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On a cold winter night five years ago,Yu Jiang became a tree of Tibetan Khadas.He was surrounded by the troupe of actors he had been working with,and they draped dozens of the ceremonial scarves around his neck as a token of their gratitude and blessing.  相似文献   

正Tenzin Yeshi is a graduate student in Minzu University of China.Beside from being a student,he has an unique identity,a young Tibetan opera artist.During last year's Shoton Festival in Lhasa,he performed on the stage as a member of Shoba Lhamo,a Tibetan opera group for the first time.This association dates back to sixty years ago,and he finally realized his Tibetan opera dream after twenty years.  相似文献   

<正>Pema from Nyilok Village is one of the many undergraduates since the beginning of China's reform and opening up who comes from a mountainous area within Shangri-la.Although his grandmother passed away many years ago,Pema often thinks back to her telling him of the story of"eating books".When he was a child,he did not like to study and was quite the neighborhood troublemaker.His  相似文献   

Thin and dressed in a red, yellow-lined monk's robe, 24-year-old Thubten Palden was seated quietly before me. His purity and simplicity were touched with a little shyness. It was hard to believe that such a young monk of the Nyingma Sect had the clear intention to burn himselfi Thubten Palden said that the idea occurred to him after he had an Internet chat with a Tibetan woman who was in India last summer. Intruth, the Tibetan woman (named "Trewa Online") is responsible for the overseas network of"Independent Tibet".  相似文献   

<正>Today an old man,who was previously begging on the street,becomes a free person without any worries about food and accommodation.The former slave has become a public servant of the state.60 years ago he always had a hungry stomach,but today he has a happy life.Tsega, the old Tibetan man,has endless stories recalling his more than half a century of life experiences.  相似文献   

Ngaco was born into an ordinary herder's family in Chengzhang Village, Yajiang County, Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, in 1969. When he reached the age of five, his father packed his satchel and sent him to a school where he eventually served as a teacher. The minute he sat down in his classroom, the boy showed strong interest in study. He became so good that he could tell stories to fellow villagers within two years.As the school was only in a position  相似文献   

Back at where he started 44 years ago,63-year-old Lobsang Dorje was a bit emotional.In front of the huge grey buildings,he stopped for a long time.He pointed at the towering grey cylindrical building, "Built in 1986,the wet-process kiln production line could produce 100,000 tons annually.It had been in operation until 201 1.Before my retirement,I was the assistant plant manager here."  相似文献   

正A story in which a photographer helped a Tibetan girl to obtain treatment from doctors during his interviews in Tibet Autonomous Region was moved to a stage performance in the Grand National Theatre.Although this photographer has left Tibet many years ago,he is still the"prototype"of this stage performance.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau, known as the Roof of the World, is the place where people of the Tibetan ethnic group live and multiply. Here Was a Stretch of Ancient Sea Originally The plateau used to be a part of the ancient sea, but became land when the waters receded during the late Eocene Epoch about 10 million years ago. The nse of the Himalayas, and behind the towering mountain ranges the Tibetan Plateau, was one of the greatest events in world geological history. Although this occurred some…  相似文献   

<正>On December 23rd,2009,Ngabo Ngawang Jigme passed away with his glorious one hundred years old. In Feb.1910,he was born in a manor of Horkhang family in Gyama Valley in Maizhokunggar County which was 100 kilometers from Lhasa City.He was instructed by Sherab Gyatso,the famous scholar from Qinghai Province.In 1934,he formally became the heir of the Ngabo  相似文献   

正Back at where he started 44 years ago,63-year-old Lobsang Dorje was a bit emotional.In front of the huge grey buildings,he stopped for a long time.He pointed at the towering grey cylindrical building, "Built in 1986,the wet-process kiln production line could produce 100,000 tons annually.It had been in operation until 201 1.Before my retirement,I was the assistant plant manager here."  相似文献   

The owner of Zhihe Studio is a collector of ancient jade. Neither aiming too high nor following the mainstream, he is indifferent to fame and wealth. He isso engaged in collecting and studying ancient Chinese jade that great achievements were made through these years. His collection is varied from those ofHong Shan Civilization and Liangzhu Civilization 5,000 years ago to the precious pieces of late Qing Dynasty. Such pieces from the Neolithic Age are the most outstanding ones.  相似文献   

My last interview of Mr.Leque was when he was the Chairman of the Government of Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR).As time went by,Mr.Leque became the Chairman of the People's Congress of TAR.Following the custom,I paid my respects by presenting a delicate Karta whereupon,he gracefully gifted me another in return.Talking and laughing between us put me at ease and then led naturally into my questions.  相似文献   

Lu Xingqi 陆兴祺 was of crucial importance in the Sino-Tibetan-British negotiations in the early 1910s.Therefore he was the subject of a fine article published many years ago,which mainly discussed his role around the Simla conference (Oct.1913-Jul.1914) by utilizing materials solely from the British records.1 By consulting both British and Chinese files,this paper seeks to present a more comprehensive picture of his activities during that time.  相似文献   

正It was not too long ago that my dad began to push an idea."I have no problem taking care of the grandkids,"he said."You should take the time to get a driver's license so that you could start driving to work.It'll be more comfortable for you,and you can better keep from catching whatever disease is out there waiting to be caught."Since he retired (and I graduated college) five years ago,he has not put the subject to bed,and I have also noticed  相似文献   

<正>If it were not for seeing him in person,one would have thought the Tibetan man to be someone from literature.He wears loose clothes with a shiny dark pigtail on the back of his head,and every now and then,he breaks out in a few classic sayings made by Deng Xiaoping,a recent president of China.25 years ago,Rigzin Sherab left Tibet to go study in mainland China for the first time.Looking out of the window  相似文献   

<正>Lu Xingqi陆兴祺was of cr ucial impor tance in the Sino-Tibetan-Br itish negotiations in the early 1910s.Therefore he was the subject of a fine article published many years ago,which mainly discussed his role around the Simla conference(Oct.1913–Jul.1914)by utilizing materials solely from the British records.1 By consulting both British and Chinese files,this paper seeks to present a more comprehensive picture of his activities during that time.  相似文献   

The Dalai Lama has, in recent years, been telling the world he has stopped seeking "Tibetan independence" and turned towards a "middle way". By this, he says, he means "high-level autonomy" or "real autonomy" in Tibet and other Tibetan-inhabited areas within the framework of the Chinese Constitution. Only by doing so, he has argued, can Tibet best protect its unique traditional culture, religion and eco-environment, and can the unification and unity of China be maintained. (On March 10, 1959, the reactionary upper class in Tibet staged a counter-revolutionary armed rebellion. When it was suppressed,  相似文献   

Geda was born into a serf‘s family in Garze County, Sichuan Province in 1903. At the age of seven, however, when the 4th Living Buddha of the Baili Monastery passed away, he was chosen as his soul boy and thus became the 5th Living Buddha.  相似文献   

正The prayer wheels rotating,incense coiling upward and dharma horns sounding,the Jokhang Temple,with a history of more than 1,300years,welcomes numerous tourists from both home and abroad in Lhasa as the tourist season comes.Not a few are around a monk in a magenta  相似文献   

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