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五四人说到“科学”何以更注意其“精神”和“方法”并具体化为实验主义和辩证唯物论?而在实践层面又为什么一度落实在胡适提倡的“整理国故”、顾颉刚为首的“古史辨”和郭沫若为代表的“社会史研究”之上?这些与今日一般认知的“科学”概念有相当距离的现象是本探讨的主要问题。这既有中国学人对考据方法相对熟悉而能有所为这一技术层面的因素,也因国人隐显不一的民族主义情绪在起作用。没有科学的支撑,国学便上不了台面;没有“国故”这一多数中国学耳熟能详的具体治学对象,以方法为依归的“科学”便不能落在实处。而传统化和外来化这种奇特结合与近代中国思想史和学术史上的一些特殊关怀又有着若即若离的关系。  相似文献   

今人言及五四新文化运动,莫不言德先生和赛先生,但五四后期提出欢迎“穆勒尔姑娘”这一口号却少为人知。这一口号是如何提出的,又是如何淡化以至疏离出人的记忆,显然值得进一步研究。清季以来,由于外患的刺激,士人莫不重群爱国,这种倾向到新文化运动期间却发生了转向,开始了一场以个人解放为核心的道德伦理革命。然而在五四学生运动爆发后,社会关注的重心再度转向群体和国家,个人的呼声逐渐衰减,道德伦理革命也随之淡化,“穆姑娘”的提出即与道德革命在五四后期的走向直接相关。  相似文献   

Today, Mr. Democracy and Mr. Science are always invoked in the discussion of the May Fourth New Culture Movement. However, Miss Moral, who was also introduced in the later stages of the movement, is much less known. It would clearly be of interest to study the way in which “moral” became a catchword but then faded away and was forgotten. The emphasis on solidarity and patriotism, stimulated by foreign encroachment that had existed since the late Qing Dynasty, began to shift to an ethical revolution centering on individual liberation. However, after the rise of the May Fourth Movement, public attention was attracted by collectivism and nationalism again, while the appeal for individuality and ethical revolution was decayed gradually. The introduction of Miss Moral had a direct relationship with the trend of ethical revolution in the later stages of the New Culture Movement. Translated from Lishi Yanjiu 历史研究 (Historical Research), 2006, (1): 79–95  相似文献   

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