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林兰 《人文地理》2013,28(6):105-111
论文以集群内部的技术权力体系为研究对象,以典型的LED半层级式制造业产业集群为案例,通过问卷调查方法,突破全球价值链的宏观视角,从集群内部权力的等级形态入手,分析技术权力对集群创新与升级的作用机制。重点分析张江LED产业集群不同发展阶段技术领导企业如何通过直接控制、制定技术标准、环节外包、技术扩散和溢出等手段,实现与地方创新升级之间的相互作用与耦合,总结出发展中国家和地区半层级式产业集群内部的技术权力关系、权力各方的相互作用机制和权力演化方向。  相似文献   

The argument of this paper is that a deeper appreciation of the nature of the power relationships between firms and the circuits of power that bind them together is key to understanding how clusters function — including how they might emerge and how they might decline. We begin to develop a conceptualization that allows us to generate a deeper understanding of the processes that enable the production and reproduction of enterprise clusters under some combinations of circumstances but not others. The sections of the paper explore: (1) concepts of power and circuits of power including their spatialities; (2) the temporarily stabilized relationships which occur in clusters of economic activity; (3) the openness and permeability of clusters as a way of understanding conditions that foster cluster growth; (4) a tentative integration of concepts. From this reading of the concepts of clustering and power we draw the conclusion that clusters are, at any particular point in time, temporary and transient conjunctures of interfirm relationships. They depend on specific circumstances in 'time–space' and, because of their very transience and specificity, those conditions might be very difficult if not impossible to create through the blunt instruments of policy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study how globalization impacts on the structure and governance patterns of value chains and on the resilience of local clusters. We study the value chains related to two Basque (Spain) companies in the wind energy industry, Iberdrola and Gamesa, and the local cluster to which they belong. We find that firms within the cluster have different types of relationships with lead companies depending on their competences and the complexity of their products. As a consequence, firms also present different potential for growth and/or resilience: some have the capacity to internationalize their operations and/or shift to the offshore wind market, others are vulnerable to competition from providers in the emerging countries. Against this context, we discuss how the cluster responds to these challenges and the role of policy.  相似文献   

A renewed interest in the spatial clustering or agglomeration of economic activity is evident within economic geography and related fields. This paper considers processes of change within 'mature' regional clusters, developing a conceptual framework which links firm-level strategies to development scenarios at the cluster level through a set of intervening mechanisms. Whange, enabling the cluster to sustain its prosperity, and adjustment which is associated with stagnation and gradual decline. This conceptual framework is applied to an analysis of one key mechanism of change, diversification, as pursued by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Aberdeen oil cluster. Our analysis indicates that some diversification is occurring, with the implications for the cluster lying midway between adjustment and renewal. In conclusion, we emphasize the need to assess and 'unpack' the clusters concept and suggest that research should focus on the relationships between proximity, learning and evolution.  相似文献   

旅游产业集聚有助于提升区域整体竞争力,促进区域经济持续发展和进一步优化旅游产业空间结构。论文在界定会展旅游产业集聚的基础上,揭示了广州市会展旅游产业集聚过程和形成机理。研究发现,广交会推进广州旅游产业集聚发展。广州会展旅游产业集聚过程经历集聚核形成阶段、点轴集聚阶段和网络集聚阶段,在不同发展阶段影响产业集聚主要因素存在显著不同。政府行为推动会展旅游产业集聚雏形形成,激增旅游需求、集聚规模经济、外部经济以及降低交易费用等因素促进产业集聚逐渐向点轴集聚发展。在网络集聚阶段,集聚不规模效应以及琶洲展馆的全面启用造成旅游企业数量趋于稳定。会展旅游产业集聚是以展馆为核心集聚,展馆在城市中空间布局的变化将导致该类集聚空间迁移。  相似文献   

