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民国时期公务员(文官)考铨制度研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民国时期开始实行且步履艰难的公务员(文官)考铨制度,历经北京政府、南京政府和抗日战争的动荡,成为民国时期行政管理体制近代化的重要标志.伴随着制度性建设的日益完善和具体实践上的相对混乱,这一时期公务员(文官)考铨制度在理论与实践上的得与失,为后人留下了宝贵遗产.近年来,史学界对这一问题的探讨日益重视,取得了一系列的成果.  相似文献   

The main argument of this article is that the idea of global civil society challenges the concept of international relations. It traces the evolution of the idea of society and argues that civil society has always meant a rule-governed society where rules were based on some form of social contract among citizens. Historically, civil society was always territorially tied and contrasted with international relations between states. What changed in the 1980s and 1990s was the global dimension of civil society—a social contract is being negotiated across borders establishing a set of global rules involving states as well as international institutions. The article ends by asking whether September 11 and the war in Iraq mark a reversion to international relations.  相似文献   

近代早期,英国社会发生了剧烈的动荡和变革,社会流动以前所未有的速度发生着,人们的社会位置、相互关系日趋多样化、复杂化.但是,这些变化并未从根本上动摇英国的社会结构.在近代早期的英国社会中,等级观念和等级制度仍然占据主导地位,这一时期的英国社会依然是一个等级色彩十分浓厚的社会.  相似文献   

现代性及其限度:民国文官考试制度平议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民国文官考试制度是一个传统与现代的混合体.其现代性主要体现为法制化程度的提高,平等性和开放性的增强,考试权的独立和考试内容的现代化.但是对经义考试的保留,对传统科举制考试程序的模仿,考试与任用的脱节,党治和军治色彩的存在,个人因素的干扰,派系势力的抗拒等,又使民国文官考试制度的现代性受到极大限制,难以发挥其应有的功效.  相似文献   

Civil society organizations have been at the forefront of the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. However, the contributions and the models of action they offer have remained marginalized by most governments and international organizations. This article looks at the initiatives of civil society actors. It discusses some of the political reasons and rationale behind the less than enthusiastic support for these initiatives from governments and large aid agencies. Two reasons are suggested: many politicians fear providing support and credibility to civil society organizations that might then build upon their success to question and challenge development failures; and the threat perceived by national and international bureaucrats to their own assumed expertise and solutions to the pandemic. In some cases, civil society organizations have been co-opted to fill gaps that governments themselves can not or will not address. However, even here, governments assume the credit for 'successes' in controlling HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

Relying heavily on the work of Edward Shils, this paper argues that a robust sense of national identity among the peoples of East Central Europe played a crucial role in the revolutions of 1989 and the subsequent emergence of civil society in the region's countries.  相似文献   

International migration into European cities has stirred a great deal of debate about appropriate national policies. But the planning literature has been remarkably silent on the issues involved, particularly as immigration affects urban conditions. This paper is a first attempt to delineate the problems and to suggest ways that planners can contribute to the economic, socio‐cultural and political integration of international migrants at the local level.  相似文献   

汽车自清季进入中国之后,在1920年代后的中国城市化进程中扮演了重要角色。首先,改善了城市的交通,加强了人口的流动,促进了城市商业的发展。其次,随着道路的兴修,汽车的行驶,市区范围得以向周边扩展,城市性能得以提升,城市化程度得以加强。再次,1930年代后,随着铁路不及的西北、西南地区汽车路线的开通,沿海城市的现代文明得以更快进入,社会风气遂逐渐开通。  相似文献   

The nature of civil society is transformed by a strong military presence, which occurs in the Asia-Pacific region. While modern civil society survives under military rule through co-optation, veiled resistance or geography, traditional organisations may continue to threaten the state's dominance of political society. This article examines the nature of civil society in two countries in the Asia-Pacific that have recently emerged from direct military rule—Burma and Fiji. It considers the independence of civil society under military rule, how militaries take steps to safeguard their roles in political society, and how democratic postures change during transitions away from military rule. Understanding how militaries preserve their influence provides a better perspective of authoritarian resilience in the region and the limits to democratic reforms.  相似文献   

左玉河 《安徽史学》2008,11(2):58-67
中国现代意叉上的学术奖励制度,是民国时期效仿西方学术体制逐渐创建的.尽管新式学术社团及学术研究机构最早创设了各种名目的学术奖金,最先移植并尝试建立现代学术奖励制度,但由于中国特殊的国情,中国现代学术奖励制度却是在政府主导下真正创建起来的.国民政府对学术成果奖励标准的拟定、修改及方法,乃至在付诸实践中不断完善的事实表明,中国现代学术奖励制度实由政府主导.教育部颁布的<著作发明及美术奖励规则>.堪称中国现代学术史上采用量化标准来奖励学术成果之集大成者,也成为中国现代学术奖励制度建立的重要标志.  相似文献   

晚清汉学在地域上的扩充,使汉学家成为影响近代社会变迁不可忽视的力量。尤其是其中的重要学者,他们或任职朝廷,或为大吏幕宾,或掌教各地书院,无论在朝在野都具有很强的号召力,对近代社会风气的转移、新事物的传衍起到程度不同的作用。实际上,汉学家在近代各个领域都有出色表现,不仅没有固执华夷之辨,且领时代潮流之先风,在历次大的社会变革中均有涉足。详究其中原因,首先,这与汉学的治学内容及其治学精神和西学有相通之处不无关系;其次,晚清汉学家重新标举顾炎武的明道救世,提倡经世致用,有利于其投身于社会变迁实践。  相似文献   

Contemporary liberal thought is increasingly baffled by the question of what kinds of moral obligations we ought to attribute to our common civic ties. Liberal patriotism is often seen as an obsolete inheritance, fundamentally in tension with values of liberty, equality, and impartiality. This paper examines the moral theory of David Hume in order to counter this assertion of incompatibility and uncover the roots of a view of modern patriotism that can incorporate impartiality, interest, and partial benevolence.  相似文献   

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