fetish elements while the visual arts festival appears to be a fad but has the potential to be a fixture. Of particular concern, however, is the evidence from both festivals that the perceptions of community benefit, business benefits as well as bequest value from the arts are not significant determinants of willingness to pay for these events.  相似文献   

Simple structures are shown to be able to account for ionogram records supposed to be caused by the presence of horizontal stratifications in the ionosphere. Computer modelling has produced synthetic ionograms which appear similar to the real records, but based on the presence of several echoes, possibly due to small ripples in the ionospheric surface, as well as dispersion.  相似文献   

汤城 《安徽史学》2012,(3):69-73
史文繁简是史学批评的基本范畴之一。王夫之评论史文繁简,包含丰富的内容,既反映了传统史学对于史文的要求,又具有鲜明的时代特点,体现在:史料取舍方面,应详略得当,甄别慎取;文字表述方面,应"和平"、"惇笃","华实并茂"娜鲜毒哂幸欢ǖ谋缰ど屎屠砺鬯剑怀龇从沉耸费笳?和致用的撰述要求,对于我们总结中国古代历史编纂学思想具有十分重要的借鉴价值和意义。  相似文献   

东汉佛典在中古汉语和佛典语言研究中具有重要的地位。但它“估曲聱牙”,比较难懂,原因之一就在于其中有很多连《汉语大词典》、《汉语大字典》、《佛光大辞典》等大型辞书都不载的俗语词、译词或者词语的意义.而且不经考释很难从字面便知其意义。本文在前彦时贤相关研究成果的基础上对其中九个词语进行考释,以期对大型辞书的进一步完善提供材料。  相似文献   

章太炎与端方关系的这桩公案,在同盟会时期是件大事,它涉及同盟会与光复会的分裂,对章太炎本人来说,也至关重要.本文试图将该案的始末作全面梳理,以揭示当时革命党人之间的派系纷争和章太炎的固执派性.  相似文献   

沈寂 《安徽史学》2012,(3):5-12
章太炎与端方关系的这桩公案,在同盟会时期是件大事,它涉及同盟会与光复会的分裂,对章太炎本人来说,也至关重要。本文试图将该案的始末作全面梳理,以揭示当时革命党人之间的派系纷争和章太炎的固执派性。  相似文献   


This paper investigates the emotional relationship young Tamil Indians have with oil palm plantations they are leaving behind or have left behind. Working in a small town in Malaysia, as well as in a large estate, we show how communal and individual aspirations of migration shape young people's mobility. While young people recognize the poverty and marginalization of plantation life, they continue to be emotionally and affectually connected to plantations through socio-cultural and spiritual practices. Post-migration we show how youth maintain estate connections, and argue that the pull back towards plantations is contrary to state-sponsored ideologies of modernization. Not all young people feel the same pull; many try to distance themselves from their estate roots through consumption and other social practices. Responding to calls for researchers emotions to be present in youth research, the paper also briefly reflects how adult emotions shape our understanding of young people's emotions of migration.  相似文献   

Colonial rule required the control of territory, nowhere more than in cities. In the early twentieth century, colonial policy in Kenya and the rest of East and Southern Africa had only grudgingly accommodated Africans in urban areas. After 1939 policy changed, not only in response to poor local conditions and social unrest but also because London's new colonial development policy made a place for African workers in towns. From 1940, new housing and colonial policies acknowledged the importance of the discourses of class and gender. Administrators stabilised an African working class by building better municipal housing, and then sought to fashion a middle class by promoting home ownership. They began to promote housing for families, having recognised that African women could help to make their men at home in the city, and to educate children to become good citizens. The evolution of Kenya's housing policy illuminates the characteristic pressures, calculations, and responses of colonial rule that were being played out internationally in the late colonial period.  相似文献   

Jenny  debra  肖非 《世界》2008,(11):116-122
《福布斯》在公布了全世界最值得光顾的酒店早餐厅之后,又做了一个旅行者在旅途中所住酒店用餐情况的调查,结果显示:60%的出行者在酒店只吃一顿饭,就是早餐;虽然80%的客人选择在酒店用早餐是因为房价中已经包含了早餐的费用,但酒店早餐精致独到的诱惑力也不容小觑。  相似文献   

在北京生活的人,既能沐浴到国内一流的城市文明,走不了多远,又能享受到乡野山间的山露晨滴,说来北京人的幸福感名列全国前茅还是有根有据的。在这个小虫子都不愿呆在土里的好光景,编辑们动用所有的嗅觉和智慧,为您精挑细选出北京周边值得一去的地方,有山,有海,有景点。这景点可不是一般的景点,用小编鱼鱼的话说,这些可是"听起来就想去的地方",用老编秋秋的话说:这可是"玩了还想玩的地方"。金融危机,全球消费市场低迷,先把地球对面的远线放一放,近处的线路选对了,一样可以玩得热络精彩。  相似文献   

<正>Today an old man,who was previously begging on the street,becomes a free person without any worries about food and accommodation.The former slave has become a public servant of the state.60 years ago he always had a hungry stomach,but today he has a happy life.Tsega, the old Tibetan man,has endless stories recalling his more than half a century of life experiences.  相似文献   

<正>蔡康永说:"带书,对旅行很重要!读书的美好时光,帮我们更深入世界,或更深入自己。"在旅途中,总有一些流动的时光可以用来阅读。那么,该带本什么样的书上路呢?定然不能太沉,出门前恨不得减下任何一克重量。最好也不要是新上架的热门小说,它们不是在出门的路上就被看完,就是总让你心里惦念,徒然把自己包在茧里。旅游类书籍也是最好不要,它们大多泛泛,很少有实用性。  相似文献   

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