社会资本对区域经济增长的影响是通过对区内企业、产业集群及区域整体等三个不同主体的影响发挥作用的。在企业由传统成长模式向网络化成长模式转变,产业集群由聚集经济向创新网络转变,区域由空闻结构向网络社会转变的过程中,社会网络及内含资源起着决定性作用。社会资本对三者的作用体现空间上的层次递进特征,即依循企业、集群、区域三个不同主体网络化递进发展的“织网模型”,依次由“发散状企业网络”向“经纬状集群网络”再向“多构面区域网络”发展的织网过程。社会资本及社会网络对企业的作用是摄取关键资源、信息等;对产业集群的影响是建立学习与创新机制、成本节约机制、形成合作竞争氛围;而对区域的积极意义是保持区域良好的信任文化。  相似文献   

"一线两带"建设与关中城镇群的双向促进机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
如何提高关中城镇群竞争能力及区域经济发展活力.在分析“一线两带”建设和关中城镇群发展的现状后认为,高新技术产业和星火产业具有不同的产业形态,是从工业和农业两个层面实现关中区域经济一体化的重要支撑和发展动力.对于关中地区不同发展层面的城镇,宜采用不同的产业经济政策,促进关中城镇向组团式城镇群发展,为关中地区产业集群的发展和新的产业经济体系提供良好的发展平台.研究结论认为,要实现关中区域经济一体化,必须实现二元经济和二元社会的融合,需要建立产业协调机制、城市协调机制,构建区域内功能性组团式城市群,促进关中城乡经济一体化.“一线两带”建设与关中组团式城镇群建设,宜从产业集群和城镇两个层面进行整合,提升关中城市和经济社会的整体竞争能力.  相似文献   

不同类型产业集群发展中地方政府行为的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈静 《人文地理》2010,25(2):125-129
产业集群是当今地方政府发展本地经济的主要政策方向之一。本研究首先从理论上探讨地方政府在经济发展和产业集群中行为动机和特征,其次案例分析内生型的花都区狮岭镇皮革皮具产业集群和外生型的东莞市石龙镇电子信息产业集群发展不同阶段中地方政府的行为方式,然后对比发现两种类型产业集群中的地方政府行为方式与产业集群的形成过程和发展特征相协调,最后总结出不同类型产业集群在不同阶段地方政府行为方式的重点领域,以期为地方政府产业集群政策的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

The cluster concept has assumed a prominent position in the institutional approaches which have been applied in economic geography in recent times. Although there are numerous analyses based on the cluster concept, no agreement has been reached to date on suitable methods for analysis and comparison of regional clusters. This paper presents a research design for the analysis of regional production clusters which employs the network analysis method to develop, in particular, the 'quality analysis' of clusters, using the film industry production cluster in Potsdam/Babelsberg (adjacent to the Berlin metropolis) as a practical example.  相似文献   

Knowledge-based industries tend to develop within regional or local clusters that allow for knowledge spillovers, the generation of a critical mass of complementary competencies and skills as for spatial proximity to academic organizations out of which many highly innovative firms have been founded. The prototype of that development certainly is the biotechnology industry which has emerged since the 1970s first in the US where especially small and medium-sized research companies have been established around leading science bases. Following the example of the US biotechnology industry, public policies in many industrialized countries aimed at stimulating cluster formation in biotechnology. This holds true especially for member states of the European Union (EU) where public policy initiatives have been initiated at different territorial levels. This article refers to the Munich pharmaceutical biotechnology cluster and applies institutional and organizational indicators that have been developed in various systemic analyses of technological development and innovation. It will be shown that reforms of the institutional environment in which the innovative organizations are embedded were crucial for the commercialization of biotechnological research in Germany. These reforms have occurred mostly at the regional and national level, whereas the EU played a role especially in establishing the regulatory framework for the biotechnology industry. Organizational indicators will be applied in order to assess the modes of knowledge production within the cluster.  相似文献   

