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Man And Nature     
In an introductory lecture to freshmen of Moscow University's Geography Faculty, the man-nature relationship is analyzed in terms of the interplay of entropic and negentropic processes. Entropy is used in the sense of a leveling trend or degradation, and involves the dissemination of materials and goods. Negentropy refers to accumulation, concentration, enhancing of diversity and contrasts. In the original world of inert nature, entropy was dominant. With the appearance of life on earth, the negentropic process assumed significance as living matter accumulated the sun's energy and concentrated it in the form of fossil fuels, forests, etc. In the present man-altered environment, termed the noosphere (sphere of the mind), both entropic and negentropic trends are apparent. First, man concentrates chemical elements for processing; then, he disseminates them to users or, in the case of waste products, into the air and water. The dissemination of radioactive materials through fallout and waste disposal is the most hazardous form of the entropic process. The pollution danger may be reduced by adding to the present sequence of “concentration—dissemination” an additional element, namely “reconcentration,” meaning the recovery of useful products from wastes.  相似文献   

神农架是我国唯一以“架”命名的华中地区最高山——华中屋脊。神农架自然保护区始建于1982年,1986年经国务院批准为国家级森林和野生动物类型自然保护区;  相似文献   

This article discusses the program of environmental history within the larger discipline of history and contrasts it with more recent contributions from post‐constructivist science. It explores the ways in which post‐constructivism has the potential to productively address many of the shortcomings of environmental history's theories and models that environmental historians themselves have begun to view with a critical eye. The post‐constructivist authors discussed in this article, Donna Haraway and Bruno Latour, both represent challenges to the ways in which nature and the natural sciences tend to be conceptualized as non‐problematized entities within environmental history. They also challenge the ways in which dichotomies of nature and culture tend to be reproduced within the program of environmental history. It is argued that these post‐constructivist contributions represent a radical and arguably more truly historical way of introducing non‐human actors into the historical narrative, and thus represent a potential reinvigoration of environmental history that would embrace a more radical historicity, greater diversity, and openness to difference.  相似文献   

张瑜 《旅游纵览》2017,(7):14-15
生态摄影是近年来新兴的生态传播中的一个重要主题,它是将生态学和摄影术联系起来的一种摄影理念,是摄影者生态意识的物化表现,同时,又兼具科研、科普和艺术审美的复合功能,是摄影在生态文明社会的新发展.  相似文献   

Science Incarnate: Historical Embodiments of Natural Knowledge. Edited by Christopher Lawrence and Steven Shapin (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1998) vii + 342 pp. $55.00 cloth, $15.25 paper.

Modern Environmentalism: An Introduction. By David Pepper (London: Routledge, 1996) viii +376 pp. £40 cloth, £13.99 paper.  相似文献   

海南东寨港自然保护区是我国建立的第一个红树林类型的湿地自然保护区,以保护红树林生态系统和鸟类为主。1986年被国务院批准为国家级自然保护区,1992年列入国际重要湿地名录。  相似文献   

2004年7月,全国党报社长、总编辑研讨会在满洲里召开,会议安排了去俄罗斯赤塔市采访观光。三天的赤塔之行,让人感受最深的是俄罗斯民族对大自然的呵护和亲近。呵护自然由满洲里至赤塔480公里的旅程,可谓是地广人稀。沿途所见的30余个市镇村落,千户以上不过二三,多是百余户、几十户。彼此隔着几十或是十几公里的茫茫荒野林海,大多没有人烟、牛羊、耕地。由于人烟稀少,即便是公路两侧的荒草,也十分茂盛,厚厚的,一层盖着一层,将地面遮掩得严严实实;在林区,路边的原始树木也比比皆是。在拥有丰富自然资源的同时,是俄罗斯人对大自然的倍加珍惜与…  相似文献   

牛培 《神州》2013,(18):234-234

In an article exploring the philosophical issues raised by environmentalism, Ben Rogers argues for an alternative both to the narrowly economic and to an extravagantly mystical concept of Nature. Species and ecosystems, mountain ranges and mineral reserves have an intrinsic value in the sense that Nature moves and disturbs us independently of our concern for our own welfare or happiness. This analysis enables us to see the inadequacy of cost-benefit analysis, which treats natural goods as commodities. At the same time, recognizing that the natural environment has an intrinsic value does not in itself release us from the necessity of making difficult choices or from hard decisions as to what is and what is not 'natural'. One way of clarifying the place that Nature occupies in our scheme of values is by way of analogies with heirlooms, works of art and historic towns and cities. These analogies shed light on what it means to insist that natural goods are not commodities, but are something we hold in trust.  相似文献   

Cindy  崔薇 《旅游》2006,(5):26-33
在美丽小国斯洛伐克春末夏初的季节只停留了三天半,离开时发现竟然有些舍不得。上了车,放好行李,在车子发动之前闭上眼睛,努力呼吸,为的是让这个国家特有的气息能够在记忆里多多停留,哪怕只是一小会儿。于是,温泉啊、湖泊啊,草木啊,泥土啊……,那些浸润着自然之气的种种味道,夹杂着繁芜的颜色都一起进来了,只觉得养眼养心,唇齿生芳,但又不只是芬芳。  相似文献   

扬子鳄是目前世界上仅存的两种淡水鳄鱼之一,数量极其稀少。皖南扬子鳄自然保护区位于皖南山区与长江下游平原的结合部,属野生动物类型的自然保护区,1986年经国务院批准建立国家级自然保护区。  相似文献   

The article examines Diderot’s view of the inconstancy of nature and its corollaries, the most obvious of which is the recognition of the impossibility of philosophy and natural history. For, if everything in nature is in a state of flux, no theory can keep up with its changes, reflect on them and capture anything more than an isolated moment. Diderot’s conception of nature has important consequences for his aesthetic theory. If the goal of the fine arts is to imitate nature, and if everything in nature undergoes constant change, does it not mean that art—no less than philosophy and natural history—is also impossible? By focusing on Diderot’s novel Rameau’s Nephew (1805), I argue that the lesson of the numerous mimes its eponymous hero performs in the novel is that the dynamics of nature can perhaps only be captured by mime rather than on canvas or in stone, both of which, as Diderot puts it, can represent only a fleeting moment.  相似文献   

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