中小企业集群与推进我国小城镇经济发展的路径选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自改革开放以来,我国中小企业得到了长足发展,成为区域经济发展的重要力量。本文从中小企业集群与小城镇发展的关系入手,以我国已经形成中小企业集群的小城镇为例,分析得出中小企业集群是小城镇经济发展的动力和方向的结论;另外,分析了小城镇形成中小企业群的区位条件,认为特色文化传统、价值观念对中小企业集群的形成与发展起一定的影响作用,并针对目前小城镇发展中小企业集群存在的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

近年来,社会网络分析方法(SNA)被引入到产业集群研究中,它从更微观层次刻画了产业集群的网络结构和网络特性,在一定程度上弥补了当前产业集群研究的缺陷。但是SNA并不是深层次的结构模型,相应的分析还要从现象洞察到其背后社会关系的深层含义。本文首先对SNA作一简单介绍,然后以河南省虞城县南庄村钢卷尺产业集群为例,来检验这种分析方法在集群网络研究中的具体应用,并通过探究现象背后的社会关系来修正和完善这种分析方法,得出了重要结论,同时为丰富我国产业集群的研究方法提供有益参考。  相似文献   

This paper begins with the proposition that an analysis of the potentialities of industrial networks has to consider the wider context of the social organization of production. Recent work on industrial clustering has shown that successful clusters are embedded in tight networks of social relations between suppliers, producers, customers and institutions. Localized capabilities, such as specialized resources and skills, conventions and other local institutional structures, provide the basis for inter-firm cooperation. Based on Malmberg and Maskell's (2001) conceptualization of localized industrial clusters, I discuss the horizontal, vertical and institutional cluster dimensions as a basis for empirical analysis. In addition, attention will be drawn to the external dimension and power relations of a cluster which have a strong impact on its growth trajectory. This conceptualization is used as a basis for studying the new Leipzig media industry cluster. Leipzig, which is located in the Neue Länder (States of the former German Democratic Republic), has traditionally been a major centre of industrial production in Germany. After the German unification, a significant proportion of Leipzig's manufacturing activities were terminated or downsized. Interestingly, a new media cluster has developed during the 1990s, driven by the activities of the MDR (Middle German Television and Broadcasting Service). This has stimulated substantial start-up activities in branches of the media industry, such as film/TV production, new electronic services/interactive media, graphics/design, PR/marketing and media-related hardware/software. Being virtually the only sector which has grown in recent years, the media sector has stabilized the local economy. In this paper, I investigate those forces which have supported start-up and location decisions of media firms and the role of local institutions and policy programmes in the clustering process.  相似文献   

王颖  阳立军 《人文地理》2012,27(6):67-70
舟山群岛海洋文化产业发展兴起于上世纪七八十年代。本世纪初以后,舟山群岛海洋文化的集群化发展倾向明显显现,目前已经形成海洋旅游休闲文化产业、海洋影视产业、海洋文化创意产业、海洋节庆会展、海洋渔文化等区域特色明显的产业集群。本文在调研舟山群岛海洋文化产业集群发展现状的基础上,从时间、空间和时空结合维度对舟山群岛文化产业集群进行研究。研究结果表明:舟山群岛海洋文化产业集群发展可概括为三大形成机制,三类存在方式和一大发展趋势。在此研究基础上,文章对未来舟山群岛海洋文化产业发展提出相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of lead firms and their efforts to facilitate the development of clusters. Several clusters are known for the location of the lead firms that create and shape them, for example, by increasing their skill base, attracting suppliers and creating entrepreneurial activity. However, the literature suffers from insufficient dialogue on the role of lead firms as facilitators of clusters and on how the developmental differences in clusters affect the facilitation performed, and thus the benefits delivered, by lead firms. A key question then is how does the facilitation by lead firms differ in a top-down cluster from that in a bottom-up cluster? The paper is based on a comparative case study investigating the facilitating role of a lead firm within two clusters: Medicon Valley (top-down) and Mechatronics Cluster Denmark (bottom-up). The main conclusion reached is that lead firms in top-down clusters and in bottom-up clusters contribute with quite similar and overlapping cluster benefits, but the way in which these benefits are delivered differs greatly.  相似文献   

济南高新技术开发区产业集群及其核心竞争力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于杰 《人文地理》2009,24(6):63-67
济南高新技术开发区作为国家高新技术产业开发区之一,对山东经济发展起着重要作用。文章对济南高新技术产业区不同产权形式和不同行业类型企业的地位和贡献进行分析,并运用聚类分析方法开展了不同企业的绩效评价,为济南高新技术产业区产业集聚和核心竞争力的培育提供科学依据。同时,探讨了济南市高新技术产业开发区产业集群的形成、核心竞争能力培育的路径,提出了塑造具有创新与服务能力的企业家型政府、创建高新技术产业开发区集群支持网络、培养济南市高新技术产业开发区合作网络、凸显济南市高新技术产业开发区资源特色等战略对策。  相似文献   

Clusters influence the way firms cooperate, organize and compete, but clusters and their related benefits rarely come spontaneously in a straight line of expansion. It is argued that clusters typically develop in accordance with a life cycle, which includes an evolutionary sequence of steps where actors from the private and public sectors are engaged and where one or more cluster facilitators are coordinating and promoting the process. In the literature, the role of cluster facilitators has almost exclusively been described as static, leaving a research gap about how this particular role changes during the life cycle of clusters. Inspired by that research gap, this paper contributes to the understanding of the relationship between cluster development and cluster facilitation. It brings forward a framework for describing and discussing the exact changes taking place in the role of cluster facilitators, including the facilitation focus, competencies and tasks that they make use of along the cluster life cycle. This investigation is based on a multiple case study consisting of nine different clusters located in Denmark.  相似文献   

In the last decade there has been an increased interest in the cluster approach as a tool for boosting regional competitiveness. In this article practices and processes of regional cluster building in Sweden are examined in order to better understand the key traits that seem to be common to successful regional cluster initiatives. It is argued that regional cluster building may be formed through long running policy processes that are crucially constituted by public and private actors' collective vision of what cluster policy involves and what a cluster can look like. Results from a study of 13 cluster initiatives in Sweden are presented. Out of these, four key examples are presented in detail to illustrate four distinct 'models' of cluster approaches that emerged: (a) industry-led initiatives to build competitiveness and competence within an existing base; (b) top-down public policy exercises in brand-building; (c) visionary projects to produce an industry cluster from 'thin air'; (d) small scale, geographically dispersed, natural resource based, temporal clusters that link or dip into global rather than national systems, sources of innovation and competitive advantage. The article closes with the presentation of a checklist of some common elements that successful cluster initiatives in Sweden have shared. It is hoped that they may trigger further research or be useful to policy-makers working in the area. It is concluded that though many questions and problems persist over the use of the cluster-approach it can be a useful tool for regional development.  相似文献   

The article aims to identify industry clusters in Turkey by examining inter-industry selling and purchasing relationships. The 1990 Turkish input-output table is used to identify similarities between selling and purchasing patterns of the 60 manufacturing industries and derive a matrix that describes relative linkages between them. The article also investigates the regional specializations by using the identified national clusters as templates for an analysis of local patterns. Principle component factor analysis reveals the presence of six identifiable industry clusters. The firms within the identified clusters provide a potential to share technical information and knowledge transfer through formal or informal interactions.  相似文献   

产业集群现已成为发展区域经济和增强区域竞争力最有效的途径之一。然而,如何识别和选择产业集群则是困扰决策者和研究者的主要技术问题。本文在分析国内外产业集群相关研究方法的基础上,以陕西省为例,综合应用LQ法和基于投入产出表的主成分分析法,尝试性地进行了区域产业集群的识别与选择研究,结论显示LQ法和基于投入产出表的主成分分析法可以很好地体现产业集群的"空间联系"和"功能联系"。  相似文献   

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